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Settling Velocity of Variously

Shaped Particles. in Drilling

and Fracturing Fluids
James M. Peden, SPE, Heriot-Watt U.
Yuejin Luo,* SPE, Heriot-Watt U.

Summary. The settling velocities of a variety of shaped particles to simulate drilled cuttings were measured in both Newtonian
and non-Newtonian fluids. The results showed that the particle drag coefficient is a function of the particle Reynolds ~umber and,
in the case of power-law-model fluids, of the flow behavior index. A new generalized model has been developed for predicting the
settling velocities of particles of various shapes in both Newtonian and power-law fluids over a range of flow regimes.

Introduction and Previous Investigations

Drilling and fracturing fluids are generally classed as power-law- The resistant force induced by the particle's motion consists of two
type fluids, and their viscosities vary with shear rate. The prob- components. ·One is the fluid viscous drag, which may be expressed
lems of drilled cuttings settling out from drilling fluids and of prop- as
pants from fracturing fluids are complicated by the shear-dependent
characteristics of the fluids. _
.To acc;ount for the non-Newtonian effect of drilling fluids on the Fvv=lO 3 CvvAp--, ............................ (2)
settling velocity of drilled cuttings, Zeidler 1 suggested use of the 2
apparent viscosity at the wall and Moore 2 adapted the effective vis-
cosity for annular flow, as defined bySkelland. 3 Note that the ap- where Ap is the characteristic area of the particle parallel to the
parent viscosity or the effective viscosity represents the viscosity direction of motion. Another component is the pressure drag, which
at a specific shear rate pertaining to that annular location in an an- may be expressed as
nular flow situation, and does not necessarily represent the viscosity
around the settling particles. When the fluid velocity approaches _ PjVp
zero and the fluid becomes stagnant, both apparent and effective Fvp=lO 3 CvpAN--, ........................... (3)
viscosities will approach infinity. 2
For particles settling in fracturing fluids, several investigators
suggested the use of an effective shear rate on a particle to calcu- where AN is the characteristic area of the particle normal to the
late the equivalent Newtonian viscosity around the particle. direction of motion. The total resistant force, usually simply called
Novotny 4 suggested vplds and Daneshy5 suggested 3(vplds) to the "drag force," is the sum of these two components and may
characterize the shear rate for stagnant fluids. When the fluid is be expressed as
in motion, Novotny 4 claims that the effective shear rate on a par-
ticle is the vector sum of the shear rate caused by particle settling, P v2
vplds, and the shear rate imposed by fluid motion. On the basis Fv=l0- 3 CvA_L!!_, .............................. (4)
of an apparent viscosity substitution, Shah 6 established the corre:- 2
lation of [Cv (2 -n) NRem ' 2 ] 112 vs. NRem I and found that this corre- where Cv is the drag coefficient and A is the characteristic area
lation was a function of the flow behavior index. Acharya 7 of the particle, which depends on the shape of the particle and its
considered the viscoelastic effect of some fracturing fluids and sug- orientation during motion. For particles of different shapes, the dis-
gested use of a sophisticated drag-coefficient correlation for pure- tribution of the drag force between viscous drag and pressure drag
ly viscous non-Newtonian fluids and another correlation to account may vary considerably. For a flat particle settling flatwise, pres-
for the elastic effect. sure drag will predominate; for settling in an edgewise fashion, vis-
Other experimental work has been reported on investigations of cous drag will be dominant.
the settlin~ velocity of particles in drilling fluids 8- 13 and fractur- For Newtonian fluids, the drag coefficient of a spherical particle
ing fluids. 4 •15 In the previous investigations, however, no attempt is a unique function of the particle Reynolds number, which is de-.
was made to establish a drag-coefficient correlation for nonspheri- fined as
cal particles settling in non-Newtonian fluids, such as disks or rec-
tangular plates. These particles may be used to approximate the dsVpPJ
shape of drilled cuttings. NRen=--. · · · · · · ·' · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · (5)

