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Topic 1 - System fundamentals

Software life cycle

System life cycle

Topic 1 - System fundamentals (1) 1

1.1 Systems Organization
1.1.1 Planning a new system

When planning for a new system, the context in which it will be used is
important to be understood.

Context = background, environment, framework, setting, or situation

surrounding an system.

Two considerations when considering a new system:




What would be the context of introducing a new payment system for school

Topic 1 - System fundamentals (1) 2

Questions to consider:
• Will there be any organisational issues related to the new
• How will user roles be affected/change?
• Will any underlying technologies be affected/changed?

1.1.2 Need for change management

Changing a system can be difficult for a variety of reasons

Users do not like: e.g. too complex

New systems do not have old features

Old systems can be faster

Might lead to incompatibility

Might be data loss

Might be expensive

Change must be managed using the following steps:

Plan: Have clear valid reason and mission

Communicate: Communicate the change, and its factors, to the key


Integrate: If change allowed → Show plans for consultation with stakeholder


Evaluate: Wider organisation’s reactions to the change are evaluated at

every feasible oppurtunity

1.1.3 Outline compatibility issues resulting from situations including legacy systems
or business mergers.

Legacy system:

Old method technology

May/may not be supported for purchase

Topic 1 - System fundamentals (1) 3


Hardware: Floppy disks, parallel printer cables, connections like PS2

Software: Windows XP, Movie Maker, Industry-specific software

Computer systems: Amiga, Commodore 64


Definition: Combination of two entities or more, especially companies, into



ABC and Disney

Pfizer and Warner Lambert


Software compatibility

Language differences

Time zone differences

Workforce cultural differences

1.1.4 Compare the implementation of systems using a client’s hardware with hosting
systems remotely.

Local software

Program that is bought and installed on a particular computer or set of


Remote software

Program that is bought/rented/used and is installed on a computer

somewhere on the internet and then use through a browser or dedicated
local application


Stands for: Software-as-Service

Topic 1 - System fundamentals (1) 4

Also known as: on-demand software, hosted software or web-
based software

Software distribution model in which a third-party provider hosts

applications and make them available to customers over the

With SaaS, service provider needs to ensure security, availability

and performance

Coommon SaaS examples:

Microsoft Office 365

Google Apps

Amazon Web Services


1.1.5 Evaluate alternative installation processes

4 ways of implementing a system

Direct changeover

Old system is stopped and new system is started


minimal time and effort

new system is available immediately

Disadvantage: if the new system fails, there is no fall back

Parallel running

The new system is started, but the old system is kept running alongside

Data has to entered into both systems


If new system fails, old systems runs a backup

Topic 1 - System fundamentals (1) 5

output can be compared to see if new one is running correctly


Running two systems - cost time and money

Pilot running

The new system is piloted (tested) with a small subset of the


Once it is ran correct + no bugs → implemented accross the whole


Phased conversion

New system is introduced in phases as parts of the old system are

gradually replaced with the new system


Allow people to get used to the new system

Training of staff can be done in stages


If new system fails there is no fall back for that part of the system

1.1.6 Discuss problems that may arise as a part of data migration

Incompatible file formats

Data structure differences

Validation rules

Incomplete data transfers

International conventions on dates, currencies & character sets

1.1.7 Suggest various types of testing

Testing ensures that the system works as expected —> Very important

Static testing

- Reviews, walkthroughs, or inspections. Often implicit, like proofreading

Topic 1 - System fundamentals (1) 6

- Example: when the IDEs check source code or syntax.
- Involves verification

Dynamic testing

- actually executing programmed code with a given set of test cases

- takes place when the program is run.

- may begin before the program is 100% complete in order to test
particular sections/modules of code.

- Involves validation

Alpha testing
- performed by testers who are usually internal employees of
the organization
- performed at developer’s site

Beta testing
- performed by clients or users who are not employees of the organization

- performed at client location or end user of the product

Black-box testing (functional testing)

- treats software under test as a black-box without knowing its internals.

