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SATURDAY www.thehindu.

May 18, 2024

18 Pages ₹ 12.00


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Why delay in uploading

turnout data, SC asks EC
Association for Democratic Reforms notes there was also an unusually sharp spike in figures from
the initial voter turnout percentages released by the poll panel, creating doubts about authenticity

Krishnadas Rajagopal election.

NEW DELHI The NGO said that there
was also an unusually
he Supreme Court sharp spike in figures from

T on Friday orally
asked the Election
Commission (EC) to ex-
the initial voter turnout
percentages released by
the EC. The development
plain its inability to imme- has raised alarm bells in
diately upload on its web- the public’s mind about
site authenticated, the authenticity of the
scanned and legible ac- polling data available and
count of votes recorded even whether the elec-
booth-wise after each tronic voting machines
phase of polling in the Lok (EVMs) have been
Sabha election. switched.
“Every Polling Officer Senior advocate Manin-
submits [voting records] der Singh, for the EC, said
by the evening, after 6 or 7 the application was a de-
p.m., by which time the counsel. plication filed by NGO As- liberate attempt to disturb
polling is completed. The Rule 49S and Rule 56C sociation for Democratic the general election. Mr.
Returning Officer would (2) of the Conduct of Elec- Reforms, represented by Singh said a judgment of
then be having the data of tion Rules, 1961 require advocates Prashant the Supreme Court on
the entire constituency. the Presiding Officer to Bhushan, Neha Rathi and April 26 had discussed ev-
Why don’t you upload it?” prepare an account of Cheryl D’Souza, alleging ery aspect, including
Chief Justice of India D.Y. votes recorded in Form inordinate delay in the pu- Form 17C, threadbare.
Chandrachud, heading a 17C (Part I) format. blication of voter turnout
three-judge Bench, asked The question from the data of the first two phases CONTINUED ON
the apex poll panel’s Bench was based on an ap- of polling in the Lok Sabha » PAGE 8

Spain blocks arms ship

from Chennai to Israel
Dinakar Peri fairs Spokesperson Rand-
Kallol Bhattacherjee hir Jaiswal only said that
NEW DELHI they have seen the report
of the ship and will revert
Spain has refused entry to with more information.
a ship carrying arms from
Chennai to Israel to dock ‘Consistent policy’
at one of its ports, its Fo- Mr. Albares had said,
reign Minister José Manuel “This will be a consistent
Albares has said. policy with any ship carry-
The Denmark-flagged ing arms to Israel that
cargo ship Marianne Dani- wants to call at Spanish
ca sailed from Chennai on ports.”
April 8 and was headed to “The Foreign Ministry
the port of Haifa in Israel, will systematically reject
according to maritime such stopovers for one ob-
tracking portals and Span- vious reason: the Middle
ish media. East does not need more
weapons, it needs more
Critical stand peace,” he stated.
Spain has been extremely The ship was carrying
critical of the rising civi- 27 tonnes of explosives ac-
lian casualties due to the cording to local reports. It
Israeli offensive in Gaza was to make a port call at
and, along with Belgium, Cartegena in Spain.
has suspended arms ex-
port licences to Tel Aviv. CONTINUED ON
Ministry of External Af- » PAGE 8

Nearly 6 million trees disappeared from farmlands: study

Jacob Koshy declining as the analysis satellite that has a coarser spot areas have lost up to
NEW DELHI was specific to only large resolution of 10 metres — 50% of their large farmland
trees above a certain size. implying that they can tell trees, with up to 22 trees
In a mere three years, from The Forest Survey of In- apart blocks of trees but per square kilometre dis-
2019 to 2022, India may dia (FSI) conducts regular not individual ones. appearing. Smaller hotspot
have lost close to 5.8 mil- surveys of tree cover but areas of loss are also ob-
lion full-grown trees in only publishes data on the Hotspots served, such as in eastern
agricultural lands, says a changes in acreage and not Trees detected by Rapi- Madhya Pradesh around
satellite-imagery-based individual trees. The latest dEye had an average crown Indore.”
analysis by researchers at FSI report says that India’s size (the leafy outgrowth of The tree loss estimate
the University of Copenha- tree cover has increased in tree) of 96 sq.m and such a was on the “conservative”
gen, Denmark, published 2021 over 2019. high loss rate of mature side and most of the losses
this week in the peer-re- The present analysis fo- trees over less than a de- were likely between 2018
viewed journal Nature cuses on farmlands and cade is “unexpected”, the and 2020, they noted.
Sustainability. tracks individual trees, al- authors note. One of the authors told
Additionally, 11% of such beit only big ones, relying Green tracker: The study focused on Indian farmlands and it “The disappearance of The Hindu that the abso-
trees detected via satellite on maps from multiple ‘mi- tracked individual trees over the past three years. FILE PHOTO mature farmland trees was lute number of trees lost
during 2010-2011 were no cro-satellites’, and ma- observed in many areas, since 2010 could not be es-
longer visible when re- chine learning analysis to have been largely “over- ber from 2010 to 2022. but numbers rarely exceed timated as “.. images from
viewed from 2018 to 2022, estimate trends, beginning looked”, the authors say. These have resolutions of five to 10%, except for 2010 to 2011 are not always
leading the researchers to in 2010. About 56% of In- For their analysis, the three to five metres, mean- areas in central India, in good and it was not a wall-
conclude that these trees dia is covered by farmland researchers combined sa- ing that the satellite can particular in the States of to-wall (tree) mapping
had “disappeared”. and 22% by forest. With the tellite-imagery from two “see” large trees, three to Telangana and Maharash- exercise”.
However, this doesn’t largest agricultural area in repositories — RapidEye five metres apart, as indivi- tra, where we document
necessarily imply that In- the world, changes in tree and PlanetScope — to esti- dual trees. The FSI relies massive losses of large CONTINUED ON
dia’s overall tree cover is cover here, while critical, mate changes in tree num- on data from the Sentinel trees. Here, several hot- » PAGE 8
Saturday, May 18, 2024 5