Theory of Drag-Coefficient Correlation For power-law fluids based on dimensional analysis, Cv is expect-
Assuming that the particles are separated sufficiently during settling ed to be a function of both the modified particle Reynolds number,
so that they do not collide or interact with each other, the force NRem• and the flow behavior index, n:
causing a particle to settle may be expressed as
Cv =J(NRem• n), · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · (6)
Fg = 10- 6 VP(pP -p1 )g . ............................. (1) where

*Permanently employed at Research lnst. of Petroleum E&D, Beijing. (10 -3 ds)nvp (2-n) (103 Pj)
. .................. (7)
Copyright 1987 Society of Petroleum Engineers lc
SPE Drilling Engineering, December 1987 337

Density Dimension
Materials (g/cm 3-) Shape (mm) Sphericity
Bauxite proppant 3.71 Sphere 0.3* 1.00
Intermediate Proppant 3.22 Sphere 0.4 to 0.75* 1.00
Sands 2.63 Well-rounded 1.2 to 2.2* 1.00
Glass beads 2.63 Sphere 4 to 6 1.00
Marbles 2.47 Sphere 15.5 to 25.1 1.00
Steel balls 7.75 Sphere 3.17 to 6.34 1.00
6.4 X 2.1 0.75
Aluminum 2.70 Disk 9.7x3.1 0.75
5.9x4.1 x2.1 0.73
Aluminum 2.70 Rectangle 10 X 8 X 2.1 0.62
6.4 X 2.2 0.76
. Plastic
. .
*These values are based on screen analysis.
2.28 Disk 9.6x3.2 0.76

For Newtonian fluids, the flow behavior index is, by definition, Examination of Eqs. 5 through 12 shows that a generalized form
unity and Eq. 7 reduces to Eq. 5. of the drag-coefficient correlation for both Newtonian and power-
In the laminar flow regime, where the inertia effect may be ne- law fluids, which is valid for all flow regimes, may be written as
glected, Stokes obtained the drag-coefficient correlation for spher-
ical particles within Newtonian fluids by theoretical analysis 16 as a
Cv=-- . ..................................... (13)
Cv=--· (NRen<0.1) ............................ (8)
NRen For simplicity, and without significantly rectucing the accuracy, the
correlation described was used in this study. Dimensional analysis
For power-law fluids, the drag coefficient may be expressed as 3 shows that the coefficients a and e depend on only the fluid flow
regime for Newtonian fluids, and for power-law fluids depend also
on the flow behavior index, n.
Cv=--X (NRem <0.1), ......................... (9)
NRem Experimental Apparatus and Procedures
The experiments were conducted with two columns. One was a clear
where X is function of n and its lower and upper bounds have been perspex column (88-mm [3llz-in.] ID and 200-cm [6.56-ft] length)
evaluated by Wasserman and Slattery. 17 and the other a glass cylinder (60-mm [2.36-in.] ID and 45-cm
In the transitional and turbulent flow regimes, some empirical [1.48-ft] length). To simulate the drilled cuttings and to provide
correlations have been developed for Newtonian fluids. For spher- the drag.:coefficient values over a wide range of particle Reynolds
ical particles, Bird et al. 16 gave . numbers, solid particles were used that varied in maximum dimen-
sional size from 0.3 to 25 mm [0.01 to 1 in.], with densities rang-
18.5 ing from 2.5 to 7.8 g/cm 3 , and in a variety of shapes-e.g.,
Cv=-- (2<NRen <500) ...................... (10) sphere, disk, and rectangular plate. The properties and dimensions
NReR· of the particles used in the test are described in Table 1.
A number of fluids were selected as test fluids to represent three
and Allen 18 obtained principal rheological types encountered in the problem previously
discussed. The first was Oi168, which represents a Newtonian fluid.
30 Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and xanthan gum biopolymer (XC)
Cv - - - (1 <NRen < 10 3 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (11) solutions were used to provide power-law fluids, and hydroxyethyl-
NReR.625 cellulose (HEC) solution was used to represent a viscoelastic fluid 7
and to allow examination of the elastic effect. Through pilot tests,
Beyond NRen = 10 3 , application of Newton's law yields the concentrations of CMC, XC, and HEC were selected so that
proper distributions of n and K values could be obtained. The rheo-
logical properties were measured with two viscometers-a Fann
Cv=0.44 (NRen > 10 3 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (12) 35A to provide the data under high shear rate (170 to 1,021


