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; t Placement Creation * Publication Promotion: 1, Research Research makes the quality of your content sizzle like a deep-fryer. You should always begin your research with an overview campaign brief that this piece of content supports, and what you expect the outeome to be from its publication and promotion. In most cases, this brief will direct your research, but if you find yourself without one, then first take a look at what else is out there on the same topic. Only once you know what's already been written about something can you begin to understand how you can differentiate yourself from the crowd while still ranking for keywords and converting visitors, This step is what feeds your ideation phase, and allows you to best understand where to place your content. That's because your research shouldn't only give you insight into the topic that youre writing about, but it should also give you insight into the audience that you're writing about this topic for. That means that this step should also inform which blog post formats or extended content formats will be most effeetive (blog, eBook, white paper, quiz, etcetera). 2. Tdeation You've dived into your research, and you've come out of it with a host of interesting topics that are worth wiiting about. But, now is where you get these ideas rolling into fully-fledged content pieces, From your research, you'll already know which of these topics are particularly interesting inside your audience's industry, and which ones will gain the most traction or engagement. That's right, its time to beat away the fluff. Only the best ideas should remain, and of those that do, you can begin to create detailed briefs of how, when, and where they should be written. 3. Placement Once you've got q list of ideas that you're confident your readers will love, and that you're certain you can deliver on, make a list of possible placement sites. If this piece of content isn't a part of your eared media strategy, and rather a piece of owned media, then you'll want to spend this time dedicated to planning the best distribution strategy across your own website and online audience, If you are looking to place it somewhere else, however, you'll want to keep the following points in mind: + Aim high. Always try to place your content on a site with higher domain authority than yourself, in order to boost your own SEO. —————————— Priyanka GM Dept of Computer Science DVS College of Arts and Science, Shimoga + Pages x: pone pobisting 7 Hog an jag wont ge Se ar ec Tee's with a fecrastic OOS og 7. 4. Creation Once that process sooner cemiion, wick stone's tee done, t eccrnes 2 sraple sate 5. Publication ; Only then, once it's beer refined at leas once, pobiich what you've areated mean sending it trough ‘0 che publication that ie wih, or eager latform to be seen by your audience. 6. Promotion It doesn't stop there, because now yoH' phase distribution, but the point of the matter ist a 7 any hands 2s possible (and te right bands) : Forgening aboot coment sfx i's published is one of the gromest felts creation processes. Star. a conversation ound yose contact on sia! media, it and invite influencers to discuss i. Do what you can, and kenp revisiting & Ways to Distribute Content 1\Eneourage Your Subseribers : “ ‘Your email list can be big promoters of your business. They've opted into yor as a-valuable source in the industry / list and view you Priyanka Gs Dept of Computer Science DVS College of Arts and Selence, Shimoga Page 10 el” eee Levene dhie to your advantage, tn addition to distributing your blog caritent to your subeoribers, qournge thens 0 share it with thelr networks, 2. Syndloate on Content Sites Have you over rend a Killer blog article. only to notice that narne post shared on w different site?” That's because of content ryndlcatlon where you can ensily share your powt on other combat nites, 3, Answer Question on Quorn Using Quora in your inbound marketing strategy In an excellent way to showease your expertise ‘and offer value to an engaging audience, With 190 million monthly users, Quora serves as the perfect outlet fo promote your content, Simply find a question that relates to your blog content. Leave a thoughtful responve then end by ting the original, blog link where people can get further insight 4. Publish on Medium Did you know only 8% of marketers plan to wdd Medium to their content strategy yet there ace over 60 million unique monthly visitors ready to indulge in quality-rich conten? ‘This blogging platformn is a great way to increane awareness, generate engagement, and attract new followers to your brand. 5. Post on Linkedin Pulse Linkedin performs well for B2B brands seeking to engage potential clients and professionals on this network, If your business appeals to this audience, esta ing a presence on Linkedla is crucial. ‘The good news is, posting your blog article on Pulse enriches this goal while leveraging a high- authority website, 6 . Optimize Your Content for SEO ‘This is a must. Using SEO tactics propels you forward in local search and organic listings Although the algorithma are constantly changing, there are still time-tested techniques that belp improve your ranking. uo ee EINnI NRE ARERR Priyanka GM Dept of Computer Sclence DVS College of Arts and Science, Shimoga Page 11 il keywords that your audience is actively using in Googie eral Be sure to focus on 1-2 Jong Bing. ‘enton the primary keyword in your title, meta description and naturally throughont your pos Mention the pri * ‘80 it flows