Understanding Flavors and Aromas in Sour and Mixed Fermentation Beer

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Understanding Flavors and Aromas in Sour and Mixed Fermentation Beer

Understanding and judging sour and mixed fermentation beer can be a challenge for anyone
new to these styles. The best way to learn how to judge these types of beers is to drink
commercial examples. There are a wide array of beers that fall into this category, from beers
that exemplify the fruity character of Brettanomyces, to beers that focus mainly on sourness
from lactic acid. This guide will aim to accompany the BJCP style guidelines and assist judges
in learning how to judge sour and mixed fermentation beer.

Note on Styles
While there are a seemingly unlimited number of different types of beers that can blur the lines
between styles in the BJCP guidelines, understanding sour and mixed fermentation beer styles
begins with the understanding that these styles were originally inspired by European beer
styles, lambic and Flanders Red/Brown. These European styles can sometimes have more
clear definitions and lines drawn, however, modern craft examples tend to be more
experimental and less well defined. In general though, these types of beers are usually
microbiologically driven as far as their flavor and aroma. Malt and hops can also lend their own
characters, but how these characters come across in a sour or mixed fermentation beer can be
changed by the microbes that are used to ferment the beer with. For example, dry hopping a
mixed fermentation sour beer with Citra hops will make the hop character come across
differently than if the Citra was dry hopped in an IPA.

However, the microbes that are used in a sour or mixed fermentation beer do not define the
beer within the context of judging. The fermentation processes, while they lead to the flavor and
aroma profile of the beer, should never be assumed by the judge. For example, a beer
fermented with a lactic acid yeast strain such as some strains of ​Lachancea thermotolerans
might come across tasting like a kettle soured beer. It is up to the brewer to enter their beer into
the category for which the beer’s flavor and aroma profile fit, not how the beer was brewed.
Brewers should provide as much information about their beer, including the microbes and
special ingredients that were used, so that judges can better judge their beers.

Common Flavors and Aromas

Flavors and/or aromas in sour and mixed fermentation can be broken down into three major
categories: fruity, sour, and what is collectively called by brewers as “funky”.

The “fruity” flavor and aroma of sour and mixed fermentation beers is often a dominant
characteristic of many of these types of beers. In general when these flavors are not derived
from the use of actual fruit, these flavors are derived from ethyl esters and other types of esters
produced by the wild yeast (often ​Brettanomyces​, but other microbes as well such as wild
Saccharomyces ​and lactic acid bacteria). Some organic acids such as lactic acid or low
amounts of acetic acid also lend a fruity character which often synergizes with esters if they are
present. These types of flavors range from tasting similar to pineapple, pear, cherry, apricot,
overly ripened stone fruit, citrus, banana, mango, tropical fruit, apple, black currants,
floral/roses, etc. Fruit character can also come from the use of actual fruit, which should be
declared as appropriate for the style category. Fruit character derived from actual fruit should
generally be vibrant and noticeable, however, it is possible that fruit character can be lost,
changed, or minimized due to the aging process. It is useful for brewers and judges to try and
characterize these flavors/aromas and what their levels are in a sour or mixed fermentation

The “sour” flavor and aroma of beers generally categorized as “sour beers” is driven by the
organic acids, lactic acid and acetic acid, and in the case of fruit sour beers, citric acid and other
organic acids derived from fruit. Lactic acid generally comes across as a citrusy and sour flavor
in beer. Acetic acid, in low levels, comes across as a sort of fruitiness reminiscent of pineapple,
and lends a tartness to beer at low levels. In high levels, acetic acid smells and tastes like
vinegar and is considered an off-flavor (see​ Common Off-Flavors For Sour and Mixed
Fermentation Beer​ below). Lactic acid tends to be less harsh on the throat than acetic acid, and
is generally more desired than acetic acid for sour beer styles, although low levels of acetic acid
are often desired. In general, anywhere from low to high levels of lactic acid can be pleasant or
desired in sour beers (the exact level range can depend on the style; consult the individual
styles in the guidelines), with higher levels leading to a more sour taste and lower levels leading
to a light tartness. Organic acids derived from fruit can increase the overall sour level or change
the sour perception, and they should be taken into consideration by judges for fruit beer styles.
Judges should seek to describe both the flavor characteristics from the acid present in a sour
beer, the sourness level, and any mouthfeel sensations such as a pleasant light puckering or
unpleasant burning in the back of the throat.

The term “funky” is often used as a catch all for different individual flavors, and can have a
different meaning to different people. For the purposes of this guide and judging sour and
mixed fermentation beers, this term generally refers to many different flavors such as medicinal,
horse blanket, leather, barnyard animal, dried hay, plastic, smokey, band-aid, clove, goaty,
cheesy, waxy, sweaty, solvent, rancid, soapy, oily, white glue, minty, dried rose, eucalyptus,
vomit/bile, feety, coconut, and vanilla. These flavors are generally derived from phenols and/or
fatty acids produced during fermentation by microbes such as ​Brettanomyces​, ​Pichia​, other wild
yeast, enteric bacteria (in the case of spontaneous fermentation), and lactic/acetic acid bacteria.
Defining whether or not these individual flavors are “off-flavors” or “desired flavors” can be tricky,
but a good general approach is that if a particular “funky” flavor is low enough to not distract the
drinker and it adds to the complexity and overall enjoyment of the beer, then it should be viewed
as a desirable character. If, however, the level of a specific character is so high that it is
off-putting or distracting to the enjoyment of the overall beer, then it could be considered an
off-flavor. Some styles, such as mixed fermentation sour beers and lambic/gueuze, welcome
some level of many of these characters, and other styles such as kettle sours should have low
to none. Judges should seek to pinpoint individual flavors that fit under the more generic “funky”
umbrella of descriptors, and label them with a more specific descriptor, along with a quantifier
that describes the level at which they are present (e.g. “none” to “very high”).

