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Letters to the Editor

els were still higher than normal (19 Antonio Gasbarrini, MD An 89-year-old woman came to the
U/mL; Figure 1). A 13C-urea breath Giovanni Gasbarrini, MD emergency room because of general-
test (BreathMat, FinniganMat) was Departments of Internal Medicine ized body weakness and a nonpro-
performed because of her worsening and Neurology ductive cough of 3 weeks’ duration.
dyspepsia and was found to be posi- Catholic University of Rome She reported vague, lower abdominal
tive. Endoscopy of the upper gastro- Rome, Italy pains, as well as significant weight loss
intestinal tract with multiple biopsies over the past few months. She re-
of the gastric mucosa showed super- 1. Nahass GT. Antiphospholipid antibodies ported no hematemesis, vomiting,
and the antiphospholipid antibody syn-
ficial antral gastritis and Helicobacter jaundice, melena, hematochezia, or
drome. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1997;36:149 –
pylori infection. Treatment with clar- 168. change in stool habits. Her medica-
ithromycin (500 mg twice daily), 2. Wilson WA, Gharavi AE, Koike T, et al. In- tions included aspirin and nonsteroi-
metronidazole (250 mg twice daily), ternational consensus statement on prelim- dal anti-inflammatory agents. There
and omeprazole (20 mg per day) was inary classification criteria for definite an-
was no family history of malignan-
tiphospholipid syndrome: report of an
administered for 7 days. Three cies. On admission, her vital signs
international workshop. Arthritis Rheum.
months later, another breath test 1999;42:1309 –1311. were normal except for an oral tem-
confirmed successful eradication of 3. Capel P. Antiphospholipid antibodies, lu- perature of 39.4⬚C. Examination of
the infection, and the patient re- pus anticoagulant and thrombosis. Rev Med her heart and lungs was unremark-
ported complete disappearance of Brux. 1997;18:108 –110.
4. Ren Z, Pang G, Lee R, et al. Circulating T cell
able. Her abdomen was slightly dis-
dyspeptic symptoms and a gradual tended, and no masses were palpable.
response to Helicobacter pylori infection in
resolution of the neurologic symp- chronic gastritis. Helicobacter. 2000;5:135– A rectal examination revealed no
toms. Her migraines significantly im- 141. masses and heme-negative stools.
proved, and the Raynaud’s phenom- 5. Isomoto H, Mizuta Y, Miyazaki M, et al. Im-
Laboratory data included a white
enon disappeared. Interestingly, aPL plication of NF-kappaB in Helicobacter py-
lori-associated gastritis. Am J Gastroenterol. blood cell count of 19,100 ⫻103 cells
antibodies levels became normal (IgG 2000;95:2768 –2776. per ␮L with 85% neutrophils, hemo-
9 U/mL, IgM 7 U/mL) in May 2000, 6. Bodger K, Crabtree JE. Helicobacter pylori globin of 10.4 with mean corpuscular
and remained so in October 2000. and gastric inflammation. Br Med Bull. volume of 82 fL, and normal platelets.
Although we cannot definitely as- 1998;54:139 –150.
7. Yamaoka Y, Kodama T, Kita M, et al. Rela-
Liver function tests were normal. Ra-
sert that H. pylori eradication was re- diographs of the chest and abdomen
tion between clinical presentation, Helico-
sponsible for the improvement, the bacter pylori density, interleukin 1␤ and 8 were unremarkable. A sonogram of
temporal association of the disap- production, and cagA status. Gut. 1999;45: the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas
pearance of aPLS after H. pylori erad- 804 – 811.
revealed a normal-size liver with no
ication is suggestive. H. pylori could gallstones and a normal pancreas. Re-
have acted as an aspecific promoter of sults of urine cultures were negative.
aPLS, through the chronic activation GEMELLA MORBILLORUM Blood cultures later revealed growth
of proinflammatory cells (4) and the BACTEREMIA of G. (Streptococcus) morbillorum. A
chronic systemic release of proin- ASSOCIATED WITH subsequent colonoscopy revealed a
flammatory cytokines (5–7). Alterna-
ADENOCARCINOMA OF fungating mass in the cecum. Biopsy
tively, cross-mimicry mechanisms
THE CECUM specimens showed a well-differenti-
between H. pylori and some cell sur-
ated adenocarcinoma. A transesoph-
face expressed phospholipids could
To the Editor: ageal echocardiogram showed a calci-
be the base for an autoimmune H. py-
The association between bactere- fied mitral annulus, no vegetations,
lori–induced reaction. We therefore
mia and gastrointestinal neoplasms is and normal left ventricular function.
suggest that H. pylori may be one of
well known. Since the first association The patient improved greatly after a
the infectious agents possibly in-
between Streptococcus bovis bactere- 2-week course of intravenous penicil-
volved in aPLS, although larger stud-
mia and colonic neoplasms was re- lin and gentamycin therapy, and re-
ies are needed to confirm this.
ported in 1977 (1), other streptococ- sults of repeat blood cultures were
Valerio Cicconi, MD cal species and bacteria associated negative. She refused to undergo sur-
Emilia Carloni, MD with underlying colonic malignancy gery or chemotherapy for the colon
Francesco Franceschi, MD include S. sanguis, S. salivarius, S. cancer.
Roberto Nocente, MD equinus, S. milleri, S. agalactiae, group How neoplasms of the colon pre-
Nicolo Gentiloni Silveri, MD G streptococci, and Clostridium septi- dispose to bacteremia is not under-
Raffaele Manna, MD cum (2–7). We report an association stood. The normal intestinal barrier
Serenella Servidei, MD between Gemella morbillorum and may be disrupted in neoplastic tis-
Anna Rita Bentivoglio, MD colon cancer. sues, permitting bacterial transloca-

