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Company Information:
 Company Name:
 Industry:
 Number of Employees:
 Annual Revenue:
2. Current Business Processes:
 How would you describe your current accounting and financial management system?
 Are you currently using any ERP system? If yes, please specify.
 What are the main pain points or challenges you face with your current system?
 How do you manage inventory and supply chain processes?
3. Goals and Objectives:
 What are your primary goals for implementing an ERP solution like Microsoft Dynamics 365
Business Central?
 What specific business processes or areas do you hope to improve or optimize with the
 Are there any regulatory or compliance requirements that the new ERP system needs to address?
4. Integration and Scalability:
 Do you have any existing systems or applications that need to integrate with the ERP system?
 How important is scalability for your business? Do you anticipate significant growth in the near
5. User Requirements:
 How many users will need access to the ERP system?
 What roles and permissions do you envision for different users within the system?
 Are there any specific features or functionalities that are critical for your users?
6. Budget and Timeline:
 What is your budget range for ERP implementation, including software licensing, implementation
services, and training?
 Do you have a preferred timeline for the implementation process?
 Are there any specific milestones or deadlines that need to be considered?
7. Support and Training:
 What level of support and maintenance do you expect from the ERP vendor?
 How do you plan to train your employees on using the new ERP system?
8. Decision Making Process:
 Who are the key stakeholders involved in the decision-making process for ERP implementation?
 Have you evaluated other ERP solutions? If so, what factors led you to consider Microsoft Dynamics
365 Business Central?
9. Additional Comments:
 Is there any other information or specific requirements you would like to share regarding the ERP

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. Your responses will help us understand your
needs better and tailor our solution accordingly.

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