well. Finally, keep mail visitors in mind by breaking up Your paragraphs 50 your text doesn't prove too overwhelming to read. 7. Go Live on Social Media di Stores and Facebook Live, for example, are driving massive engagement on social ‘much that Facebook favors live video on news-feeds. ' 8. Convert into a Slideshow Consider converting your content into a slideshow visual o provide an alternate way for people td consume your post. . Slideshows are interactive content pieces, meaning it deeply engages your viewer as they click and scroll through each slide, It offers a better chance to educate and provide value, Content promotion and amplification Content Promotion Definition | | Content promotion isthe process of getting your content ir front of your target audience, Content promotion can include sharing content via email, social media, paid advertising, content | syndication, backlinks, and influencer marketing, | What are content promotion strategies? | | | _Content promotion can include: {-Sharing content via email - 'sDocial media |Peid advertising ; '*Content syndication O Bulling aaa , leInfluencer marketing | Priyanka GM Dept of Computer Science DVS College of Arts and Science, Shimoga Page 12 what Is Amplification? Amplification, often referred to as content amplification, is the use of various tactics to promote and amplify the visibility ofa piece of content, helping it reach a far larger audience. By turing up the volume, you're turning more heads and attracting more attention to your brand. Examples of Content Amplification To understand amplification, let's use the example of a new blog post added to your website, Unless your blog has a large following, the organic reach of this content will be limited. To amplify its visibijty, you must use a mix of owned, paid, and eamed media strategies such as: + Promote it across all social channels and your email lst. + Launch a paid social campaign, such as LinkedIn Sponsored Content, to promote it to thousands of prospects beyond your currect followers, + Partner with an industry influencer to share the post to his or her followers. + Encourage your employees, customers, and other evangelists to share the pos «Include popular hashtags in social posts sc that people following those hashtags see your content. + Participate in niche communities like Redtt and weave your post into the conversations happening there. + Repost the content to a blogging platform like Medium. . + Repurpose your blog post asa press release if applicable) and pay for a press release distribution seivice to promote it to media professionals who cover your industry. Content marketing metrics and analytics What is Content Marketing Analytics? ' Content marketing analytics isthe tracking and reporting of key content metrics that impect your content and digital strategies. It helps you measure the scope of your conten: and understand the effects it has on meeting different marketing goals and achieving desired cutcomes. ——————————————— Priyanka GM Dept of Computer Science DVS College of Arts and Science, Shimoga Page 13 arr $ ¥ s At the core of content marketing analytics are the key performance Indicators or KPIy + . g will determine if your content is reaching your target goals. Content marketing analytics can help your organization answer important questions about your content strategy, such as: How can we tell if our audiences are interacting with the content we produce? + Who is reading our content? + Which form of content produces the best results? How often do people bounce from our blog or website pages? ‘Which messages are resonating the strongest with our audience? How can we narrow down the best days and times for publishing new content? How much of our content is being read and how much is being skipped? How can we tell if our content strategy is driving conversions and bringing iti leads? How can we find gaps in our content marketing strategies? The Benefits of Content Marketing Analytics : Content marketing. ‘analytics is what drives the decisions ‘you make to improve your content marketing strategy. When you don’ "t understand the largest impact that your content strategy is having on your end goals, you won't understand what areas need improving or be able to identify gaps in your Program. ‘When you have strong content marketing analytics that help you discover the results of your Content stategy, you can improve your content marketing efforts and eretea beter digit ‘marketing approach for your brand, . Improved content marketing tacties have many ben‘fits for your business, such as: + Increased brand awareness, + Audiences that stick around, + Higher SERP rankings and SEO performance. Better performance across your content channels, ‘ More industry authority and reliability a a thought leader. Priyanka GM - Dept of Computer Science , DVS College of Arts and Science, Shimoga Page 14 Improved lead generation and conversion funnels Brand advocates and loyal retum customers, Content Marketing Analytics Tools 1. HubSpot HubSpot is one of the best platforms for Content marketing analytics. It has a user-friendly dashboard and can pull real-time data and insights into custor The tool can trigger touchpoints, d reports for your team. track custom interactions, and monitor customer behavior to tell when a conversion might be possible You can also create custom reports and use attribution reporting to track all customer interactions to specific records and events. 