SmartE 2024 EXHIBITOR MANUAL 光地 2024巴西展搭建商手册

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Dear Exhibitor or Service Provider,
We are very pleased to have you as an Exhibitor at The smarter E South America 2024, to be held at the Blue,
Blue-B, Green, Red, and White Halls of Expo Center Norte; Rua José Bernardo Pinto, 333; Vila Guilherme, São
Paulo, Brazil, on August 27–29, 2024.
In keeping with our event’s theme, we urge you to support us in our drive to have booths made with
sustainable, reusable materials that prioritise recycling, thus minimising waste.
Please keep this consideration in mind when having your booth designed and let your Hired Booth
Constructor know what your stance is on the matter. Choose recyclable materials such as aluminium, or
reusable ones like fabrics.
We count on your help in paying strict attention to the deadlines defined in this Manual.
Ignorance of the rules laid down in this Manual does not exempt you or your agents (contractors, sub-
contractors etc) from the penalties, fines, sanctions and liabilities established herein.
The Organisers reserve the right to arbitrate on cases not provided for in this Manual, to alter its rules or
establish new rules that they deem necessary for the smooth running of the event.
As an Exhibitor, you and the companies you hire are expected to fully comply with all of the Venue’s
regulations, specifications and requirements described in this Manual – particularly with regard to the set-up
and decoration of your booth.
The Venue management will stop any job which is found not to comply with the set-up standards set out in
this Manual. You will be liable for any damages caused by jobs under your supervision.
We advise you to relay the information in this Manual to everyone involved in the set-up, decoration,
operation or take-down of your booth, so that they can suitably time their arrangements.
Except where otherwise noted, every date in this Manual refers to 2024.
Have a great time!
Aranda Eventos e Congressos Ltda.
Freiburg Management and Marketing International GmbH
Solar Promotion International GmbH



Must Tour Two L Eventos
Contact: Weslaine Honorato Contact: Laís Duarte (
Mobile: +5511 93424-6719 Contact: Lica Gimenez ( Phone/WhatsApp: +5511 3197-0644


Trans Expo Transportes Aresta Visual
Contact: Nagel Rui Pereira Contact: Sirlene Marcelino
Contact: Glaucia Sousa Phone: +5511 3973-6500
Phone: +5511 4109-9011 Mobile: +5511 94776-0006
Mobile: +5511 99949-4783 (Nagel)
Mobile: +5511 99964-0860 (Glaucia) TELEPHONE AND INTERNET
Expo Telecom
INTERNATIONAL CARRIER Contact: Alexandre Loureiro
Windlog Phone: +5511 4210-0810
Contact: Linda Yamada Kuriki Mobile: +5511 99201-7321
Phone: +5511 5033-7700
Mobile: +5511 94025-4013
(Various) Contact: Lidiane Rocha Mobile: +5511 97611-5078 TV AND AUDIO
Lord Produções e Eventos
OFFICIAL PRINTER Contact: Cristiane Amadio
D&M Gráfica e Editora Phone: +5511 3297-0268
Contact: Mauricio Mobile: +5511 94081-8058
Phone/WhatsApp: +5511 3662-5816



Trucks enter the hall to their designated sectors in the order specified on the floor map. • Trucks
8am–6pm must enter the standby lorry park to be registered and allowed into the exhibition hall. • Trucks
Sector A: 08–1pm unable to enter during their designated time slots may do so under Two L’s supervision and as long
Sector B: 1pm–6pm as aisles are not obstructed. • Pallet trucks, pneumatic trolleys and forklifts may enter with
August 21 machines, floors and other items.
Booth set-up. • Machines, floors and other items may only enter on pallet trucks, pneumatic trolleys
and forklifts, under Two L’s supervision and as long as aisles are not obstructed.
0am–12pm Booth set-up.
August 22
0am–12pm Booth set-up.
August 23
0am–12pm Booth set-up.
August 24
Booth set-up ends. • Set-up operations including power fixtures, audiovisual gear, furniture, logos,
Sunday 0am–6pm
gardening and finishing must end.
August 25
6pm–12pm Exhibit placement, including small and medium-sized vehicles must be completed.
Exhibitor’s Day. • Exhibitor’s final decoration touches. • Small vehicles can still be taken in,
Monday exclusively in the morning.
August 26 General cleaning and aisle carpeting start at 6pm. • Do not leave packaging or items of any kind
behind in the aisles. Non-compliance will be fined R$3,000.
Noon–8pm SHOW
August 27
Noon–8pm SHOW
August 28

Noon–8pm SHOW

Thursday 8pm–9pm Aisle carpeting is removed.

August 29 Remove furniture and leased items (TV, minibar etc). • Use pallet trucks, pneumatic trolleys or
forklifts to carry machines and other items out. • Do not leave packaging or items of any kind behind.
Non-compliance will be fined R$3,000. • You are advised to have staff or security personnel at your
booth until all objects in it are removed.
Friday 0am–8pm Booth take-down,
August 30 8pm–12pm
Saturday Crane trucks are allowed in where and when possible.
0am –8am
August 31

Note: Trucks will be allowed into the halls for a maximum of 4 hours each.
Any truck exceeding this allowance will be fined R$200 for each additional hour.



1 PAYMENT .........................................................................................5
2 ACCESS .............................................................................................5
3 LOADING AND UNLOADING..............................................................5
5 PARKING ..........................................................................................8
6 REGISTRATION .................................................................................9
7 GUIDELINES FOR EXHIBITORS .........................................................13
8 SET-UP AND TAKE-DOWN RULES ....................................................19
9 UTILITIES ........................................................................................29
10 DATA COLLECTION..........................................................................32
11 CATERING.......................................................................................32
12 SECURITY........................................................................................32
13 LEGAL REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................33
14 SAFETY STANDARDS .......................................................................36


If you have pending contractual debts relating to your participation in the event, your access to the Manual
will be blocked and your Hired Booth Constructor will not be allowed to enter the exhibition hall.
Any infrastructure service requested by you, your agents or one of your service providers must be fully paid
for before it can be carried out. This regulation encompasses requests for services including water & sewage,
additional electrical power, hiring an official booth security service, and extra ID badges for service providers,
watchmen and your exhibiting staff. If payment has not been made in advance, it must be made onsite. No
payment slips will be issued after the event.

Rua José Bernardo Pinto 333
Vila Guilherme – 02055-000
São Paulo, SP – Brazil
Phone: +5511 2089-5500

During set-up and take-down, no one will be allowed inside the halls shirtless, barefoot, wearing shorts,
bermuda shorts, tank top, dress, skirt, open footwear (flip-flops, sandals, flats etc) or high-heeled shoes.
On August 21 to 25, any person in the halls must wear a safety helmet at all times.
We will adhere to the health protocols issued by the São Paulo State government in force at the time of the
People under 18 must not enter the halls during set-up or take-down. Non-compliance will be fined


The Organisers or the Venue will not store items or materials, and will not be held liable for items or materials
damaged, lost or missing anywhere in the Venue’s premises. It is up to the Exhibitor or Contractor to maintain
adequate custody of their belongings and ensure their safe entry, stay and exit.
Items and materials left in common areas will be subject to confiscation by the Organisers.
3.1 Truck access
Carrier trucks will enter the standby lorry park through Gate 18 on Rua Miguel Mentem from 2pm on August
20. On entering, each truck’s licence plate and its driver’s WhatsApp number will be registered and the driver
will be sent a message about what time, hall and gate they can head to the exhibition hall proper. Access to
the offloading area is through Gate C4 on Rua Coronel Marques Ribeiro. All gates into the halls will be open.
- Blue and Blue-B Halls: C1 e C2;
- White Hall: C3, C4 e C5;
- Green Hall: C5 e C6;
- Red Hall: C7, C8, C9 e C10.
Note: Gates C9 and C10 will be closed from 8pm to 8am the next day to comply with the City’s noise
Entrance of carrier trucks will be organised in time slots according to the booth’s location in the Venue, as per


the floor plan below.

To view a detailed image of the floor with the booth location and numbers, please use the following link:


Hours for Sector A booths: August 21, 8am–1pm
Hours for Sector B booths: August 21, 1pm–6pm


Note: Trucks will be allowed into the halls for a maximum of 4 hours each.
Any truck exceeding this allowance will be fined R$200 for each additional hour.
Trucks unable to enter during their designated time slots must consider unloading and drayage through the
offloading area, from which no truck may enter the halls. Please be aware that, by this time, the aisles may be
filled with rubble and scattered remains of materials used during set-up, and we therefore cannot guarantee
that trucks will be able to reach their booths. If that is the case, your Booth Constructor or Freight Carrier
must take to your materials and equipment your booth by hand or on pallet trucks or pneumatic trolleys.

3.2 Exhibitor’s access

Entrance to the parking area for exhibitors is through Gate 13 at Rua José Bernardo Pinto Street, 300.
Passenger cars will not be allowed in the offloading area. Passenger vans will.


