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Applied Nanoscience


Trade‑off between quantum capacitance and thermodynamic stability

of defected graphene: an implication for supercapacitor electrodes
Anurag Srivastava1 · Boddepalli SanthiBhushan1

Received: 13 November 2017 / Accepted: 4 January 2018

© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018

Defects are inevitable most of the times either at the synthesis, handling or processing stage of graphene, causes significant
deviation of properties. The present work discusses the influence of vacancy defects on the quantum capacitance as well as
thermodynamic stability of graphene, and the nitrogen doping pattern needs to be followed to attain a trade-off between these
two. Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations have been performed to analyze various vacancy defects and different
possible nitrogen doping patterns at the vacancy site of graphene, with an implication for supercapacitor electrodes. The
results signify that vacancy defect improves the quantum capacitance of graphene at the cost of thermodynamic stability,
while the nitrogen functionalization at the vacancy improves thermodynamic stability and quantum capacitance both. It has
been observed that functionalizing all the dangling carbons at the defect site with nitrogen is the key to attain high thermo-
dynamic stability as well as quantum capacitance. Furthermore, the results signify the suitability of these functionalized
graphenes for anode electrode of high energy density asymmetric supercapacitors.

Keywords Supercapacitor · Graphene · Quantum capacitance · Thermodynamic stability · Defects

Introduction Supercapacitor is an energy storage device with extremely

fast charging/discharging (high power density) and
Graphene, the wonder material is been widely analysed for extremely high life time of > 10,000 cycles (life time of Li-
enormous applications ranging from electronics, energy stor- ion battery is ~ 500 cycles only). Nevertheless, it lags behind
age, and aerospace to radioactive isotope filters. The struc- the Li-ion battery in terms of energy storage capacity
tural defects, classified broadly into intrinsic and extrinsic, (energy density) (Zhan et al. 2017; Paek et al. 2013a). Gra-
are most likely to occur either at synthesis, handling or pro- phene is the most promising electrode material for develop-
cessing stages of graphene, and can have remarkable influ- ing high energy density supercapacitors, owing to its
ence on its electronic and chemical properties (Banhart et al. extremely large surface area, high conductivity, mechanical
2010; Liu et al. 2015). The present work reports both the robustness and stability. In general, the energy density
intrinsic vacancy defects and extrinsic nitrogen functionali- ( E = 21 CV2) is a function of total capacitance (C) offered by
zation to observe the influence on quantum capacitance and the supercapacitor, while the latter is a series combination
thermodynamic stability of graphene, with implication for of quantum (C Q) and double layer (C DL) capacitances
supercapacitor devices. (C1 = C1 + C1 ). Hence, it is important to use electrode mate-

Electronic supplementary material The online version of this rials having significant quantum capacitance for obtaining
article (https​://​4-018-0643-x) contains high total capacitance, thereby high energy density. Defects
supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
and doping have been extensively studied by various
Boddepalli SanthiBhushan is the first author. researchers for improving the total capacitance of graphene
(El-Gendy et al. 2017; Mousavi-Khoshdel et al. 2015;
* Anurag Srivastava Hirunsit et al. 2016; Yang et al. 2015; Wood et al. 2013). In particular, nitrogen as a functionalized dopant has exten-
Advanced Materials Research Group, CNT Lab, ABV-Indian sively been examined owing to its rich chemistry with car-
Institute of Information Technology and Management, bon (Jeong et al. 2011; Zhu et al. 2016; Paek et al. 2013b;
Gwalior, MP 474015, India