Kerala braces
for another
season of
The Hindu Bureau

Kerala is bracing for yet

another season when in-
fectious diseases are ex-
pected to peak and any
slackening in adoption of
precautions can lead to
loss of lives, according to
Health Minister Veena
In a statement here on
Friday following a high-le-
vel meeting of Health De-
partment officials, Ms. Ge-
orge said all departments
had to undertake mea-
sures for the upcoming
monsoon season in a coor-
dinated manner as the in-
tense heatwave and the
summer showers that fol-
lowed could possibly lead
to an unusual spike in all
infectious diseases in the
next few months.
The Minister said secon-
dary infections were being
reported in many who con-
tracted hepatitis A, which
could turn dangerous.
Those who are affected by
hepatitis should necessari-
ly take rest for six weeks
and follow the health advi-
sory issued by public
health officials, she said.

IMD warning
Meanwhile, a Friday even-
ing update from the India
Meteorological Depart-
ment (IMD) said Palakkad
and Malappuram are on
orange alert for isolated
heavy-to-very heavy rain-
fall on Saturday.
Rainfall is expected to
strengthen significantly ov-
er Kerala from Sunday, it

Archaeologist finds first evidence of rock

art in form of footprints in Mangaluru city
The Hindu Bureau Rock art, he said, is re-
MANGALURU ferred to paintings and
rock paintings, which were
The first evidence of rock unquestionable cognitive
art in Mangaluru city has evidences of illiterate so-
been found near Boloor cieties.
Panne Koteda Babbu Swa- He discovered a rock
my shrine, according to T. site in Buddhanajeddu in
Murugeshi, retired Asso- Udupi district in 2009,
ciate Professor, Ancient which, he said, was an im-
History and Archaeology, portant rock art site of
MSRS College, Shirva. coastal Karnataka. In this
Mr. Murugeshi said the site, he found more than
rock art is in the form of a 20 footprints on laterite
pair of human footprints, Rock art in the form of a pair of human footprints was found in surface, and it belonged to
found on a natural stone Mangaluru. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT the first or second century
boulder near the shrine. A.D. There was evidence of
These footprints might gend of the region,” he nabavi Kordabbu Trust, Pa- pottery and stone tools of
have been created in the said. dubidri, Udupi district. neolithic period at the
first or second century This discovery, Mr. Mu- “This discovery gives a Buddhanajeddu site.
A.D. rugeshi said, is part of the clue to search for similar The rock art form disco-
“This will make us reth- work of recreating history art forms near other vered near Babbu Swamy
ink about the origin of Bab- of Babbu Swamy, taken up shrines of Babbu Swamy,” shrine in Boloor does not
bu Swamy, a revered le- in association with Minchi- he told The Hindu. have any relative evidence.
6 Saturday, May 18, 2024

Editorial Delhi

After the civil war, the stifling impasse in Sri Lanka

decade-and-a-half cannot heal the organisations has only disempowered families politics. Within the North and the East,
deep wounds from a protracted civil and trapped them in dependence. Many families, Tamil-Muslim relations remain strained. The
war. Tens of thousands of people especially women, have been pushed into Northern Muslims evicted in an act of ethnic
perished across Sri Lanka’s north and predatory microfinance debt. cleansing by the LTTE in October 1990 have
east even as it witnessed enormous destruction. Tamil politics across the spectrum has been hardly been reintegrated into Jaffna. The Hill
Concerns of truth, accountability and justice negligent about the concerns of local livelihoods, Country Tamils of Indian origin, or Malaiyaha
linger, while questions of past and future political Ahilan as they are beholden to their class and social Tamils, who were displaced from the plantations
choices loom large. In this context, the Kadirgamar interests, with one foot in the Tamil diaspora. to the North during successive pogroms, and
emergence of a new generation should at the very is a political Politicians who talk big on accountability, following their disenfranchisement, found little
least begin to change the social, economic, and economist and Senior especially to international actors, hardly engage solidarity in the North. They became bonded
political landscape of a war-torn region. However, Lecturer, University of with ordinary people. They peddle the myth of labour, then the cannon fodder for the civil war,
economic reconstruction has hardly progressed, Jaffna, Sri Lanka diaspora remittances sustaining war-affected and many to this day remain landless or settled in
with subsequent crises setting back development communities, when, in reality, such remittances land unsuitable for agriculture. Caste oppression
further. Politics remains polarised and fraught only reach a very small segment of the urban in Jaffna is now reconsolidating by stealth around
without a political settlement. The social Tamil middle class. the temples funded by the Tamil diaspora, while
aspirations of the Tamil middle class remain some groups are attempting Hindutva-styled
wedded to somehow joining the diaspora, even as Polarisation and the minorities communal mobilisations.
the working people living in the island’s north For the economic and political trajectory in the
and east remain destitute with few options. How North and East after the war, it is the Rajapaksa Future of the Tamil people
does one explain this post-war impasse? And, regime that must take much of the blame for its Reflecting on the misery and dispossession of our
what is the way out for Sri Lanka’s war-torn jingoistic war victory celebration, a continued people today, one is reminded of the powerful
people? militarisation and the vulgar projection of Sinhala words of the Tamil leftist, V. Karalasingham. In
Buddhist nationalism. That said, it is unfortunate his book titled, The Way Out for the Tamil
Derailed reconstruction that Tamil nationalist politics continues to mirror speaking people, he had the following to say in
Trains that were not seen by generations in the its Sinhala counterpart in its self-sustenance 1963, just 15 years after Independence.
north resumed a decade ago. Banks and through a polarising discourse. Little has changed “We now come against a strange paradox. The
supermarkets were built along the carpeted in its dominant clamour for Tamil rights, as it Tamil speaking people have been led in the last
roads, even as plush hotels opened for tourists harks back to the rhetoric of the Liberation Tigers decade by an apparently resolute leadership
and the Tamil diaspora began visiting Jaffna town. of Tamil Eelam, basks in enfeebling victimhood, guided by the best intentions receiving not
Yet, beneath this seeming prosperity, just a few and an unending faith in the international merely the widest support of the people but also