4.1 Handling, drayage and removal of materials in the halls
Please fill in Form F11 (Listing of Exhibited Products) so we can help you plan your drayage of machines and
other large items.
Crane trucks from non-official freight carriers hired by exhibitors will be allowed inside the halls exclusively
from 8am to 6pm on August 21 for drayage, and from 8pm on August 30 to 8am on August 31 for removals.
Entrance will be organised in time slots according to the booth’s location in the Venue. In order for your hired
crane truck to be allowed in, you must send a representative to personally lead it to the location where your
machine or equipment is to be installed. Otherwise, the truck will remain in the waiting queue until your
representative is present. As an Exhibitor, you must see to it that all your items and building materials are
delivered to and removed from your booth in a timely manner.
Warning: No storing of items in the parking lot and no reserving of parking spots will be allowed at any time
during set-up or take-down. Infringement of this regulation will be fined by a value to be set by the Venue
4.2 Drayage of machines and heavy items
Any heavy item that must be hoisted or carried with a winch, a crane truck or a forklift will be allowed inside
the halls exclusively on August 21 from 8am to 4pm. Entrance will be organised in time slots according to the
booth’s location in the Venue. Please be aware that, by this time, the aisles may be filled with rubble and
scattered remains of materials used during set-up, and we therefore cannot guarantee that trucks will be able
to reach their booths. If that is the case, items must be taken to your booth by hand or on pallet trucks or
pneumatic trolleys escorted by a member of your staff. After 4pm, only the official Freight Carrier will be
allowed to enter the halls with crane trucks.


4.2.1 Static load

The handling of items inside the halls must comply with the maximum load of 3,500 kg/m². Vehicles must not
park with their wheels on top of the channel covers on the floor or drive on top of them along their length.
Warning: The ONLY crane trucks allowed inside the halls after 6pm on August 21 will be those of the Official
Freight Carrier, as it has a higher cost due to insurance requirements in addition to the cargo insurance

As an Exhibitor, you may claim up to 2 parking vouchers with a 50% discount for regular cars at the main
parking lot, regardless of your booth’s size. Vouchers will be valid only on the three open days of the
exhibition. No vehicle will be allowed in without a parking voucher. Vouchers do not grant access to the
offloading area. In order to claim discount parking vouchers, you must present a valid Exhibitor ID badge and
personal ID at the parking lot’s ticket office. When purchasing vouchers, you must declare how many
consecutive days the voucher will be used for. Vouchers may be claimed or bought at the ticket office at Gate
13, Rua José Bernardo Pinto 300, and at Gates 16 and 17, Rua Miguel Mentem, from August 22 on, from 8am
to 6pm. Exit is exclusively through Gates 16 and 17. On set-up and take-down days, Exhibitors will pay R$10
per day per vehicle in the main parking lot. The parking company is ESTAPAR, Tel.: +5511 22216700, email:


Motorbike R$25
Passenger car (maximum height: 2.4m) R$75
Passenger van or Minibus R$120
Each surplus hour R$5

The prices listed above are not defined by Aranda and are subject to change without prior notice.
5.1 Loading & Unloading
The offloading area may be reached through Gate C4, Rua Coronel Marques Ribeiro, 200. To enter the correct
hall, please head to the door to your assigned colour.
No vehicles will be allowed to park and remain at the offloading area or inside the halls beyond the period
strictly necessary for loading and unloading.
Access to the Red Hall offloading area is through gates C9 and C10. In compliance with the City’s noise
ordinance, these gates will be closed from 8pm to 8am the next day.


Above 7 tons 3 hours R$50 for each additional hour

The price above is not defined by Aranda and is subject to change without prior notice.
5.2 Maintenance and provisioning
On the open days of the event, August 27–29, access to the offloading area for maintenance and/or


provisioning of the booths will be done in different time slots due to crowding of the parking lot, which will
have two connecting tunnels with the Blue-B Hall. Here are the entry routes:
White, Green and Red Halls: Access to the parking lot through Gate 4, at Rua Coronel Marques Ribeiro 200,
through White Hall’s Gate C4, and exit from the parking lot through Gate 1;
Blue & Blue-B Halls: Access to the parking lot through Gate 2 at Rua Galatea 2 and then Gate C2 into the Hall,
and again exit from the parking lot through Gate 2.
5.3 Help desks
The Help Desks for Exhibitors (CAEX) and Service Providers (CAPS), located behind the Green Hall office, will
be available throughout the event cycle to:
• Receive requests for ID badges and issue ID badges to Exhibitors and their Hired Contractors;
• Receive additional infra-structure requests from Exhibitors – for water & sewage, additional power, etc;
• Answer inquiries.
August 22–26 8am – 8pm
August 27–28 7am – 8pm
August 29 8am – 8pm

6.1 Hired Freight Carrier registration
If you decide to hire your own Freight Carrier, please do it well in advance. If there are setbacks during the
handling of your cargo inside the exhibition hall, there are few alternative options for hiring carriers onsite.
Please register your Freight Carrier via form F12 (Appointing a Freight Carrier) by August 14. Also, please
submit form F11 (Description of Largest Exhibit or Equipment) by August 14.
Should your Hired Freight Carrier decide to register directly at the CAPS (the Service Provider Help Desk), they
must submit your authorisation to supply services to you, printed on your letterhead paper
6.2 Hired Booth Constructor registration
Read this section if you have decided NOT to hire our booth construction.
6.2.1 Booth Constructors with more than one job
Contractors with more than one building job at the same exhibition and whose documentation for one booth
is pending, though complete for another, will be allowed to enter the hall for work on the first day. However,
on the second day, the pending documentation must be submitted. Failure to submit said documentation will
prevent their team from entering the halls.
6.2.2 Appointing a Hired Booth Constructor
Please submit form F03 (Appointing a Contractor) by August 2 to appoint your Hired Booth Constructor and
link them to your booth. After this, your Contractor will be emailed a login name and a password to access the
Service Providers’ section on our website.
Your Hired Contractor is entitled to one ID badge per every 3m² of your booth area, and may accumulate ID
badges if they have been hired by more than one exhibiting company. The Contractor may request additional
ID badges at R$40 each.


Either you or your Hired Contractor must also submit:

• a Liability Statement;
• Form F04 (Set-up Cleaning Fee); this form is mandatory if you did not pay the general cleaning fee in the
• your booth design for approval.
6.2.3 Collection of Hired Booth Constructor ID badges
ID badges for Hired Contractors will be issued after the following conditions have been met:
• a booth design satisfying the exhibition specifications (submitted through our Service Providers’ online
portal) must be approved;
• the Certificate of Technical Responsibility (RRT or ART) for the booth design, its execution and its electrical
plan (submitted through the Online Manual) must be approved;
• proof of payment of the RRT or ART must be submitted through the Online Manual;
• a Liability Statement signed by you and by an official from your Contractor or your agents must be
submitted. If your company is based in another country or Brazilian state, you may sign the Statement
• proof of payment of the set-up cleaning fee.
Payments for all billable requests made by your Contractor must have been settled with Aranda.
On August 7 to 21, your Contractor’s ID badges may be collected by appointment at Aranda’s office (Al. Olga
315, São Paulo), and from 1pm of August 23 on, they can only be collected at the Contractor Help Desk (CAM).
The ID badges may be collected by third-party messengers who submit a written authorisation signed by an
official from the Contractor on their letterhead paper
Note: Should omit to appoint your Hired Contractor through our services portal, they can register directly at
the CAM Help Desk by submitting an authorisation to supply services to you, printed on your letterhead paper
and signed by you.
Area (m²) ID badges Area (m²) ID badges
9 3 40 13
12 4 48 16
15 5 56 19
16 5 60 20
18 6 64 21
20 7 70 23
21 7 84 28
24 8 96 32
30 10 100 33
32 11 112 67
34 11 144 48
36 12 400 133

6.3 Exhibitor registration

As an Exhibitor, you are entitled to free ID badges exclusively for your staff. The number of free ID badges will
be proportional to the area of your booth (1 per 2m²), as per the table below


You may request additional ID badges for R$36 each by filling out and submitting Form F02 (Exhibitor
Registration) by August 29.
On August 7 to 21, ID badges may be collected by appointment at Aranda’s office (Al. Olga 315, São Paulo),
and from 1pm of August 23 on, they can only be collected at the Exhibitor and Service Provider Help Desks
(“CAEX” and “CAPS” respectively) located behind the Green Hall office. The ID badges may be collected by
third-party messengers who submit a written authorisation signed by you on your letterhead paper.
Warning: Please remind each of your staff members to keep their ID badge with them at all times, as they give
their bearer access to the exhibition and may be put to malicious use. A duplicate of a lost or forgotten ID
badge will be charged at R$75 each, and will only be handed to the bearer in person, upon presentation of
photo ID.
Exhibitor ID badges do not grant access to the Conference.
Exhibitor ID badges may not be used by service providers such as watchmen, support workers, hostesses,
catering workers etc.


Area (m²) ID badges Area (m²) ID badges
10 5 130 65
20 10 140 70
30 15 150 75
40 20 160 80
50 25 170 85
60 30 180 90
70 35 190 95
80 40 200 100
90 45 210 105
100 50 220 110
110 55 230 115
120 60 240 120

6.4 Registration of Hired Contractors for catering, security, cleaning, hosting, etc.
You may request ID badges for Hired Contractors by filling out and submitting Forms F06 and F06.1 by August
14. That done, each Contractor will receive a login name and a password to register their staff online.
Registration forms are only available online. ID badges for your Hired Contractors will be charged a fee.