Applied Nanoscience

Zhang et al. 2017; Li et al. 2014; Luo et al. 2013). In several density (Q) of graphene for the applied external potential (𝜑),
cases, though the doping enhances capacitance of graphene, i.e., CQ = dQ
. The excess charge density (Q) on graphene,
it severely compromises the thermodynamic stability and
when the chemical potential is shifted by applying 𝜑∕e, is
thereby the lifetime of electrode. There lack reports that
given by (Zhan et al. 2015),
illustrate the doping pattern needs to be followed to achieve
a trade-off between the two important quantities, quantum ∞

capacitance and thermodynamic stability. In this work, we Q=e D(E)[f (E) − f (E − 𝜑)]dE (1)
have introduced various vacancy defects in graphene viz. −∞
Single Vacancy (SV), Double Vacancy (DV), Triple Vacancy
(TV), and Quadruple Vacancy (QV) to have a constructive Here, D(E) is the DOS, f (E) is Fermi–Dirac distribution
idea of vacancy defect influence on the quantum capacitance function, E refers to Energy with respect to Fermi level, and
and thermodynamic stability. Further, the SV, DV and TV e is elementary charge (1.6 × 10−19 Coulombs).By differen-
defects are functionalized with nitrogen to produce SV Mon- tiating Q with respect to 𝜑, one can obtain the expression for
omerized (SVM), SV Dimerized (SVD), SV Trimerized quantum capacitance as,
(SVT), DV Monomerized (DVM), DV Dimerized (DVD), ∞
DV Trimerized (DVT), DV Tetramerized (DVTtr or Porphy-

= e2 (2)
[ ]
CQ = D(E) FT (E − 𝜑) dE
rin-type), TV Monomerized (TVM), TV Dimerized (TVD), d𝜑
TV Trimerized (TVT), TV Tetramerized (TVTtr), and TV
pentamerized (TVP) defect configurations as shown in Here, FT (E) is the thermal broadening function, given by,
Fig. 1, to analyze the influence of doping pattern.
1 E
( )
FT (E) = sec h2 (3)
Methodology The CQ expression for maintaining the charge/discharge syn-
chronization between quantum capacitance and DOS profile
The analysis has been performed under the banner of Den- is given by (Zhan et al. 2016),
sity Functional Theory (DFT) based first principles code, ∞
Atomistix Toolkit (2016). Atomistix ToolKit is a further e2
( )

4KT ∫
development of TranSIESTA-C, which in turn is based on CQ = D(E) sec h2 dE (4)
the technology, models, and algorithms developed in the −∞
academic codes TranSIESTA (Brandbyge et al. 2002) and
However, the energy density of supercapacitor doesn’t
McDCal (Taylor et al. 2001), employing localized basis
exactly rely on the differential quantum capacitance given
sets as developed in SIESTA (Soler et al. 2002). Norm-
by eq-(4), but rather on the integrated quantum capacitance
conserving Troullier-Martins pseudopotentials (Troullier
(Cqint ). The Cqint can be obtained by integrating the differen-
and Martins 1991) have been used in the present work to
tial quantum capacitance over the entire charge/discharge
describe the interactions between nuclei and electrons. The
cycle assuming equilibrium conditions (i.e., slow charge/
exchange–correlation interaction energy of electrons has
discharge) (Wood et al. 2013). The Cqint reported in this work
been described through Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof (PBE)
is given by,
functional (Perdew et al. 1996) within the Generalized Gra-
dient Approximation (GGA) method. A large density mesh V

Ve ∫ Q
cutoff of 130 Hartree has been considered for accuracy of 1
Cqint = C (V � )dV � (5)
calculations. All the vacancy defects and nitrogen function- 0
alized configurations are realized on a periodic 4 × 4 hex-
agonal supercell (32 atoms) of graphene. A Monkhorst–Pack For all the graphene configurations, the integrated quantum
grid of 12 × 12 × 1 k-points utilized to sample the Brillouin capacitance is calculated over the potential range − 0.6 to
zone, while the Density of State (DOS) profiles extracted 0.6 V, which is the electrochemical range of aqueous elec-
with 27 × 27 × 1 k-points. Furthermore, spin polarized cal- trolyte of a supercapacitor.
culations have been performed for graphene configurations
having odd number of electrons.
The quantum capacitance (CQ) of graphene configurations
has been extracted from their respective electronic DOS pro-
files assuming the fixed band approximation, i.e., the DOS
profile is assumed to be not affected by charging/discharging.
The CQ can be defined as variation caused in excessive charge

