Finding God Will Through Prayer

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Father again, we come in your presence and thank you so much for the privilege of being able to pray

and open the world and be filled with your presence today. Father, we pray that you'll be the one to
speak and to touch and to transform.

And we pray that we focus so much on you to the point that will allow you to work in us and to us for
your glory. In Jesus name, amen. So I give you about 10 minutes for questions and answers from

We talked a lot about prayer and about how to have a close relationship with Christ that would not be
one day alone, but would be an ongoing lifestyle, a process. I want to remind you, prayer is not an event
in a crisis.

Prayer is the breath of the soul. You don't breathe only in crisis, you breathe 24 7. Prayer should be a
lifestyle. Anyway, questions from yesterday. Okay? Yesterday you told us that we shouldn't be praying
for the same thing over and over and over, but Jesus told us that as the widow in front Of the king,
When and and didn't let go until the king solved.

Let me repeat the question for everybody. I said that we should not repeat again and again and again
and again and again the same words, but she says in the same time, Jesus gave the example of the
widow that because of her persistence got justice.

Is it clear? So how do you reconcile the two? I want you to realize that when Jesus says pray without
seizing, Jesus doesn't say repeat the same request without seizing, but he's referring to having a
relationship, a connection with God.

That should be 24 7 based on John 15. Jesus says, I am the vine. You are the branches separated from
me. You can do nothing based on that. We should be connected with God all the time. But that doesn't
mean Lord, I want my son in Loma Linda, would you please do it?

Lord, I want my son in Loma Linda. And then you fast and you do whatever to convince God to answer
your prayer. God may have a different plan and you may wanna say like Jesus in the garden, Lord, I will
like my son to be in Loma Linda wonderful school.
However, may you will be done. I will accept it. You follow me? Yes, you may want to accept God's plan
that is better than your plan. And that if you knew the end from the beginning, you would choose the
same path.

Therefore, let God be God. So many times in prayer we go to God and try to convince him to do our will
instead of going to God and ask him to make us available to his will. Listen carefully to what I say next is
gonna be difficult.

Pray for what to pray before you pray for what you pray. I know you didn't get it. I'm gonna say it slow
now. Pray for what to pray before you. Pray for what you pray. Basically accord your prayer with God's

So when you say may, your will be done, minute it. Don't use it as a formula but mean it and give God a
chance to do his will. And instead of spending time to seek an answer that is a specific answer.

And if God doesn't seem to answer what is an answer? If you don't get what you want, you get
discouraged and lose faith. You rather seek God's presence to the point that you know that you are with

And whatever he answers you may not understand, but you have peace you'll never regret if you go that
route. Therefore, going out to your question, when Jesus gives an example talking about the widow,
Jesus refers to a judge that was how Corrupted, unjust.

Thank you so much. I appreciate that. Corrupt evil. No shame for people. No fear of God. You
remember? Yes. Well, when we say judge, we think it's talking about God. No, God is not that way. That
judge was a corrupted judge.

And Jesus says even in that situation, because she was persistent, she got an answer. Moreover, your
father knows if you remember the context, your father knows your needs. He takes care of the flowers,
he takes care of the animals.
He'll take care of you. So he says, I tell you that you'll do justice and he will do it how? Speedily quickly.
And then Jesus says, do not repeat the same words as pence. Do not bubble the word there, the same
words as pence do.

Therefore Jesus doesn't say do like the widow, but, but it's a lesson by contrast in that bad situation.
And she won in God situation, no need. God is not corrupted. He wants to answer before you want to

Therefore, you don't need to repeat the same words, present it to the Lord, he'll take care of you. So
pray without seizing doesn't refer to pastor God to death until you get what you want. It means have a
connection with God without seizing a different question.

Yes, For the same question in the Bible. It keeps on talking about prevailing prayer. Persistent prayer.
Prevailing prayer. What? Yes. Second, second Question. After persistent prevailing prayer, prayer again, I
don't know, we got so used to pray for our needs.

I'm not saying that is wrong. We should cast our needs upon him. The problem we have is that we just
want to talk to God about needs. And the more you talk about needs and the more you focus on needs
and sins and problems, the more disparate you get.

I don't see a place in the Bible where you should, it says that you should focus on problems. But in fact,
we should focus on Christ, fixed your eyes upon Jesus. Therefore, in prayer, don't spend time being
prevailing talking about needs.

But after you present your needs and give them to God, give them to God. You know what that means?
Leave them there and then be prevailing in a way that you seek his will. You seek to know him through
Genesis, from Genesis to Revelation.

All Bible people, all big characters, they have known God. You need to have a relationship with God.
That's what you should be prevailing to the point that you allow God to transform you, that you
So God could use you and you always are open to his leading. For instance, I am going to church, I had a
board meeting. I prayed and I said, Lord, I don't want to be so focused with my board that I am blind to
people around me.

Therefore I want you to please impress me and be in my mind and open my eyes, open my ears that I
could serve. I could be a blessing. I wanna be used. So as I was praying that way, My wife calls and my
wife says, the puppy has diarrhea.

Excuse my expression. But that's what happened. We have a beautiful, beautiful beauti. I mean just
gorgeous King Charles spaniel. It's a little dog, very smart. He loves me a lot. He sleeps around my head
like a crown.

When I go to sleep, he put a paw on my head. I said, Gucci here. He put it here. As soon as I keep quiet
for 10 seconds, he moves it back on my head. My wife calls me and says, the puppy has diarrhea and
he's going out with blood.