Hired Contractors R$185
Hired Security Personnel R$330

With the exception of ID badges for your Hired Security, Service Provider ID badges may be collected
individually at Aranda’s office (Al. Olga 315, São Paulo), by appointment on August 8 to 21. From 8am of
August 22 onwards, they can only be collected at the Exhibitor or Service Provider Help Desks (“CAEX” and


“CAPS” respectively) located behind the Green Hall office by presenting proof of payment and photo ID. The
ID badges may be collected by third-party messengers who submit a written authorisation signed by the
Provider on their letterhead paper
Warning: Please remind your Hired Service Providers to keep their ID badges with them at all times, as they
gives them access to the show and may be put to malicious use by third parties. A duplicate of a lost or
forgotten ID badge will be charged R$320 each for general Service Providers and R$440 each for your Hired
Security personnel. The duplicate will only be handed to the applicant in person, upon presentation of photo
ID. Should your Hired Service Provider decide to register directly at CAEX or CAPS, they must submit your
authorisation to supply services to you, printed on your letterhead paper.



Please take special care to comply with form submission deadlines and to hire reliable service providers.
Make sure you appoint your Hired Booth Constructor as early as possible. You can find a great number of
available independent Booth Constructors on the websites of ABRACCE (,
Sindiprom ( and ABEOC (
7.1 Hired Booth Constructor registration
After registering your Hired Booth Constructor, they will receive a login and password to access the system
and upload documentation for technical analysis of the booth design, and also to register their team so
Aranda can issue their ID badges.
7.2 Get to know your Booth Constructor
Check how many other customers your Booth Constructor will work for at our event and whether they will be
working at a different event at the same time. Insist that they produce a detailed list of the scheduled tasks to
be performed, including staff numbers required.
Attention: If you plan to have a large booth built, you may require an extra shift of builders to work overnight;
if so, this shift must be builders who did not work the morning or afternoon shifts.
Warning: If you plan to have a double-deck booth built – that is, one with a mezzanine – , the extra shift is
Sustainability: The products and technologies showcased by your company contribute to a future with cleaner
energy and consequently to the preservation of the Earth’s natural resources. Let your Booth Constructor
know that you demand the design and building of sustainable booths that contemplate the reuse of materials
and prioritise recycling, and thus minimise waste and the use of wood.
7.3 Early design submission and cleaning fee discount
If you submit your booth design for approval together with the required documentation by June 30, you will
receive a R$500 discount on the set-up cleaning fee.
This discount will be deducted from the last instalment of your contract.
After August 9, an emergency service fee of R$500 will be applied for booth design evaluation. This amount
will be invoiced by Aranda Eventos.
The booth design will be evaluated within 72 hours.
Booth designs will not be accepted via email. All designs and/or documentation must be uploaded to the
service provider’s portal.
7.4 Rules and costs of double-deck booths
Only island booths with a minimum of 100m² are allowed to have an upper deck, and its area must keep
within 10% and 40% of your booth’s total floor space.
The double-deck square metre will be charged 50% on the booth’s square metre. The additional area of the
upper deck will also be used for calculating total mandatory fees for cleaning services, power supply and fire
7.5 General guidelines
• If you decide not to hire our booth construction, you must fill out and submit Form F03 (Appointing a


Contractor) by August 4.
• Please be advised to have your booth, exhibited items and personal property covered by insurance against
all hazards, including fire, explosions, theft, accidents and losses during transportation and handling, effective
throughout the entire event cycle.
• Closely supervise all phases of set-up by your Hired Contractor so as to avoid delays in submitting your
design and forms, as well as to ensure quality of service. Brief them on set-up and take-down deadlines and
make sure they understand they know about the penalties for non-compliance..
• Your booth’s set-up must be concluded by 6pm on August 25, including furniture, logos and finishing
touches. A booth not delivered by your Hired Contractor by that time will be considered void, and Aranda is
authorised to used it at our convenience. You will not be reimbursed of payments already made for the use of
the area.
• You must have your booth in full operation by 10am on August 27;
• You must keep your booth in full operation during all open hours (from Noon to 8pm), manned by trained
and able staff.
• Please be aware that booth maintenance and support on August 27 to 29 are to be carried out by your
Hired Contractor exclusively from 8am to 11am. Your Contractor will have 3 “Contractor” ID badges changed
to “Maintenance” ID badges. The change must be made at the Contractor Help Desk (CAM) by an official from
your Contractor.
7.6 Exhibitor’s Day: August 26
On Exhibitor’s Day:
You are allowed: To carry in and place your exhibits, including small and medium-sized vehicles. To carry out
final decoration jobs and small adjustments.
You are not allowed: To alter your booth design or your signage. To enter with furniture, gardening and
finishing item. All of that must have been done before Exhibitor’s Day.
Warning: Follow the building of your booth from the start so that you can make changes to finishing, signage
or furniture before Exhibitor’s Day.
7.7 Crowding of aisles
If you wish to include a counter for talking to visitors or distributing gifts, it must be located inside your booth,
with a minimum clearing of 0.5m² from its edge – that is, enough space for one person to be booth at the
counter without stepping onto the circulation aisle.
Circulation aisles are not waiting areas for booths.
If activity in a booth congests a circulation aisle, an inspector will notify the Exhibitor so that they can take
appropriate measures to stop the activity, such as distributing access numbers and/or staggering entry times.
If the Exhibitor does not comply with the inspector’s instruction after notification, they will be liable to a fine
of R$3,000, which will be charged after the event. Please be advised that failure to pay the fine will render the
Exhibitor ineligible for participation in our future events.
7.8 Exhibitor’s rubbish and boxing
Unfortunately, the exhibition hall will have no storage area. For this reason, you are responsible for taking any
containers such as wooden boxes away before the show begins. Please remember to arrange this with your
Carrier before they leave.
It is strictly forbidden to throw wooden and other boxes into the Venue’s dumpsters or leave them in the


circulation aisles, subject to a R$3,000 fine. The exhibiting company will be notified and the fine will be
invoiced after the end of the show. Please be advised that failure to pay the fine will render the Exhibitor
ineligible for participation in our future events.
7.9 Co-exhibitors and shared booths
Co-exhibitors are defined as exhibitors which are represented by a main exhibitor, be they companies of the
same group, importers or partner companies.
Distributor companies selling to retailers who are main exhibitors can display the logos of brands they
distribute inside the booth without having to pay a Co-exhibiting fee. To do this, they must submit
documentation that prove they are distributors.
The Co-exhibitor cannot have a booth built – even partially built – inside a shared booth; for instance, by
having partition walls of any height built in it.
The Co-exhibitor is allowed only to use the booth by employing their own staff, by exhibiting their products or
services, and by displaying their logo on the back wall behind their exhibits in the shared booth
The booth’s fascia board must not contain the name, logo or any identification except that of its main
Exhibitor. That is, no mention of the Co-exhibitor must be displayed on the fascia board or any sub-board, be
it by image or text.
7.10 Photography
No photography or filming is allowed of the premises, the exhibition area or within the lecture halls. As an
Exhibitor, you may photograph or film your own booth.
Aranda retains the right to use photographs and videos of the exhibition for our own publications.
Contractors’ photographers must report to the Help Desk (CAEX/CAPS) and submit an authorisation signed by
you. They can take photos between 8am and 11am.
Exhibitor’s photographers must be registered through a form. For more information, please contact
Warning: As an Exhibitor, you will be held accountable before Aranda for any actions committed by your staff
or service providers that infringe or conflict with the rules and standards contained herein.
7.11 Audio for music and talks in the booth
You may use audio equipment only inside your booth, as long as it is approved by the organisers and the
sound is not amplified above 70dB or to the outside. Under no circumstances shall concerts, performances or
any other type of PR stunt be allowed as they inconvenience other Exhibitors, or the show as a whole.
Talks or training sessions within your booth will only be authorised if headphones are handed out to
participants. The use of amplifiers and loudspeakers is not allowed.
The smarter E South America is an event for professionals, aimed at spreading information about technologies
that contribute to creating a sustainable energy future. Staging a musical attraction will shift focus away from
the event’s purpose.
Exhibitors who fail to comply with this regulation will be notified by the organiser and may be fined R$3,300.
According to copyright law 9.610/98, should you play background music in your booth, even from AM/FM
radio stations, you must pay a special fee through a bank payment form provided by ECAD, the Brazilian
copyright collection agency. For more information, please contact the ECAD office in São Paulo. The fee must
be paid up to 72 hours before the event starts.


