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Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 118:385-388. 2005.



MARK A. RITENOUR,1* MICHAEL S. BURTON2 not improve postharvest quality retention of Florida-grown
AND T. GREGORY MCCOLLUM3 ‘Fallglo’ or ‘Ruby’ Red Grapefruit during simulated commer-
1University of Florida, IFAS cial handling and storage.
Indian River Research and Education Center
Ft. Pierce, FL 34945 The use of gibberellic acid (GA or GA3) on citrus has been
studied since the early 1960s and GA’s effect on increasing
2 FMC FoodTech peel firmness and delaying peel senescence of citrus have
Ft. Pierce, FL 34946 been well documented (Coggins and Hield, 1962; Coggins et
al., 1963). Preharvest GA treatments are used in some citrus-
US Horticultural Research Laboratory growing areas to maintain fruit quality on the tree and
USDA, ARS through market channels because physiological and patholog-
Ft. Pierce, FL 34945 ical disorders of citrus tend to occur more frequently on soft-
er, senescent tissues. Reported benefits of preharvest GA
Additional index words. Citrus paradisi, Colletotrichum gloeosporio- applications include reduced susceptibility to chilling injury
ides, Lasiodiplodia theobromae, anthracnose, decay degreening, (Arpaia and Eaks, 1990), reduced rind staining and creasing
peel color, titratable acidity, total soluble solids, peel punc- of oranges (Bevington, 1973; Coggins et al., 1963), reduced
ture resistance, stem-end rot, weight loss puffiness of ‘Satsuma’ mandarin (Garcia-Luis et al., 1985),
and reduced postharvest pitting of white grapefruit and ‘Fallg-
lo’ tangerines (Petracek et al., 1998). Preharvest GA applica-
Abstract. Gibberellic Acid (GA) has been reported to delay peel
senescence of citrus fruits. Since physiological and patholog- tions may also reduce stem-end rind breakdown in ‘Minneola’
ical disorders of citrus tend to occur more frequently on se- tangelos (Ismail, 1997) and may reduce seed germination
nescent tissues, GA treatments are used in some citrus- (vivipary) in ‘Marsh’ grapefruit (Ali-Dinar et al., 1976).
growing areas to maintain quality through market channels. There have been relatively few reports on the effects of
Studies were conducted during the 2002-03 season to investi- preharvest GA applications on reducing postharvest decay of
gate the effects of pre- or postharvest GA treatments on post- tangerines and tangelos, which are noted for their relatively
harvest fresh fruit quality and quality retention during storage short shelf life. Increased peel puncture resistance and re-
of ‘Fallglo’ tangerines and ‘Ruby’ Red grapefruit. Preharvest duced peel senescence could reduce decay of these fruit, ex-
sprays of GA at 30 g active ingredient (a.i.) per acre with 0.05% tending shelf life and reducing market arrivals of damaged
Silwet increased peel puncture resistance, but also led to a
fruit. However, preharvest GA sprays result in green color re-
slight reduction in total soluble solids (TSS). Preharvest GA
treatments had no significant effect on juice content, titratable tention (Coggins and Hield, 1962; Gilfillan et al., 1973), which
acidity (TA), or TSS:TA ratio. As expected, preharvest GA is enhanced by the addition of a surfactant (e.g., Silwet L-77)
treatments delayed color development of ‘Fallglo’ tangerines (Greenberg et al., 1987). Greener fruit are inherently more
at harvest and after exposure to ethylene compared to the susceptible to anthracnose than are less green fruit (Brown
0.05% Silwet-treated control. Extending ethylene exposure and Barmore, 1976). Furthermore, such fruit require longer
from 6 to 18 hours allowed GA-treated fruit to color better than ethylene exposure to degreen, which can result in increased
control fruit degreened for only 6 hours, but not better than incidence of Diplodia stem-end rot (SER) and anthracnose
control fruit degreened for 18 hours. Twenty one days after (Brown and Barmore, 1976; Grierson and Newhall, 1955).
harvest, preharvest GA treatments had no effect on stem-end The purpose of these experiments was to determine if a
rot (SER) development, but tended to decrease total decay and
GA application 2 weeks before harvest, or a postharvest GA
decay due to anthracnose. Extending ethylene exposure to
overcome GA-delayed color development enhanced the devel- dip before or after degreening could improve postharvest
opment of anthracnose and total decay. Inhibition of color de- quality and storage life of ‘Fallglo’ tangerine or ‘Ruby’ Red
velopment in harvested ‘Fallglo’ tangerines dipped in 250 ppm grapefruit.
GA + 0.05% Silwet was not significant immediately after de-
greening compared to the control (0.05% Silwet only), but was Materials and Methods
significant 18 days after degreening. Postharvest GA dips, ei-
ther before or after degreening, had no significant effect on ‘Fallglo’ tangerines and ‘Ruby’ Red grapefruit were select-
postharvest SER, anthracnose, or total decay of ‘Fallglo’ tan- ed from groves in Ft. Pierce, Fla. during the 2002-03 season.
gerines 21 days after harvest. Postharvest weight loss was not Trees were grown using commercial practices and only
affected by the GA treatments. GA treatments on ‘Ruby’ Red
healthy, uniform trees were chosen for the experiments. For
grapefruit resulted in phytotoxic injury when applied prehar-
vest, but postharvest applications caused damage only when preharvest sprays, each replicate consisted of one tree and
fruit were dipped in the GA solutions before degreening. At the there were four replicates per treatment arranged in a ran-
concentrations used, pre- or postharvest GA treatments do domized block design. ‘Fallglo’ and ‘Ruby’ trees were sprayed
on 13 Sept. 2002 or 26 Nov. 2002, respectively, at 250 gal/acre
with either GA (30 g a.i. per acre; ProGibb®, Abbott Labora-
Trade and company names are included for benefit of reader and imply
no endorsement or preferential treatment of products by the University of
tories, Inc., North Chicago, Ill.) + 0.05% Silwet L-77 (Love-
Florida. land Industries, Greeley, Colo.), or 0.05% Silwet L-77 alone
*Corresponding author; e-mail: (control). Silwet was included because previous research has

Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 118: 2005. 385

shown that the use of GA + Silwet on ‘Fallglo’ is more effective Statistical analysis was conducted using SAS (PROC GLM)
at retaining peel color and peel puncture resistance (PPR) for PC (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, N.C.) and individual treat-
than using GA alone (Ritenour and Stover, 1999). Approxi- ment means were separated using Duncan’s Multiple Range
mately 100 fruit were harvested from each tree (replicate) Test at P = 0.05.
and transported to the Indian River Research and Education
Center (IRREC) in Ft. Pierce, Fla. The fruit from each repli- Results and Discussion
cate was randomly divided and degreened for either a “nor-
mal” or “long” period of time at 85 °F (29 °C) using 2 ppm Effect of preharvest GA application on ‘Fallglo’ fruit quality. Ap-
ethylene. ‘Fallglo’ tangerines were degreened for either 6 h plication of 30 g a.i. GA per acre to ‘Fallglo’ tangerines 17 d
(“normal”) or 18 h (“long”), while ‘Ruby’ Red grapefruit were prior to harvest resulted in fruit with significantly greater
degreened for either 48 h (“normal”) or 96 h (“long”). After PPR, but lower TSS compared to the control (Table 1). Other
degreening, the fruit were washed, coated with a shellac wax quality attributes such as fruit weight, juice content, TA, and
(Sta-Fresh 590 HS, FMC Corporation, Lakeland, Fla.), and TSS:TA ratio were not significantly affected. Previous re-
stored at 50 °F (10 °C) until evaluated. search has also shown greater PPR after preharvest GA treat-
Ten fruit were collected after degreening from each repli- ments, but significant changes in other quality attributes,
cate and analyzed for peel color, PPR, total soluble solids including TSS, were rare (Ali-Dinar et al., 1976; Baez-Sañudo
(TSS; °Brix), titratable acidity (TA; % anhydrous citric acid) et al., 1992; Ismail, 1997; Ritenour and Stover, 1999).
and TSS:TA ratio before degreening. Fruit color measure- Effect of preharvest GA application on ‘Fallglo’ color develop-
ments were taken equatorially at three evenly spaced locations ment. Preharvest application of GA to ‘Fallglo’ fruit resulted in
using a Minolta Chromameter (model CR-300, Minolta Cam- greener fruit (more negative a*/b* and higher hue values) at
era Corp., Ramsey, N.J.). Color was reported as Hue, green harvest, after degreening, and after storage at 50 °F (10 °C;
(higher values) to yellow or shades of orange (lower values), Table 2). Immediately after degreening, there were no signif-
and a*/b* ratios where a* measures green (negative) to red icant differences in peel color among GA-treated fruit de-
(positive) and b* measures blue (negative) to yellow (posi- greened for 6 or 18 h, although control fruit degreened for
tive). As fruit lose their green color, a*/b* values increase 18 h developed significantly better color than control fruit de-
from negative to positive. PPR was determined by puncturing greened for only 6 h. After 6 d at 50 °F (10 °C), both control
each fruit three times, at equidistant spacing around the fruit’s and GA-treated fruit with longer degreening times had en-
equator, with a 2.0 mm diameter, flat-tipped, cylindrical probe hanced color compared to those with shorter degreening
attached to a texture analyzer (Stable Micro Systems, model times. Although GA treatments delayed color development,
TA-XT2, Godalming, England). TSS was measured using a re- extending degreening of GA-treated fruit resulted in better
fractometer (Spectronic Instruments, Rochester, N.Y.) and peel color after storage than control fruit degreened for
TA was measured by titrating juice samples to pH 8.3 with only 8 h.
NaOH using a Mettler titrator (model DL12, Highstown,
N.J.). After storage, the fruit were evaluated for decay and
physiological disorders (reported as percent of total fruit). Table 1. Fruit quality of ‘Fallglo’ tangerines 1 d after harvest. Trees were
For postharvest dip treatments, fruit were harvested from sprayed with GA + Silwet or Silwet alone 17 d prior to harvest.
two untreated trees, adjacent to the preharvest study, trans-
ported to the IRREC in Ft. Pierce, Fla. A completely random- Fruit quality just after degreening (Oct. 1)
ized designed was utilized, consisting of four replicates of 50 Wt. PPRz TSSy Juice TAx Ratio
fruit each. Fruit were dipped either before or after degreen- Treatment (g) (N) (%) (%) (%) (TSS:TA)
ing for 2 min in either water containing 0.05% Silwet L-77
GA 201.25 11.11 9.85 64.12 0.89 11.12
(control), or water containing 250 ppm GA + 0.05% Silwet L-
Control 197.00 9.13 10.43 63.99 1.90 11.64
77. ‘Fallglo’ tangerines and ‘Ruby’ Red grapefruit were de-
Significance NS * * NS NS NS
greened at 85 °F (29 °C) using 2 ppm ethylene for 6 or 48 h,
respectively. After degreening and dip treatments, the fruit zPeel puncture resistance.
were washed, coated with a shellac wax (Sta-Fresh 590 HS, yTotal soluble solids.
xTitratable acidity.
FMC Corporation, Lakeland, Fla.), and stored at 50 °F
(10 °C) until evaluated. NS, *Nonsignificant or significant at P < 0.05, respectively.