I'm scared. So I call my head elder. I said, I'll be a little late. Go ahead, turn around, pick the puppy, go to
the vet to drop the puppy and go to the board. My wife could not leave because her father had a stroke
and she just got him back from hospital.

So she had to stay with him. We were afraid the puppy would die. I took the puppy to the vet. Guess
what I prayed for for the puppy? Guess what God said? In my mind, I heard you stop praying for the
puppy And God put a thought.

That was a strange thought. Didn't you pray in the mourn my presence with you? Yes. And the Romans,
chapter eight, all things work together. Work together. So I said, Lord, I love this puppy, but if all things
work together for good, would you do something good out of this?

So instead of focusing on the problem, I focused on God, I get to the vet, guess what? Oh, the puppy ate
something. They did an x-ray. Long story short, he'll be okay. We give you this pills and this, whatever.
I'm not gonna go into that area. I don't even know what to say much about that, but I'm going to say
this. The vet says, oh, you are dressed nice Mr. Goya, where do you go? Well, I have a board meeting.

What type of meeting? What type of business? I'm a pastor. Wow, we are negotiating here. What
happened to people when they die? Do you have an answer for us? I said, oh my. Do I have an answer
for you?

My answer may take a little longer than you wanna listen. You know? So I said, listen, there is good
news. You know when people die, they don't suffer. And instead of attacking controversy, I attacked
common points, but did not say that they go straight to heaven or they go straight to hell, you know?

And he says, and then I say, listen, to be continued tomorrow I left, prayed the whole night. When next
day finish the Bible study. They said, we have more questions. How is gonna be the second coming?

Is it rupture or how is it came Next day for the next two weeks, every day, the whole vet office, three
doctors, five nurses, and two ladies from the office were listening. And then I gave them the 10
Commandments, DVDs.

And then I gave them the prayers, DVDs, and then I gave them the revival DVDs. And then I gave them
my book. And they all listened, read, watched, and they all passed the DVDs from family to family. And
when I had evangelism, they came to evangelism.

Do you understand why the puppy was sick? So my point is very simple and very clear. Be persistent in
prayer to make yourself available. We are so, so focused on our life that we forget that this life is short
and is not worth.

And we need to be so connected to God, to the point that in small things or in big things, God can use
us. Prayer is about making yourself available, surrendering, and getting to work with God. It's not about
solving problems.
Let me say this. It's better to let God focus on you than you to focus on you. And God promises that if
you seek him first, he'll take care of the other things. Give it a try. You'll never be sorry. Another

No more. Great. When people have no questions, they either got everything or they got nothing. Yes. So
do I pray that way? Were children, do I pray one time and I don't continue to speak in daily for my

No, no, no, no, no. We talk about different story. You said, should I pray continually for my children or
one time? And that's it. There are eight types of prayers, prayer in the Bible. You'll find it in my prayer

Go to lexington sdh and you'll see it. One of them I talked before about petition, prayer. Now
you talk about intercessory prayer. That's different story. You pray as long as it takes. Because as long as
you pray, it gives God opportunity to keep working.

Therefore, you keep praying for them. So God could keep working with them, but you don't pray for
them that they get a great house. You pray for their salvation. That's inters prayer. Different story.

Okay, one more question. I'm done with questions. I don't see any hand. That's good. Oh, there. Okay.
Yes, you spoke of the individual who was supposed the question I asked for you, but we don't want the
surrender, at least temporarily.

The question I would have for you is, is surrender is one way to help yourself surrender, explain god's
and give him grace. So I don't know what you talk about sin I've never seen. So that's about you guys,
not about me.

I'm just kidding. So listen, surrendering is not referring to you, fighting in your power, struggling to get
yourself victory overseen. When I was a kid, I was not 100% home. I I was I I just did pranks all the time.
And one of them I know is funny, but I would catch FFLs from my dog and put the F fleece in the tab
where you take a shower and watch them trying to escape. And they would jump so high. Trust me, I've
been watching many FFLs, jumping, jumping, and the tab was so tall and all of them eventually gave up
and died later I talked to my dad and I said, I have been praying because I have too much energy and I
get ideas, but also I get angry fast.

I've been praying for patience. And the more I pray for patience, the more I lose my patience. And I said,
I am laboring in prayer and I'm trying hard and I am fighting in prayer. And my father said to me, who do
you think you are to get victory over Satan?

Christ got victory of the cross. You don't fight darkness, fighting darkness, you fight darkness, turning on
the light. Call Jesus into your heart. That's the single hope you have. As long as Jesus is there, Satan is

They never live together. I didn't fully get what my father said. So I said, what do you mean? And my
father said, do you remember the fleece? I said, yep. How many of them escaped? None. How hard did
they try really hard?

Well, that you fighting Sater. Do you get the picture? Instead of trying disparity to gain victory, we
should hate sin and we should fight sin. But this is strange. We hate and we love sin in the same time.

And we want to change, but we don't want to change. I dunno if you follow me. Therefore, while you
should hate sin and never desire sin and fight against sin, don't spend your time fighting against sin.

Rather spend your time to pray. Study the Bible, study the spirit of prophecy. Invite God every second in
your life because the more of God you get, the less of Satan you get. Amen. Okay, that's the last

Let's start our subject. No for other reason, but today at two o'clock, my plane leaves. So imagine when
we finish, I will be ruptured. Okay, Before I start, I always like to give stories. I'm gonna give you an
example of, because many people come and talk to me about what can they do to get their church
I'm gonna give you an example of one thing that we did in Lexington. I gave you one story yesterday. I'm
gonna give you another story. Today we had a meeting and I told them, listen, we need to meet
together and pray for the vision.