ECAD – Escritório Central de Arrecadação e Distribuição

Avenida Paulista 171, 3º andar
01311-000 – São Paulo – SP
Phone: +5511 3287-6722 / Fax: +5511 3285-6790
7.12 Horns, vuvuzelas and paper rain
The use of horns, vuvuzelas or paper rain inside or outside the booths is not allowed, subject to a R$3,000
fine. A hall inspector will notify Exhibitors who violate this rule. If the Exhibitor repeats the infraction, the hall
inspector will record it by photographing or filming the activity. The fine will be invoiced after the end of the
show. Please be advised that failure to pay the fine will render the Exhibitor ineligible for participation in our
future events.
7.13 Promotions, sweepstakes etc
If you plan to do any sort of promotion, please talk to Aranda for approval.
You are allowed to hand out promotional materials within your allocated area only.
Aranda reserves the right to halt the handing out of promotional material, even within your allocated area, if
this is deemed to be causing crowding or nuisance to other exhibitors. After a warning from Aranda, the
exhibitor who acts in contempt of this regulation may have their booth shut down.
Sweepstakes and raffles are allowed, subject to regulation according to the guidelines below under your
supervision, and as long as the ban on sound amplification is observed.
The operation, issuing of authorisations and inspection of activities related to the free distribution of prizes
carried out through sweepstakes, gift vouchers, contests and the like are under the responsibility of CEF (the
Brazilian federal savings bank), except when CEF itself or any other financial institution has a stake in it.
In those cases, SEAE (the Ministry of Finance’s Office for Economic Monitoring) is the agency that analyses and
authorises requests for the distribution of prizes.
SEAE’s website: | Email: | Fax: +5561 3412-2360.
In other cases, the request for authorisation must be made to GENAB (the CEF’s National Management of
Bingos and Commercial Promotions).
GENAB’s website: | Email: | Phone/Fax: +5561 2108-7664
Mailing address: Setor Bancário Sul, quadra 4, lotes 3 & 4, 13º andar
Ed. Sede da CEF – CEP: 70092-900 – Brasília/DF.
7.14 Demonstrations
While in operation, every exhibited machine must display clearly visible safety warnings which can only be
removed after its total shutdown. All pressurised equipment must meet safety standards and regulations.
Machines must be equipped with adequate noise control, in compliance with ABNT ordinance No. 10152 of
Dec 1987.
Should a presentation or demonstration inconvenience other exhibitors, obstruct a passage to another booth
or occupy any space outside of your allocated area, Aranda reserves the right to either cancel or restrict it.
7.15 Mascots
The use of mascots and/or walking acts is subject to a merchandising fee. If your company has not paid the
fee in advance and is caught running this type of promotion, you will have the fee pending for settlement


before you can renew your participation for the event’s next edition.
You are exempt from paying the fee only in case your mascot remains inside your booth area, acting as
decoration. Please be warned that this exemption will only be granted if the costume or promotional clothing
is never worn when wandering out of your booth through or in ANY other area of the venue, including
restrooms and the food court.
If your mascot is seen outside your booth, you will be charged R$28,500 before you can lease a booth area for
the event’s next edition.
7.16 Insurance and Liability
Aranda Eventos has purchased a Multilateral Civil Liability-type insurance scheme (RCC) with coverage for
losses or damages to third-parties, effective throughout the event cycle
Such insurance does not cover your booth, your goods and other items belonging to you, nor does it cover
your staff or that of your Hired Contractors. We therefore recommend that you should procure your own
insurance policy covering all risks – including fire, explosions, theft, accidents and losses during transportation
and handling – , effective throughout the event cycle.
7.17 Invoices for forwarding of items
As an Exhibitor, it is your sole responsibility to comply with the legal requirements relating to procedures for
shipment of items, equipment, products, tools, etc.
You must issue invoices for forwarding on behalf of your company. The invoice’s header must include all of
your company’s relevant data as the sending company. The same applies to forwarding made through
7.17.1 Forwarding of items
The forwarding of items, products, etc, even from third parties, must be covered by an invoice from your
company. The invoice must list all items, products, equipment, etc forwarded, including their real price, and
the following words (in Portuguese):
“Estas mercadorias destinam-se a exposição no evento The smarter E South America 2024, a realizar-se entre
27 a 29 agosto de 2024, no Expo Center Norte, Pavilhões Azul, Branco, Verde, Vermelho e Azul-B; situado à
Rua José Bernardo Pinto 333; São Paulo, SP; devendo retornar à origem no prazo máximo de 60 dias.”
(Translation: “These items are for exhibition at the show The smarter E South America 2024, at the Blue,
Green, Red, White and Blue-B Halls of Expo Center Norte, Rua José Bernardo Pinto 333, São Paulo, Brazil, on
August 27–29, and must be returned within 60 days.”)
“Saída com isenção de ICMS, de acordo com o Artigo 33º, Anexo I do RICMS’2000.” (Translation: “Check out
exempted from transportation tax, in accordance with Article 33, Annex I of RICMS’2000.”)
In the case of an industrial establishment, please include the following words (in Portuguese):
“Saída com suspensão de IPI, de acordo com o Artigo 40º – Inciso II do RIPI/98.” (Translation: “Check out
exempted from industrial tax, in accordance with Article 40 – Clause II of RIPI/98.”)
7.17.2 Return of items to origin
For the return of the items, you must issue invoices which name you as the receiving company and indicate
the number and date of the forwarding invoice, plus the following words (in Portuguese):
“Retorno de exposição no evento The smarter E South America 2024, realizado se entre 27 a 29 de agosto de
2024, no Expo Center Norte, Pavilhões Azul, Branco, Verde, Vermelho e Azul-B; situado à Rua José Bernardo
Pinto 333; São Paulo, SP.” (Translation: “Goods returned from the event at the Blue, Green, Red, White and


Blue-B Halls of Expo Center Norte, Rua José Bernardo Pinto 333, São Paulo, Brazil, on August 27–29.)
“Retorno com isenção do ICMS, de acordo com o Artigo 33º, Anexo I do RICMS’2000.” (Translation: “Return
exempted from transit tax, in accordance with Article 33, Annex I of RICMS’2000.”)
In the case of an industrial establishment, please include the following words (in Portuguese):
“Retorno com suspensão do IPI, de acordo com o Artigo 40º – Inciso II do RIPI/98.” (Translation: “Check out
exempted from industrial tax, in accordance with Article 40 – Clause II of RIPI/98.”)



8.1 Dress and Personal Protective Equipment
In order to reduce the risks of accidents, all persons present in the Venue during the set-up, maintenance and
take-down must wear:
• Safety footwear (high-heels, flats or moccasins are prohibited);
• Long trousers/pants (shorts, dresses or skirts are prohibited);
• A safety helmet.
8.2 Booth design documentation and approval
Independent Booth Constructors and self-assembly Exhibitors must meet the deadlines for submitting the
documents listed below. Design blueprints sent by email will be disregarded. All design blueprints and
required documents must be submitted through our Contractor portal, and will be evaluated for compliance
with the standards and regulations set down in this Manual:
• A detailed floor plan with measurements – and position of the wheelchair ramp, in the case of raised floors;
• Front and side elevations, with measurements;
• 3D perspective for viewing of design details;
• The Certificate of Technical Responsibility (ART or RRT) for design, booth set-up and electrical installation;
8.2.1 How to fill in the ART or RRT documentation
Technical activities for documentation:
Temporary building design or temporary installations
Design of low voltage electrical installations in buildings
Unit: square metre
Execution of temporary building or temporary installations
Execution of low voltage electrical installations in buildings
• Receipt of payment of the ART or the RRT;
• A Liability Statement signed by the Independent Booth Constructor or its agents.
• The electrician in charge must be appointed with their full name and the updated NR10 certificate.
Failure to produce any of the documents will rule out the analysis of your booth design, and this will prevent
your Hired Booth Constructor from entering the hall for set-up.
The building techniques as well as the appropriate safety equipment for booth and workers are the sole
responsibility of the your Hired Booth Constructor.
Your Hired Booth Constructor must have the originals and copies of the documents referring to the booth
ready for inspection from the start for set-up until the end of take-down.
Your Hired Booth Constructor must have an engineer present at the building site all through set-up and take-
You must have the following documentation ready at hand in your booth:
• The Certificate of Technical Responsibility (ART or RRT), signed by a civil engineer or architect duly registered
with CREA-SP, plus proof of payment;


• A copy of the CAU or CREA papers of the architect or engineer who signed the ART or RRT.
The ART or RRT is mandatory for both the booth design and its assembly, and must cover the whole cycle of
the event, that is, on August 21 to 30.
An untrimmed and legible scanned copy of the filled-in ART or RRT for the design must be emailed by your
Booth Constructor to including the following:
• Details about the architect or engineer responsible for the booth’s design and construction; and about the
electrician in case there is an electrical design and installation;
• Your contact details as the contracting party, and construction start and end times, within the event’s
timeline, that is, on August 21 to 30;
• General details on the service: Address (in Portuguese): Expo Center Norte – Rua José Bernardo Pinto, 333 –
Vila Guilherme, São Paulo/SP – CEP: 02055-000 – Pavilhão Azul/Branco/Verde/Vermelho;
• The technical activity relevant to the service to be performed, including amounts and measurements of the
item to be built or the electrical wiring to be installed;
• Suggested description(in Portuguese): “Projeto, montagem, instalações elétricas, manutenção e
desmontagem do estande [booth number] [Exhibitor], (Include brief listing of measurements, materials used
and, in the case of a box truss construction, the model and dimensions), no período de 21 a 31 de agosto de
2024 para o evento “The Smarter E South America 2024”, a ser realizado nos Pavilhões Azul, Branco, Verde,
Vermelho e Azul-B do Expo Center Norte”. (Translation: “Design, set-up, electrical installation, maintenance
and take-down of booth [number] for [Exhibitor]. Include brief listing of measurements, materials used and, in
the case of a box truss construction, the model and dimensions. Include the name, Venue and dates of the
event (in Portuguese): [name, date and location].”)
• Signature: The ART or RRT must be signed by an architect or civil engineer and by you. Without any of the
required signatures, the document will be void;
• Attach proof of payment of the ART or the RRT;
• A copy of the CAU or CREA papers of the architect or engineer who signed the ART or RRT;
If you plan to have a double-deck booth, please include:
• In “Technical Activity”: Design and building of constructive and structural systems or any activity related to
the adopted system, including measurements.
If your company is based in another country or Brazilian state, you may sign the Statement digitally. Payments
for all billable requests made by your Contractor must have been settled with Aranda.
8.3 Guidelines for booth design
Each of the booth’s structures must be stable by itself considering only the floor as support. No type of
fixation on or use of the Venue’s walls, doors, ceilings, metal structures, glass, porticos or columns for support
will be allowed. Therefore, the booth design presented for approval must demonstrate all constructive details
and measurements for the perfect understanding of its structural stability.
8.4 Static load/Weight
The static floor load allowance is 3,500 kg/m². Those weights and measurements must be taken into account
when choosing your exhibits to bring.
The ratio between an exhibit’s total weight and the area of the base polygon formed by its support points
must not exceed the static load defined above.
In case your exhibit exceeds the ratio limit set above, a continuous steel sheet with a minimum thickness of 1”