(g/L) K
Pp 'Y*
HEC _!_g_ (g/cm 3 ) n (Pa·sn) (seconds - 1 )
CMC 35 3 19.5 1.015 0.798 0.194 5 to 1,021
CMC/XC 6 1 21 1.002 0.627 0.1696 5 to 1,021
CMC/XC 10 1 18.5 1.003 0.597 0.4579 5 to 1,021
CMC/XC 8 3 21.3 1.003 0.449 0.7688 5 to 1,021
HEC 1.42 23 1.000 0.716 0.0374 5 to 1,021
HEC 4.28 22 1.00 0.59 0.5106 5 to 1,021
HEC 7.13 19.5 1.00 0.418 3.992 5 to 1,021
Shell Tellus Oil 68 20 0.88 1.000 0.1653
*These are shear-rate ranges within which n and K were determined.
• • Low-viscosity CMC.
tHigh-viscosity CMC.

338 SPE Drilling Engineering, December 1987

a 103


(..) 2
Stokes' Law ro
n=1 0
Stokes' Law
Particle Reynolds Number N Rem w-1
Particle Reynolds Number NRem
Fig. 1-Comparison between the theoretical correlation and
the correlation obtained with the experiment for Newtonian Fig. 2-Drag-coefficic:mt correlations obtained for CMC and
fluid in the laminar flow regime. CMC/XC fluids in the laminar flow regime.

seconds - 1 ) and a HAAKE-MVIIP VT181™ to provide the low- Fig. 1 shows that the experimental correlation for oil is basical-
shear-rate data (5 to 159 seconds - 1). The properties of the fluids ly consistent with the standard Newtonian fluid correlation-i.e.,
are listed in Table 2. Stokes' law. The experimental correlations for CMC and CMC/XC
A video camera and a recorder were assembled, and a computer fluids are shown in Fig. 2. It can be seen that these correlation lines
clock with an accuracy of 1 %/sec was incorporated so that the time lie close to that which defines the behavior of a Newtonian fluid
and the corresponding position of a settling particle could be record- where n = 1. However, the lines have different slopes that depend
ed simultaneously to allow its velocity to be calculated. When the on the value of the flow behavior index, n. From Table 3 it can
settling velocity was below about 10 mm/s [0.4 in./sec], a stop watch be seen that, as n increases, a and e decrease. Thus for power-law
was used. Proppant and sands were dropped into the column in a fluids, the drag coefficient depends not only on the value of N Rem
cluster and the particles settling midway were caught to measure but also on the value of n, as expected from dimensional analysis.
the settling velocity. Other particles were dropped individually. In As n approaches unity, however, these correlations failed to ap-
addition, the orientation of disks and rectangular plates during proach that for a Newtonian fluid.
settling was visually observed and recorded. For the same particle Fig. 3 presents the experimental correlations for HEC fluids. It
in the same fluid, about four to eight data points were obtained to can be seen that if HEC fluids were also characterized as power-
ensure repeatability and accuracy. Test results showed that the var- law-type fluids, the drag coefficient would be a function of both
iation in settling-velocity measurements for sands was within ± 10% NRem and nand would have a response similar to the CMC and
and for other particles within ± 5 % . CMCIXC fluids. Thus the elastic properties of HEC fluids are not
To allow a particle to reach its terminal settling velocity, the par- influential in this low-NRem region.
ticle's settling velocity was measured after a certain distance of its
free fall. This distance was at least 60 em [2ft] for polymer fluids
in the perspex column and 15 em [0.5 ft] for oil in the glass cylin- TABLE 3-DRAG-COEFFICIENT CORRELATIONS FOR
der. The theoretical analysis and the test results showed that these SPHERICAL PARTICLES IN THE LAMINAR FLOW REGIME
free-fall distances were adequate.
a Average
Co=-- Data Error
Experimental Results and Analysis Fluid n NRe~ NRem Points (%)
Our experiments on particle settling velocity, ·vP, were performed . 32.1
in cylinders, and the experimental data must be corrected for the Oil 1.00 Co= N o.888
0.003 to 3 11 14.87
wall effect before they can be analyzed to determine the drag coeffi- Rem
cient. In this study, the following two simple empirical equations 18
for the correction factor, Fw, were selected to account for the wall 32.75
CMC 0.8 Co= N 0.006 to 4 9 12.60
effect. For laminar flow, o.824