- Tests are using software interfaces and trying to ensure that they work
as expected.

White-box testing (structural testing)

- looks inside the software that is being tested and uses that knowledge
as part of the testing process.

User-acceptance testing
- Testing any new/updated system with its ultimate end users to see if it
meets their expectation is very important

Automated testing

Topic 1 - System fundamentals (1) 7

- use of special software tools to control the execution of tests and then
compares actual test results with predicted or expected results.

- done automatically with little or no intervention from the test engineer.

- used to add additional testing that may be too difficult to perform
manually of when the body of code that needs to tested is vast.

1.1.8 Describe the importance of user documentation

What is User documentation

Document that explains how to use the features and functions of a system to its


Make users aware of particular features or unable to use features that are
not immediately obvious.

Implementation faster because users require less training to learn how to

use the new system.

Does User Documentation provide detailed explanations of how the system


1.1.9 Evaluate different methods of providing user documentation

Different methods of providing user documentation

Printed manual

Manuals printed on paper and supplied together with the system.


They can be read through by users before starting to work with the
new system

Always available

Give help installing the system


Can be lost / misplaced / limited in number

Topic 1 - System fundamentals (1) 8

Often limited to a little booklet supplying little information apart from
how to install the system

Not be updated every time the system is updated

Help files

Files supplied together with the system. They can usually be called up with
a button in the system


Accessible at any time when using the program

Give general instructions on how to use the system

Give general instructions on how to solve some major errors


They can only be used after system has been installed.

They don't give any help when installing the solution

They often only deal with very general errors

They often lack a search capability, you have to look to find help for

your problem

Online support
Special web service hosted by the system's developer to provide user


They are often extensive compared to help files

They get continuously revised by the systems developer to deal

with the problems occurring most often (FAQs)

They often provide an option for live support, talking to a real

human operator if a problem arises which the user documentation
has no answer to

They often have search capabilities built-in so that users can easily
search through them

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1.1.10 Evaluate different methods of delivering user training.

Training end-users in using a new system is very important as productivity

greatly depend on how familiar they are with a system.

Online/remote training

An instructor training one user or a small group of users by some kind of

remote connection (Skype, Google Hangouts, Face time, etc.)

Most effective way of training as training can be suited to user's needs and
abilities, while being instructed by a professional that caters to specific


Structured learning environment

Expert on hand to answer questions

Curriculum designed to teach all aspects, including ones that might be

misunderstood or difficult to grasp

Flexible locations


Expensive – teachers & internet connection needed

Can feel ‘remote’ with no quick ‘hands on’

Has to be computer-based

Self instruction

- Users can learn how to use a new system on their own, provided they
have the right material to learn from.
- E.g. reading a manual or watching


- Lowest cost – only materials needed, no teachers/buildings

- Flexible timeline

Topic 1 - System fundamentals (1) 10

- Training tailored to exactly what users wants to learn


- With no guidance, user might feel lost/overwhelmed

- Unstructured learning means certain features might be


Formal classes

Users sitting in a classroom listening to an instructor who shows and

explains how to use the system.

Useful to train large amounts of staff as it is effective and relatively cheap,

but if the size of the classes is too big, there is little time to deal with
individual problems and questions.


Structured learning environment

Expert on hand to answer questions

Curriculum designed to teach all aspects, including ones that might be

misunderstood or difficult to grasp


Expensive – teachers, buildings and facilities needed

Rigid schedule and curriculum

Not much personalization possible

1.1.11 Identify a range of causes of data loss

Hardware/system malfunctions

Human error

Software corruption

Malicious software (viruses)

Natural disasters

Topic 1 - System fundamentals (1) 11

Threat from within: Malicious activity may be a result of activities by
employees within organisations or intruders.

1.1.12 Outline the consequences of data loss in a specified situation


Loss of a hotel reservation

Loss of a patient’s medical record

Loss of a financial transaction

Loss of a search engine request

Loss of a student’s test score

Loss of a password

1.1.13 Describe a range of methods that can be used to prevent data loss.

Failover system

Failover is the constant capability to automatically and seamlessly switch

to a highly reliable backup system.