Table 2. Peel color of ‘Fallglo’ tangerines treated with GA + Silwet or Silwet alone 17 d prior to harvest. Fruit were degreened for either 6 or 18 h with 2 ppm
ethylene at 85 °F (29 °C).

Harvest (Sept. 30) After degreening (Oct. 1) After storage (Oct. 7)

Treatment Degreening a*/b* Hue a*/b* Hue a*/b* Hue

GA 18 h -0.37 b z 110.30 a -0.27 bc 105.02 0.17 b 80.62 c

GA 6h -0.34 b 108.83 a -0.27 c 105.18 -0.24 d 103.18 a
Control 18 h -0.30 a 106.46 b -0.11 a 100.68 0.28 a 74.26 d
Control 6h -0.29 a 106.23 b -0.23 b 102.59 -0.15 c 98.34 b
P-value 0.0002 0.0003 <0.0001 0.4584 <0.0001 <0.0001

Values within each column followed by unlike letters are significantly different by Duncan’s multiple range test at P < 0.05. No letters within a column indi-
cates no significant differences among treatments.

386 Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 118: 2005.

Effect of preharvest GA application on ‘Fallglo’ postharvest decay. Effect of postharvest GA dip on ‘Fallglo’ postharvest decay. Post-
Twenty one days after harvest, total fruit decay ranged be- harvest GA dips of ‘Fallglo’ fruit had no significant effect on
tween 3% and 16% on ‘Fallglo’ fruit (Table 3). Decay was pri- postharvest SER or total decay (Table 5). It is unclear why an-
marily due to SER and anthracnose. While the incidence of thracnose was worse in control fruit dipped before degreen-
SER was not significantly affected by the treatments, anthra- ing, while there were no significant differences between the
cnose and total decay were significantly increased by the long- other treatments.
er degreening times, but tended to be lower in GA-treated Effect of GA treatments on ‘Fallglo’ weight loss. While longer
fruit degreened for the same length of time. Since anthra- degreening times increased water loss, neither pre- nor post-
cnose development is stimulated by ethylene (Brown and Bar- harvest GA treatments significantly affected weight loss of
more, 1976), the 12 additional hours of degreening likely ‘Fallglo’ tangerines during storage at 50 °F (10 °C; data not
encouraged the greater levels of anthracnose. Therefore, de- shown).
layed color development resulting in longer degreening Effect of GA treatments on ‘Ruby’ Red grapefruit. A large per-
times can increase SER and anthracnose development, partic- centage of grapefruit from trees sprayed with 30 g a.i. per acre
ularly in cultivars that are especially sensitive to extended de- GA 2 weeks before harvest exhibited phytotoxic injury and the
greening times (e.g., ‘Fallglo’). Furthermore, any delay in injury greatly increased incidence of postharvest decay (data
‘Fallglo’ harvest or marketing, because of delayed color devel- not shown). Previous research showed that phytotoxic injury
opment, may cause overlap with ‘Sunburst’ harvest and re- can occur when grapefruit are sprayed with 20 ppm or higher
duce prices for the normally early ‘Fallglo’ crop. GA with a wetting agent (Coggins and Henning, 1988).
Effect of postharvest GA dip on ‘Fallglo’ color development. The While GA dips administered before degreening resulted in
effects of dipping ‘Fallglo’ fruit in 250 ppm GA with 0.05% Sil- severe GA-injury and a significant increase in postharvest de-
wet were not apparent immediately after degreening (data cay, no such injury or significant differences in decay were de-
not shown), but significant delays in color development were tected if GA dips were administered after degreening (Table
noted when measured 18 d after harvest (Table 4). Dipping 6). The reason(s) for the differences in susceptibility to GA in-
fruit either before or after degreening made no difference in jury are not clear, but could be related to more advanced peel
color development. No fruit injury was apparent from the GA coloration at the time of GA application, a curing effect of the
dip treatments. peel while held under degreening conditions, or from the ef-
fects of cooling the fruit to 50 °F (10 °C) soon after dipping.

