Soal Passive Voice SMP Negeri 1 Kayangan-Melyatnani 2023

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Soal Passive Voice SMP Negeri 1 Kayangan

Kelas IX Tahun Akademik 2022/2023

1. New products.... in the electronic exhibition in Jakarta Expo Centre every day.
a. Display
b. Displayed
c. Was displaying
d. Are displayed
2 . We cannot swim in the swimming pool now, because
a. Cleans
b. Is cleaning
c. Is being cleaned
d. Has cleaned
3. Geologists have explained the cause of earthquakes in terms of a plate tectonics.
a. Knows
b. Knowing
c. Which knows
d. Known
4. A: 'I'd like to reserve a single room for next week, please.
B: 'I'm sorry, Sir. Our hotel....until the end of this month.
a. It is fully booked
b. We booked
c. Is fully booked
d. Booking it fully
5. A: Look! The girl cries. What happen to her just now?
B: While playing with her brother, she......
a. Kicks
b. Kicked
c. Will kick
d. Is kicked
6. A: Do you know the result of the test?
B: Not yet. The announcement...... twice.
a. Was postponed
b. Was being postponed
c. Will be postponed
d. Has to be postponed
e. Has been postponed
7. Mela: Why do you prefer Surya Depstore to others?
Noni: Because the items..... at a reasonable price.
a. Is sold
b. Are sold
c. Was sold
d. Were sold
8. X: There's no longer a rule for the youth to enter military service in Britain.
Y: Really, when...?
a. Was it abolishing
b. Did it abolish
c. Was it abolished
d. Was it to abolish
9. Dina: When did the accident happen?
Dini: When the goods..... from the truck.
a. Have been unloaded
b. Were being unloaded
c. Are being unloaded
d. Will be unloaded
10. She is cleaning the microwave oven.
a. The microwave oven is being cleanned by her.
b. The microwave oven are being cleanned by her.
c. The microwave oven is being cleaned by her.
d. The microwave oven are being cleaned by her.
11. Some workers are still renovating my kitchen and bathroom.
a. My kitchen and bathroom is still being renovate by some workers.
b. My kitchen and bathroom are still being renovate by some workers.
c. My kitchen and bathroom is still being renovated by some workers.
d. My kitchen and bathroom are still being renovated by some workers.
12. They are setting up the meeting room.
a. The meeting room is being set up by them.
b. The meeting room are being set up by them.
c. The meeting room is being setted up by them.
d. The meeting room are being setted up by them.
13. Are the students planning a school trip abroad?
a. Is a school trip abroad being planed by the students?
b. Are a school trip abroad being planed by the students?
c. Is a school trip abroad being planned by the students?
d. Are a school trip abroad being planned by the students?
14. The local chefs are preparing meals.
a. Meals is being prepare by the local chefs.
b. Meals are being prepare by the local chefs.
c. Meals is being prepared by the local chefs.
d. Meals are being prepared by the local chefs.
15. Tommy is not driving an unregistered vehicle.
a. An unregistered vehicle is not being driven by Tommy.
b. An unregistered vehicle are not being driven by Tommy.
c. An unregistered vehicle is not being drove by Tommy.
d. An unregistered vehicle are not being drove by Tommy.

16. We have diluted the samples.

a. The samples has been diluted by us.

b. The samples has been dilute by us.
c. The samples have been dilute by us.
d. The samples have been diluted by us.

17. She has deleted the unwanted app.

a. The unwanted app has been deleted by her.

b. The unwanted app have been deleted by her.
c. The unwanted app has been delete by her.
d. The unwanted app have been delete by her.

18. You have confirmed your reservation.

a. Your reservation has been confirmed by you.

b. Your reservation have been confirm by you.
c. Your reservation has been confirm by you.
d. Your reservation have been confirmed by you.

19. They have roasted and degassed the coffee beans.

a. The coffee beans has been roasted and degassed by them.

b. The coffee beans have been roast and degassed by them.
c. The coffee beans has been roast and degassed by them.
d. The coffee beans have been roasted and degassed by them.

20. The seller has already shipped my orders.

a. My orders have already been ship by the seller.

b. My orders has already been ship by the seller.
c. My orders has already been shipped by the seller.
d. My orders have already been shipped by the seller.

21. She will ... at the airport tomorrow at 7 a.m. (Dia akan tiba di bandara pada jam 7 besok pagi.)
a. Arrive
b. Arrives
c. Be arriving
d. Be arrived

22. James ... the choreography in a week. (James akan berlatih koreografi dalam seminggu.)
a. Will practice
b. Will be practicing
c. Will have practiced
d. Would practice

23. Kalimat positif: My mom said that she would go to the traditional market. (Ibuku berkata dia akan
pergi ke pasar tradisional.)
Kalimat negatif: ... (Ibuku berkata dia tidak akan pergi ke pasar tradisional.)
a. My mom said that she will not go to the traditional market.
b. My mom said that she would not go to the traditional market.
c. My mom said that she would not be going to the traditional market.
d. My mom said that she would not have gone to the traditional market.

24. I am ... some new books next Sunday. (Aku akan membeli beberapa buku baru hari Minggu depan.)
a. go to buy
b. going to buy
c. gone to buy
d. went to buy

25. Lily told that you ... in the Permata School for two years by this March. (Lily memberitahu bahwa
kamu akan belajar di Sekolah Permata selama dua tahun pada bulan Maret ini.)
a. would have been studying
b. would have studied
c. would be studying
d. would study

Long, long ago, when the gods and goddesses used to mingle in the affairs of mortals, there was a
small kingdom on the slope of Mount Wayang in West Java. The King, named Sang Prabu, was a wise
man. He had an only daughter, called Princess Teja Nirmala, who was famous for her beauty but she
was not married. One day Sang Prabu made up his mind to settle the matter by a show of strength.
After that, Prince of Blambangan, named Raden Begawan had won the competition. Finally, Raden
Blambangan and Princess Teja Nirmala were married and live happily.

26. The name of king is Sang Prabu.

a. True
b. False
27. Sang Prabu has two daughters.
a. True
b. False
28. Teja Nirmala is step daughter of Sang Prabu.
a. True
b. False
29. Raden Begawan is a Prince of Blambangan.
a. True
b. False
30. Raden Blambangan and Princess Teja Nirmala were married and live sadly.
a. True
b. False
31. The King of Sang Prabu, was a wise man.
a. True
b. False

There was an old man who lived at the end of a small village at the foot of the mountains. The
grandfather’s name is Martono, he doesn’t work and relies on natural resources to survive.

32. The text tells about ‘The end of old man lifes’.

a. True
c. False

Now Martono is eighty one years old, and he has been without a family since he was sixty years old
because his wife died. Their children leave the city to migrate in search of a better life than the village.

33. The old of Martono when his wife died is on eighty years old.

a. True
c. False

Two semesters went on and the land clearing project was under way and finally there was an
agricultural area. Within a short period of time, Martono began to have difficulty getting food.

34. The meaning of underline word is six month.

a. True
c. False

Only two semesters after the land clearing, Martono began to fall ill. His body was no longer able to
walk as far as it used to before clearing the land.

35. Martono can walk even when he is sick.

a. True
c. False

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