Word List Units 3 en 4 Solutions Intermediate

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Wordlist Unit 3 Solutions Intermediate

ankle n enkel The water only came up to my ankles.

antibiotics n antibiotica Some bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics.
bandage n verband The nurse put a bandage on my hand.
bang your head je hoofd stoten Be careful not to bang your head on the ceiling. It's quite low.
blood n bloed The heart pumps blood around the body.
bottom n achterste He fell over and landed on his bottom.
brain n hersenen The scan showed damage to her brain.
break a bone een bot breken Did he break his cheek bone in a car accident?
bruise yourself (badly) jezelf (ernstig) bezeren She fell on the ice and bruised herself badly.
burn yourself jezelf branden If you get too close to the fire you'll burn yourself.
calf n kuit I've strained a calf muscle.
cheek n wang Tears rolled down her cheeks.
chin n kin He sat listening, his chin resting on his hand.
cream n crème My cat has just scratched me so I need an antiseptic cream.
cut yourself (badly) jezelf (ernstig) snijden Be careful not to cut yourself on that broken glass!
dressing n verband The dressing on my knee will be removed tomorrow at the local hospital.
elbow n elleboog She jabbed him with her elbow.
eyebrow n wenkbrauw He's got thick eyebrows.
eyelid n ooglid My right eyelid is hurting – I need to see a doctor.
forehead n voorhoofd It's very hot and my forehead is sweaty.
have a (bad) nosebleed een (hevige) bloedneus hebben You're having a bad nosebleed – I'll take you to the hospital.
have a black eye een blauw oog hebben He had a black eye after being punched in a fight.
heart n hart When you exercise your heart beats faster.
heel n hiel These shoes rub against my heels.
hip n heup He stood there angrily with his hands on his hips.
intestine n darm Digestive problems often affect the intestine badly.
jaw n kaak She broke her jaw when she fell.
kidney n nier My father suffers from kidney stones.
lip n lip Lips can swell up during an allergic reaction.
lung n long Smoking is one of the main causes of lung cancer.
medicine n geneesmiddel Take this medicine three times a day.
muscle n spier Riding a bicycle is good for developing the leg muscles.
nail n nagel Don't bite your nails!
painkillers n pijnstillers I have a terrible headache – I must buy some painkillers.
rib n rib He's so thin that you can see his ribs.
scalp n hoofdhuid My scalp is dry after washing my hair with the new shampoo.
shin n scheen Pat hurt her shin while she was playing football.
shoulder n schouder I'm feeling a sharp pain in my shoulder.
skin n huid People with a fair complexion usually have a very sensitive skin.
skull n schedel She suffered from a fractured skull in the fall.
spine n ruggengraad Osteoporosis often weakens the spine.
sprain your wrist je pols verstuiken I've sprained my wrist – it's very painful!
stomach n maag He went to the doctor with stomach pains.
thigh n dij His thighs were lightly bruised.
throat n keel I've got a sore throat.
thumb n duim She sucks her thumb.
toe n teen Ouch! I've dropped the hammer on my big toe.
twist your ankle je enkel verstuiken He twisted his ankle when he was playing squash.
waist n middel The trousers are too baggy round the waist.
wrist n pols She wore a silver bracelet on her wrist.
X-ray n röntgenfoto The X-ray showed that the bone was not broken.
afraid adj bang Are you afraid of dogs?
anger n woede She was shaking with anger.
angry adj boos My parents will be angry with me if I get home late.
anxiety n angst He was in a state of anxiety until he got the news.
depressed adj depressief He's been very depressed since he lost his job.
disgusted adj vol afkeer We were disgusted at the standard of service we received.
envy n jaloezie It was difficult for her to hide her envy of her friend's success.
happiness n geluk We all wish to achieve happiness in our lives.
happy adj gelukkig You look very happy today.
pride n trots Jane's parents watched with pride as she went up to collect her prize.
sad adj verdrietig We are very sad to hear that you are leaving.
sadness n verdriet There was a deep sadness in her eyes.
shame n schaamte His actions have brought shame on his whole family.
surprise n verrassing What a pleasant surprise to see you again!
surprised adj verrast I was very surprised to see Cara there. I thought she was still abroad.
exercise n oefening Swimming is a good form of exercise.
exercise v lichaamsoefeningen doen It is important to exercise regularly.
hard adv hard The first question in the exam was very hard.
hard adj hard He worked hard all his life.
level n niveau Pollution levels are very high in London.
level v op een gelijk niveau brengen, wat The ground needs levelling before we lay the patio.
light adj licht Carry this bag – it's the lightest.
light n licht Strong light is bad for your eyes.
record v vastleggen He recorded everything in his diary.
record n record Who holds the world record for high jump?
rest n rust I'm going upstairs to have a rest before we go out.
rest v rusten We've been walking for hours. Let's rest here for a while.
show v laten zien This graph shows how prices have gone up in the last few years.
show n voorstelling Paintings by local children will be on show at the town hall next week.