Fw=1-(d 5 /d) 2 ·25 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (14) 33.24

CMC/XC 0.63 Co= N o.878 0.01 to 3 8 15.7
and for turbulent flow,
,I 33.63
Fw= 1-(d5 /d) 1.5 . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (15) CMC/XC 0.60 Co= N o.936 0.001 to 3 8 12.96

The wall-free settling velocity can then be obtained as 35.9

CMC/XC 0.45 Co= N o.989
0.002 to 1 5 4.10
Vpcor=VpmiFw . ................................... (16)
HEC 0.60 Co= N o.888 0.005 to 2 6 8.08
Drag-Coefficient Cor.relations for Spherical Particles. From
regressional analysis of the experimental data, the values of a and
e in Eq. 13 were obtained for spherical particles ·in the range of
10- 3 <NRem <5 and are shown in Table 3. The average devia- HEC 0.42 Co= N o.91o 0.006 to 2 3 4.4
tions of the experimental data from the corresponding correlations Rem
are all within ± 16% .

SPE Drilling Engineering, December 1987 339

(.) u 10
c: Allen's Correlation
"(j n :1
(.) 2 Correlation
Ol Ol
0"' 0"'
Stokes' Law


Particle Reynolds Number NRam Particle Reynolds Number ~om

Fig. 3-Drag-coefficient correlations obtained for HEC fluids Fig. 4-Drag•coefficient correlations obtained for CMC and
in the laminar flow regime. CMC/XC fluids in the transitional flow regime.

The experimental correlations in Table 3 were also compared with Fig. 4 shows the experimental correlations for CMC and
Eq. 9 and with the lower and upper bounds on X obtained by Was- CMC/XC fluids, and Allen's 18 and Bird's 16 correlations for New-
serman and Slattery. 17 The averages of the lower and upper tonian fluids. It can be seen that the drag coefficient is also a func-
bourtds range from 1 to 1.27 when n=0.7 to 1, which is basically tion of both NRem and n in this region, and as n increases, both
a and e decrease. However, some variation is shown in the drag
consistent with our experimental correlations. No effort was made
coefficient for power-law fluids compared with that fm Newtoni-
to fit the experimental data to Eq. 9, however, because inertia ef- an fluids. When NR~m is less than about 10, the experimental cor-
fect 'liad been neglected in its derivation, thus setting the exponent relation lines fall in the region between two Newtonian correlation
of NRem to Unity and restricting its validity to cases where lines, showing that the drag coefficient for power-law fluids is still
NRem < 0.1. Our experimental correlations were obtained in the close in value to that for Newtonian fluids. When NRem > 10, how-
range of 10- 3 <NRem<5, so the exponents of NRem are lower ever, all the exp~rimental correlation lines fall below the Newtoni-
than unity as the result of some inertia effect. an correlation lines, showing some "drag-reduction" effect. As
The experimental correlations for spherical particles in the range the value of n decreases, this drag-reduction effect becomes more
of 1 <NRem < 150 for CMCand CMC/XC fluids and in the range pronounced. A similar phenomenon has long been recognized for
of 1 <NRem <270 for HEC fluids are shown in Table 4. The aver- the friction factor in pipe flow of polymer fluids. 3 The experimen-
age deviations of the data from the corresponding correlations are tal correlationsJor HEC fluids are shown in Fig. 5 and some elas-
all less than ±9.2%. tic effect can be noticed by comparing Figs. 4 and 5.



