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Title Register for Gas Cutting and Gas Welding Equipment

Number C/J/F/SHE/REG/062 Issue 01

Compiled by Hailu Sinkie Revision Date April 9, 2020
Revised By Wegderes Tesema
Authorized by Leonardo Moolman Revision 0

Date of Inspection

Signature of Responsible Person

Signature of Competent Person

Identification Number of Equipment

Month of Inspection
# Checklist Topic Condition Condition Condition Condition
1. Cylinders
1.1 Properly secured. Valve guards
1.2 Valve undamaged and free of
contamination (oil, grease etc.)
1.3 Spindle key on each cylinder.
Valves closed if not in use.
2. Regulators
2.1 Clean and free from contamination
(oil, grease etc.)
2.2 Identifiable re gas. Correct range
and capacity for work in hand.
2.3 Bull nose stem straight. Nut and seat
undamaged. Outlet connection
2.4 Outlet pressure steady. No creep or
pressure build-up on closing down
2.5 Pressure adjusting screw turn freely.
2.6 Gauges: undamaged, shatter-proof
lenses fitted. No zero error.
3 Flashback arrestors
3.1 Are they fitted
3.2 Body and connection nuts
3.3 Check condition of reset lever
where fitted.
4 Hoses
4.1 According to NIGFAC ACT, 2004
specification. Correct color and type
for specific gases.
4.2 Free of oil, grease, surface defects,
cuts, burns and cracks.
4.3 Connection nuts undamaged. Hose
secured with approved type “O”
4.4 Joins made with correct type inserts
or joiners (not copper) and “O”
4.5 Safety check-valves or flashback
arrestors at torch end of hoses.
4.6 Reverse flow test on check-valves
and arrestors.
5. Torches, nozzles and flame lighters
5.1 Free of visual damage. Free of
contamination (oil, grease, etc)
5.2 Valves turn easily and close-off
without excessive force.
5.3 Valve spindle straight. Knobs intact
and well secured.
5.4 Cutting oxygen valve closes
completely. Lever firmly hinged.
5.5 Nozzle nut in good condition. All
threads and connections undamaged.
5.6 Nozzle clean and seats and orifices
in good condition. No leaks.
5.7 Nozzle correct size and type of
application and gas in use
5.8 Friction type lighters used.
6 Goggles
6.1 Approved type. Frame and head
band in good condition.
6.2 Filter lens shade correct for type of
6.3 Every operator has own goggles.

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