Chapter 4 Revision Test

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Chapter 4 Revision Test

1. Who first coined the phrase: ‘The United States of America’?


2. What was the official date that independence was declared?


3. Where were the first shots of the Revolution fired?


4. List 2 problems you can think of that America had with going to war with the

5. What did the Americans need in order ensure victory in this war with the British?

6. Who was the printer asked to print 200 copies of the Declaration of
Independence by the next morning?

7. Name one person who received a copy of the Declaration of Independence.


8. Why do you think it took so long for all 56 signatures to appear on the official
9. List one positive and one negative response to the Declaration of Independence.

10. Who were the Patriots?


11. Who were the Loyalists?


12. List 2 reasons why people chose to remain loyal to Britain.


13. What was the relationship like between the Loyalists and the Patriots?

14. According to Claude H Van Tyne, out of the Loyalists and the Patriots, who were
the ‘normal’ group in American society at the time?

15. Other than the fact that he was Benjamin Franklin’s son, list one other thing you
can remember about William Franklin.

16. What was John Dickinson also famous for writing?

17. What did he play a main role in drafting in 1776?

18. What was the reason for the delay in the discussion of the Articles of
Confederation between 1776 and 1777?

19. Name 2 things the ‘Articles of Confederation’ discussed.


20. What did the Congress of Confederation decide on in passing new laws and

21. What was the problem John Adams raised with this system?

22. When did the last state sign the Articles of Confederation and who was it?

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