work n werk When do you start work?
work v werken Doctors often work extremely long hours.
Wordlist Unit 4 Solutions
attic n zolder
balcony n balkon
basement n kelder
beautifully restored adj prachtig gerestaureerd
bungalow n bungalow
cellar n kelder
charming adj charmant
conservatory n serre
contemporary adj eigentijds
conveniently located adj welgelegen
cosy adj knus
cramped adj benauwd
detached house n vrijstaand huis
dilapidated adj vervallen
drive n oprit
extension n aanbouw
farmhouse n (boeren)hoeve
fence n hek
flat n flat
flower bed n bloemperk
garage n garage
gate n poort
hall n hal
hedge n heg
houseboat n woonboot
landing n overloop
lawn n gazon
lively area n levendige buurt
mansion n herenhuis
mobile home n stacaravan
path n pad
pond n vijver
popular area n populaire buurt
porch n portaal
semi-detached house n halfvrijstaand huis
shutters n rolluiken
sliding doors n schuifdeuren
spacious adj ruim
stairs n trap
substantial adj aanzienlijk
terraced house n rijtjeshuis
thatched cottage n huisje met rieten dak
tiny adj piepklein
villa n villa
picture n afbeelding
dining table n eettafel
front door n voordeur
housing estate n woonwijk
rainwater n regenwater
rubbish dump n vuilnisbelt
shipping container n zeecontainer
skyscraper n wolkenkrabber
sofa bed n slaapbank
solar panels n zonnepanelen
studio flat n studeer-slaapkamer
bookcase n boekenkast
curtains n gordijnen
cushion n kussen
lamp n lamp
microwave n magnetron
sofa n bank
chest of drawers n ladekast
armchair n leunstoel
blinds n jaloezieën
carpet n tapijt
desk n bureau
fireplace n open haard
rug n tapijt
wardrobe n kleerkast
cupboard n kast
coffee table n salontafel
houseplant n kamerplant
mirror n spiegel
She uses the attic as an office.
The balcony has a lovely view of the garden.
The house we saw didn't have a basement.
This old building has been beautifully restored.
Chris lives in a pretty bungalow.
There aren't many bottles of wine left in the cellar.
What a charming little cottage!
Fiona's reading a book in the conservatory.
They like the contemporary look of the flat so they're going to buy it.
Our new house is small but conveniently located.
The room looked cosy and inviting in the firelight.
The flat was terribly cramped with so many of us living there.
They moved to a detached house when their second child was born.
The building is dilapidated – it will need a lot of work doing on it.
We keep our car on the drive.
They're building an extension on the house.
Much to my surprise, Cathy has just announced she has decided to move to a
farmhouse in Wales.
The fence was painted green.
Do you rent your flat or have you bought it?
Let's remove the weeds from the flower bed.
The house has a double garage.
Please keep the garden gate closed.
There is a public telephone in the entrance hall of this building.
The hedge is losing a lot of leaves.
Houseboats in London are very expensive.
Is the dog sleeping on the landing?
His grandmother loves looking after the lawn.
This is a lively area – I'm sure our children will like it.
Only very rich people can afford to live in a mansion.
Her mobile home is by the river.
The garden path is winding.
There are some goldfish in their garden pond.
That's s a popular area with young families.
Leave the muddy boots in the porch please.
I thought semi-detached houses would be less expensive in this town.
She opened the shutters and the sunlight flooded in.
Go through the sliding doors – the office is on the left.
It's a spacious flat: there are three bedrooms and two bathrooms.
She ran up the stairs.
The furniture was cheap and not very substantial.
My best friend lives in a terraced house with his girlfriend.
There are some pretty thatched cottages in the Oxfordshire countryside.
The bedroom is tiny – I can't fit my desk in it.
They're going to rent a villa in Portugal for their summer holiday.
Have you got any pictures of your trip?
The cutlery is on the dining table.
Somebody has just knocked on the front door.
Martin grew up in a housing estate.
Collecting rainwater to use in the garden is environmentally friendly.
We took the old furniture to the rubbish dump.
The shipping container is now full and can be loaded onto the ship.
Where's the tallest skyscraper in the world?
You can sleep on the sofa bed.
Solar panels are becoming very popular in China.
Her uncle has just bought a studio flat in the centre of Barcelona.
I like this bookcase.
Could you draw the curtains, please?
The cushions have a colourful pattern.
Our niece bought us a beautiful lamp for Christmas.
She bought a new microwave at the shopping centre.
The sofa isn't very comfortable.
Gemma bought an expensive chest of drawers at the antiques shop.
This armchair belonged to my grandparents.
Paula is going to buy some new blinds on Friday.
The children's toys are on the carpet.
The students put their books on their desks.
This fireplace dates back to the Victorian age.
This rug reminds me of my holiday in Morocco.
Your wardrobe is full of designer clothes.
I can't find the plates in the kitchen cupboard. Where are they?
The newspaper isn’t on the coffee table. Where did you put it?
Jo forgot to water the houseplants yesterday.
The mirror isn’t in the bedroom. It’s in the hall.

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