Applied Nanoscience

Fig. 1  Pristine graphene and its different vacancy defected configura- configurations of DV (i–l), i DVM, j DVD, k DVT, l DV Tetramer-
tions, a Pristine, b Single vacancy (SV), c Double vacancy (DV), d ized (DVTtr or porphyrin-type). Nitrogen functionalized configura-
Triple Vacancy (TV), e Quadruple Vacancy (QV). Nitrogen function- tions of TV (m-q), m TVM, n TVD, o TVT, p TVTtr, q TV Pen-
alized configurations of SV (f–h), f SV Monomerized (SVM), g SV tamerized (TVP). (In the images, the grey and blue balls indicate
Dimerized (SVD), h SV Trimerized (SVT). Nitrogen functionalized carbon and nitrogen atoms, respectively)

Results and discussion or conjugation of graphene due to the delocalized π-cloud

originated from residual p-orbital of carbon.
The Projected DOS (PDOS) profiles for pristine graphene Before proceeding to the calculation of integrated quan-
have been plotted in Fig. 2a, where the pristine graphene tum capacitance (Cqint ) for defected and functionalized gra-
exhibits perfect zero band gap at Dirac point. In addition, the phene configurations, the accuracy of our DFT based Cqint
states around fermi level are solely due to p-orbitals of car- for pristine graphene has been evaluated with respect to that
bon, which can be attributed to the well-known aromaticity of experiment by Ponomarenko et al. (Ponomarenko et al.

Applied Nanoscience

Fig. 2  a Projected DOS (PDOS) of pristine graphene, the plot shows integrated quantum capacitance (Cqint ) of pristine graphene plotted
Total DOS (TDOS), s-states, and p-states of carbon (from top to bot- over the potential range − 0.6 to 0.6 V from DFT (this work) and
tom), here Fermi level is shifted to energy zero. b Comparison of experiment (Ponomarenko et al. 2010)

2010). The experimental data that is actually available for L is the length of the sheets considered (9.85 Å approxi-
the energy range − 0.4 to 0.4 eV has been extrapolated to mately). The calculated formation energies for different
match with our bias window − 0.6 to 0.6 V. As seen from vacancy defects and their functionalized configurations
Fig. 2b, our DFT based Cqint for pristine graphene is in excel- are listed in Table 1, where the configurations having
lent agreement with the experimental Cqint . Furthermore, it low formation energy are considered more stable than
is also in excellent agreement with the previous theoretical their counterparts. Here, all the formation energies listed
reports (Paek et al. 2013a; Yang et al. 2015; Wood et al. in Table 1 are positive indicating the endothermic nature
2013; Paek et al. 2013b).

Table 1  Formation energy and peak integrated quantum capacitance

Vacancy defects for different graphene configurations

Graphene configuration Formation energy Peak Cqint (uF/cm2)

The pristine graphene has been subjected to vacancy defects (eV/Å)
viz. SV, DV, TV and QV having defect concentrations 3.12,
6.25, 9.37 and 12.5%, respectively, and analyzed for thermo- Pristine – 10.72
dynamic stability and Cqint . The thermodynamic stability is SV 0.84 107.61
an important factor that can give a comparative idea about DV 0.80 39.16
the life times of defected configurations as supercapacitor TV 1.23 160.29
electrodes. The electrode materials need to have good ther- QV 1.42 119.6
modynamic stability to maintain high life times. The ther- SVM 0.66 92.21
modynamic stability of our defected configurations has been SVD 0.44 68.77
assessed through calculation of formation energies per unit SVT 0.25 260.68
length of sheet ( EFL ) using the expression below, DVM 0.76 62.04
DVD 0.71 53.65
DVT 0.45 97.79
[ EN
ED − xEC − y 2 2
EFL = (6) DVTtr (porphyrin-type) 0.25 65.27
L TVM 1.07 79.02
TVD 0.79 72.81
Here, ED, EC and EN2 refer to the energies of defected
TVT 0.72 103.46
sheet, carbon atom of pristine graphene, and nitrogen
TVTtr 0.53 56.05
gas, respectively. x and y indicate the number of car-
TVP 0.32 135.12
bons and nitrogens present in the defect configuration.

