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Chapter 6 Practice Problem– Table Normalization

I. Consider the table below along with its Functional Dependencies

OID = Order ID, O_Date= Order Date, CID = Customer ID, C_Name = Customer Name,
C_State = Customer’s State, PID = Product ID, P_Desc =Product Description, P_Price =
Product Price, Qty = Quantity Purchased

You are asked to examine that table and normalize so that you have a correct design. For
that, answer/perform the following normalization steps:
a. If the table is at least in first normal form say why, otherwise convert it to 1NF.
b. Specify data anomalies examples for this table in 1NF
c. If the table is in second normal form say why, otherwise convert it to 2NF and
show all resulting tables of this step.
d. If the resulting tables in (c) are in third normal form say why, otherwise convert
them to 3NF and show all resulting tables of this step.
e. Draw the fully labeled Crow’s Foot ERD of the resulting DB structure. Show all
primary keys, foreign keys, and show for each relationship whether it is an
identifying relationship or not…

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