Table 3. Percentage of stem-end rot, anthracnose, and total decay on

‘Fallglo’ tangerines 21 d after harvest. Fruit were degreened for either 6
or 18 h with 2 ppm ethylene at 85 °F (29 °C), washed, coated with a shel- Table 5. Percentage of stem-end rot, anthracnose, and total decay on
lac wax, and stored at 50 °F (10 °C). ‘Fallglo’ tangerines 21 d after harvest. Fruit were dipped in solutions
with or without GA either before or after degreening, washed, coated
21 d after harvest with a shellac wax, and stored at 50 °F (10 °C).

Treatment Degreening SER z Anthracnose Total decay 21 d after harvest

GA 18 h 6.5 7.1 ab y 14.1 a Treatment SER z Anthracnose Total decay

GA 6h 2.7 0.5 c 3.1 b y
GA-before 5.0 2.3 ab 7.3
Control 18 h 3.2 13.0 a 16.2 a
GA-after 3.1 3.5 a 6.6
Control 6h 4.8 3.1 b 7.9 ab
Control-before 7.2 0.8 b 8.1
P-value 0.2794 0.0010 0.0198
Control-after 4.9 5.8 a 10.7
zStem-end rot. P-value 0.5093 0.0252 0.3939
yValues within each column followed by unlike letters are significantly dif-
zStem-end rot.
ferent by Duncan’s multiple range test at p < 0.05. No letters within a col-
yValues within each column followed by unlike letters are significantly dif-
umn indicates no significant differences among treatments.
ferent by Duncan’s multiple range test at P < 0.05. No letters within a col-
umn indicates no significant differences among treatments.

Table 4. Peel color of ‘Fallglo’ tangerines 18 d after harvest and dipping in

solutions with or without GA. Fruit were dipped either before or after
degreening with 2 ppm ethylene at 85 °F (29 °C). After dip treatments Table 6. Phytotoxic peel injury on ‘Ruby’ Red grapefruit after dipping in
and degreening, fruit were washed, coated with a shellac wax, and stored solutions with or without GA. Fruit were dipped either before or after
at 50 °F (10 °C). degreening at 85 °F (29 °C) with 2 ppm ethylene, washed, coated with a
shellac wax, and stored at 50 °F (10°C).
Peel color
139 d after harvest
Treatment a*/b* Hue
Treatment GA injury (%) Total decay (%)
GA-before -0.03 bz 91.86
GA-after -0.03 b 91.74 GA-before 76.83 a 51.16 a
Control-before 0.02 a 84.05 GA-after 0.00 b 25.65 b
Control-after 0.02 a 88.99 Control-before 0.98 b 30.10 b
P-value 0.0116 0.0736 Control-after 0.00 b 24.87 b
P-value <0.0001 0.0134
Values within each column followed by unlike letters are significantly dif-
ferent by Duncan’s multiple range test at P < 0.05. No letters within a col- Values within each column followed by unlike letters are significantly dif-
umn indicates no significant differences among treatments. ferent by Duncan’s multiple range test at P < 0.05.

Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 118: 2005. 387

The GA treatments used in these experiments resulted Bevington, K. B. 1973. Effect of gibberellic acid on rind quality and storage
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curred in the small harvest samples used in this trial. It is ange rind staining reduced by gibberellin A3. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci.
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388 Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 118: 2005.

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