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Read the text below carefully, and then find and underline any describing words, also known as adjectives

Papa Smurf : Papa Smurf is the leader of the Smurfs, and the only Smurf who wears red.
Papa Smurf brings the Smurfs to safety in times of danger and crisis. Everyone in Smurf
Village turns to Papa Smurf when things go awry. Papa is always busy making magical spells
and potions in his laboratory

Lazy Smurf is perhaps the most aply named Smurf in the village. Lazy can fall asleep
anywhere, anytime, day or night , and he's very sleepy

Brainy Smurf : Brainy seems to be an expert on everything...but he's usually wrong.

Clumsy Smurf is a nice Smurf who often trips over his own feet. He likes to gather rocks and
is best friends with Brainy. His clothes are a bit too big, making him look even clumsier than
the other Smurfs might appear.

Hefty Smurf : Hefty Smurf is the strongest Smurf in the village. He's also the only Smurf to
sport a tattoo (a red heart)! Hefty is friends with Handy and can often be seen lifting
weights or exercising

Jokey Smurf : Jokey is known for his pecurliar laugh and loud, exploding "giftboxes". Jokey is
very funny. Whenever you hear "get ready for a surprise!", you'd better be ready to duck
and cover your ears - BOOM!

Grouchy Smurf is always grumpy! He often says, "I hate (fill in the blank)!" when someone
talks about almost anything. Grouchy usually has a frown on his face.

Baby Smurf arrived in the village one special evening. Baby has magical powers and talks in
baby-talk. We're not sure if Baby is a girl or a boy.

Smurfette : Smurfette was created by Gargamel to destroy the Smurfs - and she was
orginally a brunette! Papa Smurf's magic changed her nature (and her hair color). Smurfette
loves flowers and the color pink.

Grandpa Smurf : The oldest of all the Smurfs, Grandpa returned to the Smurf Village after a
five hundred-year absence. Grandpa is energetic and colorful

Handy Smurf : Handy wears a pencil in his ear and helps fix things in the village. Handy is known
for his amazing technological creations, such as the telesmurf (telephone), Weather Smurfing
Machine, and Smurfmobile. He is very creative and careful smurf

The Smurfs have a unique enemy named Gargamel. Gargamel is an evil wizard whose main goal
is to capture, eat, and harm the Smurfs. He is completely obsessed with defeating the Smurf

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