miles into the countryside, the travails of the community. The regular post-war pilgrimages to their enthusiastic cooperation and yet the Tamil
masses were evident in their desperation for the UN Human Rights Council by the political speaking people find themselves at the lowest
stable livelihoods. Just as some rural communities actors, social allies in civil society, and the ebb in their history. Despite all their efforts the
began overcoming these challenges, when their virulent sections of the Tamil diaspora, conjure people have suffered one defeat after another,
fields, home gardens and coconut trees began bombastic hopes in the Tamil public sphere. For one humiliation after another. How is one to
bearing fruit, Sri Lanka descended into chaos them, this so-called accountability process is explain the yawning gulf between the strivings of
again. predicated on delivering international the people and the virtually hopeless impasse in
The Easter terror bombings of April 2019 intervention. which they find themselves?”
shook the country, followed by the COVID-19 In the meantime, political actors in the South No one would have imagined six decades ago,
pandemic and now the economic crisis, the worst and the North have hardly built social and how much worse the situation of the Tamil
since Sri Lankan Independence. For a population economic bridges between the communities people could become, and to what decrepit
that was surfacing from the dredges of war and towards political reconciliation. Devolution of depths Tamil politics could descend. The future
dispossession, and turning its focus towards the power to the regions and power-sharing at the of the Tamil people is dependent on rejecting
education of its children and the employment of centre have been repeatedly dumped for political bankrupt Tamil nationalism and forging a new
its youth, the current moment signals the loss of expediency by those wielding power in Colombo. vision for themselves and the entire country.
another generation. Indeed, that was the case with regime change in In the great revolt of 2022 or the ‘Aragalaya’,
Economic misery is seen nation-wide, as is 2015, when a major opening towards a political where Sri Lankans from different ethnic and
outmigration with the long circling lines outside settlement was lost in the rivalry between then religious backgrounds came together to chase
the passport office. For the deprived and the President Maithripala Sirisena and Prime Minister away a President, who had claimed the status of a
landless among the war-torn people, migration is Ranil Wickremesinghe. The persisting supreme war hero and custodian of
out of question, economic opportunities are next intransigence of the national leadership, along Sinhala-Buddhist nationalism, there is inspiration
to nil, and hunger is the new normal. Yet, there is with the takeover of lands owned by the Tamil for what our country can be.
no one to listen to them, much less to provide
The future of and Muslim minorities by the state, and ongoing Despite the authoritarian and economic
them support. Sinking in its crises, now the Tamil attacks on memorialisation of the war dead repression today, the years ahead could take us
compounded by International Monetary people is reflect a grim reality. on a different path, charted by the struggles for
Fund-prescribed austerity measures, the state has dependent on There was the historic opportunity with the social and economic justice confronting the most
abandoned them. forging a new election of the first Northern Provincial Council formidable economic crisis in close to a century.
The myth of reviving the war-torn regions with vision for in 2013, but it ended its tenure with utter disgrace The Tamil people must rethink their strategies,
the Tamil diaspora’s deep pockets stands exposed themselves and in 2018, where the Tamil nationalist leadership depart from the isolationist and suicidal politics
by the meagre flow of investment funds. The had nothing to show even in terms of political or that has reduced them to historical irrelevance,
international donor development projects that
the entire economic vision for its constituencies. The racism and join forces with all the peoples to determine
focused on infrastructure after the war have country, based and arrogance of the political elite in Colombo not just their own future but also the democratic
hardly revived the local economy. In fact, on equality and the hollowness of the Tamil political future of the country, based on equality and
individualised assistance by non-government and freedom leadership have been the bane of Sri Lankan freedom.

Stay invested
India should not tailor its ties with Iran
to U.S. foreign policy changes

y signing a 10-year agreement with Iran
to develop and operate the Chabahar
port, India has taken its infrastructure
and trade partnership with the Islamic Republic
to the next level despite tensions in West Asia. In-
dia will invest $120 million and offer a credit facil-
ity of $250 million to further develop the termi-
nal it operates in Chabahar’s Shahid Beheshti
port and related projects. However, after the deal
was signed, the U.S. State Department said enti-
ties considering business deals with Iran “need to
be aware that they are opening themselves up to
and the potential risk of sanctions”. In the past,
American sanctions on Iran had delayed the pro-
ject. Conceived in 2003, the project did not take
off for years after the U.S. and the UN imposed
sanctions on Tehran over its nuclear programme.
India signed a memorandum of understanding in
2015 after Washington eased sanctions on Iran
following that year’s nuclear agreement, and in
2016, the contract was executed during Prime Mi-
nister Narendra Modi’s Iran visit. The U.S.’s un-
ilateral withdrawal from the nuclear deal in 2018
and reimposition of sanctions on Iran raised
questions on India’s continued cooperation with
Tehran. But India managed to win a carve-out
from U.S. sanctions that allowed it to operate the
port through ad hoc measures.
The Chabahar port is critical for India’s con-
nectivity plans. First, it offers an alternative route
to Afghanistan and Central Asia by bypassing Pa-
kistan, allowing better trade with Central Asia.
And, Chabahar is expected to be connected to
the International North-South Transport Corri-
dor (NSTC), bringing India closer to Europe
through Iran, Azerbaijan and Russia. An alterna-
tive to the Suez route, a fully operational NSTC
would reduce the time and money spent on inter-
continental trade. The port, roughly 200 km
from Pakistan’s Gwadar, where China is develop-
ing a port as part of its BRI, would also help India
expand its geopolitical influence in Central Asia.
But the U.S. seems to have taken a narrow view of
the project over its hostility with Iran. America’s
interests in the region have also changed. In 2018,
when U.S. forces were backing the Islamic Repu-
blic government in Afghanistan, it gave a sanc-
tions waiver to India as Kabul also stood to bene-
fit from the port project. Today, U.S. troops are
out of Afghanistan, the Taliban has replaced the
Islamic Republic, and the U.S.’s focus is on con-
taining Iran. India, in the past, had taken U-turns
in its Iran engagement depending on the policy
changes in Washington DC. It should not do that
any more. It should stay invested in Chabahar
and seek to improve its trade and connectivity
projects with Central Asia, which is essential for
India’s continued rise.
Saturday, May 18, 2024 7

