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The seeker in us is always seeking more Truth, knowing that the search
goes on forever. The mystic in us, on the other hand, is trying to practice
what we've learned of it. The mystic is a spiritual practitioner, seeking not
merely to understand the principles of spiritual awareness, but to embody
them as best as he or she can. We embrace the idea that the world is one.
Everything connects to everything; therefore, as we change, the world
cannot but change with us.


I wish to cultivate the sacred in the Write down everything that is
midst of the great and small holding you back from reclaiming
difficulties of my daily existence. In your magic. Today is the day to
this moment, I choose to practice surrender all the worldly, practical
what I know to be True, to walk issues you have in your life right
with my feet firmly planted on the now, not because they aren't real
ground, but with my head soaring but because you must shed light
powerfully through the sky. on them to change them.

My self limiting beliefs about myself. My lack of in-action due to doubt and laziness. My thoughts of not being good enough. Always
feeling like a ‘kaloncorr’ (too big for your boots kinda thing) and keeping myself quiet and small to avoid the bullying, commentary
and criticism. I keep to myself, obey the rules, avoid conflict or confrontation. I feel guilt and shame any time I have a bad thought
about someone or judge myself or another. I am so used to toxic shaming that I even now do it to myself - it keeps me paralysed.
I feel like I need to remain small and out of the spotlight for my family’s sake - the shame I’d bring to what was already such a
’shameful’ situation and family reputation. I feel like I need to continue that. Lay low - stay small - agree. Why do I keep doing that to
myself? I’m still too worried of hurting my family. I’m trying to ‘protect’ them. I don’t want to cause them anymore pain. Like I’m
responsible for their suffering and I don’t want that. I’m worried about what others will think and say. I’m so judgemental and I just
feel as though everyone else is too. Maybe i’m my harshest critic. I judge myself wayyyy more than anyone else would. Although
some people have cut me deep. I’m probably still holding onto a lot of words other people said to me or about me. Why do I care?
Who cares what they think. I don’t think about them at all. That’s not true. I do. I think about people like Chase, Lilly, Rikki, Caitlin
Stis, my whole family (and huge extended family obviously), Stephen speck - like why do I even remember these people? It’s like
each of these relationships were a life sentence. I can let go. I’m not permanently tied to them. They probably don’t even think about
me. And that’s great. Anyway, other things that are holding me back is my lack of self belief. Trust in myself. I still try to control and
manipulate situations/outcomes by ‘thinking’ my way out of it. I definitely do that way less now than I used to. I am always trying to
understand the content I’m taking in when really it’s not understandable in that way - it cannot be understood on a conceptual level.
It’s felt rather than understood. It’s the energy of love - love is an energy. I don’t believe in myself and put myself down - I say things
like I can’t do it, I’m not good at creating, it’s pointless, it’ll go no where. What will people think - I’m being a try hard? There’s that
kaloncorr word again. It was so hard not to be a kaloncorr when I was growing up, mostly because my parents treated me like
I was an adult and I was everyone’s caregiver. So much responsibility. Let go and get out of your head - bring your ideas to fruition.
You are a creator.

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