Data Correlation Error
Fluid n Co VS. NRem NRem Points Coefficient (%)
CMC 0.8 Co= N o.731 3 to 100 7 0.999 2.87

CMC/XC 0.6 to 0.63 Co= o.803 2 to 130 13 0.997 6.84

CMC/XC 0.45 Co= o.847 1 to 150 7 0.999 5.46

HEC 0.72 Co= o.624 2 to 270 7 0.997 6.47

HEC 0.6 Co= 2 to 230 4 0.997 9.18

Standard Correlations for Newtonian Fluids

Bird's correlation: Co=--o.-6 for 1 <NRen <500
Allen's correlation: Co= N o.625 for 1 <NRen < 1,000

340 SPE Drillmg Engineering, December 1987


& 10
Allen's Correlation

~ Bird's Correlation
() n=1

10 ~em <1

Particle Reynolds Number NR""'

Edgewise Flatwise
Fig. S-Crag-coefficient correlations obtained for HEC fluids
(viscoelastic) in the transitional flow reaime. Fig. 6-0rientat~on of a nonspherical particle during settling.

When NRem > 350, the limited experimental data showed that the and
drag coefficient became basically a constant and the value of this
constant depended on the flow behavior index, n. F 8 =2.6-1.61/; (NRem>l) .......................... (20)

Drag-Coefficient Correlations for Nonspherical farticles. To Combining with Eq. 13, the qrag coefficient of a nonspherical par-
simulate drilleq cuttings and cavings, disks and rectangular plates ticle becomes
were also used in the experiments. The results showed that the par-
ticle's orientation during settling was independent of its ori~nta­ F8 a
tion at release in all flow regimes. As shown in Fig. 6, when NRem Cv'=F8 Cv=--, ............................. (21)
was greater than about 10, these particles always settled flatwise NReme
but then would turn on edge when NRem was less than about 1.
In the range of 1 <NRem < 10, unstable settling occurred and the where CD is the drag coefficient of a sphere whose volume is. equal
particle tended to sett1e in a zigzag path. These results are in good to that of the particle concerned.
agreement with those obtained by Walker and Mayes. 11 By use of Eqs. 19 through 21 to correlate the shape effect of the
The drag-force analysis showed that a particle tended to settle experimental data from disks and rectangular plates, the average
in the orientation that offered the greatest possible resistance in all deviation qf these data from the corresponding drag-coefficient
flow regimes. This can be better understood by analyzing Eqs. 2 correlation~ for spherical particles is ± 10.2%. Fig. 7 shows the
through 4. When NRem > 10, pressure drag dominates the total drag results in the CMC/XC fluids when n=0.6 to 0.63 in the transi-
force and the particle settles flatwise, thus offering a larger area tional flow regime! and Fig. 8 shows the results in the HEC fluid
AN and corresponding pressure drag force, and accordingly a larg- when n=0.42 in the laminar flow regime.
er total drag force. However, when NRem < 1, viscous drag
dominates the total drag force ap.d the particle settles edgewise, Parti~le Settling-Velocity Calculation
offering a larger area AP, which results in both a larger viscous From our analysis, a generalized model has been developed that
drag and corresponding total drag force. In the range ·of allows the calculation of the settling velocity of particles of vari-
1 <NRem < 10, neither pressure drag nor viscous drag dominates; ous shapes in both Newtonic!.fl and fluids. The model
thus, unstable settling results. takes the form of
According to previous investigations, 18 the drag coefficient for
nonspherical particles in Newtonian fluids is a functio11 of both the
particle Reynolds number and the particle's sphericity, 1/;, which
is defined as 1/;=A; IA 8 •
Because the drilled cuttings can be characterized either as disks
or rectangular plates in addition to spheres, the above expression
can be simplified as follows. For disks, where d 8 is the diameter of a sphere or the volume-equivalent di-
ameter of a nonspherical particle and Fs is the shape factor deter-
mined from Eqs. 17 through 20. For Newtonian fluids and spherical
2.621 xFhb h p~rticles, n=1, Ic=Jl, and F 8 =1. When the coefficients a and e
1/;= ' ............................... (17) have valt!es of 24 and 1, respectively, pq. 22 reduces to the Stokes'-
1+2XFhb law model, and when they have values of 0.44 and 0, the equation
is that defined by Newton's law.
where Fhb =hs /dd. For rectangular plates, For power-law fluids, on the basis of our experimental data, the
following empirical equations m(j.y be used to approximate a and e.
2 In the laminar flow regime, ·
2.418 xFhb h
' .......................... : .... (18)
a=39.8-9n .................................... (23a)

