IELTS Speaking Questions - Time - Student A

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Student A

Topic: Time
Part 1 (8-10 questions)

1. How do you plan your time in a day?

2. Is it easy to manage time for you?
3. When do you find it hard to allocate time?
4. Do you like being busy?
5. Are you good at organizing time?
6. How do you usually organize time?
7. Do you think planning is important for time management?
8. Why do you think some people pay to learn time management?

Part 2:

Describe your approach to time management

You should say:

• Your view on time management

• Whether you take time management seriously
• How you manage your time
• What problems you face

Part 3 (3-4 questions)

Is being late acceptable in your country?

Why do some people find it hard to follow their plans?

Do you think children should learn time management?

What are some of the ways that people can use for keeping track of schedule and time spent on different


Do you agree that it is acceptable to sacrifice the quality of work when deadlines are too tight? Why?

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