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Meat from the abattoir was delivered to

1. Abattoir कसाईखाना Slaughterhouse local markets.

विदे शी लोगोों से Her xenophobia prevented her from

2. Xenophobia घृणा Fear of foreigners traveling to foreign countries.

His bigotry prevented him from seeing

3. Bigot कट्टर A person who is intolerant towards others other's viewpoints.

4. Carnivorous माोंसाहारी An animal that feeds on other animals Lions are carnivorous animals.

A speech or piece of writing that praises He delivered a moving eulogy at his

5. Eulogy प्रशोंसापत्र someone highly father's funeral.

He was a fatalist and believed that his

6. Fatalist भाग्यिादी Believing in fate future was predestined.

Deliberate extermination of a racial or cultural The genocide during the war took many
7. Genocide नरसोंहार group lives.

Galileo was considered a heretic during

8. Heretic धमम विरोधी Person who holds controversial opinions his time.

He gave an impromptu speech at the

9. Impromptu तत्पर Done without preparation party.

10. He was diagnosed as a kleptomaniac

Kleptomaniac चोरी का आदी A person with a compulsion to steal and received treatment.

She grew to become a misanthrope

11. Misanthrope मानि द्वे षी A person who dislikes humankind after many years of solitude.

A person who has excessive interest in or His narcissistic tendencies made it

12. Narcissist आत्मसोंस्थ admiration of themselves difficult for him to empathize with others.

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Humans are generally considered

13. Omnivorous सिामहारी Feeding on both animals and plants omnivorous.

14. A person who seeks to promote the welfare of The philanthropist donated a large part
Philanthropist परोपकारी others of his wealth to charities.

A state of isolation to prevent the spread of Travelers were put in quarantine as a

15. Quarantine सोंगरोध disease precaution against the virus.

The old man lived as a recluse in the

16. Recluse एकान्तिासी A person who lives a solitary life mountains.

17. As a somnambulist, he often found

Somnambulist नीोंद में चलने िाला Sleepwalker himself in strange places upon waking.

शराब से परहे ज As a teetotaler, he would only drink non-

18. Teetotaler करने िाला A person who never drinks alcohol alcoholic beverages at parties.

The furniture in the room was utilitarian

19. Utilitarian उपयोवगतािादी Designed to be useful rather than attractive and lacked any decorative elements.

She became a vegetarian for health and

20. Vegetarian शाकाहारी A person who does not eat meat ethical reasons.

An individual who is attracted to foreign peoples, He was a xenophile, always eager to

21. Xenophile विदे वशयोों का प्रेमी manners, or cultures learn about different cultures.

22. Zephyr हलकी हिा A soft gentle breeze A cool zephyr blew through the fields.

As an agnostic, he was open to the

A person who believes that nothing is known or possibility of a higher power but didn't
23. Agnostic अज्ञेयिादी can be known of the existence or nature of God believe it could be proven.

A person who collects or has a great love of The bibliophile had an extensive library
24. Bibliophile पुस्तक प्रेमी books in his home.

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25. She felt claustrophobia when entering

Claustrophobia सोंकीणम भय Fear of enclosed or crowded spaces the crowded elevator.

A political leader who seeks support by The demagogue managed to sway

26. Demagogue जनसम्मोहक ने ता appealing to popular desires and prejudices public opinion with his fiery speeches.

Believing in the principle that all people are equal She was a strong egalitarian,
27. Egalitarian समानतािादी and deserve equal rights and opportunities advocating for equal rights for all.

Sparing or economical with regard to money or He led a frugal lifestyle, saving every
28. Frugal वमतव्ययी food penny he could.

He was a hypocrite, preaching honesty

29. Hypocrite पाखोंडी A person who indulges in hypocrisy but stealing from the company.

As an insomniac, he often stayed up all

30. Insomniac अवनद्रा रोगी A person suffering from insomnia night.

Despite the hardships, he remained a

31. Jovial आनों वदत Cheerful and friendly jovial person.

A government with corrupt leaders that use their

power to exploit the people and natural The country was ruled by a kleptocracy
32. Kleptocracy चोरी की सरकार resources of their own territory that left its citizens impoverished.

As a linguist, she could speak six

33. Linguist भाषाविद A person skilled in foreign languages languages fluently.

Showing great attention to detail; very careful His meticulous attention to detail made
34. Meticulous सूक्ष्म and precise him an excellent proofreader.