2. Google Analytics As one of the biggest content marketing analytics tools, Google Analytics gives you the ab integrate your content analytics with all other aspects of your Google business tools ‘This can help you organize all your data in a single location and compare your content marketing Performance with the other part3 of your business. Unlock the full potential of Google Analytics with our free guide. 3. Moz Moz is a houschold name in SEO analytics, but the platform also extends to your context marketing performance. It helps you lear how your content strategy is affecting your SEO and can help you discover important keywords, topics, or ideas to cover in your content planning. It also tracks your SERP results and gives detailed reports 4, SEMrush Simry to Moc, SEMrash se eat tool for waking your SEO and keyword pecirmace, especially in comparison to your competitors Ir allows you to monitor brand mentions and gives you cross-channel tools to look at your ‘content strategy across your platforms and channels. 5, BuzzSumo BuzeSumo helps you visualize real-time marketing trends by analyzing your content and finding ‘ways to tailor itto specific audiences. ———————————— Priyanka G M Dept of Computer Science DVS College of Arts and Science, Shimoga Page 15, This can help you understand customer concerns and identify trends to discuss in your conte, strategy. You can also use BuzzSumo to customize your feed and reports. 6. Databox This content marketing analytics tool combines many key ‘aspects of your overall digital ‘marketing program into a single tool, allowing you to understand the success of your strategies from a single location. . Databox also provides real-time reporting and organizing data from across your business in one tool. 7. Demand Sage : Demand Sage helps you move your important content marketing analytics reports from HubSpot ‘o Google Sheets to help you share your insights and create editable reports, This also allows you to onganize your spreadsheets however you want and create specific reports that match your exact business goals and content matketing performance outcomes. 8. Plecto : Peto is a content marketing analyties tool that helps you measure your goals and target ‘outcomes with dashboards and different visualization tools. ‘This helps you to filter your data and display it inthe most helpful ways that match your organization's needs. | You can also use Plecto to reste custom reports and'track your employee's engagement with internal reports, 9. Adverity Avery isthe best tool available for those interested in data-driven decision-making and marketing. This allows you to take data from hundreds of sources and compile it into a single tool that then organizes, analyses, and identifies key data points, What Are Content Marketing Metrics? Content marketing mets are quantitative (numerical) and qualitative (&scriptive) data points You can use o evaluate the impact and effectiveness of your content marketing strateay. Priyanka GM Dept of Computer Science DVS College of Arts and Science, Shimoga Page 16 4, Unique pageviews a onion so oes we | a 4 “wh LT a | oo i iy \ Ta stele mI Adu j se voi env mate » tenn 13m oe cova ' a hab eine, ae Lael nt ‘ . ' Ina content strategy, it is essential to know how many visits a page receives. ‘This measurement helps to understand the level of traffic and the interest in the content. ’ Unique pageviews determine how many times each user has viewed a page. It's a precise number that excludes repetition, helping to make the measurement more accurate After all, the same user can view a page several times during a visit. In general, this number doesn’t translate how many times someone has visited a page. ' Unique pageviews mumber ae obained by comparing a person's views onthe same page and in ‘the same session. Thus, regardless of whether the user has refreshed the page several times, you can be sure that it isa single access. 2. Average time on page One of Google’s ranking criteria is the time spent on the page. Therefore, it's essential to measure the average time on page. ‘This metric is essential to understand if your content generates real interest. The longer the average time on page, the higher the acceptance and engagement, Tt would help if you investigated pages with low performance in this metric. Reasons may include unattractive content, unsatisfactory UX design, and slow page loading. You have to compare pages to understand the cause of low results. So check what successful ‘pages bring in comparison to poor performance ones. ——— Priyanka GM i Dept of Computer Science i DVS College of Arts and Selence, Shimoga Page 17 Some ofthe reasons fora low avernge tlme on page are: poor legibility; Jnck of seannability; 100 long texts; poor UX; ‘weak content; subjects that don’t generate interes. 3. Pages/sessions Pages/sessions are one of the most important Content Marketing metries because it helps to ‘measure the quality of the strategy in general. If there are good numbers of pages/scssions, it's a sign that all the content published can generate ingrest, 4. Likes and shares Engagement is essential in content strategies, so it’s always important to measure it. Likes and shares are a vital metric for this category. ‘The numbers are measured according to the total volume of likes and shares in publications on social media channels, The higher these numbers, the greater the chance of engagement. ‘A good engagement in social media makes it possible to reach more people because likes and shares make posts more visible to a larger audience, Besides the reach achieved, this metric also measures users’ interest in the content. After