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Last Friday, on April 8, we had our catch-up Friday.

In that morning, our adviser sir

Ken grouped us into four groups. My groupmates are Harold, Reynelle, Nathalie, Julie-Ann, Jhon Mark,

and April. He gave us our first task which is to define the word “Friends”. I hardly remember what’s the

meaning of “Friends” we made and after that we present it in front of our class. It was fine but not too

good enough. After that activity, sir ken gave us a reading text entitled “A new friend” which is a story

about the friendship between a little girl and a creature. Sir Ken gave us another task which is to perform

a roleplay/ dramatic reading of the story. In our group, we assigned roles for Harold, Reynelle, and

Nathalie as the narrator, little girl, and the creature respectively and perform it into our class. The result

was excellent but there’s still need for improvement. After all of the group performed, we took our lunch


In the afternoon, on April 8, we continued our catch-up Friday activity. We had our

physical education by doing simple exercises and dance for at least 5 minutes. After the exercises and

dancing, sir Ken made us watched a video about different avatar moves. Sir Ken gave us the final task for

this catch-up Friday to perform calisthenics using different avatar air-bender moves. In our group,

Humphrey mentored us about the calisthenics moves we will perform. We practiced for at least 15

minutes and we were the first group to perform. We performed it and it was good. After all the groups

performed, we concluded our catch-up Friday, clean the classroom, and go home.

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