may be used to distribute the exhibit’s weight evenly along a wider area of the hall floor. The sheet’s edges
must extend 1m beyond all sides of the exhibit. An ART will be required of the technician in charge of
designing and executing such base structure.
Warning: No holes may be drilled in the exhibition hall floor for fixing any item. As an Exhibitor, you will be
held liable for any damage to the floor or channel covers due to excess weight. Failure to comply with the
static floor load allowance will lead to a fine being imposed. If you wish to exhibit more than one machine for
demonstrations, you must provide each machine with its own switch box and connection cables.
For best results in the planning and logistics for handling your exhibits, you must fill out form F11 (Description
of Largest Exhibit or Equipment).
8.5 Occupation and use of the leased area
You or your Booth Constructor will find the booth area marked on the hall floor on arrival. In order to avoid
possible later problems, the markings must be verified for size and location by you or your Contractor before
the actual building work begins.
If you have questions about scheduling, the Two L team will be available during set-up at desks scattered
throughout the halls.
8.5.1 Booth boundaries
Circulation aisles and areas neighbouring the booth cannot be used to store materials, tools or exhibits. All
your trade show operations must be carried out exclusively within the boundaries of your booth. The high
circulation flow of people during the show, the aisles and escape routes must not be obstructed by either
fixed or movable features. If you plan to have queues or interactive features, they must occur inside your
booth so as not to disrupt the aisles or the public’s convenience and safety.
8.6 Maximum booth height and minimum clearance
The maximum booth height allowed is 5m from the exhibition hall floor. Your exhibits must not exceed that
Booths under the Blue, Green and Red Halls’ mezzanines must not exceed 3.2m from the exhibition hall floor.
In this case, that is the height your products must not exceed.
Walls that exceed 2.2m facing a neighbouring booth must be finished with a material compatible with the rest
of the booth and carry no advertising.
Booths that reach more that 3.5m above the Venue floor must have a clearance to neighbouring booths
according to the diagram below:

The construction of steel structures through welding is not allowed inside the hall. If necessary, only small
reinforcement or finishing welding services will be allowed, if monitored by a fire fighter provided with a fire


Warning: No item or equipment may be placed in front or on top of fire hydrants or fire extinguishers, or
block access to them in any way. If you need to place or build some feature next to these protection items,
free access to them must be preserved and clearly indicated.
If you are uncertain, please contact Two L by phone: +5511 3197-0644.
8.7 Visuals vs. neighbouring booths
You are not allowed to have any feature of visual communication (logos, images, graphics, etc) facing
neighbouring twin booths. Only the facades can be exploited, regardless of angle or clearance, but limited to
the configuration of the leased area.

8.8 Floors and walls

8.8.1 Carpets
Carpets must be fixed directly onto the exhibition hall floor with double-sided tape (3M ref.4880), and must
be removed during take-down. Glue is not allowed in this case, and failure to comply will be fined R$77/m².
8.8.2 Raised flooring
If raised flooring is used, a 1m-wide access ramp is mandatory for wheelchairs, whatever the booth’. The ramp
must be located within the boundaries of the booth area. Booths featuring a floor level difference of up to
20cm must include access ramps with a gradient of between 8.33% and 10%. The ramps must have a
minimum width of 1.2m and be chamfered on both, with a free space for wheelchair users to pass 0.8m wide.
8.8.3 Floors of booths with water supply
If you need to have water supplied to your booth, its floor must be raised at least 5cm above the exhibition
hall floor in the area with piping underneath and/or depending on the distance from the floor channel, when
inside of the booth.
8.8.4 Glass walls:
The maximum height for walls made of single glass panels is 3.5m, and they must be clearly indicated with
safety warning tape. Above this height, only glass panels with Insulfilm-type safety film or panels made of
polycarbonate, acrylic, laminated or tempered glass will be allowed.
Warning: It is strictly forbidden to bore holes or apply paints, glues or other materials onto the exhibition hall
walls, floors, facilities or other structures. No material or item may be leaned on or supported by walls,
columns or doors.
8.9 The Venue’s columns, service ladders and fixed structures
The Venue’s walls, columns, doors, gates, railings, infrastructure etc must not be used to support, fix, glue,
apply or hang any materials or equipment at any stage of the event cycle. The booth must not use any column
to support or fix any element, be it by tying, fixing or gluing. This rule applied to all types of booth design as


they must be self-supporting.

Columns with access to service ladders to the power switchboards must remain completely unobstructed
from the hall floor up to the ceiling. The unobstructed area next to any ladder must be at least 0.8m wide and
1m away from the column shown in the figure below:

Booths must be sized adequately by preserving the necessary gaps so as to avoid contact with the Venue’s
constructive elements such as walls, doors, ceilings, metallic structures, glasses, porticoes and columns.
Columns with fire extinguisher: In case a fire extinguisher needs to be relocated, this can only be carried out
by the Venue’s fire-fighting staff together with a co-ordinator from Two L’s team. The relocation cannot go
further 2 meters from the fire extinguisher’s original location. In addition, your Booth Constructor will be
responsible for ensuring visibility and access to the extinguisher.
Columns or walls with fire hydrant boxes: Both the hydrant boxes and signage to them must remain visible
and completely unobstructed by any structure, furniture or garden feature.
There is currently only one column with a hydrant box outside the escape route (at the interface between
White 07 and Green 04). If your booth is built in that area, all of the hydrant’s equipment – its buttonbox,
signage, hose box and valve – as well as access to it must be completely unobstructed. No building feature is
allowed on the side of the column where the box is located.
8.10 Building techniques
8.10.1 Wood
No manufacturing of wooden features will be allowed inside the exhibition hall. These must be pre-assembled
and prepared elsewhere and be brought ready filled, sanded and painted. Only finishing touches will be
8.10.2 Steel or plaster
No manufacturing of steel structures or plaster features will be allowed inside the exhibition hall. These must
be pre-assembled and prepared elsewhere and be brought ready painted. Machines and other equipment are
allowed only for final polishing and finishing.


8.10.3 Metal structures

These must only be fixed with screws and, if need be, with re-soldering.
Modular aluminium or similar systems: All structural features of modular systems must comply with safety
standards for stability of the whole construction.
8.10.4 Use of fabrics, Lycra or flammable materials
To use Lycra and decorative fabrics, you must produce a certificate of application of flame retardant. These
materials are to be used in conjunction with an adequate number of fire extinguishers, at the discretion of the
event organisers and/or the Venue’s fire-fighting staff, who may decide to submit the materials to an anti-
flame test.
The report and the ART or RRT on the flame retardant application must be submitted along with the booth
design blueprints via the online Manual and/or handed in to the Two L team during set-up.
8.10.5 Video walls and LED panels
Structures for video walls and LED panels may be mounted in steel or wood, and must be capable of
supporting twice the weight of the device mounted on it. The finishing of this structure must be of the same
type as that for the rest of your booth. The video wall control room must sit only one person and must not be
used as a storage room and/or pantry.
8.10.6 Building parts
No manufacturing or fashioning of any kind may be performed inside the exhibition hall.
8.10.7 Circular saws
No bench-mounted circular saws for making any features or components will be allowed inside the exhibition
8.11 Finishing
Any booth feature that is visible by its neighbours and/or from the main and secondary aisles will only be
allowed if its finishing is of the same quality as that on the booth’s front.
Any opening in the booth to fit air conditioning, fans, video wall, etc, must be duly finished.
Electrical wiring must be properly installed, finished, insulated and concealed.
8.12 Building a double-deck booth
Double-deck booths are forbidden in the Blue-B Hall.
Only island booths with a minimum of 100m² are allowed to have an upper deck, and its area must not exceed
40% of the total floor space taken by the booth.
Double-deck booths may be built provided prior approval has been granted by São Paulo’s Fire Department,
by The smarter E South America management responsible for the project and, and by Aranda’s Technical
Department, represented by Two L.
Approval is also conditional on the desired position in the hall and the total area reserved. Areas directly
under the exhibition hall’s existing mezzanine cannot accommodate double-deck structures.
Building double-deck booths require the submission of specific documents: a copy of the booth’s blueprints
including floor plans; side view with elevations; a perspective view; and a structural calculation sheet on the
upper deck with all technical specifications, indicating maximum capacity. The blueprints must be signed by
either a CREA- or CAU-certified Civil Engineer or Architect, along with the Certificates of Technical
Responsibility (ART or RRT) for both the booth and the upper deck, plus the electrical installation plan.