Common Off-Flavors For Sour and Mixed Fermentation Beer

Acetic Acid
Among the most common off-flavors in mixed fermentation beers is an abundance of acetic
acid. Acetic acid is characterized as smelling and tasting like vinegar. Additionally, high
amounts of acetic acid lends a harsher acidity than lactic acid, and it may cause a light but
unpleasant burn in the back of the throat. Acetic acid is produced in large amounts by acetic
bacteria (​Acetobacter​, ​Gluconbacter​, etc.). It can also be produced in large amounts by
Brettanomyces.​ In most cases, high amounts of acetic acid are only produced when an
abundance of oxygen is available to the acetic acid producing microbe(s). A high abundance of
acetic acid indicates that the brewer may have exposed the beer to too much oxygen during the
fermentation and/or aging process. Low levels of acetic acid are acceptable in a sour beer
and/or beer brewed with ​Brettanomyces ​and can contribute a pleasant fruity character, but it
should never be overly noticeable.


Ethyl Acetate
Ethyl acetate is a yeast derived ester produced from acetic acid and ethanol. It smells and
tastes fruity, often like pineapple, in small amounts, where it can often be beneficial to the taste
and flavor of a mixed fermentation beer. However, high amounts of ethyl acetate smells and
tastes like a solvent and has been described as being like “nail polish remover”. Solvent
character is always considered a flaw in mixed fermentation beers. High amounts of ethyl
acetate is indicative of too much oxygen exposure during the fermentation and/or aging of a


An acronym for tetrahydropyridine, THP is a microbe derived ketone (like diacetyl) and is
generally perceived in the aftertaste of a beer. Different forms can have slightly different flavor
descriptors, but it is generally described as being grainy when perceived at light levels, and like
a mouse cage in higher levels. It is often compared to the flavor of the American breakfast
cereal, Cheerios™. THP is believed to be derived from certain strains of ​Lactobacillus
(heterofermentative strains) and/or ​Brettanomyces​. Its production has been associated with the
beer’s exposure to oxygen. THP generally ages out of mixed fermentation beers if they are kept
at room temperature for an extended period of time. Small amounts of THP may not be as
offensive to some, but to many any level of THP is considered to be an off-flavor. As with
diacetyl, around 30% of the population cannot taste some forms of THP.


Butyric Acid
Butyric acid is microbially produced in sour beers, and is considered an off-flavor. It is
characterized as smelling and tasting like bile or vomit, or sometimes as “baby vomit” in
combination with sweetness. The presence of this off-favor is generally indicative of an
unwanted contaminant, and has been associated as a common off-flavor appearing in kettle
soured beers.


Isovaleric Acid
Isovaleric acid can be microbially derived, or derived from hops that have been exposed to
oxygen. It is generally characterized as tasting and smelling like pungent cheese or foot odor.
Very small amounts may be acceptable in some styles (particularly lambic style beers), but this
flavor is generally considered an off-flavor in any amount in most sour and/or mixed
fermentation beers.


Burnt Plastic/Rubber
Burnt rubber and/or burnt plastic aroma and/or flavor is generally considered an off-flavor in
mixed fermentation beers, however, very small levels can contribute to the complexity of the
beer in a positive way as long as they do not distract from the overall pleasantness of the beer.
These compounds are generally thought to be caused by sulfur based compounds such as
mercaptans or phenols, and are indicative of unwanted microbes or a stressed fermentation.

Described as “fecal” or “pigs on a farm”, this character is considered to be an off-flavor in mixed
fermentation beer at any level. Its presence is indicative of unwanted microbes at some point
during the fermentation.

Considered a mouthfeel character rather than a flavor, this character increases the viscosity of
the beer. This increase can range from noticeable viscosity on the palate to visible viscosity
reminiscent of maple syrup. This state is caused by microbes, specifically ​Pediococcus ​but also
other genera such as ​Pichia,​ ​Debaryomyces,​ ​Candida​, and ​Lactobacillus​. This “ropiness” is
actually exopolysaccharides (EPS) produced as a byproduct during these microbes’
metabolism. When viscosity from ropiness is moderate to high, this characteristic is generally
indicative of a young mixed fermentation beer that needs more maturation. In the presence of
Brettanomyces,​ this characteristic generally disappears after around 3-9 months of aging at
room temperature, although matured beers can still display a light viscosity that is considered
desirable. .


Additional Resources
To learn more about the production of sour and mixed fermentation beers, which will assist
judges in learning more in general about these types of beers and become better judges, see
the following resources:

● American Sour Beers​ by Michael Tonsmeire

● Wild Brews by Jeff Sparrow
● https://www.milkthefunk.com/wiki

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