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SBI Clerk Pre 2022

Exact Exam Level

30 Questions And
Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. Certain
words are printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of these.

A bank is a financial institution which is involved in borrowing and lending money. Banks
take customer deposits in return for paying customers an annual interest payment. The
bank then uses the majority of these deposits to lend to other customers for a variety of
loans. The difference between the two interest rates is effectively the profit margin for
banks. Banks play an important role in the economy for offering a service for people
wishing to save. Banks also play an important role in offering finance to businesses who
wish to invest and expand. These loans and business investment are important for
enabling economic growth. The main purpose of banks include - keeping money safe for
customers; offer customers interest on deposits, helping to protect against money losing
value against inflation; lending money to firms, customers and homebuyers; Offering
financial advice and related financial services, such as insurance.
Banks are the primary source of loans, essential to enable firms to invest and expand.
However, banks are not the only source of finance. Firms may turn to private investors,
stock markets, government grants or personal savings. In times of recession or shortage
of funds, banks may not be willing to lend when firms need it most. Bank lending is
profitable for banks and can incur significant costs for the firm. Consumers increasingly
need banks to pay for bills electronically. Bank loans and mortgages provide an
opportunity to purchase very expensive items and pay back over a long period – e.g.
house, car. The poorest consumers often don‟t have access to bank account and bank
loans, causing the poorest to look outside traditional banking to more Exploitative loans,
such as payday loans and money sharks. Some insurance services are not necessary, for
example, insuring electronic goods is expensive compared to the cost of replacing them.
Low-income consumers may feel they cannot afford insurance payments and put
themselves at risk.
1) Which of the following statements point out the correct theme of the given
I. Banks and their effects on the modern customer.
II. The advantages and the disadvantages of the banking system.
III. Facilities provided by the banking system.

A. Only I and II
B. Only II and III
C. Only I
D. Only III
E. All of these
2. Which of the following statements is the author most likely to agree with?
I. The banking sector needs to expand its facilities to the rural areas in a
II. With rapid digitization of banking, branches will soon closed.
III. Banks are the modern-day money sharks.

A. Only I and III

B. Only II and III
C. Only I
D. Only III
E. None of these
3. How does deposits and loans define a bank’s profit?
I. The difference between the deposits and the investments made by the bank
defines the bank‟s profit level.
II. The difference in rate of interest between the deposits made to the bank and
the loans
given out by the bank, defines the bank‟s profit.
III. Central policies with respect to rate of interest defines the bank‟s profit
A. Only I and II
B. Only II and III
C. Only II
D. Only III
E. None of these
4. Synonym
Often :

A) Infrequently
B) Rarely
C) Usually
D) Both B and C
E) Only C
4. Antonym :
Enabling :

A) Allow
B) Both D and E
C) Empower
D) Forbid
E) Prohibit
Error Detection
1. He is so lazy (A)/ that he takes a (B)/ large number of time (C)/ to complete
such a small piece of work. (D)/ No error. (E)
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) No Error
2. Aniket has spend (A)/ six years in Calcutta (B)/ but still does not know (C)/
many parts of the city. (D)/ No error. (E)
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) No Error
3. Last week when (A)/ I reach Viru‟s house (B)/ he had already (C)/ left for
Mumbai. (D)/ No error. (E)
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) No Error
4. The number of foreign tourists (A)/ visiting India are increasing (B)/ day by
day during (C)/ this tourist season. (D)/ No error. (E)
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) No Error
5. After 50 years of Independence (A)/ many social problems (B)/ still remaining
(C)/ to be solved in India. (D)/ No error. (E)
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) No Error
Single Fillers
1. The conference _________ due to heavy rainfall.

(a) has been postponed

(b) is postponing
(c) was being postpone
(d) postponement
(e) None of these
2. You are late. The train _________ already.
(a) left
(b) having left
(c) will leave
(d) had left
(e) leave
3. Everyone _________ about India’s achievement in the Twenty-twenty world
cup, now a days.
(a) talked
(b) was talking
(c) will talk
(d) is talking
(e) has talked
4. It _________ since last night, and it _________ as if it may rain for the rest of
the day.
(a) has been raining; looks
(b) is raining, looked
(c) rained; looked
(d) has been raining; has been looking
(e) rains; has been looking.
5. Orphanage _________ a food-and-fun fair next month to _________ money
for the building-fund.
(a) will held; raise
(b) will be holded; raised
(c) Did hold; raise
(d) will hold; rise
(e) is holding; raise
Misspelt Word
1. Lucy was working (A) / overtime because (B) /
she had to prepare (C) / for an important meating.
(D) / All correct (E)

A. working B. because C. meating D. prepare E. All

2. Roshni was found (A) / of pets and she was a
proud (B) / owner of many unique (D) / animals.
(D) / All correct (E)

A. found B. proud C. unique D. animals E. All

3. Dinesh was not only very intelligent (A) / but
also very sincere (B) / and would always strand (C)
/ first in his class. (D) / All correct (E)

A. intelligent B. sincere C. strand D. class E. All

4. Ravi met (A) / with an accidant (B) / and broke
(C) / his leg the day he bought (D) / his new car. All
correct (E)

A. met B. accidant C. broke D. bought E. All correct

5. Daisy loved (A) / children and so she would
distrebute (B) / sweets in an orphanage (C) / on
her birthday. (D) / All correct (E)

A. loved B. distrebute C. orphanage D. birthday E.

All correct
Cloze Test
(A) As a result, banks were reluctant to finance individuals for their consumption needs.

(B) Commercial banks deal with different types of customers like individuals, sole proprietor,
firms, associations, private limited companies and public limited companies.

(C) In fact, the approach of the Government and the RBI was focused on ensuring that the
nation’s scarce resources were directed towards production-oriented economic activities, and
bank financing to consumption expenses was discouraged.

(D) Until the late 1990s, banks had been mobilising deposits from all these customers but were
lending mainly to the trade and industry only.

(E) Hence, individual customers as a separate market segment were not thought of by bankers.

(F) However, under priority sector lending, banks were liberally financing individuals for
agriculture and allied activities and also under various government-sponsored schemes for their
economic and financial upliftment
A) decline since 1980, when per capita
B) rice is a key staple
C) consumption has been on a steady
D) food for Koreans, but its
E) average annual rice consumption was 132.4 kg

A) into other fuels such as jet fuel,
B) diesel, and household products
C) the ethanol produced can be
D) used as a low carbon
E) fuel and can be converted

A) of its economic,
B) social welfare describes
C) social and
D) how business takes account
E) environmental impacts

A) the session focussed
B) of women in farming and
C) of the new farm laws on their lives
D) on the complex concerns
E) the potential impact

A) in search of a magnificent
B) a large group of people
C) Treasure land
D) is crossing a vast desert

(a) DBCA
(b) BCAD
(c) BDAC
(d) ACDB
(e) None of the above
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