Characterized by or exhibiting feelings of Seeing the old photos was a nostalgic

35. Nostalgic यादगार nostalgia experience for her.

In many cultures, deities are considered

36. Omnipotent सिमशक्तिमान Having unlimited power; able to do anything to be omnipotent.

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A person who is hostile or indifferent to culture His philistine attitudes were evident in
37. Philistine असभ्य व्यक्ति and the arts his disdain for the theater.

His quixotic dream of creating a utopia

38. Quixotic अद् भुत Extremely idealistic, unrealistic and impractical was met with skepticism.

She was reticent and kept her thoughts

39. Reticent अल्पभाषी Not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily to herself.

A person who can endure pain or hardship Despite the challenges, he remained
40. Stoic उदासीन without showing their feelings or complaining stoic and focused on his goals.

He was a taciturn man, rarely engaging

41. Taciturn अल्पभाषी Reserved or uncommunicative in speech in conversation.

Mobile phones are ubiquitous in modern

42. Ubiquitous सिमव्यापी Present, appearing, or found everywhere society.

Having or showing a strong or unreasoning He was a vindictive person, holding

43. Vindictive प्रवतशोधी desire for revenge grudges for years.

Despite her shy nature, she was

परायोों के प्रवत xenodochial towards tourists visiting her
44. Xenodochial वमलनसार Being friendly to strangers town.

To have an intense feeling of longing for She yearned for a chance to see the
45. Yearn उत्कण्ठा होना something world.

A person who is fanatical and uncompromising in His zealotry prevented him from
46. Zealot धमाांध pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals understanding differing viewpoints.

Restrain oneself from doing or enjoying He decided to abstain from eating junk
47. Abstain बचना something food for health reasons.

The biennial conference was scheduled

48. Biennial वद्विावषमक Taking place every other year for next spring.

Connoisseur विशेषज्ञ An expert judge in matters of taste He was a connoisseur of fine wines.

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An imagined state or society where there is great The novel depicted a dystopia where
50. Dystopia दु भामग्यपूणम क्तस्थवत suffering or injustice freedom was severely restricted.

The rainbow is an ephemeral beauty

51. Ephemeral अल्पकावलक Lasting for a very short time that disappears as quickly as it forms.

His fanatic devotion to the cause

52. Fanatic कट्टर Filled with excessive and single-minded zeal disturbed his friends.

An unintentional act or remark causing His comment was a major gaffe that
53. Gaffe भूल embarrassment to its originator offended many people.

A person living in solitude as a religious The hermit lived alone in the mountains,
54. Hermit सोंन्यासी discipline away from the chaos of society.

55. A mode of behavior or way of thought peculiar to His love of old music is one of his
Idiosyncrasy विशेषता an individual idiosyncrasies.

Extreme patriotism, especially in the form of His speeches were often criticized for
56. Jingoism कट्टर राष्ट्रिाद aggressive or warlike foreign policy their jingoism.

57. As a kleptomaniac, he often stole items

Kleptomaniac चोरी का आदी A person who can't resist the urge to steal he didn't need.

He was a loquacious individual who

could keep the conversation going for
58. Loquacious बातूनी Tending to talk a great deal; talkative hours.

He was considered a maverick in his

industry due to his unconventional
59. Maverick स्वतोंत्र विचारक An independent-minded person ideas.

A person who has excessive interest in or His narcissistic behavior was off-putting
60. Narcissist आत्मसोंस्थ admiration of themselves to those around him.

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An official appointed to investigate individuals' The role of the ombudsman is to ensure

61. complaints against maladministration, especially that citizens' complaints are heard and
Ombudsman लोकपाल that of public authorities addressed.

A man who frequently forms and quickly

लड़वकयोों के पीछे terminates sexual relationships with women, or is His reputation as a philanderer harmed
62. Philanderer भागने िाला unfaithful to his wife or partner his public image.

A traitor who collaborates with an enemy force During the war, he was labeled a
63. Quisling गद्दार occupying their country quisling for his actions.

A convicted criminal who reoffends, especially As a recidivist, he found it difficult to

64. Recidivist पुनरािती अपराधी repeatedly break the cycle of crime.

His stentorian voice could be heard

65. Stentorian बुलोंदध्ववन A loud and powerful voice across the room.

शराब से परहे ज As a teetotaller, he always opted for

66. Teetotaller करने िाला A person who never drinks alcohol non-alcoholic drinks at parties.

अनवधकारी A person who takes a position of power or He was viewed as a usurper when he
67. Usurper अवधकारी importance illegally or by force claimed the throne.

A person without a settled home or regular work The vagrant had been traveling from city
68. Vagrant घुमक्कड़ who wanders from place to place to city for several years.

