Human Reproduction - DPP 08 (Of Lecture 13) - Lakshya NEET 2025

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Lakshya NEET (2025)

DPP: 8
Human Reproduction

Q1 The deposition of semen in vagina is called Q6 Find the correct statement

(A) Ejaculation (B) Insemination (A) Acrosomal enzymes help to digest egg
(C) Erection (D) Capacitation membranes
(B) Many sperms can enter the cytoplasm of the
Q2 Fertilisation occurs in
female gamete
(A) Ampulla of fallopian tube
(C) Ootid formation takes place before entry of
(B) Ampullary-isthmic region of fallopian tube
(C) Isthmus of fallopian tube
(D) Both (1) & (2)
(D) Infundibulum of fallopian tube
Q7 During fertilization, cortical reaction occurs. It is
Q3 Cells formed after meiosis II gets completed
also called
(A) Fast block to polyspermy
(A) Ovum
(B) Slow block to polyspermy
(B) Second polar body
(C) Depolarization
(C) Ootid
(D) Acrosomal reaction
(D) All of the above
Q8 Fast block to polyspermy
Q4 State true (T) or false (F)
(A) Occurs when fastest sperm comes in
i. The ovum released by the ovary is transported
contact with plasma membrane of female
to the ampullary region where fertilisation takes
(B) Occurs when fastest sperm enters the
ii. Fertilisation can only occur if the ovum and
female gamete
sperms are transported simultaneously to the
(C) Occurs when fastest sperm comes in
infundibulum region
contact with zona pellucida
iii. All copulations lead to fertilisation and
(D) Occurs when fastest sperm comes in
contact with corona radiata
iv. The process of fusion of a sperm with an
ovum is called fertilisation Q9 Identify A, B, C, D correctly
(A) i- T, ii - T, iii- F, iv -F
(B) i-F, ii -T, iii- F , iv -T
(C) i -T, ii -T, iii- T, iv -F
(D) i- T, ii -F, iii- F, iv -T

Q5 Capacitation occurs in:

(A) Female reproductive tract
(A) A- Zona pellucida
(B) Male reproductive tract
B -Sperm
(C) Both 1 & 2
C - Perivitelline space
(D) Ovum
D - Corona radiata

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(B) A -Zona pellucida Q14 Non identical twins are

B -Corona radiata (A) Also called fraternal/ dizygotic twins
C - Perivitelline space (B) Formed from fertilization of two eggs with
D - Sperm two sperms independently
(C) A -Zona pellucida (C) May or may not be of same gender
B - Corona radiata (D) All of the above
C - Sperm
D - Perivitelline space
(D) A -Corona radiata
B - Zona pellucida
C - Periviieiiine space
A - Sperm

Q10 Identify the correct sequence

(A) Zygote → Gastrula → Blastocyst → Morula
(B) Zygote → Blastocyst → Morula → Gastrula
(C) Zygote → Morula → Blastocyst → Gastrula
(D) Zygote → Gastrula → Morula → Blastocyst

Q11 Trophoblast and Inner cell mass are

characteristic of
(A) Morula (B) Blastocyst
(C) Gastrula (D) Zygote

Q12 Identify the structure X correctly

(A) Morula (B) Blastocyst

(C) Ootid (D) Blastomere

Q13 Identical twins are

(A) Also called monozygotic twins
(B) Always of same gender
(C) Formed from fertilization of one egg with
one sperm
(D) All of the above

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Answer Key
Q1 (B) Q8 (A)

Q2 (A) Q9 (B)

Q3 (D) Q10 (C)

Q4 (D) Q11 (B)

Q5 (A) Q12 (B)

Q6 (A) Q13 (D)

Q7 (B) Q14 (D)

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