• The height of double-deck booths must not exceed 6m.

• Stairways must have a minimum clear width of 1.2m, not including the width of the handrail.
• The diameter of spiral staircases must not be shorter than 1.2m for public access or 0.8m in case the upper
deck is used for storage only.
• A notice board with minimum 5cm-high lettering must be clearly visible in the stairways up, stating the
maximum occupancy on the upper deck, both in terms of the number of people and the total weight in
• For safety, in case the upper deck has railings facing the hall’s walkways, the deck must have a 1-metre
clearance to the edge of the booth space.
• No glass parts are allowed on the upper deck. The only transparent materials allowed are acrylics,
polycarbonate and the like.
• The Brazilian Association of Technical Standards rules that upper deck’s load-bearing structural parts must
be made of steel.
• The load-bearing structure must be dimensioned according to the load predicted in the project.
• Prefabricated steel structures ready for assembly through fitting anchors and bolts must be used.
• No cutting by welding inside the halls. If absolutely necessary, only small reinforcement or finishing welding
services will be allowed, duly supervised by a Fire-fighter equipped with a fire extinguisher.
• Columns must be supported directly on the hall floor on 30cm x 30cm metal plate shoes resting on strong
rubber slabs.
8.12.1 Documentation
The building of double-deck booths require the submission of the following documents:
• The ART or RRT structural calculations;
• Detailed working drawings and the ART or RRT of the design and execution, including electrical installations;
• The ART or RRT of the box truss, if applicable.
The filled-out copies of the ART (Note of Technical Responsibility) and/or RRT (Record of Technical
Responsibility) must be sent together with proof of payment, a certificate of stability, the structural
calculations, and a copy of Civil Engineer or Architect’s CREA/CAU certificate.
8.12.2 Air conditioning for double-deck booths
Booths with a second floor/mezzanine are the ONLY type of booth authorised to have air conditioning.
For a double-deck booth, a detailed air-conditioning project including its bearing structure must be submitted
at least 30 days prior to the start of set-up operations for the event. It will be analyzed by Venue
management, provided the following is complied with:
• Air conditioning will only be allowed on the ground floor.
• The upper deck must not have a roof, so as to benefit from the hall’s air conditioning. A structure to house
the condenser may be built.
• Only ducted split-system central air conditioners of proportionate dimensions will be allowed.
• The condenser must be installed above the upper deck ceiling, with a forced exhaust and a flexible
aluminium duct. The hot air must be rejected above the hall’s air conditioning system.
• The air conditioning system installation is conditioned upon submission of the project’s ART or RRT for the
structural and the electrical aspects, and its approval by Aranda.


• Under no circumstances will window-type air conditioners be allowed.

8.13 Closing and visibility
Under no circumstance should any side of your booth totally block the view of the inside from the circulation
aisles. Walling may cover only 60% of the linear length on each side. A maximum of 40% of this wall may be
totally opaque; the rest must be made of transparent glass or acrylic or similar material, as long as safety
stickers are applied. Alternatively, a set of perforated decorative panels, slats or hollowed metal sheets may
be used. This means that the remaining 40% of the linear length on each side must be totally open, both
visually and physically. Also, whatever item is placed at the open 40% must leave a clearance of at least 0.5m
from the booth’s outer edge.
8.14 Overhanging features and vertical projections
Overhanging features shall be allowed only if they project over the leased area. Overhanging features over
common areas or neighbouring booths are prohibited.
8.15 Overhanging structures
To book overhanging points, you must contact the Venue’s official supplier, Estruturas Aéreas, directly:
Email: | Phone: +5511 3865-1197 / +5511 96191-2900
Price per point: R$420
Weight allowance per point: 50kg
8.16 Floating balloons
No type of floating gas balloon – including, but not limited to, bladder balloons, party balloons, mini-blimps
and the like – will be allowed inside or outside the halls, including the lobby, the foyer, the convention center
and auditoriums.
8.17 Drones and other unmanned aerial vehicles
No aerial device or aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicle, remotely piloted aerial vehicle and the like – including,
but not limited to, drones, zeppelins or model airplanes – will be allowed inside the Expo Center Norte’s halls,
convention center, auditoriums, lobby or foyers, or outside it, for instance the offloading areas and parking
lots. Used of them inside your booth is free as long as they are contained in the leased area by blocking exits
with nylon or wire mesh.
8.18 Wire ropes
Running wire ropes, steel braces or any connecting features across or over aisles, common areas or
neighbouring booths is not allowed. Should your design require this, the matter must be discussed in advance
with Aranda.
8.19 Power cables
Power cables for electricity supply to your booth will end in a female connector from PCE so you can connect
your power distribution board.
PCE’s connectors are compatible with the better known connectors by Steck.
They are watertight non-metallic power connectors to minimise the risk of hazards such as short-circuits,
shocks or phase inversions that may damage your exhibit.



Reference number for Steck’s
Gauge of cable with PCE’s Reference number for
male connectors compatible Steck’s male connector
female connector PCE’s male connector
PCE’s female connector
6mm² 0252-6 S–5276

10mm² 035-6 S–5576

Any male connector compatible with PCE’s female connector may be used, as long as it complies with the
Brazilian standard NBR IEC 60309-1.
Booth Constructors, electrical installation service providers and exhibitors must provide themselves the
appropriate connectors to match the format provided by the Venue.
• The cable gauge and the type of connector that will be effectively supplied to the booth will depend on the
total electrical load installed in it and the technical availability at the time of installation.
• Irregular or non-standard connections will not be allowed.
Electric power will be supplied at 380V, 60Hz (three phases and neutral) during the entire event cycle. This
voltage can be converted to single-phase 220V by your electrician or your Booth Constructor’s. For devices
working on 110V, you or your Booth Constructor must provide your/their own transformer.
Regarding extensions of electrical cables used in the power supply, please attend to the following:
• On cables with conductors of the same colour, the neutral cable will be marked blue and the ground cable
will be marked green;
• Every cable will bear a label attached to its connector, with a bar code and its total length specified;
• No cutting of supplied cables is allowed. Every supplied cable will have a tamper-evident tape placed near its
ends. On being returned, the cable will be checked for integrity by reference to the tape.
• Contractors who fail to comply with this regulation will be fined R$70 per cable cut, plus R$30 per metre of
cable missing from the length indicated on its label.
• If necessary, splicing cables must be done with appropriate connectors;
• The installed cables to connect to the booth’s panelboard will end in tubular terminals gauged 6mm (up to
35kVA’s) and 10mm (above 35kVA’s).
8.20 Air conditioning
No air conditioning is allowed in the booth. The exhibition hall has a wall-to-wall air conditioning system and
its performance would be heavily compromised by hot air coming out of individual air conditioners. In order
to benefit from the exhibition hall’s air conditioning system, you are advised to have your booth built without
a ceiling.
8.21 Physical damages
As an Exhibitor, you are liable for any physical damage caused to the Venue’s structure by your
representatives, agents or contractors. No parts may be manufactured inside the exhibition hall. All booth
features must arrive semi-ready to your allocated area; only finishing touches are allowed.
All damage or disappearance of equipment or leased items as well as damage to the Venue’s structure or


infrastructure not limited to walls, columns, ceiling, telephony, energy and network features, roof trusses,
signage, drinking fountains or other features caused by your Hired Contractors will hold them liable to pay
compensation corresponding to the value of the damage.
8.22 Slowness in completing set-up
Set-up and decoration must be finished by 6pm of August 25. Contractors missing this deadline will be
charged a fine and will not be allowed into the exhibition hall again until the fine is paid via debit or credit
card. Payment must be made at the CAM (Contractor Help Desk). On August 26, Exhibitors will be allowed
into the exhibition hall for decoration and Contractors for maintenance until no further than 6pm, when all
work by Exhibitors and Contractors must cease as Aranda will start cleaning and laying on of carpets on aisles
and common areas.
8.23 Embargo of Booth
In order to help keep the premises completely safe for all people inside the exhibition hall, Aranda reserves
the right to prohibit the building of any booth that is deemed to breach the regulations contained in this
Manual, upon consultation with our technical staff or a public authority such as CONTRU, the Fire Department
8.24 Noise Ordinance – Red Hall
São Paulo City has a curfew for loud noises between 10pm and 7am which the Red Hall will comply with.
Should you have sizeable and noisy exhibits like machines, cars, containers etc in the Red Hall, you must let us
know by email to by August 4 so that we can plan the best route and time to get them into
the hall. NO NIGHT SHIFT ALLOWED IN THE RED HALL 1, Gates C9 and C10.


