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Exploring Student Life at De Montfort University through an International Lens

International students can work part-time while they are enrolled in classes at DMU if they are seeking
for part-time labor.

This provides them with invaluable professional experience in addition to helping them pay for living
expenses. For foreign students seeking part-time employment, DMU permits part-time employment to
be held while a student is enrolled in classes.

While living on campus offers a sense of security and community, living off campus lets students
experience Leicester's dynamic culture. Putting a high priority on the protection and comfort of students,
with campus security services offered to keep things secure.

Know that, if you're looking for a part-time job, DMU gives its international students the opportunity to
work part-time while they are enrolled in classes.

They receive useful work experience in addition to helping them pay for living expenses. For foreign
students looking for part-time work, DMU permits part-time employment during the course of their

They receive useful work experience in addition to helping them pay for living expenses. There are many
different job options in Leicester, some of which pay more than the minimum salary in the country.

Why did you select De Montfort University?

Because of DMU's outstanding academic resources, research possibilities, and highly employable alumni,
students opt to attend.

The institution is especially appealing to international students because of its practical teaching
techniques, industrial links, and extensive support services.

De Montfort University benefits for students:

Numerous advantages come with studying at DMU, such as cutting-edge facilities, solid industrial
relationships, and an active student body.

The school makes sure that students are prepared for their future employment by emphasizing practical
learning and working with industry partners.

Services for Supporting International Students:

International students can get individualized assistance from DMU's International Student Support Team
in areas such support language and visa applications.

The university promotes diversity and inclusivity, creating a welcoming atmosphere where students from
all backgrounds can succeed.

Are you a fit for De Montfort University?

DMU provides numerous possibilities for international students to actively engage in UK university life,
together with a welcoming community. DMU encourages students to use campus resources and
participate in student organizations.

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