This can be operated in a redundant manner or in a standby operational

mode upon the failure of a primary server, application, system or other
primary system component


Data redundancy is a condition created within a database or data storage

technology in which the same piece of data is held in two separate places.

This can mean two different fields within a single database, or two different
spots in multiple software environments or platforms.

Whenever data is repeated, this basically constitutes data redundancy.

Removable media

Removable media is any type of storage device that can be removed from
a computer while the system is running.

Examples: CDs, DVDs and Blu-Ray disks, as well as tapes and USB drives.

Easy to move data from one computer to another.

Topic 1 - System fundamentals (1) 12

Online storage (Cloud)

Type of service through which cloud computing resources and infrastructure

are used to create, edit, manage and restore data, services or application

This is done remotely over the internet.

Cloud backup may also be called online backup or remote backup.

1.1.14 Describe strategies for managing releases and updates


Process of launching a new product for a specific market or user base.

Done with a beta version so that core developers/users can assist with
debugging and feedback prior to the release of the actual software.


Software file contains fixes for problems found by other users or the
software developer.

Installing an update fixes the code and prevents the problems from
happening on your computer.

Updates fix problems with a program → free and available through the
program or the companies website.

Ways to get updates


Pro: Full control

Con: Time consuming


Pro: Don’t have to think/worry about updates, always up to date

Con: No control – bad update might crash the system


Software update comprised code inserted (or patched) into the code of an
executable program.

Topic 1 - System fundamentals (1) 13

Typically, a patch is installed into an existing software program.

Patches are often temporary fixes between full releases of a software


Patches may do any of the following:

Fix a software bug

Install new drivers

Address new security vulnerabilities

Address software stability issues

Upgrade the software

Release management

Continuous delivery

Software engineering approach in which teams produce software in

short cycles, ensuring that the software can be reliably released at
any time.

Aims at building, testing, and releasing software with greater speed

and frequency.

Helps reduce the cost, time, and risk of delivering changes by

allowing for more incremental updates to applications in production.

Agile development

Software development which requirements and solutions evolve

through collaborative effort of self- organizing and cross-functional
teams and their customers/end users.

Advocates adaptive planning, evolutionary development, early

delivery, and continual improvement.

Encourages rapid and flexible response to change.

DevOps (Development Operations)

Software engineering culture and practice that aims at unifying

software development (Dev) and software operation (Ops).

Topic 1 - System fundamentals (1) 14

Advocate automation and monitoring at all steps of software
construction, from integration, testing, releasing to deployment and
infrastructure management.

Shorter development cycles, increased deployment frequency, and

more dependable releases, in close alignment with business

1.2 System Design Basics

Important notes: Discuss a particular issue → Describe from many sides: Good vs bad,
positive vs negative, old vs new,…
Component of a computer system

1.2.1 Define the terms: hardware, software, peripheral, network, human resources


Physical parts of a computer and related devices


Components — Internal hardware devices: Motherboards, hard drives,

and RAM

Peripherals — External hardware devices: Monitors, keyboards, mice,

printers, and scanners


Consists of multiple devices that communicate with one another using a

transmission medium

Different size

Two types of network:

LANs and WANs


Set of instructions

Topic 1 - System fundamentals (1) 15


Consists of lines of code, written by programmers, compiled into computer


Stored as binary

Human resources

People who work for a company or organization

and department responsible for managing resources related to employees

Referred as end-users

1.2.2 Roles of a computer in a networked world

1 computer = many roles; depending on what software is installed on a

networked computer, it can do different taks

Two types



If an office has a server that stores the company’s database on it,

the other computers in the office that can access the database are
“clients of the server


Computer that provides data to other computers

May serve data to systems on LAN or WAN over the internet

Types of server: Web, mail, file with each type running software
specific to the purpose of the server