These women are the reason you see some

greenery around. Otherwise, the forest fires
would have ruined everything. They risk
their lives to save our mountains.
Head of ‘Jungle Ke Dost’

across the State against those found setting the

forests on fire. In most cases, people who were
arrested had attempted to burn stubble, but had
failed to control the fires which spread due to
strong winds, the government said.
The 380-page interim status report submitted
by the government in Court said that a section of
the media had reported that 40% of Uttarakhand
was burning, which was “misleading”, and that
only 0.1% of forest cover was affected by fires.
The State informed the Court that the State Disas-
ter Response Force and the National Disaster Res-
ponse Force had been deployed to tackle the for-
est fires. The Indian Air Force was using Bambi
Buckets (collapsible containers that hang from a
helicopter and release large amounts of water in
targeted areas) to douse the flames, it said.
The government added in the report that the
Uttarakhand Forest Fire Mitigation Project 2023-
28 was pending with the Central government.
The report also said that forest fires were not
“new” in the State and that there was no longer
an “emergency” situation.

The government informed the Court that it is
tying up with IIT Roorkee to explore the option of
cloud seeding to increase precipitation and trig-
ger rainfall. Dismissing this solution, the Court
said “cloud seeding or depending on [the] rain
gods is not the answer” to forest fires.
A forest fire in Nainital district in Uttarakhand on May 6, 2024. Since November 2023, when forest fires began to rage, there have been 1,038 incidents in the State. SHASHI SHEKHAR KASHYAP The next day, after rains, the government
claimed credit for having “controlled” the forest
fires completely. But fires have raged on. On May

The burning hills

Frooti, a popular, sweet mango-flavoured drink; 17 alone, 11 forest fires were reported.
and some biscuits. Pathak has ordered these, and On the same day, the Court adjourned the case
the forest ranger, Manoj Lohani, has paid for to September 2024 after expressing satisfaction
them. The women tie the packets to the corner of with the State’s response on the measures it was
their sarees to take home for their children. taking to tackle the problem. The State said that it
One of them, Indumati, a housewife, is desper- had used the entire Compensatory Afforestation

of Uttarakhand
ate to go home. “Sir, please take me,” she says to Fund for firefighting and fire prevention and was
Pathak, who is with them. “My six-month-old filling up vacant posts at the field level in the for-
child must be hungry. I breastfed him at 10 a.m. est department, among other things.
before coming here. It’s 6:30 p.m. now,” she says, The Congress was quick to use this issue in its
as she wipes her worn-out slippers. Lok Sabha election campaign to target the State
Pathak stops a Jeep passing by and asks the government, led by the Bharatiya Janata Party
women to sit inside. Lohani gives a few of the wo- (BJP). “While fires continued to burn the forests
Five people were killed in May in forest fires that have been raging in Uttarakhand since last November. The men a gardening rake before they climb into the in April, Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami was
vehicle They use this to clear the forest line so busy travelling to other States to campaign for
forest department attributes the fires to out-migration, high-tension wires, and the abundance of pine trees, that fires can be stopped early. BJP candidates. Even the Forest Minister, Subodh
while the State government has said in the Supreme Court that the fires are completely manmade. Ishita “These women are the reason you see some Uniyal, was campaigning in Assam,” said Garima
greenery around. Otherwise, the forest fires Dasauni, the spokesperson of Congress.
Mishra travels across the State and finds that villagers, mostly women, are helping extinguish the flames would have ruined everything. It is sad that we After completing his campaign, Dhami met
are not in a position to do anything for them. with officials and ordered the police to charge
They risk their lives to save our mountains,” says those found setting the forests on fire with the
n May 2, Gyanu Chalaune and his wife est department website, Uttarakhand has Pathak, who feels that the government must pro- Gangster Act and the Uttarakhand Public and

O Basanti trudged up the hills in Sunra-

kot village in the scenic district of Al-
mora in Uttarakhand to collect resin
from the chir pine trees in the forest. The couple
had moved from Nepal to Uttarakhand just last
In an
3,94,383.84 ha of chir pine forests. Chir pine
trees constitute 15% of the 13 varieties of trees in
the State.
“In this environment already conducive to
fires, forest fires spread quickly when villagers
vide life insurance for the people of the State who
help mitigate forest fires.
On being asked why there are more women
than men in the group, Debuli Devi, 65, says, “Ye
aadmi hi to jungle main aag lagate hain. Woh kya
Private Property Damage Recovery Act, 2024.