Applied Nanoscience

of the defect creation. The thermodynamic stability of Influence of nitrogen functionalization

the vacancy defected configurations follow the trend
DV > SV > TV > QV, portraying DV as the most stable Though the vacancy defects results enhanced Cqint , but
vacancy defect owing to its least formation energy and severely diminishes the thermodynamic stability of gra-
QV as the least stable vacancy defect owing to its highest phene, as reported in previous section. In this section, the
formation energy. Apparently, the thermodynamic stabil- vacancy defects have been functionalized with nitrogen in
ity decreases with increasing defect size. search of trade-off between Cqint and thermodynamic stabil-
Figure 3a depicts the computed electronic DOS pro- ity. For the same, the SV, DV and TV defects have been
files for different vacancy defects. A close inspection of functionalized with nitrogen to produce SVM, SVD, SVT,
the DOS profiles articulate the shift of Fermi level into DVM, DVD, DVT, DVTtr (Porphyrin-type), TVM, TVD,
valence band for the vacancy defected configurations in TVT, TVTtr, and TVP configurations.
comparison to the pristine case. This shift can be attrib- As seen from Table 1, nitrogen functionalization on SV,
uted to the induced p-type behavior due to electron defi- DV and TV defects have resulted in significant improve-
ciency caused by the vacancy defect. Moreover, several ment in thermodynamic stability. The thermodynamic
defect induced peaks can be witnessed in the DOS pro- stability follows the trend SVT > SVD > SVM > SV,
files. The estimated Cqint for vacancy defected configura- DVTtr > DVT > DVD > DVM > DV, and TVP > TVTtr
tions are depicted in Fig. 3b and the corresponding peak > TVT > TVD > TVM > TV. Here, it is worth mentioning
values are listed in Table 1. All the vacancy defects have that the thermodynamic stability increases with increasing
caused significant rise in the quantum capacitance of nitrogen functionalization at the vacancy defect site, and in
graphene. The peak Cqint measured for pristine graphene each vacancy case the maximum stability has been attained
is only 10.72 uF/cm2 at − 0.6 V, while it is 107.61 uF/ when all the dangling carbons at the vacancy defect site are
cm 2 at − 0.04 V for SV, 39.16 uF/cm2 at 0.6 V for DV, replaced by nitrogen.
160.29 uF/cm 2 at 0.02 V for TV, and 119.6 uF/cm 2 at As seen from the DOS profiles depicted in Fig. 4a, c and e,
− 0.06 V for QV defect configurations. Here, TV and DV the Fermi level of SV, DV and TV functionalized configura-
offer the highest and lowest peak Cqint , respectively. The tions remain in the valance band in comparison to pristine
enormous Cqint observed for SV, QV, and TV in Fig. 3b are graphene. This is due to the fact that incorporated functional
a result of defect induced DOS peaks at the Fermi level nitrogens are still not enough to fill the electron deficiency cre-
as seen from Fig. 3a. ated by carbon vacancy. To observe the influence of function-
alized nitrogens on the DOS profiles of defected graphenes,

Fig. 3  a DOS profiles of pristine graphene and its vacancy defects SV, DV, TV and QV defects (from bottom to top). b integrated quantum
capacitances for different vacancy defects

Applied Nanoscience

Fig. 4  a DOS profiles for SV,

SVM, SVD, and SVT configu-
ration (from bottom to top). b
Integrated quantum capaci-
tance for different SV nitrogen
functionalized configurations.
c DOS profiles for DV, DVM,
DVD, DVT, and DVTtr con-
figuration (from bottom to top).
d Integrated quantum capaci-
tances for different DV nitrogen
functionalized configurations.
e DOS profiles for TV, TVM,
configuration (from bottom
to top). f Integrated quantum
capacitances for different TV
nitrogen functionalized configu-

the PDOS profiles have been plotted for SVT configuration s-states at the Fermi level as seen from the PDOS profile. In
in fig. S1 of supporting information. Unlike carbon of pris- fact, not just the SVT but all the functionalized configurations
tine graphene, the functionalized nitrogen induces both p and show both p and s-states of nitrogen at the Fermi level, reason