Pray that the church together would have a clear vision that would come from God. And I said, do not
plan because you may plan something extremely good that may never bear fruits. Do not plan. Rather,
let's spend time in prayer that God would give us the vision.

Because if it's God's vision, it has God's blessing. So let's spend time together in prayer and then see
what God would say. I got the leaders. We do that four times a year. I got the leaders of my house.

God blessed us with 50 acres. Property forest, beautiful place. We start a big, big, big bonfire. I love
bonfires. Oh, it relaxes me anyway. And gardening. I go in my garden. I could talk about gardening

I could teach you how to plant a tomato that you get fruit like you can count 50 tomatoes, 40, 50 at any
time. I have pictures on the plant and it keeps going and going and going. I go to church and I bring
tomatoes and cucumbers, put them there and people hurt themselves.

I just love gardening. Anyway, so yeah, I don't get me started on that. So I had tomatoes for them. I had
cucumbers, I had peppers, I had eggplants spread for them. We had it already. They brought food, we
had the bonfire, we got together, we sang a song or two, and then we started to pray.

After that, I told them clearly, go into the forest and take a long walk to walk around the property. It
takes you one hour and 15, one hour and 20 minutes. Take a long walk and do not come back before
God gives you the vision.

We don't want to do our thing here. We want all to die and let God be alive. If you really want to see
revival here, you need to get God's vision. And God's vision is big because God is big. You cannot settle
for small things.
They are from you. They are not from God. And sometimes God will give you small things, but you need
to make sure that they are from God. So I said, go back, pray when you have God's vision, come back.

And they said, pastor, we want big things. We always want, but is not possible. What do you hear here is
not possible. Lack of faith. Discouragement is not possible. I says, folks, as far as I learned from my Bible,
God is not in vacation and God didn't die and God did not change.

Nothing is impossible with God. Do you agree with me? Yes. If God gives you the vision, God gives you
the means. God bless you. Go pray. Don't talk negative. Come back when God talk to you. They went
and they came back in five minutes.

They didn't even have time to get to the garden and back. And I said, okay. And I became kind of sneaky
and I said, write on a piece of paper. Two most important things that God told you they wrote. I took the
papers and I read a little from a few papers.

We want to start church in time and finishing time. We want to fix the parking cracks. We want to. I took
the papers, I put them all in the fire and they said, pastor, that was, that was our vision. Why would you
burn it?

I said, because it's your vision. I want God's vision. And I said, do you love me? Yes. Do you love God?
Yes. Go back in the forest. Don't get offended. I don't give you my vision. I don't want your vision.

Go back, get God's vision. I said, before you come, you make sure that God talks to you. If God doesn't,
don't come back, spend the night in the forest. They smiled. And I said, you see the fire? That's where
your vision goes.

They love me so they, I can afford to do that. I was smiling. I was not rude. They went back in the forest.
One hour and a half later they started to come awfully quiet heads down. I said, wow, something
happened here.
And you could see on their expression that they were moved, that they really prayed. And by now, after
seven years of being together, they are people of prayer. So they come back. And that happened,
actually, I said, by now, that happened three years ago.

Okay? They came back and they started to write, we want to have television. We want to have our own
radio tower. We want to do so many evangelistic meetings a year. We want to do so many seminars. We
want to do this and this and that.

I said, Ooh, come on, slow down. That's too much. That's too big. I said, we don't have the money, we
don't have the people. Let's just take one at a time or two. And they looked to me and they said, didn't
you say that should be God's vision?

We prayed with, got God's vision. Didn't you say that if it comes from God, God will enable us and
provide the means? Yes, I did. Okay. I said, well, it's too much. Well, they accepted me because they love
me so much and they took only two simple things to do and that's it.

And they left kind of discouraged. Usually they, when they talk to me, they leave how to say energized.
Not this time. Next day I was supposed to speak for the mean prayer convention for the N na D. And we
met their Ru Jacobs and call me to speak.

So I go there, I, I fly to Carolina and I speak. And after I speak, I go to my hotel room. And I usually, when
I get in the room, I start praying. I got in the room and I could not pray. I said something wrong here.

I say, Lord, what is it? Tell me what is it? Because I have no peace. And after I finished praying with no
answer, I took a cup of water, put it on the desk, put my cell phone besides, and opened the laptop to
check my email.

And by mistake, I hid the cup and the cup spilled over the telephone and burned my telephone. Now
you need to know something about me. I am picky. I am picky in details. The way I put things in the
room, in the closet.
I'm picky. I care for small things. I care for big things. I care for the vision. I don't think in, oh, small
errors. I know it's a little exaggerated. I am kind and gracious to people, but slowly with love and care,
we don't want compromises.

So I never lost a key in my life. I never lost a phone in my life. My wife gets a cell phone and she'll drop it
and break it tomorrow. And then she gets another one. I say, how in the world did you break two
phones in a week?

You never break anything. No, not so far. She would forget it. Outside in the rain, when you go back, you
expect fish in the telephone. You know, I make, I'm just, so now I broke the phone. Do I go to Rudy?