Where solutions lie

Pathak believes that great injustice is being done
to the chir pine tree, which many people in Utta-
year for a better life and education for their three conducive to burn stubble in the fields. Villages and forests are ise bhujayenge? (It is the men who set the forest rakhand hold as the main culprit of the fires.
children. The temperature that morning was fires, forest interspersed in the State. Forest fires also occur on fire. How will they douse the fire?)“ “This tree, which hardly needs maintenance, is a
above 30°C. They worked to extract the resin, fires spread when people leave burnt cigarettes in the forest Similarly, in Patwa Dagar village of Nainital dis- major source of timber and fuel wood. Its trunk is
called leesa in the hills, for Ramesh Bakuni, a con- quickly or set forests on fire to clear the land in the belief trict, Sunil Rawat says he has helped extinguish used to make furniture. Its leaves are used for
tractor. They earned ₹50,000-60,000 if they that it will boost the growth of fodder,” he says. more than 20 forest fires since April 19. “Sitlakhet decoration. Its bark is a source of charcoal, resin,
worked for 10 hours a day for six months. is not the only place where this happens. Villag- and coal tar, which are not just used by villagers,
As they were getting ready to leave, the couple villagers Dousing fires for a mango drink, biscuits ers across the State come in large numbers to but also sold to earn money,” he says. “Is there
heard a scream. They saw a man running on the burn stubble It is May 6. In Almora’s Sitlakhet, located 1,900 support the forest department, which has now any other tree which gives us so much?”
hilltop, desperately trying to shake off flames that in the fields. meters above sea level in the Kumaon Himalayas, woken up from a deep slumber, to control these The State has developed a concept to generate
had engulfed him. They realised with horror that DHANANJAY the hills, laden with tall trees, which were once incidents,” he says. electricity from pine needles, which fall from the
he was Deepak Pujara, a friend. The Chalaunes MOHAN green, are not visible from the balconies of The District Forest Officer of Nainital, Chandra trees from mid-March until the onset of rains in
scrambled to the hilltop and found Pujara’s wife, In-charge, Head of homes in the villages; they have disappeared un- Shekhar Joshi, says the forest department has July every year. But the low price offered for the
Forest Force in
Tara, lying on the ground, half burnt. Quickly, Uttarakhand der a thick cover of smog. sent a proposal to the State government asking collection of these needles is not helping.
they broke a green branch off a nearby tree and The trees are now black, and the ashes of for remuneration for the villagers who help miti- This year, Dhami announced the start of a
began hitting Pujara, even as their clothes caught burnt pine leaves cover the forest floor. The gate fires. Nainital district, with the largest forest scheme, Pirul Lao-Paise Pao (bring pine leaves
fire. Before anyone could help them, the four vic- mountains, which always promise clean and cool area (70.67%) in the State, has around 300 forest and get money), under which the State purchases
tims were severely burnt. All of them succumbed air, radiate heat. Instead of the aroma of flowers, fire watchers on its rolls. Half of them are women. pine leaves at the rate of ₹50 per kg, much higher
to injuries in hospital. the smell of burnt wood lingers in the air. Of the recorded forest area of 38,000 sq km in than the ₹3 per kg, which has been the rate so far.
Bakuni did not have the courage to break the Around 20 women from Sitlakhet and the Uttarakhand, the forest department manages Pathak suggests that the government focus
news to Chalaune’s children for days. “They have nearby Bhakar village come down from a hilltop 26.5 lakh ha of reserved forests where human in- more on community participation to mitigate for-
been playing in my garden for months. I didn’t after dousing a forest fire. Using green bushes, tervention is banned, while van panchayats, or est fires. He also believes that the Assisted Natural
have the heart to tell them what had happened,” their only weapon against the towering flames, community-led forest managers, manage 7.32 Regeneration (ANR) technique should be adopt-
says Bakuni, who is worried that people will no they worked hard for 10 hours. Their clothes are lakh ha. As per a forest department bulletin, ed across the State. This simple and low-cost for-
longer work for him. The children are now under soaked in sweat and ash; they look exhausted. there is greater damage to reserved forests than est restoration method involves facilitating the
the care of their uncle in Nepal’s Bajhang district, The women belong to a 300-member group in to the area managed by the van panchayats. natural regeneration of degraded or deforested
from where they came. Sitlakhet called ‘Jungle Ke Dost (friends of for- After the recent fires, the State government an- lands by providing favourable conditions for the
Five people have been killed and four injured ests)’. Their mentor is Gajendra Pathak, 56, a nounced insurance cover of ₹3 lakh for 4,000 growth of indigenous tree species. It involves a
in forest fires in Uttarakhand this year. According pharmacist in a local healthcare centre who contract employees of the forest department. range of techniques such as the removal of inva-
to a 2019 report of the Forest Survey of India, Ut- brought these women and some men together in sive species, the creation of microsites for esta-
tarakhand has a recorded forest area of 38,000 a community initiative last year to tackle forest Playing politics blishing seedlings, and the protection of natural
square kilometres, which is 71.05% of its geo- fires. On his call, the members of the group, On May 8, the Uttarakhand government said in regeneration from grazing and other disturbanc-
graphical area. Since November 2023, when for- mostly women, set out to put out fires. the Supreme Court that “all the instances of for- es. “ANR will not even cost half of what the go-
est fires began to rage, there have been 1,038 in- In return for their effort, the women are of- est fires are manmade.” It informed the Court vernment spends on planting trees. And finally,
cidents that have gutted 1,385.5 hectares (ha) of fered nothing but a 125 millilitre tetra pack of that 388 criminal cases had been registered what we see of the government’s initiative is not
forest land till May 10. While authorities have dis- even 10% of the total saplings planted,” he says.
missed these as “annual affairs” in the hills, the Establishing a fire line across the mountains is
cost of these fires has been borne by the people crucial to mitigate fires, he adds.
whose lives depend on the mountains. The forest fires in Uttarakhand have also ignit-
ed communal flames after a video emerged of
Flame of the forest young men celebrating, even as fires raged be-
A booklet on the Uttarakhand forest department hind them. Some people accused Muslims of set-
website says increasing migration of people from ting the forests on fire to “take revenge” on the
here to other States, which has left the hills bar- State government which introduced a Uniform
ren; high-tension wires; and the abundance of Civil Code and embarked on an “anti-encroach-
chir pine trees, which are highly inflammable in ment drive” in Haldwani in February, which
nature, are the main reasons for forest fires. sparked riots. The police arrested the men, who
While the youth don’t know how to tackle forest hailed from Bihar and claimed to have recorded
fires because the current academic curriculum the video to gain some ‘likes’ on Instagram.
does not educate them about the environment, While the fires are being doused, Hemant
older generations, who predominantly populate Dhyani, from Ganga Avahan, an NGO which
the hills, are unable to climb the hilltops to con- works to save the river Ganga, worries about the
trol the fires, the booklet says. snowball effect of recurring forest fires. “Forests
“People in [the] hills are now getting cooking get burnt in fires. This reduces the strength of the
gas under [the] ambitious Ujjawala scheme of the mountains and the soil. When it rains, the loose
Central government and hence, villagers have soil fails to retain water and impacts ground wa-
stopped going to forests in [the] hills to collect ter rejuvenation, causing flash floods. As the
wood for cooking, which is also a reason for in- loose boulders crash and water also gushes
creasing forests fires,” it adds. down, landslides occur,” he explains
Dhananjai Mohan, who is in charge of the Ravi Chopra, an environmentalist from Utta-
Head of Forest Force in Uttarakhand, says surfac- rakhand, says the forest department in the State
es have become drier because of an excessive dry has “very few or no capabilities” to control forest
spell and less snowfall than usual this year. This fires. “Nothing can be done to mitigate forest fires
has caused fires to spread faster in the forests, In return for their efforts, the women of Jungle Ke Dost, a community-led initiative to extinguish forest fires, are offered a 125 millilitre tetra unless they empower the local people and take
which are full of pine trees. According to the for- pack of Frooti and some biscuits. SHASHI SHEKHAR KASHYAP them into confidence,” he says.
8 Saturday, May 18, 2024