where Fhb=h 8 1beq and beq=Jib.
On the basis of our experimental data, the following empirical
e=l.2-0.47n (NRem<5 and n>0.45), ........ : .... (23b)
equations were developeq to correlate the effect of the particle's
shape on the drag coefficient, Fs:
and in the transitional flow regime,

Fs = 1.5 -0.51/; (NRem < 1) .......................... (19) a=42.9-23.9n ................................. (24a)

SPE Drilling Engineering, December 1987 341

o Disk
Correlation for Spheres 0
CMC-XC Solution n:0.6-0.63 o Rectangle
u 10
c 10


Ol 0 Disk Ol Correlation tor Spheres
l1l l1l
0 o Rectangle 0 HEC Solution n =0.42

10 ~------------------~------------------~


Particle Reynolds Number NRam Particle Reynolds Number NRom

Fig. 7---Drag-coefficient correlation for spherical and non- Fig. a-Drag-coefficient correlation for spherical and non-
spherical particles after correction for shape effect in the tran- spherical particles after correction for shape effect in the lami-
sitional flow regime. nar flow regime.

and 5. A generalized numerical model has been developed for pre-

dicting the settling velocity of particles of various shapes in both
e= 1-0.33n (1 <NRem < 200) ...................... (24b) Newtonian and power-law fluids for all flow regimes. This model
can be used in the design of cuttings transport in drilling fluids and
When NRem <200, values of a=0.35 and e=O may be used as an also proppant transport in fracturing fluids.
approximation in the absence of more detailed or reliable data. 6. Some differences have been observed in this study between
the particle drag coefficients obtained in CMC and CMC/XC fluids
Particle Settling Velocity in Dynamic Fluids and in HEC fluids that exhibit some viscoelastic behavior. How-
Our experiments on particle settling velocity were performed in ever, no quantitative correlation could be obtained from the limit-
stagnant fluids. In dynamic fluids, if the fluid motion is laminar ed experimental data available.
for time-independent non-Newtonian fluids, the viscosity around
a settling particle should depend mainly on the particle's velocity
relative to the fluid, and thus Eq. 22 may be used to approximate a = coefficient defined in Eq. 13
the particle settling velocity. A = particle's characteristic area, mm 2 [in. 2 ]
If the fluid motion is turbulent, however, the effect of the fluid AN = particle's characteristic area normal to direction of
motion should be considered. In such cases, it is suggested that if particle's motion, mm 2 [in. 2 ]
values of a=0.35 and e=O are assumed, regardless of NRem• Eq. AP = particle's characteristic area parallel to direction of
22 can be used to obtain approximations for the particle settling particle's motion, mm 2 [in. 2 ]
As = surface area of particle, mm 2 [in. 2 ]