Rudy, can I borrow your phone to call my wife? What happened to your phone? I burned it. Did you dry
it? I did. Did you put it in rice? I did. It doesn't even turn on. Okay. I take my phone, call my wife, she
says, hi, Rudy.

Oh, it's me. It's not Ruti. Why would you call me on Rudy's phone? I burned my phone. What? I burned
my phone. Ha. Praise the Lord. I said, what? She says, finally, you broke something so you'd stop
bothering me when I break something, I, okay, okay, okay, let's move on now.

Let's not move on. Let's talk about it. I said, no, let's, let's not talk about it. We talked a little, I gave Ruti
back the phone. I go in my room and keep praying. And it occurred to me, it came into my mind.

You fight against me. You told them to pray for my vision. I gave them my vision and you opposed it. I
said, Lord, this is it. Would you please forgive me? And if you forgive me, I'll go back before the church
and ask forgiveness because the leader should not be proud.

You see politicians, they never do anything wrong. They can turn me like that. I will go before the church
and I will fix it. But I want you to forgive me and I want you to fix everything that I said.
No. Whatever came from you and I opposed, I want your help to fix it. As soon as I was willing to repent,
my burnt telephone started to ring. And I mean it, it's up to you if you believe it or not. I tell you the

It was the conference. And they said, you know, we thought about sending the academic kids to do
canvassing every year in your church on our expense, but because your church makes so much progress
and it's growing so fast, we want them to work there.

It was one of the things that I opposed, we don't have the money, we don't have so many people. We, I
got the canvasing done for free. I turn, I, I finished talking to a conference and looked to the telephone
to say to call my wife, Hey, it was, and the telephone was still off.

So I looked to the telephone and it's off. And I tried to turn it off and on and it's dead. It is. There is no
screen. And while I look to the telephone, it starts ringing again. And it is a lady that I don't know, she's
not an Adventist.

And she says, I am the director for the local cable TV charter over Lexington. There are two companies
that cover Lexington. I am the director of one of of the two. And she says, we have three hours a week
that we want to put spiritual programs to help Lexington grow spiritually.

And she says, every church that I tried, we don't like their programs. I've been watching your programs
online. For us, we charge between 7,000 and 14,000 an hour. It depends on the time of the day. We
offer you three hours a week for free.

Amen. Wow, You heard it? Amen. Where is the amen? Come on. Three hours a week for free to reach
over 130,000 households. If that's not evangelism, then what is Avengers for free? And I'm like, that's
what I opposed.

And I was humbled and I got tears and I look and the telephone is dead and he starts ringing again and
the guy says, I am so and so in the next church close to Lexington, we have a small group. They don't
have the power or the vision, but God put in my heart to start the radio.
I'm going to donate the room, the utilities, make a contract with your church and give you a big check if
you are willing to start the radio station. I said, oh Lord, I cannot take it anymore. It's too much.

Yes, we'll do it. He says, you, you will. I said, absolutely, we'll do it. We got the radio. I talked to my
church. I said, this is what happened. This is how much we got. We need another 20, $23,000.

I give you three months to raise the, raise the money. I, I told the church, I said, listen, I had no I, I
confessed. I said, I had no peace. I have God forgiveness and whatever you said, folks, it was from God
and God gave it back to us.

Oh, the church loves me even more after I accomplished anyway. So I gave them three months to raise
the money. Three weeks later we had 57,600. When people see that the vision comes from God, people
have no problem to support it.

Amen. It is not me convincing them. It is the Holy Spirit working. Amen. That's what we need. So we got
the money, we got the room, we, we got so many things. We send the papers to FCC to get approved
for, to have a radio station, to have a frequency.

So we got a letter back from FCC that there are four frequencies available in Lexington and 16 different
institution competing for the four. Now who do you give it? And they said it's a scale and the more
points you have, the more chances you have.

Well, from those 16 institutions, we are the lowest one in points. We got to points and everybody else
had from five up. So we lost. And four out of the 16 got the four frequencies and the others had to drop.

So my board says, oh pastor, we thought it was from God, but it obviously we are wrong. I said, no,
that's what the disciples said about Jesus. When he died on the cross, we thought he was messiah.
When do you see it in the Bible?
That God says something and you don't face challenge. When God says it, Satan is gonna fight it.
Therefore you don't give up. You lift Egypt. When you leave Egypt, you get to the Red Sea. You don't
scream, you pray and you put your foot in the water.

So we are not gonna give up. Oh pastor, this is the government is the law. You see, the law says that if
you were rejected, you cannot apply again for 10 years. Forget radio. He said, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Let's pray. But, but you know, we got negative. I don't care. Let's pray. My God is above the government.
We should respect the government. But if God said have radio, we'll have radio. So what do you

Let's pray. Well, yeah, yeah, yeah. We can pray. But it says here that you need to withdraw your
application. Take your application back. Now leave it there Pastor. We need to get our applications back
now leave it there.

Okay. That was June. We kept praying. July, August, September, October. People started to kind of get
discouraged. I said, Hey, don't give up. Well, how long should we pray? How long should you pray?

As long as it takes all, all lifelong. December 15th, we got a letter from the government. We apologize.
Our machines could detect four frequencies in Lexington, but we discovered there are five. There were
other people that had more points than you.

They would've got the fifth. But because all the applications are gone, they would do their applications.
You are the single application here. So by default you get the fifth nce. Everything that they visioned,
everything we got.