News Delhi

From Page One

Why delay in uploading

turnout data, SC asks EC
Mr. Bhushan countered that the EVM case judg-
ment had not dealt with the Form 17C point.
The court listed the case for May 24.
The petition said the voter turnout data for the
first two phases of the Lok Sabha elections were
published by the EC on April 30, after 11 days of
the first phase of polling held on April 19 and four
days after the second phase of polling held on
April 26.

Sharp increase
The data published by the EC in its April 30 press
release had shown a sharp increase (by about
5-6%) from the initial percentages announced by
it on the polling day. Initially, on April 19, after the
first phase of polling, the EC had issued a press
note stating that the tentative figure of voter tur-
nout across 21 States/Union Territories reported
was over 60% as of 7 p.m.
Similarly, after the second phase, on April 26,
the EC had said the turnout was at 60.96%.
“The inordinate delay in the release of final vo-
ter turnout data, coupled with the unusually high
revision [of over 5%] in the EC press note of April
30 and the absence of disaggregated constituency

and polling station figures in absolute numbers,

has raised concerns and public suspicion regard-
ing the correctness of the data… These apprehen-
sions must be addressed and put to rest,” the peti-
tion has said.

Spain blocks arms ship

from Chennai to Israel
The incident comes amid an ongoing row bet-
ween Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez’s
party and his coalition partners over another
ship, Borkum, that was due to dock at Cartegena
port on Friday over allegations that it was carrying
arms meant for Israel. However, the Spanish go-
vernment has said that the arms it is ferrying are
meant for the Czech Republic.
Belgium had suspended two arms export li-
We hope India will attend
cences to Israel.
peace meet: Swiss official
Nearly 6 million trees Suhasini Haidar bring Russia and Ukraine
disappeared, says study NEW DELHI to the table together],” he
added, pointing out that
India has not “determined the Swiss conference, slat-
“Trees may be missed due to bad image quality. its attendance” at next ed in the resort town of
An absolute number would thus have a high un- month’s Ukraine Peace Burgenstock on June 15-16,
certainty. We trust the images from 2018 to 2022, Conference in Switzerland, would not work on a peace
so if a tree was detected in 2010 but not over 2018- repeated the Ministry of proposal per se, but build a
2022, there is little uncertainty that it was lost. But External Affairs, as Swiss framework or road map to
not all trees in 2010 were mapped,” said Martin Foreign Secretary Alex- start peace talks.
Brandt, of the University of Copenhagen and one andre Fasel met with his New Delhi has made it
of the study authors. counterparts in Delhi for Alexandre Fasel clear that it will only clarify
“Similarly for the 2018-2022 period: it’s not a another attempt to secure its participation once the
consistent thinning all over India, but often clus- India’s participation. played a role in bearing election process is over in
tered, with some areas losing a considerable num- Speaking to The Hindu, messages to the Kremlin the first week of June. On
ber of trees within a few years. You can see it vi- Mr. Fasel said that it was on the Black Sea Grain In- Friday, Ministry spokes-
sually on GoogleEarth using the historic images, important for Switzerland itiative and about concerns person Randhir Jaiswal re-
it’s unbelievable seeing how many large trees dis- that India and other over nuclear threats. peated the stand, saying,
appeared.”A plausible reason for large trees being emerging economy partn- “India and the fellow “We have received the invi-
lost was the conversion of farmland to paddy ers of the BRICS grouping BICS [BRICS minus Russia] tation from the Swiss side,
fields. “A certain loss rate is natural, and the cut- (Brazil-Russia-India-China- countries are in the situa- and we are yet to decide on
ting of trees is also part of agroforestry manage- South Africa), minus Rus- tion where they have good our participation.
ment systems, and not every lost tree is related to sia which hasn’t been invit- contacts with Russia and Even so, Mr. Fasel said
climatic disturbances or human appropriation. ed, attend the summit, also with Western coun- he remained hopeful that
An observable trend is emerging in several areas help by conveying messag- tries. They can act as ‘go- New Delhi would respond
where established agroforestry systems are re- es to Moscow, and play a betweens’ that have the positively. “I am hopeful
placed with paddy rice fields, which are being ex- bigger role at a future trust of either side,” Mr. Fa- because there is this expec-
panded and intensified, a development facilitated peace summit when both sel, State Secretary of the tation from the interna-
by the availability of newly established water sup- Russia and Ukraine are at Swiss Foreign Ministry tional community on one
plies. Large and mature trees within these fields the table. In the past, Ex- said. side, and from [Switzer-
are removed, and trees are now being cultivated ternal Affairs Minister S. “They [BICS] will have a land] bilaterally, that we
within separate block plantations typically with Jaishankar has disclosed determining role when the need India to be there and
lower ecological value,” the authors noted. that the government has situation becomes right [to to contribute.”
Saturday, May 18, 2024 11