Some previous experimental results 6 •12 showed that the parti-
cle settling velocity is basically independent of the fluid velocity.
A~ = surface area of sphere of volume equal to that of
But some investigators 4 •19 thought that a particle should settle particle, mm 2 [in. 2 ]
faster in dynamic fluids than in stagnant fluids. It is therefore rec- b = width of rectangular plates, mm [in.]
ommended that caution be exercised in the application of Eq. 22 beq = equivalent width of rectangular plates, mm [in.]
for the prediction of the particle settling velocity in the dynamic CD = particle drag coefficient
situation. Ch = drag coefficient of nonspherical particles defined by
Eq. 21
Conclusions CDp = pressure drag coefficient
1. The generalized drag-coefficient correlations for power-law CDv = viscous drag coefficient
fluids in the laminar and transitional flow regimes have been es- d = ID of cylinders, mm [in.]
tablished from experimental data .. The results showed that the drag dd = diameter of disks, mm [in.]
coefficient is a function of not only the modified particle Reynolds ds = diameter of spherical particles or volume~equivalent
number hut also the flow behavior index.
diameter of nonspherical particles, mm [in.]
2. When NRem is less than about 10, the drag coefficient for
e = coefficient defined in Eq. 13
power-law fluids is close in value to that for Newtonian fluids. When
NRem isgreater than about 10, however, the experimental results f = function
showed some drag-reduction effect. As n decreases, this drag- FD = drag force, N [lbf]
reduction effect becomes more pronounced. F Dp = pressure drag force, N [lbf]
3. The orientation of a nonspherical particle during settling is F Dv = viscous drag force, N [lbf]
independent of its orientation at release. On the basis of experimental Fg = immersed gravitational force, N [lbf]
results and the drag-force analysis, a particle seems to settle in an F hb = ratio between thickness and width of particles
orientation that offers the greatest possible resistance to its settling. Fs = shape factor ·of particles (for spheres, Fs = 1)
When NRem > 10, a plate-like particle settles flatwise and will turn Fw = correction factor for wall effect
on edge if NRem falls below about 1. In the range of 1 <NRem < 10,
g = acceleration caused by gravity=9.81 m/s 2
unstable settling results and ho preferred orientation can be noted.
4. Two simplified equations for calculating the corresponding [32.19 ft/sec 2 ]
sphericities of disks and rectangular plates have been introduced hs = thickness of disks or rectangular plates, mm [in.]
and a set of simple empirical equations has been developed for cor- Ic = consistency index of power-law fluids, Pa · sn
relating the effect of particle shape on the drag coefficient. [lbf-secn /100 ft 2 ]