Folks, you want to see something happening in the church. You don't criticize. You don't start fighting.
You start praying and inviting people. You don't need the whole church praying. Sure, we will love to
have the whole church, but if you wait for the whole church is not going to happen.
You get people who love prayer, praying, not talking, praying. And the more you pray, the more God
would prepare you and the more God could work with the church. That's how you win the battle. Okay?

Enough stories. No, no, no. Let's try to go to the sermon. If not, we never get home. Neither you nor me.
So, oh man, we don't have time. Stories are best service. Okay? Okay. So I promised you yesterday to
talk a little about how to prepare for the second coming.

I will do my best. Listen folks, you need to really put your seat belts because I will do my best to go quick
and touch only the important points in the sermon because you don't have time. It's a 45 minute
sermon and we have 30 minutes time.

Okay? So we will really go fast. Okay? So the Bible says there, go first to the last ship of Israel. Why? Why
would we have to prepare for the second coming, going first to the church. If you remember in the
parable, the virgins were all sleeping.

And how could you prepare the world if the church is not prepared? While the church is extremely good,
we need to experience revival as the greatest possible need. It's an emergency. We need to experience

Well, what do you preach when you want to wake up the church? You say the kingdom is at hand. Jesus
is coming. It's time to wake up. Jesus is coming. It's time to get busy praying and working. Okay, so I'm
gonna start with this quotation before we go into the subject by the sleeping disciples is represented a
sleeping prayer, sleeping church.

When the day of God's visitation is nine, if it's time of clouds and think darkness, want to be found
asleep is most perilous. Second testimony to oh five, Christ is at the door. Men and women are in the
last hours of probation and yet careless and foolish.

That's a hard, hard paragraph. Prejudice have no power to arouse them. They are asleep, asleep
themselves, sleeping, ministers preaching to sleeping people, gospel workers 1 21. That's a tough
Now you may not love me anymore. That's good because you don't call me back so I could stay home
with my wife. Listen folks, we are all in need of revival. Would you agree? Yes. This is not to be critical of

Would you agree that we need revival? Okay, how do we experience that? Jesus talked in Matthew 24
and 25 about the destruction of Jerusalem, sign of the end. And then he talks about faithful servants,
you remember?

And then he gives the 10 virgins, the talents parable. And then he talks about when he comes, he's
gonna say to the right and he's going to say to the left, come because I was naked and I was poor and I
was thirsty and I was hungry.

You remember and I was in prison. You remember the story. I will not spend time to tell those stories.
And Jesus tells them how to prepare for the second coming, giving them the parables and saying in all
parables that the way you prepare, you pray and you watch and you serve and you serve and you serve
and you serve and you serve and you serve.

You don't prepare by sleeping or doing nothing. You prepare by working. When you get an inspection in
your business, you prepare by working, oh, I am waiting. You don't wait waiting. You wait. Preparing by
serving and putting things in order.

You follow me? Okay? In all three parables, those that do not serve are lost. So let's go. Jesus is coming.
How are you preparing, Praying and serving. Now listen carefully. Are you ready? If not today, then

Let me give you a quick story. I was in second grade. I would walk to school. When I would walk to
school. There was a Turkish guy, Byam Hassan, selling pistachio ice cream. I know he's not healthy, but if
you invite me to eat pistachio ice cream, I come.
It's extremely good. I mean, he's extremely good. I already have water in my mouth and the guy would
scream loud Today, you pay tomorrow is for free. Well, I was young and stupid, I believed him. I paid
and I went, next day I want my free ice cream.

He said, son, today you pay. Tomorrow is for free. I said, but I came yesterday. Oh, we don't talk
yesterday. Yesterday is gone. I said, but today is tomorrow. He said, no, today is today. Yes, but it's

For yesterday. He said, we don't talk yesterday. Today you pay. Well, he had a point I paid and I came
next day, determined to get my free ice cream. I said, can I have you now today you pay. Well, When is

He said, son, tomorrow never comes. Why would we think that if we don't get ready today, we'll get
ready tomorrow. Why would we want to play with the Holy Spirit and here, sermon after sermon after
sermon after sermon and not get ready today.

And then the impression goes away and we become cooler and cooler and less sensitive and less
sensitive to the Holy Spirit. If if we don't change today, we are not gonna change tomorrow. When the
Holy Spirit will impress you, then you need to get down and pray and say, Lord, I want it.

I cannot do it. Do whatever it takes. Would you please work in me? I give you permission. And then
when trials come, don't complain. Don't try to solve them because God is answering your prayer. God is

You don't try to fix what God sent because they work is like a school. They work to prepare you for what
you prayed for. So what will you be doing in that day when Jesus comes? Do you know what I'm gonna, I
am a prophet.

I'm, I'm kidding, I'm not. But now I'm gonna play the role of a prophet. I'm just kidding. I hope you know
that. I'm gonna tell you exactly what you'll be doing when Jesus comes. You know what, exactly what
you do today and that's gonna do tomorrow and you'll be next day or next week.
And it becomes a habit. And you wake up and you say a quick prayer, hopefully a longer prayer, and you
eat and you go to work and you come from work and get home and take a shower and eat supper and
watch news and then say a quick prayer and go to sleep.

And that's what you do. You follow me And it becomes a habit and it becomes you. And if you don't
change now after 10 years of doing it every day, that's what you think is normal. Am I saying quit your

Now I am saying that if we don't make God a priority today, if we don't make prayer a priority today, if
we don't make serving a priority today, we'll not have time tomorrow. We will never have time.

