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Hi Dear!

Your project sets my mind, to do something in which I can work

enormously and sincerely. The requirements are handy as per my
experience in Web Development.

I can design easily provide services regarding to maintenance and

performance tweaks for you, because I’m very comfortable to pursue
with Web Development. I have an experience regarding to web
forms: I have created dashboards I-e Employee Management System,
Loan Approval Management System, Resignation and Exit automation
system and many more. I can start [right away].

Recently, I have designed and deployed the Exit Automation system

for corporate organization that is a famous banking sector in my
country. I am a full stack developer having a firm grip on Design :
Angular, Ajax, JQuery, JavaScript, html CSS etc as well for backend
development ASP.NET: Web Forms, WCF, Rest APIs, Monolithic
Architecture, MVC. A web developer new which is new at Up Work is
landed over here in order to offer my services efficiently.

Hit me a text here on Up Work today and we can chat a bit more
about yourself and the project.

Excited to work with you!

Best Regards,

Ameer Hamza

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