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Concept Art From Tim Burton's SUPERMAN

LIVES Featuring Brainiac, Eradicator &


Conceptual illustrator, Rolf Mohr, was tasked with creating character,

costume and ship designs for Tim Burton's defunct Superman Lives. The
infamous Superman film that would've starred Nicolas Cage as Kal-El. Hit
the jump to check them out.
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By nailbiter111 - 5/2/2013

Ah yes, the Superman film that never was. Picture it in you heads, it's the summer of 1998, Nicolas Cage isn't a
washed up actor taking on every role he can to payoff his IRS bill, but stilly whacky as ever. And he is your
Superman, while his love interest, Lois Lane, is played by Courtney Cox. You know before she stuff her face
with Botox, and now you need a crowbar to make her smile. And then imagine that sassy young comedian,
Chris Rock as... Jimmy Olsen!? Okay. Oddly enough, Kevin Spacey, was the first choice for Lex Luthor, and we
all know how memorable he was in that role for Superman Returns. But my favorite casting choice was Tim
"Tool Time" Allen ("Home Improvement") as Brainiac.

Even though the film was never made we still have lots of concept art for us to look upon, and wonder, what

"The confirmed details of Wesley Strick's script indicate that, like the previous versions, it followed the "Death
of Superman" story. A notable departure from that work is the fact that once Brainiac arrives on Earth, he and
Lex Luthor eventually merge into a single entity dubbed "Luthiac". Thematically, Burton and Strick worked to
underscore Superman's alienation by virtue of the fact that Superman (Kal-El) is -- literally -- an alien." -
Superman Wiki
Art Created by Rolf Mohr

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