You need to make time when you want to do something, you make time for it. Do you follow? Yes. So
that's what you'll be doing. Then The time comes when you hear the words He who is unjust, let him be

He who is filthy, let him be filthy and so on. You know the verse. So there is a time before Jesus comes,
when the clo door probation will close. When that day comes, you will do exactly what you do today.

Today is the time of salvation today. If you hear his voice, let me explain something here We have and
listen carefully. A tendency to think that when we see prophecies being fulfilled and we see the great
catastrophes happening and we see those big miracles happening and we see the great awakening and
we see this and that, then we will change.

Now we are wrong for many reasons. Let me explain why things are like the birth labor. Birth labor
doesn't come and you give birth, it comes small and then gradually increases and then gradually

The same with catastrophes and signs. It's not zero earthquakes and then 2000 earthquakes a day, zero
tornadoes, and then 500 tornadoes a year. It is zero and then one and then 10 and then 20. And you get
used as it gradually grows and you learn to live with bad economy and you learn to live with terrorists
and you learn to live with catastrophes and you get so used that is no news for you.
And so we don't see the science happening because they happen gradually. And Jesus says, if they don't
change because it is written, they'll not change. Even if they see a miracle. I mean they saw Lazarus
resurrected and they tried to kill him.

Therefore, don't wait for big things or for miracles to change change today because it's a matter of
hardening the heart, getting insensitive to God's voice. You follow me? Yes. Okay, so let's move on.

Jesus says it's gonna be like in Noah's day and like in lots Sodom and Goor day, those two things, how
it'll be when Jesus comes like in Noah and like in lots day you remember, okay, how was it in Noah's

How was it in Noah's day? Well, the Bible is very clear. I'm, I'm not gonna spend time here, I'm gonna
jump over it. We don't have time. Day eight. Is it good or bad to eat? It's good. Call me when you have
green beans.

How come? Is it good to get married? I am blessed to have one of the best families. My wife is extremely
supportive and loving. It's just, and she gives me good advice and she prays with me. And it's good to be

Okay? For those that have a good marriage, hopefully, hopefully all of us is it. They were building, they
were digging gardens. What's wrong to build a house? Nothing wrong. There was the problem. They
were too busy with that.

You get so much in bondage to work and to what you do that you don't see things happening around
because God should come first. So listen soon, probation will come to a close on that day. There will be
no more change.

However, no one will know that day. On that day it will be business as usual. The things you do now are
the things you'll do there. How was it in Noah's day? Listen carefully, pat and prophets, 95, they are all
bad people and that's the reason they are lost.
That's what he says. No, you are not all idol. There are many professed Christians, worshipers of God,
many of them she says, helped him build the ark. Many of them went to church, went to camp, meeting
a broccoli, did the good stuff and sang in the choir and taught Saba school, many of them, but by
constantly procrastinating for tomorrow.

Tomorrow I'll have time to pray. Tomorrow I'll have time to study. Pastor. Next year I will accept to serve
by constant rejection. They became blind. They manifested contempt for the warning of God by doing
just as they have done the day before, they hardened their hearts by persist.

Persistent rejection. Now listen, I want you to think about it for a second because it is in a way, it is a
little funny. It was crazy. This pastor called Noah from that conference goes to his church and says, let's
build an arc.

And they say, what is an arc? Well, it's a kind of a boat. Okay, what is a boat? Okay, it's it's a construction
that floats on the water. What water? Well it's gonna rain. What is rain? You follow me?

Well, God said it's gonna rain and Well, it's gonna be flood. Where all over? How much above
mountains? Are you crazy? Do you get the point? If you lived in those days? And why should we build
dark on the top of the mountain?

Well, doesn't water go down? Why would we build dark up? Doesn't make any sense. And they called
the board and they say, our pastor ate too much last night. He has some issues. They call the

Would you pray for him? You don't. When you follow God, sometimes not everybody would understand
because you need a lot of connection with God to hear God's plan. And therefore Noah didn't fight
them, but he kept building and there were people who were convicted and they kept building.

But this is what happened. I want you to think about it in the last moment, God impressed the animals
to come and enter the ark. If you were there and you see them coming alone, lions and giraffes and all
the animals to by two and seven by seven and so on and so forth.
If you see them coming, isn't that a big miracle? A big sign? Now they have been watching him building
the arc for a day, for a week, for a month. They got used. It didn't impress them anymore. They got tired
of the sermons.

So when they see the animals coming, they say, wow, this is a miracle. Let's get into dark. Did they? How
many of them enter dark? Let me ask you a different question. Eight, Listen carefully. Now, did God put
two angels the door of the art and say, you are good coming.

You are bad. Stay out. How many could have entered? Listen carefully. Everybody could have entered
the ark. Nobody would be lost because you are not so good. But because of theran belief, it says in
Hebrew, it is not that they didn't enter the ark because you are great sinners.

I'm not saying we should be sinners. It's not that they didn't enter the ark because they didn't, I dunno,
serve or do that. It's because they're unbelief. Because they procrastinated and they got used.

And when the ark, when the animals came, they said, wow, this is amazing. Wow, we got tears. Let's
pray. Should we enter? Let's pray about it. What to pray about when God says do it, don't pray about it.