쑽 Manufacturing in
India needs more
sophistication: FM
Nirmala Sitharaman said India’s demographic dividend with the lowest
dependency ratio will bolster consumption; highlights opportunities

The Hindu Bureau


ndian manufacturing
must develop greater
sophistication in its
products and the govern-
ment will find ways to pro-
vide policy support in this
endeavour, Finance Minis-
ter Nirmala Sitharaman
said on Friday, dismissing
“some economists’ advice
that India should no longer
look to ramp up
manufacturing.” CII summit: Ms. Sitharaman ascribes India’s high growth to “policy
“Manufacturing must stability” at the CII’s Annual Business Summit in New Delhi. ANI
increase, and with the help
of policies, India must in- While the consumer pecially with bank and
crease its share in manu- market presents a $2.9 tril- corporate balance sheets
facturing and global value lion opportunity, spending “in the pink of health”.
chains,” Ms. Sitharaman on food is expected to rise Ascribing India’s consis-
said, adding that this will to $1.4 trillion while finan- tent high growth to “policy
also help India be more cial services will climb to stability, absence of flip-
self-reliant. Citing a recent $670 billion by 2031, which flops, corruption-free deci-
Capgemini Research Insti- together would create sion-making” combined
tute report, the Minister another $1.39 trillion of op- with “facilitation in legisla-
said 65% of almost 760 se- portunities, the Minister tive and legal frameworks”
nior executives surveyed in said, citing the S&P report. based on industry feed-
the U.S. and Europe were back for rapid changes in
planning to increase manu- ‘Ramping up skilling’ the compliance regime,
facturing investments sig- “Skilling is really being Ms. Sitharaman said the
nificantly in India, with an ramped up in India so the government looks at the
eye on reducing their de- demographic dividend, private sector as a partner
pendence on China. which will persist for the in development while act-
Addressing the annual next 30 years [and] comes ing as a facilitator.
business summit of the with an added advantage “We are confident
Confederation of Indian In- of a historically lowest de- Prime Minister Narendra
dustry (CII), Ms. Sithara- pendency ratio, means the Modi is coming back with a
man also pointed to an S&P net benefit is going to be to- good majority. Soon after
Global Market Intelligence wards more increase in the government is formed,
assessment that the Indian consumption,” she said. we look forward to a more
market could throw up tril- She emphasised that in- pointed engagement with
lions of dollars of oppor- vestments and expansion the CII to see what best can
tunities by 2031, with the plans to tap these oppor- be done in the July budget,
consumer market expect- tunities can help push fas- which will be the full year
ed to double by then. ter economic growth, es- Budget,” she said.

U.N. forecasts Govt. worried about job losses

2.7% growth
for world due to AI, yet comforted by
economy reskilling prospects: MeitY secy.
Press Trust of India
UNITED NATIONS Nihal Krishan needed for AI models to
NEW DELHI work in industrial
The United Nations report- scenarios.
ed improved prospects for The Government is wor- “When you talk to com-
the world economy since ried about the effects of panies, many people feel
its January forecast on cutting-edge artificial intel- that the newer AI jobs, ma-
Thursday, pointing to a ligence (AI) automation on ny of those will get created
better outlook in the U.S jobs and industry in India, in India, for two or three
and several large emerging and a dearth of white col- reasons. One, that we have
economies including India. lar jobs that are the most- a large number of STEM
According to its affected by AI tools at the (science, technology, engi-
mid-2024 report, the world moment, but comforted S. Krishnan neering and mathematics)
economy is now projected that several science and trained graduates, many of
to grow by 2.7% this year, tech graduates could be skilling efforts around AI, whom have exposure to AI
up from the 2.4% forecast quickly retrained, a senior the government was also in far more than any other
in its January report – and government official said. support of helping manu- country in the world. And
by 2.8% in 2025. A 2.7% Ministry of Electronics facturing companies retro- they can be quickly re-
growth rate would equal and Information Technolo- fit their supply chains with trained into that space,” he
growth in 2023, but still be gy (MeitY) Secretary S. Internet of Things (IoT) said at a Confederation of
lower than the 3% growth Krishnan said that besides devices that would collect Indian Industry’s event on
rate before the pandemic. major retraining and re- the information and data Friday.
12 Saturday, May 18, 2024

