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Malibu High School

Business Studies
Research Project
Grade 10B
Sange Gwentshe
Phase 1:
 The extent to which the entrepreneur you chose used creative thinking to
generate an entrepreneurial opportunity.
 Ways in which the entrepreneur conducted market research to identify the
business opportunity.

Page 2

 The long-term objectives, mission and vision of the envisaged business.

***Phase 2: attached to Project***

Phase 3:

 The importance of a Business Plan.

 The aspects included in the Executive summary.

Page 3


In-text and Out-text


Lithendo Projects Pty Ltd is one of the best electrical engineering maintenance
companies in this industry, with a proven track record in maintenance, upgrades and
management of complex electrical infrastructure in diverse markets. Additionally
Lithendo Projects is a 100% black-owned engineering construction company, it is a
level 1 BBEEE compliant company.

Phase 1
 The extent to which the entrepreneur you chose, used creative thinking
to generate an entrepreneurial opportunity.

According to the director of Lithendo Projects, Lwandiso Mgwetyana, there

wasn’t any creative thinking, he started the business in an area he was
already qualified in. He had already identified an opportunity because of the
area he was working in. Creative eventually came in when he realized that
traditional engineering businesses aren’t orientated in service delivery. That
was the idea ‘generated’ or shall I say that was the opportunity found for his

 Ways in which the entrepreneur conducted market research to identify

the business opportunity

The market research for Lithendo Projects was to understand what was going
on in the country (South Africa), Mr. Mgwetyana had the idea of the business
in 2008. The business was registered in 2011 then it initially started in 2015.
Their market research was to know when the best time to start the business
was. They identified the market they wanted to use, then they began providing
services to big warehouses as a way into the business industry. They
communicated with warehouses directors, trying to find the source of various
problems that could help with their business. As they were operating they
listened to their consumers to give them the best service as the years went

 The long-term objectives, mission and vision of the envisaged business

Lithendo Projects Pty Ltd long-term objectives is to maintain safe operations,

take advantage of the fourth industrial revolution and to attract the most
talented individuals.
Their mission is to provide the highest level of service the broadest selection
of products and the most competitive prices.
Lithendo Projects vision statement is simple but straightforward. They are
driven by a vision to be an engineering company most recognized for its
valued long-term partnerships and admired as a market leader in the Internet
of things(IoT) within the electrical infrastructure.

***Phase 2: attached to Project***

Phase 3
 The importance of a Business Plan

A business plan is a crucial part of your business because it helps to develop

it. It serves as a guide that outlines goals, objectives, strategies and financial
projections for your business. Like if there are any potential consumers for the
product or service and this also falls under your target market. It also helps
you understand who will supply your business with the resources needed and
if there are any other competitors in the market and how strong they are so
you can prepare yourself. There should also be legal thoughts about the
business like the legal requirements and how the business will impact the
 The aspects included in the Business Plan

The aspects of the executive summary must get the attention of the readers and it
should summarize your reason for writing the business plan.

Lithendo Projects is a business that is determined to continue giving their consumers
the best service. They recognize new opportunities and use creativity to ret new
solutions. They provide and support professional and ethical businesses.
In-text and Out-text

In-text referencing:
According to Lwandiso Mgwetyana(2023) there wasn’t any creativity thinking, he
started the business in an area he was already comfortable in.

Out-text referencing:

Mgwetyana, L. 2023. Lithendo Projects.


Lwandiso Mgwetyana.L(2023).




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