Do it. Should we keep Saba? Oh, let's pray about it. God told you to keep Saba. God says, enter. Enter.
Oh, this is moving. Oh, let's have a board meeting and talk about it and have three songs and pray about

We go home, we think about it and we enter tomorrow. There is no tomorrow. If you don't enter now,
you'll not enter tomorrow. Even if you see another miracle tomorrow. Miracles don't change hearts. So
they saw the animals coming and they still don't enter when the door is closed and the rain comes,
when crisis come, then people pray.

Don't pray in crisis. Pray all the time. Amen. Amen. It's not that you should not pray in crisis. It is that
you need to pray before. Let's move on. You know what mountain this used to be? Oh, you should know
the mountain.
Exactly. St. Helen in what state? Now listen. Washington, Washington, Washington. Now listen, this is
what happened. May 18th, 1980, and look, look, the mountain, top of the mountain is missing. These
are cars trying to run away from the catastrophe.

52 people were caught trying to run away. There were warnings and warnings and warnings and
warnings and warnings. And there were earthquakes of earthquakes and first earthquake. We got to
move. Oh, earthquake stopped.

Oh, we moved tomorrow. Earthquake, after 20 earthquakes they got used. And then Harry Truman, you
remember him? Yes. This is the leftover Harry Truman says, boy, there is 11 miles between me and the
mountain, a lot of forest.

I build this house. I am not gonna move from here. Nothing will touch me. We have seen earthquakes
before. He's still there 300 feet under the ground. If you wait for the end time, events to change, not
gonna happen Beam.

You remember the story of beam? They come and they say, come and curse the people. And God told
him that night, do not go with them because I blessed that people, you remember the story, you read it

God told him that night. What did he tell them? Let me pray about it. Do you see what we do? We many
times try to convert God. We try to pray in a way that we convince God to bless our plans and to let us
do what we want and get his blessing in what we want instead of praying to seek, not to seek God's
approval for our plan, but to seek his will and to help to ask him, to help us change our mind.

Okay? So Beam said, oh Lord, please let me go. And God said, now you go, you'll perish. They left. They
came back, offered him more. Oh, let me pray about it. Many times we use words, oh, let me pray.

To actually hide our plans and desires. He prayed again. He prayed again and he prayed again. Sure God,
respect our choice. So God said, okay, go. Oh Lord, if you let me go, I promise I'll obey. Really, if you
wanted to obey, why do you go?
Didn't I tell you? Don't go if you don't obey Now, why do you think you're going to obey tomorrow? So
he goes, the donkey sees the angel. That's strange. Animals do. People don't sees the angel and the
donkey stops.

He gets angry. The donkey second time sees the angel and gets his foot between the donkey and the
rock. He gets angry with the donkey. The donkey sees the angel third time and goes down. Oh, the
pastor gets angry and beats the donkey.

Now listen carefully, this is the strangest part. The donkey talks and he doesn't say, wow, imagine if you
see your dog talking to you. Imagine he sees his donkey talking to him. He does say, praise the Lord.

This is a miracle. Turn around. He argues with a donkey. Can you believe it when you insist, when we
insist in our ways we become blind? No miracle would impress us. He argues with a donkey and the
angel shows up and says, leave the donkey alone.

The road you go leads to perdition. You will die. Turn around. He says, oh, let me go. I'll obey you. Duh,
you are not obeying me. Now, do you think you're gonna obey me then folks, if we don't change today,
no miracle will change us because we become less and less and less sensitive.

We become focused. You don't have to kill people and steal and cheat. And we become so focused on
innocent things, job and this and that, and we never have time for God. Therefore, it says today, don't
focus about how you get victory.

Don't focus about how you get saved. Focus on prayer. Let God take care of your salvation. He's able to
finish what he started. Focus on prayer. Focus on study. Focus on service. God will finish what he

God is able to save the least one. That's none of your business. Focus on prayer you do today what God
gave you to do today. You follow me? So didn't listen. So let's move on. I'm trying to finish.
I'm trying to finish here. Paul and Apa, you remember, you almost persuaded me. That's how we feel.
Oh, I was almost there. Almost is not good enough. Almost in heaven is not in heaven. This is dangerous

You feel good that you go to church, you feel good that you keep sabath. You feel good that you go to
ing. You feel good that you return tight, you feel good, but you don't have, if you don't have a prayer,
life is not there.

So how was it in lots time? The outcry is so great that they're, I'm gonna go down and see. God didn't
need to go down and see. God knew exactly what was going on. God didn't need Abraham's permission
to destroy Sadam and goor.

God wanted Abraham to inter for them. I'm not going to go to the next 10 minutes and talking about
what happened there. The investigative judgment, because we have no time. But I will talk about
salvation there and preparation there.

Listen, listen carefully. Lord gets the stranger into his house. The people, the neighbors, people that he
worked with. Oh, Jimmy, my next neighbor, he's a great guy. He move the grass for me. Oh Mary, my
neighbor in the right side, she is wonderful.

She has two kids. They play together with our kids, people around who are not all bad people. But when
people come and say, let us sleep with those strangers, and Lord says, no, those good people got angry.

Who do you think you are? People that you don't expect, they get against you. So then the angels hit
them with blindness. Now, if one of them turn blind, you say, oh, it happened. But when all 50, a
hundred, 200, excuse me, all of them turn blind.

That's a miracle. They should have said, whoa, this is God's hand. Did they repent? No. No. They started
to sink the door by touching. You know, let's find the door. No miracle would impress people that are
set in certain ways.
So the angel hits them with blindness and tells lot, go get your family, get out. I am going to destroy the
city. And lot says in the Bible that he procrastinated. And so lots talk to mom a lot. Mom a lot do.