9.1 Fire Prevention and Control
In compliance with national safety standards and State Law for fire protection, you are required to have at
least one 4kg dry chemical fire extinguisher for every 25m² of your booth.
The type of fire extinguisher must be compatible with the materials used in you booth, the furniture and the
items displayed. We recommend building and decorating the booth with flame retardant materials..
Extinguishers must be easily accessible, properly placed and clearly marked. If you have not hired fire
extinguishers under your contract with Aranda, you must either bring your own fire extinguishers or have
them supplied by a third party.
To hire extinguishers, please fill out and submit Form F08 (Hiring Official Services – Fire Extinguisher) by
August 10.
The event’s Fire Brigade will inspect the booths and advise exhibitors on the technical instructions of the State
Fire Department. Failure to comply with this regulation will lead to a fine of at least R$1,000 which will be
charged by CAEX on the event’s public days. You will be held liable for damages which you or your agents
cause to third parties and to the Venue’s facilities, and will be liable to pay a fine that may arise from a Fire
Department inspection.
Up to 25 m² 1
25 – 50 m² 2
51 – 75 m² 3
76 – 100 m² 4
101 – 125 m² 5
126 – 150 m² 6
151 – 175 m² 7
9.2 Additional power supply
Booths with have electric power supplied at 380V, 60Hz (three phases and neutral) for the duration of the
event cycle. This voltage can be converted to single-phase 220V by your electrician or your Hired Contractor’s.
For devices working on 110V, you or your Hired Contractor must provide your own transformer. Cabling will
be installed during the set-up phase. The power cables are overhead and the power outlet will be installed
inside or above the booth’s perimeter.
Should you decide you need additional power in excess of the figure agreed upon in your contract, you may
request it via form F07.2 (Hiring Official Services – Additional Power) by August 12.


Additional Power kVA R$335

The Organisers do not provide transformers for rental.

9.2.1 Power consumption in kVA
Warning: During the open hours, the company doing the electrical installations in the hall will measure the
electrical energy consumption in the booths by counting the installed devices in them with reference to the


consumption list below. If a booth is found to be consuming more than the power previously requested, the
Exhibitor will be notified during the event, and will have to pay for the excess consumption after the end of
the show.


5A Printer 1,1 LED strip 350w/metre 0,35
Coffee maker 0,8 Microcomputer 500w 0,5
Commercial coffee machine 1700 W 1,7 Microwave oven 1,2
Commercial coffee machine 2100 W 2,1 Oven 1000w 1
Commercial coffee machine 3500 W 3,5 Oven 12000w 12
Commercial coffee machine 5000 W 5 Oven 1750w 1,75
Dichroic lamp/LED (Pair) 55w 0,05 Oven 2400w 2,4
Fluorescent lamp/LED 20w 0,03 Oven 5000w 5
Footlights 200w 0,2 Plasma/LCD/LED TV 0,3
HO fluorescent lamp 110w 0,14 Projector 300W 0,3
HQI Lamp 150W + Reactor 0,35 Refrigerator/Minibar 0,3
Incandescent lamp 100w 0,1 Special lamp 1000w 1
Laptop 150w 0,15 Special lamp 500w 0,5
LED Panels 250W/Unit 0,25 Special projector 500w 0,5
LED spotlights 40/50w 0,05 Special reflector 300w 0,3

9.3 Water & sewage

Upon request for water supply and payment thereof, a water supply outlet and a drainage point will be
installed in your booth. You or you Hired Contractor must indicate its desired location before flooring is laid
down. The water outlet will consist of piping ending in a ¾” valve and a drainage point leading to a 1½” pipe.
You Hired Contractor must then complete the water supply installation inside the booth from the ending left
by Aranda. A sink may be requested via the form indicated below.
To install plumbing, the booth’s floor, whether wooden or metal, must be raised by at least 5cm. In the case of
a metal floor, please cover the base of the structure’s feet with a piece of carpeting to avoid any oxidation
stains on the exhibition hall floor.
Water & sewage plumbing require a prior request so that the Venue’s resources can be optimised. Thus,
Aranda may not authorise installation for requests made after the deadline.
To request a water supply point, use form F07.4 (Hiring Official Services – Water & Sewage) by August 16. For
booths in the Blue-B Hall, the deadline is August 9
After the deadline, water & sewage installation is subject to approval pending availability.
Water & Sewage R$950/outlet
Sink (only) R$470/unit

Note: The price of water & sewage does not include the sink.


9.4 Compressed air

Aranda will not be supplying compressed air at this event.
If you require compressed air, you must install your own or a third-party compressor in an enclosed and safe
room inside your booth, or you can install it outside the exhibition hall at a location determined by Aranda.
Please request an authorisation in advance by emailing If the
installation is approved, you will be expected to provide the hose up to your booth, a valve and all
connections. You will be responsible for the compressor’s operation, maintenance and safety. Aranda
disclaims any liability for theft, damages and/or any hazards to this equipment.
9.5 Telephone and Internet
As of January 1st, 2019, Expo Center Norte’s Internet and WiFi structured is exclusively supplied by
MappTV.Com under the brand name ‘Expo Telecom’. Therefore, no DHCP router, WiFi antennas or other
services from other suppliers will be allowed inside the exhibition halls at any time during the event cycle. If
you wish to hire Expo Telecom’s services, please contact them directly by phone: Tel: +5511 4210 0810, or
9.6 Cleaning
9.6.1 Set-up cleaning fee
If you have opted to build your own booth or to have it built by a Hired Contractor, there is a mandatory
cleaning fee to be paid by the builder. Access to the exhibition hall for building your booth will not be granted
unless the R$40/m² fee (for booths smaller than 100m²) and R$37/m² (for booths bigger than 100m²).
To pay the cleaning fee, please use Form F04 (Set-up Cleaning Fee) by August 11.
The cleaning fee will cover the hire of dump boxes for disposing of plaster, wood, cardboard and all sorts of
waste materials left behind by Contractors, Exhibitors and freight workers during the set-up phase.
9.6.2 Official booth cleaning service during the show
You may hire a Service Provider you know, or else you may request that your caterer to do the hiring of
cleaning staff for you
You may use this link:
9.6.3 Hired Cleaning Service
If you outsource an independent cleaning service, you must follow these regulations:
• Pay the R$185 fee per ID badge for each cleaning worker;
• During open hours, the official cleaning staff will regularly collect the rubbish from your booth, which you
must disposed in plastic bags;
• Trading on cleaning services is strictly prohibited anywhere in the exhibition hall. If this regulation is
breached, the offender will be fined R$660 by Aranda.
To register a Hired Cleaning service, please use form F06 (Appointing Hired Service Providers) by August 14.
9.6.4 General cleaning of the exhibition hall
At 6pm on August 26 (the Exhibitor’s decoration day), the “general cleaning of circulation aisles” operation
will start. Please be advised that, during this operation, all unattended items found in the circulation aisles will
be taken away by the cleaning staff, with no guarantee as to the integrity of said items.


You may use Form F14 to hire a data collector by August 16.
For more details about this service, please contact Tech House by phone: Tel.: +5511 97611-5078 or email

Aranda will not be supplying a catering service at this event.
If you hire a catering service, you must follow these regulations:
• Pay the R$185 fee per ID badge for each catering worker;
• On the event’s public days, maintenance and provisioning must be carried out exclusively from 8am to
• During open hours, your catering staff must carry their ID badges in full view;
• Trading on catering services is strictly prohibited anywhere in the exhibition hall. If this regulation is
breached, the offender will be fined R$660 by Aranda.
To register the catering supplier of your choice, please use form F06 (Appointing Hired Service Providers) by
August 14.
Note: If for some reason you fail to register your Hired Service Provider through our online forms, they can
still register directly with CAEX (Exhibitor Help Desk) or CAPS (Service Provider Help Desk). To do so, they must
show an authorisation to supply services to you, printed on your letterhead paper

12.1 Official Security
We strongly recommend hiring a watchman, particularly for night duty, so your goods and items are
protected. Only properly registered and accredited watchmen can remain in the exhibition hall after 10pm.
Hiring a watchman for your booth is not mandatory, but advisable. We recommend the watchmen from the
official security provider to avoid hiring unqualified and potentially dangerous people. In order to help
exhibitors, and especially to hinder the entry of non-accredited watchmen who try to push their services and
inconvenience exhibitors, Aranda has bought a package form the official security company provider, which
benefits all exhibitors by only hiring watchmen who are duly registered with the Federal Police Control of
Private Security (DELESP).
To register your Hired Cleaning service, please use form F07.1 (Hiring Official Services – Security) by August
10. ID badges for this service are free of charge
• Exclusive watchman package: R$3,600 (August 25–29, from 8pm to Noon next day). Service ends at Noon
on August 29.
• Single 12-hour period: R$750 (8am to 8pm, or 8pm to 8am). Only on days outside the package.
12.2 Hired security
You may opt to independently outsource a security service. However, the advice of the Brazilian Federal Police
is to avoid hiring unregistered companies as well as unqualified or dangerous individuals, or even registered
companies who are nevertheless in breach of DELESP regulations. Therefore, Aranda may register a security
company independently hired by you, as long as they meet those regulations. To review them, please


The documents below must be submitted:
• the service contract;
• a copy of employees’ registration forms or badge-type ID;
• a letter introducing both the security company and the assigned watchman;
• a copy of the watchman’s ID and work papers;
• the watchman’s background certificate for the last 30 days;
• the watchman’s valid security certificate;
• your authorisation to supply services to you, printed on your letterhead paper.
To register the security provider of your choice, please use form F06.1 (Appointing Hired Security Providers)
by August 14.
If you have opted for outsourcing a security provider, you must follow the procedures below:
• Verify that the outsourced company meets all legal requirements above;
• Pay the R$330 fee per ID badge for each outsourced watchman;
• During open hours, your watchman must remain inside your booth and can only move around the exhibition
hall if escorted by an official security guard.
ID badges for watchmen may be collected at CAEX (Exhibitor Help Desk) or CAPS (Service Provider Help Desk)
located behind the Green Hall office, from 1pm on August 22 upon proof of payment, presentation of photo
ID, and approval of the documentation by the official security director
Trading on security services is strictly prohibited anywhere in the exhibition hall. If this regulation is breached,
the offender will be fined R$670 by Aranda.
Warning: Failure to comply with the requirements listed above may result in your full responsibility for fines
and consequences that Aranda may suffer from the Ministry of Justice or any applicable court of jurisdiction.
You may also be deemed co-responsible for labour obligations towards your watchmen. Therefore, you are
advised to require the security company to provide:
• their social contract, in order to prove that it is a legal company;
• their watchmen’s payroll;
• a certified copy of Employment Fund (FGTS) payment;
• information on Social Security (GFIP).
Thus, in the event of labour disputes, you will have sufficient grounds to protect your interests.

