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Two Stories About Flying

This is a story about two different kinds of flying. The first part is called "His
First Flight" and it is written by Liam O'Flaherty. It is about a young seagull who
was scared to fly for the first time because he thought his wings would not
work. His brothers and sisters flew easily even though their wings were
smaller than his. But he was too afraid to try and always backed away from
the edge of the cliff. His parents were angry and said that if he did not fly, he
would have to stay hungry on the cliff. They tried to teach him how to fly by
showing him how to glide on the wind and catch fish from the water.

One day, his family flew to another place and left him alone on the cliff. He
was very hungry and hot in the sun. He asked his mother to bring him some
food. He was happy when he saw his mother flying towards him with a fish in
her beak. He reached out to grab the fish, but his mother dropped it and flew
away. He jumped after the fish and suddenly felt himself falling down. He was
very scared, but then he felt his wings open and he started to fly. He was not
afraid anymore and he flew high and low with his family.

The second part is called "Black Aeroplane" and it is written by Fredrik Forsyth.
It is about a pilot who wanted to go home to England and have breakfast with
his family. He had to fly from France to England in his plane. When he was
flying, he saw some dark clouds that looked like black hills. He decided to fly
through them, but then everything became black and he could not see
anything outside his plane. He also lost control of his plane and could not talk
to anyone on the radio. His fuel was also running low.

Suddenly, he saw another plane without any lights flying next to him. The pilot
of that plane waved at him and told him to follow him. He followed the other
plane because he had no other choice and hoped that the other pilot would
help him. The other pilot led him out of the dark clouds and showed him where
to land safely. When he landed, he wanted to thank the other pilot for saving
his life. But when he asked the woman who worked at the airport, she said that
there was no other plane in the sky except his plane. In this story, we learned
that sometimes we need courage and trust to overcome fear.

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