Applied Nanoscience

being the presence of a lone pair in the leftover p-orbital of Conclusion

nitrogen that induces p-states, and an unbonded s­ p2 hybrid
orbital at the dangling site that induces both p and s-states. The impact of vacancy defects on the quantum capacitance
The presence of lone pair on these functionalized nitrogens as well as thermodynamic stability of pristine graphene,
has been confirmed in an earlier report (Taluja et al. 2016). and the influence of nitrogen doping pattern at the vacancy
The spin polarized DOS profiles for functionalized configura- defect site have been examined through DFT calculations.
tions having odd number electrons SVM, SVT, DVM, DVT, The results signify that vacancy defects improve the quan-
TVM, TVT, TVP are plotted in Fig. S2 of supporting informa- tum capacitance of graphene at the cost of thermodynamic
tion. The spin up and spin down components of DOS for all stability. However, this challenge can be overcome by
these configurations found to be anti-symmetric near the Fermi nitrogen functionalization of the vacancy defect site with
level, implying magnetic behavior. The integrated quantum specific pattern. The key to obtain high thermodynamic
capacitances for different functionalized configurations have stability and quantum capacitance is to functionalize all
been presented in Fig. 4b, d and f. The peak Cqint for SVM, the dangling carbons of vacancy defect site with nitro-
SVD and SVT configurations are measured as 92.21 uF/cm2 gen. Such a move has resulted in remarkable 3.36 times
at − 0.08 V, 68.77 uF/cm2 at − 0.22 V and 260.68 uF/cm2 enhancement in thermodynamic stability and 2.42 times
at 0.04 V, respectively. While, it is 62.04 uF/cm2 at 0.32 V, enhancement in Cqint for SV defect, 3.2 times enhancement
53.65 uF/cm2 at 0.32 V, 97.79 uF/cm2 at 0.6 V and 65.27 uF/ in thermodynamic stability and 1.66 times enhancement
cm2 at 0.6 V for DVM, DVD, DVT and DVTtr (Porphyrin- in Cqint for DV defect, and 3.84 times enhancement in ther-
type) configurations, respectively, and 79.02 uF/cm2 at 0.48 V, modynamic stability and significant Cqint for TV defect.
72.81 uF/cm2 at − 0.06 V, 103.46 uF/cm2 at 0.1 V, 56.05 uF/ The results imply that the functionalized configurations
cm2 at − 0.3 V and 135.12 uF/cm2 at 0.44 V for TVM, TVD, are extremely useful for anode electrodes of high energy
TVT, TVTtr and TVP, respectively. The peak Cqint follows the density asymmetric supercapacitors owing to their impres-
trend SVT > SVM > SVD, DVT > DVTtr > DVM > DVD, sive quantum capacitances and thermodynamic stability.
and TVP > TVT > TVM > TVD > TVTtr. Among the SV
functionalized configurations, SVT which has no dangling Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Atal Bihari Vaj-
carbons offer the highest Cqint . Among the DV functional- payee—Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management,
Gwalior for providing the infrastructural support for carrying out this
ized configurations, DVTtr with no dangling carbons offer research work. They would also like to thank Prof. De-en Jiang and
the second highest Cqint and DVT with one dangling carbon Cheng Zhan of University of California, Riverside, and Brandon C.
offer the highest Cqint. Among the TV functionalized configura- Wood of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore for the
tions, TVP with no dangling carbons offer the highest Cqint. It valuable scientific discussions.
is worth noting that functionalizing all the dangling carbons
of vacancy defect site with nitrogen is the key to attain high
thermodynamic stability (as seen from previous section) and
quantum capacitance. The SVT configuration has no dangling References
carbons unlike its close counterparts SVM and SVD, and
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