A person having a dislike of or prejudice against His xenophobic comments were met
69. Xenophobe विदे शी विरोधी people from other countries with widespread criticism.

नौकायान The experienced yachtsman won

70. Yachtsman करने िाला A person who sails yachts several sailing competitions.

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A person who is fanatical and uncompromising in He was a zealot, utterly devoted to his
71. Zealot कट्टर pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals political party.

He lived a life of abnegation, giving up

72. Abnegation त्याग The act of renouncing or rejecting something all personal luxuries.

The act or offense of speaking sacrilegiously His words were considered blasphemy
73. Blasphemy ईश-वनों दा about God or sacred things by the religious community.

A person displaying aggressive or exaggerated His chauvinist beliefs often led to heated
74. Chauvinist कट्टर राष्ट्रिादी patriotism arguments.

A forceful and bitter verbal attack against His speech was less a thoughtful
75. Diatribe वनों दात्मक भाषण someone or something critique and more a diatribe.

A feeling or state of intense excitement and The euphoria of winning the

76. Euphoria आनों द happiness championship lasted for weeks.

A person who believes that all events are As a fatalist, he believed that he had no
77. Fatalist भाग्यिादी predetermined and therefore inevitable control over his destiny.

A person who enjoys eating and often eats too He was a true gourmand, with a love for
78. Gourmand खूब खाने िाला much all kinds of food.

79. A person who is excessively anxious about their As a hypochondriac, he visited the
Hypochondriac रोग-भ्ाोंवत व्यक्ति health doctor often.

A person who attacks or criticizes cherished As an iconoclast, he was always

80. Iconoclast मू वतमभोंजक beliefs or institutions challenging traditional beliefs.

A huge, powerful, and overwhelming force or The multinational corporation was a

81. Juggernaut अवनरोध्य बल institution juggernaut in the industry.

82. Because of his kleptomania, he often

Kleptomaniac चोरी का आदी A person who has a compulsion to steal found himself in trouble with the law.

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As a libertarian, he strongly opposed

आत्मवनभमरता government intervention in personal
83. Libertarian समथमक A person who believes in free will choices.

He was a misanthrope who preferred to

84. Misanthrope मानि द्वे षी A person who dislikes humankind live in isolation.

A person who believes that life is meaningless His nihilistic views often led to heated
85. Nihilist नाक्तस्तक and rejects all religious and moral principles debates.

A person who takes advantage of opportunities

as and when they arise, regardless of planning He was an opportunist, always ready to
86. Opportunist अिसरिादी or principle take advantage of any situation.

A person who tends to see the worst aspect of As a pessimist, he was always
87. Pessimist वनराशािादी things or believe that the worst will happen preparing for the worst.

A person who dishonestly claims to have special The quack made false promises of a
88. Quack नकली डॉक्टर knowledge and skill in some field cure to desperate patients.

A person who deserts and betrays an He was considered a renegade when he

89. Renegade दरोगा organization, country, or set of principles switched his loyalty to the rival team.

A person inclined to question or doubt accepted As a skeptic, she always asked for
90. Skeptic सोंदेहिादी opinions evidence before accepting any claim.

A wealthy, powerful person in business or He is a real estate tycoon with

91. Tycoon धनी व्यक्ति industry properties all over the country.

The decision was unanimous; everyone

92. Unanimous सिमसम्मत (of two or more people) fully in agreement agreed to the proposed plan.

A person who wanders from place to place He chose a vagabond lifestyle, roaming
93. Vagabond आिारा without a home or job the country with no fixed address.
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विदे शी चीजोों का An individual who is attracted to foreign peoples, She is a xenophile, always interested in
94. Xenophile प्रेमी cultures, or customs learning about different cultures.

He is a yogi who has dedicated his life

95. Yogi योगी A person who is proficient in yoga to meditation and spiritual practices.

एक प्रकार का A large German dirigible airship of the early 20th He saw a zeppelin flying overhead, a
96. Zeppelin हिाई जहाज century rare sight these days.

A person who favors the abolition of a practice or

institution, especially capital punishment or He was an abolitionist who worked
97. Abolitionist उन्मूलनिादी slavery tirelessly to end slavery.

बकिास करने A person who talks at great length without His speech was full of blatherskite and
98. Blatherskite िाला making much sense lacked substance.

99. सोंकुवचत स्थान का She couldn't ride in elevators due to her

Claustrophobia भय Extreme or irrational fear of confined places claustrophobia.

A political leader who seeks support by The demagogue won support through
100. appealing to popular desires and prejudices fiery speeches that appealed to people's
Demagogue जनसम्मोहक ने ता rather than by using rational argument emotions.

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