World Delhi

Nepal latest to ban Indian spice
brands over safety concerns

Nepal has become the latest jurisdiction to ban the import and sale
of Everest and MDH — two popular Indian spice brands — after
reports that some of their products contained ethylene oxide, a
cancer-causing pesticide, officials said on Friday. Hong Kong and
Singapore had banned products from them last month. AFP

‘China-Russia partnership is ‘China, Russia

not directed against anyone’ each other’s

An emerging multipolar world is now taking shape before our eyes, says Russian President
Vladimir Putin as he concludes his two-day visit to China; he praises talks with Xi as substantive Associated Press

Associated Press veiled reference to the Russia and China are help-
BEIJING West. “It is aimed at one ing each other expand
thing: creating better con- their territorial reach, and

ussian President ditions for the develop- democracies must push
Vladimir Putin ment of our countries and back against authoritarian
concluded a two- improving the well-being states that threaten their
day visit to China on Fri- of the people of China and rights and sovereignty, Tai-
day, emphasising the coun- the Russian Federation.” wan’s outgoing Foreign Mi-
tries’ burgeoning strategic nister, Joseph Wu, said in
ties as well as his own per- Rebuke for U.S. an interview. His com-
sonal relationship with But he still had a back- ments came as Russian
Chinese leader Xi Jinping handed rebuke for the President Vladimir Putin
as they sought to present U.S., and others who op- was on a visit to China.
an alternative to U.S. global Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping holding an informal meeting at the pose the Moscow-Beijing Mr. Wu called on de-
influence. Mr. Putin Zhongnanhai leadership compound in Beijing on Thursday. AFP relationship, saying an mocracies to align in coun-
praised the growth in bilat- “emerging multipolar tering Russia and China’s
eral trade while touring a vince, was once home to stantive,” saying he spent world ... is now taking military assertiveness in
China-Russia Expo in the many Russian expatriates “almost a whole day, from shape before our eyes”. Europe, the South China
northeastern city of Har- and retains some of that morning till evening” with “And it is important that Sea and beyond. China
bin. He met students at the history in its architecture, the Chinese leader and those who are trying to threatens to invade Tai-
Harbin Institute of Tech- such as the central St. So- other officials in Beijing the maintain their monopoly wan, a self-ruled democra-
nology, which is said to phia Cathedral, a former previous day. on decision-making in the cy that it claims as its own
work closely with the Peo- Russian Orthodox church. The partnership bet- world on all issues ... do territory. He added that
ple’s Liberation Army. Speaking to reporters, ween China and Russia “is everything in their power Beijing is trying to change
Harbin, capital of Chi- Mr. Putin thanked Xi and not directed against to ensure that this process the status quo with
na’s Heilongjiang pro- praised their talks as “sub- anyone,” Mr. Putin said in a goes naturally,” he said. Taiwan.

Adani wind energy project

challenged in Sri Lanka’s SC
Meera Srinivasan A petition argues tine landscapes,” especial-
COLOMBO that the project ly in Mannar. Mannar is the
‘poses a severe threat “southernmost point of
Adani Green Energy’s wind the Central Asian Flyway
to the island’s unique
energy project, coming up used by innumerable mi-
in Sri Lanka’s northern biodiversity’ gratory species”, while al-
Mannar and Pooneryn dis- so being home to several
tricts, has been challenged indigenous water birds and
in the island’s apex court petition at the Supreme bat species, the WNPS
on grounds of potential en- Court, with the aim of said.
vironmental impact and “protecting the unique The petition also notes
“lack of transparency”. ecosystem of Mannar that while the project has
The Wildlife and Nature Island”. been portrayed as a “Go-
Protection Society vernment-to-Government
(WNPS), one of Sri Lanka’s No details of grant initiative with India” , no
oldest environmental or- The petition argues that details of contributions,
ganisations set up over a the project “poses a severe grants, or loans from the
century ago, on Thursday threat to the island’s un- Indian government have
filed a Fundamental Rights ique biodiversity and pris- been disclosed.

UPSC CSE IAS > MAINS 2024 > GS PAPER - 4 > ETHICS & INTEGRITY > Ethics In Sports
AFI to penalise coaches for
athletes’ doping offence
Y.B. Sarangi The AFI chief said the
KOLKATA athletes needed to declare
their coaches’ names in
To curb the doping me- dope control forms and all
nace, the Athletics Federa- the coaches would have to
tion of India has decided to be registered with the fed-
take action against coaches eration. Sumariwalla said
whose athletes commit the Olympic bound ath-
doping violations. The AFI, letes would attend a coach-
following its discussion ing camp in Poland from
with various stakeholders July 5.
for about six months, took Sumariwalla. FILE PHOTO The AFI also decided to
this important decision at decentralise the coaching
its executive committee coached dope offenders), camps after the Olympics,
meeting on Friday. we will inform depart- conduct competitions at
“Coaches of the athletes ments concerned and they state and district levels
who are caught for doping will not be allowed to enter through a similar calendar,
and are sanctioned will get the stadiums. These people improve the technical con-
a similar punishment. It is have to be removed from duct of the meets (includ-
high time people were whatever posts they are ing taking action against of-
called out, named and holding. “We had talks with ficials who fail to carry out
shamed,” AFI president various agencies regarding their duty properly) and
Adille Sumariwalla said at a this. If the coaches take a digitise merit certificates
virtual press conference. share of the athletes’ cash with the help of Govern-
“We will suspend the award, then they should al- ment’s Digilocker app (to
coaches (who have so get the stick.” stop forgery of certificates).

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