Web server run Apache HTTP server to provide access to


Mail server run Exim to provide SMTP service for sending email

File server: Use Samba/built in file sharing service to share files

over a network

Topic 1 - System fundamentals (1) 16

Hardware not important because server is software specific (regular
desktop can be made a server through addtion of software)

Client-Server Model

Shows how server provides resources + service to clients

Servers: Web servers, mail servers, file servers

Clients: Desktop, computers, laptops


One-to-many relationship: Single server can provide resources

to multiple clients at one time

Client requests connection → Server accept or reject

If connection accepeted, server establishes and maintains a

connection with the client over a specific protocol


Hardware that routes data

From a LAN

To another network connection

Can be:

Separate hardware device

Software loaded onto server

DNS Server

Stands for: Domain Name System server

Memoizable names for websites and other services on the Internet

DNS translates domain names into IP addresses, computers

access Internet by its IP addresses → Allow access internet
location through domain name


Topic 1 - System fundamentals (1) 17

Barrier between a trusted system/network AND outside connections
(eg. internet)

Filter → allow trusted data to get through

Created using hardware OR software

P2P (peer to peer) [no info]

1.2.3 Social and Ethical issues in networked world

What is social issue

Problem influences considerable number of individuals in a society





Media and Propagadan



What is ethical issue

Situation requires person/organizations to evaluate something as right or



Computer crime

Responsibility for computer failure

Protection of computer property, records and software


System design and analysis

Steps in designing a new system

1.2.4 Determine stakeholders

Topic 1 - System fundamentals (1) 18


Person, group or org that has interest and concern in an organizations

Not all stakeholders are equal: Considered and ranked in importance


Types of stakeholder:

design new system for greatest good for greatest number of people

1.2.5 Obtaining requirements from stakeholder


Walking around the organisation, watching how things are done with their

Advantages: Possiblity of gathering first-hand, unbiased info

Disadvantage: People work differently when being watched


Interviewing key people within system to find out how it works

Topic 1 - System fundamentals (1) 19


Detailed info to be gathered

Can gather Opinions

Disadvantage: Time-consuming


Handing out questionaires to be filled out


Large amount of data from Large group can be gathered

Takes little time to analyse



Hard to ask the right question

Can be biased as info is limited

Quality of response not ensured

Collection documents

Looking in the documents currently used in the system to try to find how the
present system works


Detailed info about present system can be gathered

Can see problems in the old system


Time consuming

Looking at just outputs can be confusin

1.2.6 Gathering information

Knowing exactly what’s going on + other info needed


Topic 1 - System fundamentals (1) 20

Examining current systems

Who does what

How do they do that

Think about 5 components of a computer system: Hardware software

network peripherals human resources …

Looking at competing products

Look at what competitiors are doing

Get idea what is possible/being done at the mmoment


Intellectual property: Something uniqe that you physically create, an

idea isn’t an intellectual property

You own intellectual property if you:

– created it (and it meets the requirements for copyright, a patent
or a design)
– bought intellectual property rights from the creator or a previous
– have a brand that could be a trade mark, e.g. a well-known
product name

Organizational capabilities

determining what the organization would be capable of.

• Can they afford a new system/new equipment?
• Can the staff use the new system? Training needed?
• Can they have any ‘downtime’ to upgrade?

Literature searches (web/hooks)

Book, magazines, websites

See what’s out there

Building/Designing the new system

1.2.7 Construct suitable representations to illustrate system requirements

Topic 1 - System fundamentals (1) 21

Types of illustrations

System flowchart

Diagram represents a process using symbols containing info about

steps or a sequence of events

Each symbol is linked with arrows to illustrate flow direction

IB only uses two shapes for all comands:

Data flow diagram

Maps out the flow of information for any process or system

Uses symbols like rectangles, circles, and arrows, plus short text labels,
to show data inputs, outputs, storage points, and the routes between
each destination

Structure chart

Represents organization of a system, showing different parts in

hierarchical order (usually)

Topic 1 - System fundamentals (1) 22


UML class diagrams (links to Topic D)

Wireframes (links to IA

1.2.8 Purpose of prototypes to demonstrate the proposed system to the client


Topic 1 - System fundamentals (1) 23

Abstract representations of the system, often focusing on only one/two
key aspects

Important in testing as each of component can be tested before

implementing, and to illustrate the working of the future system to the client


Fail early and inexpensively

quickly weed out the approaches that don’t work to focus on the ones
that do.