164 August 1, 2001 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE威 Volume 111

Letters to the Editor

tion into the blood stream (8). ELEVEN-YEAR SURVIVAL was receiving prednisone, theophyl-
Gemella morbillorum is a commensal OF A PATIENT WITH line, albuterol, and ipratropium bro-
organism in the gastrointestinal, re- mide. He died of acute respiratory
spiratory, and genitourinary tracts in failure 1 month later, after refusing
AFTER BILATERAL endotracheal intubation.
humans. Human infections are rare,
but the spectrum of disease is very
PLEURODESIS Bullous sarcoidosis is one of the
similar to that caused by S. viridans. rare causes of several types of thin-
Isolated cases of endocarditis, septic To the Editor: walled lung cysts, the most common
shock, arthritis, and meningitis have Large bulli of the lungs can compli- being congenital bullous emphysema
been reported (9,10). Treatment con- cate end-stage sarcoidosis. That can (3). It is important to differentiate
sists of intravenous penicillin and cause respiratory failure, cor pulmo- bullous sarcoidosis from the cavitary
nale, and eventually death (1,2). We sarcoidosis that may be seen in the
gentamycin. Gemella morbillorum is
report the case of a patient with bul- early stages of the disease, character-
now on the list of bacteria that should
lous sarcoidosis who survived for 11 ized by central necrosis caused by
lead to a search for an underlying co-
years after repeated pneumothoraces conglomerate granulomas (4). Sur-
lonic neoplasm.
that were treated by bilateral pleu- gery to reduce lung volume is benefi-
Ramon Reyes III, MD
rodesis. cial in some patients with bullous sar-
Aberra Abay, MD A 57-year-old man had sarcoidosis coidosis (1,5). Bilateral pleurodesis
Mark Siegel, MD since 1968. Pleurodesis (with 1500 prevented recurrence of pneumotho-
Division of Gastroenterology mg tetracycline) was done on the left rax for 11 years in our patient. Pleu-
Beth Israel Medical Center side in 1986 and on the right side in rodesis might be a useful option for
New York, New York 1988 for several episodes of bilateral patients with bullous sarcoidosis and
pneumothorax. He had a chronic recurrent pneumothoraces who are
1. Klein RS, Recco RA, Catalano, MT, et al. cough and shortness of breath after- high-risk surgical candidates.
Association of Streptococcus bacteremia,
and underlying gastrointestinal disease.
ward that required home oxygen P. Dileep Kumar, MD
Arch Intern Med. 1977;297:800 – 802. therapy at 4 L/min. He also had a Donald L. Epstein, MD
2. Marinella MA. Streptococcus sanguis bacte- smoking history of 15 pack-years. Department of Medicine
remia associated with cecal carcinoma: The patient was admitted with ex- Huron Hospital/
case report and review of the literature. acerbation of shortness of breath in Cleveland Clinic Health System
