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Interview Questions:

1. In our study, we observed that there is a good agreement amongst survey respondents that lean
construction principles help in avoiding disputes in construction projects. By lean construction
principles, we mean the following:
a. Stakeholder Collaboration
b. Open Communication
c. No Blame-game culture Helps in Dispute
d. Getting into details Avoidance
e. Constraint Identification
f. Commitment-driven targets - ‘Pull’ rather than ‘Push.’
g. Continuous Improvement

While there is a strong agreement on this synergistic relationship between lean and dispute
avoidance (usefulness), when it comes to the practicality of implementing the lean principles as
above, the extent of agreement was significantly less strong (when compared with the extent of
agreement on their usefulness). This means that lean is nice to have but not practical to

What is your take on this? Why is this perceived lack of interest in implementation despite an
agreement on its usefulness? What can be done to implement such practices?

2. We also observed that when it comes to “Open Communication,” the agreement on its
usefulness and practicality is stronger in the private sector than in the public sector.

What is your take on this? Why this difference? What can be done to get a wholehearted ‘buy-in’
and implement such practices?

3. We also observed that when it comes to “Stakeholder Collaboration,” the agreement on its
practicality is stronger in the private sector than in the public sector.

What is your take on this? Why this difference? What can be done to get a wholehearted ‘buy-in’
and implement such practices?

4. When it comes to ‘Constraint Identification’, although on an agreement side, there is a

significant difference between the agreement levels of ‘top management’ and the ‘support

What is your take on this? Why this difference? What can be done to get a wholehearted ‘buy-in’
and implement such practices?

5. When it comes to ‘Constraint Identification’, although on an agreement side, there is a

significant difference between the agreement levels of those who were aware of lean and those
who were unaware of lean.

What is your take on this? Why this difference? What can be done to get a wholehearted ‘buy-in’
and implement such practices?

6. In your opinion, what would be the best way to implement lean construction principles in a
construction project site? <You can first ask this question and see what would be their natural response, and
then you can give the options below>
a. Make the principles a mandate under the contract.
b. Evangelise lean adoption advantages so that stakeholders naturally adopt lean?
c. Or a mix of both?

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