342 SPE Drilling Engineering, December 1987

L = length of rectangular plates, nun [ip.] 7. Acharya, A.: "Particle Transport in Viscous and Viscoelastic Frac-
n = flow behavior index of power-law fluids turing Fluids," SPEPE (March 1986) 104-10.
'8. Williams, C.E. and Bruce, G.H.: "Carrying Capacity of Drilling
NRem = modified particle Reynolds number defined by Eq. 7
Muds," Trans., AIME (1951) 192, 111-20.
NRem' = particle Reynolds number defined in ~ef. 6 9. Hopkin, E.A.: "Fa~tors Affecting Cuttings Removal During Rotary
NRen = particle Reynolds number for Newtonian fluids Drilling," JPT (June 1967) 807-14; Trans., AIME, 240.
define<\ by Eq. 5 10. Sifferman, T.R. e~ al.: "Drill-Cutting Transport in Full-Scale Verti-
Tc = critical temperature Annuli," JPT (Nov. l974) 1295-1302.
11. Walker, R.E. and Mayes, T.M.: "pesign of Muds for Carrying C~­
vp = particle settling velocity, m/s [ft/sec]
padty," JPT (July 1975) 893-900; Trans., AIME, 259.
vp = volume of~ particle, mm 3 [in. 3 ] 12. Sampl~, ~.J. and Bourgoyne, A.T.: "An Experimental Evaluation of
X = coefficient 4efined in Eq. 9 Correlations Used for Predicting Cutting Slip Velocity," paper SPE
i' = shear rate of flui~s, seconds -l 664~ presented at the 1977 SPE Annual Technical Conference a,nd Ex-
hibition, Denver, Oct. 9-12.
JL = viscosity of Newtonian fluids, Pa · s [cp]
13. Hussaini, S~M. and Azar, J.J.: "Experimental Study of Drilled Cut-
PJ = density of fluids, g/cm 3 · · tings Transport Using Common Drilling Mu~s." SPET (Feb. l983)
Pp = de:qsity of particles, glcJJ:?. 3 11-20. . ' '
1/; = sphericity of paf!icles 14. Harrington, L.J., Hannah, R.R., and Williams, D.: "Dynamic Experi-
ments on Pr9ppant Settling in Crosslinked Fracturing Fluids," paper
SPE 8342 presented at the 1979 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Exl:\ibitioi1 1 Las Vegas, Sept. 43-26. ·
cor ::::::: corrected 15. Hannah, R.R. and Harrington, L.J.: "Measurement of Dynamic Prop-
m = measured (Eq. 16) pant Fall Rates in fracturing Gels Using a Concentric Cylinder Tester,"
JPT (May 1981) 909-13.
Acknowledgments 16. Bi~d, R.B., Stewart, W.E., and Lightfoot, E.N.: Transport Phenome-
na, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York City (1960) 56-60 and 190-94.
We express our appreciation to both the Marine Technology Direc- 17. Wasserman, M.L. and Slattery, J.C.: "Upper and Lower Bounds on
torate of the Science and Engineering Research Council of ihe U.K. the Drag Coeffici~nt qf a Sphere in a Power-Model Fluid," AIChE J.
and also Esso E&J;> U.K. Ltd. for it~ financial support for the re- (May l964) f9, No. 3, 383-88.
search program on drilled-cuttin~s transport. 18. Govier, G. W. ~nd Aziz, K.: The Flow of Complex Mixtures in Pipes,
Litton e<Iucational Publishing Jnc., New York City (1972) 4-13.
19. Clark, P.E. and Qu~dir, J.A.: "Proppant Transport in Hydraulic Frac-
tures: A Critical Review of Particle Settling Velocity Equations~ ' ' paper
1. Zeidler, H. U.: ''An Experimental Analysis of the Transport of Drilled SPE/DOE 2866 presented at the 1981 SPE/DOE Low Permeability Sym-
particles," SPf;J (feb. 1972) 39-48; Trans., AIME, Z53. posium, Denver, ~ay 27-29.
2. Moore, P.L.: Drilling fractices Manual, Petro\eum Publishing Co.,
Tulsa (1974) 228-39. ·
3. Skelland, A.H.P.·: Non-Newtonian Flow and Heat Transfer, John Wiley Sl Met~ic Conversjon F~ctors
& Sons Inc., New York (1967) 72-74, 143-44, and 181-95.
4. Novotny, E.J. ': "Proppani Tran~port,'' paper SPE 6813 presented at cp X l.Q* E+OO mPa·s
the 1977 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, D~nver, in. x 2.54* E+OO em
Oct. 9~12. ·
5. Daneshy, A.A.: ''Numerical Solution of 5;and Transport in Hydraulic •conversion factor is exact. SPEDE
Fracturing," JPT (Jan. 1978) 132-40.
6. Shim, S.N.: "Proppant Settling CorreJa~ons for Non-Newtonian Fluids Original SPE manuscript (SPE 16243) received for review Oct. 2, 1986. Paper accepted
Under Static and Dynamic Conditions," SPEJ (April 1982) 164-70. for publication July 27, 1987. Revised manuscript rec.eived July 16, 1987.

SPE Drilling Engineering, December 1987 343

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