Am J Gastroenterol. 1997;92:1541–1542. 1998. On physical examination he Cleveland, Ohio
3. Legier JF. Streptococcus salivarius meningi-
was alert; his pulse rate was 103 beats 1. Pena CM, Cosgrove DM, Eng P, et al. Bul-
tis and colonic carcinoma. South Med J.
1991;84:1058 –1059.
per minute, blood pressure 114/68 lectomies for bullous sarcoidosis. Cleveland
4. Gilon D, Moses A. Carcinoma of the colon mm Hg, and respirations 26 breaths Clinic J Med. 1993;60:157–160.
presenting as Streptococcus equinus bacte- per minute. The chest was hyperin- 2. Judson MA, Strange C. Bullous sarcoidosis.
remia. Am J Med. 1989;86:135–136. flated with hyperresonance to percus- A report of three cases. Chest. 1998;114:
5. Rich MW, Radwany SM. Streptococcus mil- 1474 –1478.
sion and decreased breath sounds. 3. Godwin JD, Webb WR, Savoca CJ, et al.
leri septicemia in a patient with colorectal Physical examination was otherwise Multiple thin walled cystic lesions of the
carcinoma. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis.
unremarkable. Total leukocyte count lung. Am J Roentgenol. 1980;135:593– 604.
6. Wiseman A, Rene P, Crelinsten GL. Strep-
was 5900/␮L, hemoglobin 10.5 g/dL, 4. Lynch JP, Kazerooni EA, Gay SE. Pulmo-
pH 7.33, PCO2 97 mm Hg, PO2 82 nary sarcoidosis. Clin Chest Med. 1997;18:
tococcus agalactiae endocarditis: an associ-
ation with villous adenomas of the large mm Hg, total CO2 53.4 mEq/L, oxy- 5. Teramoto S, Matsuse T, Ouchi Y. Sarcoid-
intestine. Ann Intern Med. 1985;103:893– gen saturation 95% on 4 liters of ox- osis is a significant cause of bullous emphy-
894. ygen, and angiotensin-converting en- sema. Chest. 1999;115:175–178.
7. Kornbluth AA, Danzig JB, Bernstein LH. zyme 10 IU/L (normal range, 9 to 67).
Clostridium septicum infection and associ-
ated malignancy. Report of 2 cases and re-
A chest radiograph showed multiple INCREASED PLASMA
view of the literature. Medicine (Balti- bilateral emphysematous bulli, and a ADRENOMEDULLIN
more). 1989;68:30 –37. computed tomography scan of the LEVELS IN KAWASAKI
8. Diethch EA, Berg R. Bacterial transloca- chest showed multiple bulli, calcified
tion from the gut: a mechanism of infec- hilar lymph nodes, and prominent
tion. J Burn Care Rehab. 1987;8:475– 482. interstitial marking. A gallium67 scan CORONARY ARTERY
9. Debast SB, Koot R, Mas JF. Infections
showed no uptake in the lungs. The INVOLVEMENT
caused by Gemella morbillorum. Lancet.
patient was treated with bronchodila-
10. Omran Q, Wood CA. Endovascular infec- tors, steroids, and antibiotics. He re- To the Editor:
tion and septic arthritis caused by Gemella fused lung reduction surgery and bul- Adrenomedullin is a potent vaso-
morbillorum. i. 1993;16:131–134. lectomy. At the time of discharge, he dilating and natriuretic peptide orig-

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