13.1 Smoking ban
São Paulo State’s 2009 law 13,541 bans any kind of smoking in any public place which is totally or partially
closed by walls and roofs.
Anyone found to be breaching or to have breached this law inside the Venue’s premises at any point during
the event cycle will be asked to leave and their ID badge will be confiscated or invalidated permanently.
13.2 Alcohol and minors
São Paulo State’s 2011 law 14,592 prohibits selling, supplying, offering or providing alcohol to people under


18, or allowing them to drink alcohol.

13.3 São Paulo municipal administration fees
In compliance with the 2002 city ordinances 13474 and 13477, the lease of booth areas makes it mandatory
for exhibitors to pay an Premise Inspection Fee (TFE) and an Advertising Inspection Fee (TFA) (for banners, lit
billboards, brochures, catalogues, etc). Aranda will make a unified fee payment to the Municipality of São
Paulo in a single payment slip which covers and lists all the exhibiting companies at the event. This avoids the
bureaucracy of filling in slips and inspecting individual booths one by one.
13.4 Labour inspections
13.4.1 Federal law
Federal Legislation: Direct hiring of labour must follow the provisions of Article 443, paragraphs 1 and 2, parts
A and B of Brazilian Labour Law. The Ministry of Labour may perform audits during the event, for labour
inspection and advice. You may be asked to produce any of the following papers:
a. Of the Exhibitor:
• a copy of your staff’s registration cards;
• external timecards.
b. Of service providers:
• outsourcing contract;
• a copy of each worker’s registration cards or badge-type ID card displaying worker’s full name, position, hire
date and PIS/PASEP number;
• external timecards.
c. Of temporary workers:
• the service contract with the temp work agency and the listing of temp workers;
• external timecards;
• registration number with the Ministry of Labour.
d. Of self-employed workers:
a copy of worker’s registration with the Municipality and Social Security number.
e. Of security company:
• the service contract;
• a valid security certificate.
Warning: Before outsourcing any service provider, be advised to make sure they are a bona fide, legally
constituted company. Service providers are often found to breach current labour legislation by, for instance,
hiring minors, over-extending work hours, or failing to register workers.
13.4.2 State law
The São Paulo State Regional Labour Office may perform audits during any phase of the event. Companies and
individuals may be asked to produce any of the following papers:
a. Of exhibitors:
• the social contract;
• CNPJ (xerox copy);


• a list of employees at the event;

• a copy of the employees’ registration cards;
• FGTS (for the month before the event);
• external timecards;
• the outsourcing contract.
b. Of your Hired Service Providers:
• the social contract;
• CNPJ (xerox copy)
• a list of employees at the event;
• a copy of the employees’ registration cards;
• FGTS (for the month before the event);
• the outsourcing contract.
c. Companies hiring temporary workers:
• the contract signed with the hiring company;
• registration number with the Ministry of Labour;
• a list of employees working at this event.
Note: Companies are not allowed to employ more temporary than permanent workers.
d. Of self-employed workers:
• a copy of worker’s registration with the Municipality;
• the Social Security number (only for sales staff and catering workers).
e. Security companies:
• business license;
• the social contract;
• CNPJ (xerox copy)
• a list of employees at the event;
• a copy of the employees’ registration cards;
• FGTS (month before the event);
• the service contract;
• proof of compliance with the Federal Police Ordinance No. 1783/1977.
For more information about labour regulations, please contact:
Delegacia Regional do Trabalho/SP
Rua Martins Fontes 109, 3rd floor, São Paulo
Phones: +5511 3150-8152/8153/8154
13.5 Sales of items
13.5.1 Fiscal procedures
You may issue invoices for forwarding products by observing the following instructions:
• The operation type is 5.99: Forwarding for Sale on Display.


• Under “recipient”, the sender’s own data must be given.

• Highlight the calculated ICMS (a tax on goods in transit) by applying the rate of 18% on the total value of the
shipment; also write down the IPI (a tax on industrial products), if relevant.
• On the consignment’s invoice, indicate the numbers of the invoices to be issued in case of sales at the
13.5.2 Sales at the Venue
The sales invoices issued by you will highlight the ICMS, and include the IPI when due.
13.5.3 Fiscal procedures for the return of items
If a product has not been sold or delivered, and is to be returned to your company, you must issue an invoice
for it which mentions the date, price and number of the product’s incoming invoice.
Determination of ICMS and IPI: These are only payable on in loco redemptions, as stated by the provisions
under Article 433-434 of the ICMS Regulation, on Statute #45490/2000, and the provisions under Articles 377-
379 of the IPI Regulation on RIPI-98.
Warning: The IPI is national in scope, and therefore it is valid for exhibitors from all Brazilian states. As for the
ICMS, which is state-wide, the above procedures are valid only for exhibitors from the State of São Paulo.
Exhibitors from other states must consult their respective State Departments of Finance for procedures
relating to the ICMS.

14.1 Regulatory Norms (NR) and Technical Standards (NBR)
CLT (Labour Laws)
Art. 184: Machinery and equipment must be fitted with devices for starting and stopping as well as any other
devices that may be necessary for the prevention of workplace accidents, especially regarding the risk of
accidental activation.
§ 1º No machinery or equipment that fails to meet the requirements set forth in this article may be
manufactured, imported, sold, leased or used.
NR-12: Workplace Safety with Machinery and Equipment
This Regulatory Norm establishes several safety-related procedures.
For a downloadable file on the NR-12, please visit the Ministry of Labour and Employment website:
The 1967 law #5.280/67 prohibits any machinery or equipment from coming into the country without
worker’s protection and safety gear required by the Labour Laws. It is recommended that any item should be
in line with the Brazilian Technical Standards below:
NBR NM-ISO 13852: Safe distances to prevent upper limbs from reaching danger zones.
NBR NM-ISO 13853: Safe distances to prevent lower limbs from reaching danger zones.
NBR NM-ISO 13854: Minimum clearances to avoid crushing of human body parts.
NBR NM 272: General protection requirements for the design and construction of fixed and movable
NBR NM 273: Principles for design and selection of interlocking devices associated with shielding.
NBR 14152: Functional aspects and principles for designing two-hand control devices.


More information can be found in the website of the Brazilian Association of Machines and Equipment
Manufacturers (ABIMAQ):ções/deci/Manual-de-Instruções-da-NR-
14.2 Health hazards
Storage: All chemicals that pose a health hazard – paints, greases, corrosive materials, powders and liquids –
must be kept in safe containers and handled with adequate protection gear so as to prevent damage and
injury to anybody in the booths, the common areas and the exhibition hall as a whole.
14.2.1 Required personal protection gear
Glaziers: anti-slip rubber gloves.
Painters: rubber gloves and inhaling masks.
Electricians: elbow-high insulating rubber gloves and shoes with insulating soles.
Cleaners: leather or rubber gloves and closed shoes.
During set-up and take-down, the Fire Brigade will be monitoring workers for the required protection gear.
14.3 Gases: Nitrogen and Oxygen
Because nitrogen and oxygen are non-toxic and non-flammable gases, their use is allowed inside the
exhibition halls, with the following restrictions:
• They must be stored in suitable containers.
• Their related equipment must be installed and operated by proven qualified personnel following applicable
• The ART for design and installation of the gas system is required as well as the certificate of compliance and
civil liability signed by the engineer in charge.
• Among the standards and procedures required, we emphasise the following:
• Use these gases in well ventilated areas only.
• Do not drag or roll cylinders along the floor; always use a suitable trolley for moving.
• Do not subject cylinders to mechanical blows, especially by or on electrified equipment.
• Do not use damaged cylinders.
• Use a control valve in the output pipe to prevent the return of gas into the cylinder.
• Tanks must be operated in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, or those of the supplier.
• Do not attempt to repair tanks or modify their operation.
• Protect cylinders against physical damage.
• Store in a dry and well ventilated area away from circulation areas.
• Do not allow room temperature to exceed 52°C.
• Cylinders must be stored upright and secured from falling over.
• Store full cylinders separately from the empty ones.
• Keep at least one fire extinguisher near cylinders.
• Necessary changes can only be made in the hours before or after the day’s open hours.
14.4 Hazardous Substances
Corrosive products of any kind or group are prohibited.


The storage of toxic, flammable or explosive substances is prohibited.

The Exhibitor who breaches the regulation regarding the storage and use of dangerous substances will be
liable to severe fines to be levied by local authorities.


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