all, likes and shares are actions aimed at promoting and showing appreciation for something posted 5. Comments ‘Another important metric of engagement, comments measures the overall number of this type of interaction in posts, They can be on social media or in the blog. ‘A comment represents an important interaction since it requires some effort. Usualy, the user ‘who comments liked the content and found it useful, I's always important to track the number of comments, as well as shares and likes. However, be ‘aware of one point: take time to analyze what’s being commented, RS Priyanka G M Dept of Computer Science DVS College of Arts and Science, Shimoga Page 18 ee IEEE gangagement IS only useful if this interaction is positive, Comments with criticism or gemonstrating unhappiness need t0 be a wake-up call te the marketing tearm 6. Traffic sources Users ean amive at your website through several sources. When you know the ones that generate the most traffic, you ean invest more in thera and optimize the results, That's why this is also one of the most important Content Marketing metrics. In’s essential to disseminate the content in different channels, such as social media, email matketing, and positioning it to be found in Google's organic search. Naturally, some of them ‘vill be more engaging than others, generating differen traffic, “The metrics we are talking about will help identify which of these channels have the best results when generating tai, This way, you can foeus on efforts and investments on those that have the highest potential. 7. Organic traffic Organic traffic shows the number of wets who arrive at your content through search engines Ofcourse, most of them will have Google as their source, For any strategy investing in organi trafic is essential because ofthe high reach potential, and it's free. Therefore, it’s possible to achieve great results with accurate optimization. For this, mastering SEO is essential 1t involves producing quality content, written with the most appropriate techniques, to attract Google traffic. 8. Click-through rate (CTR) CTRis the metic that indicates the rate of clicks on a link eompared to the views it nd. As one ofthe main Content Marketing metres these numbers are essential in organic traffic. ‘A.good CTR can indicate that piece of content generates interest nthe user when i's shown in the SERP (Search Engine Results Page). ‘This engagement can be fostered by several factors, such as: , i + aneye-catching title; «+ atitle that uses strong keywords; ‘+ the use of meta description; ' + the use of an excerpt, Priyanka G M ——— Dept of Computer Sclence DVS College of Arts and Science, Shimoga Page 19 v . ‘ov can access this metric on your Google Search Console dashboard. It shows the CTR of ¢ Ye ccess this page, pointing to data such as impressions and clicks. . leads ; coment teads; that’s part ofthe strategy and one of the main intentions, Therefore, it's essential to measure the volume of generated potential customers. / The number of leads points out how many users have shared data when consuming content. I's possible to obtain leads from: CTAs, landing pages; contact forms; subscriptions to newsletters; subscriptions for mailings; ‘budget requests. ‘A good number of leads indicates that the strategy has a high capacity to engage. Quality content is capable of triggering the sharing of this data, regardless of whether the consumer intends to convert later. The number of leads should be seen only as an indication of interest and potential sales. Conversions will depend on the continuity of good content delivery in the final stages of the marketing funnel, . 10. Bounce rate The bounce rate indicates how many users have left a page without having visited any other on the website. This metric is essential to measure the quality of what is offered on blogs. High rates, of course, can mean a still unconvincing strategy. On the other hand, this doesn’t ean that the content is bad, but that it may not be attractive, At the same time, high bounce rates can be normal if the page is new. For example, when you Publish a new post, a recurrent user accesses, reads, and exits, just because they have already read all the other content, , Behind every metric, it’s necessary to have an analytical and interpretative view. With bounce rate is no different, . Priyanka GM "Dept of Computer Science DVS College of Arts and Science, Shimoga Page 20 11, Conversion rate ‘Another essential Content Marketing metric, conversion rate measures the percentage of users who have accessed the content nnd performed an action Regardless of what was proposed in the post, the conversion is the main objective of a strategy ‘here are several types of conversions, and the main ones are: Jeavingg a comment in a post; subscribing 10 a newsletter, subsoribing to a form, downloading content. ‘The action depends on the type of content and, especially, the stage of the funnel. At the top, comments can be a conversion, while at the end, requesting contact information is more common, ‘To calculate the conversion rate, divide the number of conversions by the number of visitors. The first five positions are the more disputed ones, and that is why you need to keep an eye on the ranking — after all its where you want to place your brand as well. To do so, it s mandatory to follow best SEO practices, such as identifying keywords, developing a link building strategy, cteatng friendly URLs, and acquiring as many backlinks as possible, ‘The more qualified the page where the link comes from, the beter