Gather more accurate requirements

interviews and focus groups can fall short because many people
find it difficult to conceptualize a product before they see it.

prototype demonstrate the functionality to help solidify requirements

for the final design

Technically understand the problem

forced to address both the foreseen and the unforeseen technical
challenges of a device’s design.

Stages in developing a prototype

Topic 1 - System fundamentals (1) 24

1.2.9 Importance of iteration during design process

Iteration: 2 meanings

Action or a process of iterating/repeating

Meaning 1: a procedure in which repetition of a sequence of operations

yields results successively closer to a desired result (linked to prototyping)

Meaning 2: the repetition of a sequence of computer instructions a specified

number of times or until a condition is met (links to loops, an alternative to

Design cycle

Topic 1 - System fundamentals (1) 25

Topic 1 - System fundamentals (1) 26
1.2.10 Consequences of failing to involve the end-user in the design process

Users unsatisfied

Unsuited for user’s problem, affecting productivity

1.2.11 Social and ethical issues associated with the introduction of new IT systems
(Look at 1.2.3 to see what Social and Ethical issues is)

Possible topics for discussion:

• Robots replacing humans

• AI algorithms replacing human workers
• New systems being addictive/frustrating/less efficient
• New systems prompting new markets (mPesa/Amazon)
• Accessibility changing work-patterns
• Software changes driving hardware changes and vice versa

Human interaction with the system

1.2.12 Define the term usability


How well the form fits the function

Understanding interactions among humans and elements of a system →

Optimize human well-being and system performance


Design of products, devices, services, or environments for people with

disabilities or specific needs

Includes specialist peripherals/software like:

Braille keyboards


Accessible controllers

Screen readers

Voice synthesizers


Topic 1 - System fundamentals (1) 27

Ease of use + learnability of human-made object

Object can be software, website, machine, process, or anything human

interacts with


Accessbility + ergonomics = Usability

Usability + Utility = Useful

1.2.13 Range of usability problems with commonly used digital devices


Difficult to handle hardware

Difficult to understand software

Complex UI

Need lots of prior knowledge

Needs specialist

Each device is different from similar ones

1.2.14 Methods improve accessiblity


Design of products, devices, services, or environments for people with

disabilities or specific needs

Includes specialist peripherals/software like:

Braille keyboards


Accessible controllers

Screen readers

Voice synthesizers

Types of disabilities


Topic 1 - System fundamentals (1) 28


Mobility and Dexterity


Ways to improve accessiblity

Touch screens

Voice recogntion


Braille keyboard

1.2.15 Usability problems in a system

Systems to consider


Online payroll


Voice recognition

Systems that can provide feedback

Possible issues

Can’t access system

Can only access certain parts

Misunderstand what system requires as input

Can’t access the output

1.2.16 Moral, ethical, social economic and evironmental implications of interaction

between humans and machines

What is social issue

Problem influences considerable number of individuals in a society



Topic 1 - System fundamentals (1) 29



Media and Propagadan



What is moral issue

Problem presented as any issue with potential to help or harm anyone ,

including oneself




Disadvantaging someone



Social constructs

What is ethical issue

Situation requires person/organizations to evaluate something as right or



Computer crime

Responsibility for computer failure

Protection of computer property, records and software


What is economic issue

Problem/situation concerned with organization of money, industrym and

trade of a country, region, or society

Topic 1 - System fundamentals (1) 30


Generating income




What is environmental issue

Problems concerned with protection of natural world of land, sea, air plants,
and animals

– Global warming
– Electronic waste
– Plastic waste
– Power generation
– Fuel / Batteries
– Loss of habitat
– Dangerous chemicals

Topic 1 - System fundamentals (1) 31

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