Hey honey, we have, we got from the dealer last week. Two cameras, top of the line. I mean they have
gps, they have, you know, sensor in the bumper. They, we got two wonderful cameras and we, we have
payments to those cameras and we got this wonderful house and we have payments and I got a good

You got a good job. And we have the kids. He works in hospital short of the city hall. We, we cannot just
leave everything and go, let's watch CNN and see what's happening. They turn on cnn. Nothing.

It's just regular business. Let's watch the weather channel. Oh, nothing. How do you imagine it's gonna
rain with fire? Are you crazy? I mean, maybe a, a thunderstorm, a tornado. It's not so bad. Let's listen
honey, let's, let's sleep on it.

Let's pray about it. And we decide tomorrow what to pray when God told you get out. So he goes to his
daughter, Hey honey, DK said so and so Daddy, we'll pray about it and we'll talk tomorrow. He goes to
his other daughter.

Oh my, my husband is, is on call. He's at the hospital. When he comes home, we'll talk about it. None of
them wanted to leave. He comes back. And this is what gets me. This is what gets me. Listen, Lord could
have preserved his family if he made his home outside the city.

Listen, A little distance away from the city. Enoch and Abraham walked with God, yet they did not live in
the city. Polluted to El of violence and weakness has did lot Evangel 79. I am not saying that we should
all move outside, but I am saying that we should pray because if God says move, don't get too stuck with
your house.

If you pray about it, if God says move, God is gonna help you sell the house. And he's going to get you a
house 20 miles outside where you can have a little peace and a little garden. Oh, I cannot pastor I, I'm
five minutes from the world.
Take me five minutes. God has a time for everything. You should not be connected. You should not be
attached to things. Things are going to burn. You need to be attached to God and to your family and to
the church referring to the people, not the building.

The other things will not go to heaven. You really need to be praying about things. You should not go
ahead of God, but you should not go behind God. But you need to have that type of connection to here.

When God says get out, you follow me. Because if you don't get out when God says get out, you'll pay
for it. In the spiritual prophe. It gives you exactly when you watch the science, the economy and so on.

And the Sunday law, it gives you when to move from, from the big cities, when to move from the small
cities. How many of us talk about that anymore? Why? Because we got so used with our jobs and our
homes and our cars and our remote.

You follow me? So let's not dwell too much on this. Let's move on. I just gave you a little to think about.
As long as God power to speak, all I shall continue to say, leave the big cities, get into the country.

Believers who are now living in the city will soon have to move to the country that they may say their
children. The angels struck them with blindness. They are so focused on their desires and plans and
waste that they did not change.

Now, what happened? If we focus too much on here and now and we procrastinate, we'll lose focus on
there and there we'll harden our hearts and become insensitive to God's call. We'll become blind and
then nothing will change us.

Now listen to the Bible verse Genesis 19, verse 16. While he lingered, what did he do? That's what we do
about spiritual things, about prayer, about every step in spiritual life. That's what we do. Well, he
God is so gracious, folks, God is so gracious. God is so good. If there is something in us, God will work
with you. Do not wonder how will you overcome? How are you going to serve? How are you going to

How are you going to move? Do not ask questions. God will work with you when you give him
permission. Don't worry about the means, worry about commitment. God needs commitment.
Everything else. He will take care of it.

While he lingered, the man took hold of his hand. God will take you by the hand and the hand of his two
daughters and the Lord be merciful to Him, to him out. What a God we have. Amen. If you give God
permission to work, he is gonna take you by hand.

He's gonna get you there. Have a connection with God. Don't start tomorrow, start today. Don't look for
miracles. Look for relationship. Miracles are great, but if they don't come, what are you gonna do?

Get discouraged. So where your treasure is there, your heart will be mom a lot. Look back and said,
honey, what's gonna happen to our house and our cars? And she lost it. Whatever you try to save, you

And whatever you are willing to lose, that's what you save. We need to learn the lesson to seek God first
and to trust him fully. And you cannot trust a stranger. You need to spend enough time with God to
know him in order to trust him.

Unless you know him, you'll not trust him. To be able to turn her back to the house and say, now go.
God said, move. I move. You will wonder, you'll worry. But if you have a relationship and you have been
working with God when he says move you do like Abraham, you don't wonder what's gonna happen.

You trust that God is able and he cares and he will take care of it. Unless you have that type of
relationship, you don't have that type of trust. You follow me. God provided for Elijah, he provided for
He will carry you on his parts. He will order his angels to protect you. Water and bread will be secure.
You should not worry about these things. When we worry, we say we have a small God or we say we
have no relationship with him.

We need to have a piece that will surpass human understanding, whatever we go through. And that
comes from a relationship that is daily relationship, not from praying when we have a need, but for
praying because we wanna know him.

So folks, let's finish. Let not your heart be troubled. Believe in me, that's the key. Okay? Oh, father in
heaven, we had to cover a lot in very short time, but it is not what we cover that makes a difference.

It is your spirit that makes all the difference. So we pray that your spirit would fill our hearts to the point
that we stopped focusing on problems. Stop focusing on needs. Stop focusing on self, and we start
having a relationship with you and trust that you are able to take care of the other things.

Please help us to people of pray. Jesus. Amen. This media was produced by Audio verse for ASI
Adventist, layman's Services and Industries. If you would like to learn more about

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