forthe content ranking Priyanka GM Dept of Computer Sclence ‘DVS College of Arts and Sclence, Shimoga Page 21 Mobile Marketing Mobile marketing overview Mobile marketing is a multi-channel, digital marketing approach that uses websites, ‘mails, SMS ond MMS, soctal media, apps, and other mobile devices to connect with a target untionce, It pertains to any advertising that occurs on smartphones and’ other mobile devices, such as tablets and other cell phones. Customers have started to focus more dn andl spend more money on mobile in recent Yours, AS a result, marketers are following suit in an effort to foster real multichannel interaction. Marketing also fragments along with technology, Additionally, material needs to be highly tailored and strategically planned in order to capture and hold the interest of potential customers. How does Mobile Marketing work? Promotions provided by SMS text messaging, MMS multimedia ‘messaging, downloaded ‘onlications utilizing push notifications, in-app or in-game marketing, mobile websites, or by ‘sing a motile device to sean QR codes are all examples of mobile ma kets from proximity systems and location-based services depending o ‘oF their closeness to a service provider, keting, Users may get their physical location Given the prevalence of mobile devices, mobile marketing is vitl tol for businesses of all Sizes. The brands (and businesses they adverts on behalf of) and service providers who enable mobile advertising are the main participants in the market ‘When creating a short r long-term marketing strategy, Somponent, Every segment of your audience may be reached via a mobile marketing channel, such as emails, Sontent marketing, social media ‘marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), search engine optimization (SEO), and many more. ‘mobile marketing is a crucial AASYOU try fo aac, engage, and retain users across variety of platforms, creating a consistent ‘experience that customers anticipate is necessary for mobile marketing to be successful Priyanka G M Dept of Computer Science DVS College of Arts and Sclence, Shimoga Page 22 What are the types of Mobile Marketing? 1, Mobile app marketing: Mobile applications are used in mobile advertising. Apps may feature a variety of advertisements, including banners, videos, and more sophisticated app demonstrations. In-app advertising comes in several forms. . Mobile screens’ top- and bottom-positioned display advertisements, such as banners, + Native advertising, or ads designed to seem like they belong in an app, . . ad videos «Ads that intérsperse app operations are known as interstitials. For instance, these advertisements occasionally display when switching between game levels. 2, Social media promotion: On mobile social feeds, both free and paid advertisements may be effective traffic generators, Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram frequently have the igest user populations or the most niche uses. Through comments and messages, social media makes it simple to establish a personal relationship with your audience, With customer recommendations and referrals, you may also raise brand recognition and improve conversion rates. It's becoming more and more usual to employ social media advertising to make sure you'll reach the proper clients, even though some businesses prefer to concentrate on organic social media posts, Several possibilities are: + Facebook advertisements or promoted (boosted) posts + Twitter promoted tweets «interest "shoppable" or "promoted" pins ++ LinkedIn promotions or advertisements —E Priyanka GM Dept of Computer Science - . DVS College of Arts and Sclence,Shimoga Page 23 ting: / 3. Location-based marketing: _ / Location-based marketing: So, bused on a user's position in relation to a certain area, mis, cation. : So, ° métketers may build advertising that shows up on mobile devices, Fat’‘instance, some mobi ithin a mil marketers may only want their advertising to show up when consumers are within le of thei, place of business. According to research, the worldwide location-based advertising industry, which had a value of ‘more than $62 billion USD in 2019 already, is predicted to expand at a rate of more than 17% between 2022 and 2027. Because itis more pertinent to where and what mobile consumers are Going, this sort of marketing generates greater engagement and better responses. 4. Mobile search ads: Search engines frequently provide unique ad kinds made for mobiie devices, ‘These can produce distinctive advantages to provide a better user experien ce, including click-to-call features or immediate instructions, ° Between 90% and 99% of SMS are opened, . Within three minutes, 90% of SMS messages are opened, Click-through rates can be more than twice as high és those for emails. Priyanka G M — — De dept of Computer Science DVS College of Arts and Science, Shimoga Page 24 S WROaies Users scan QR onades #0 8 SGU a ceetale wedpaage hal the QR code is Hinkel to: Since users swho seas QR codes offer areett sure which radi: Hole they te jumping down, they Nave a vertalin ke ofmmywecy ahvet Shem and are fhogaently associated with mobile gaiifleatio Mobile Marketing Strategies er for adver Mobile marketing ist new - Dut itis stlle growing rs. Mobile strategies are eves more powertul when combined with other types of advertising, There are, however, a few Dest penctiogs to chserve when aeivertising t9 mobile users, dook at some areas you want to ooacentrate on to create the moat effective campaigns to reach your target customers, 1, Optimize Your Website for Mobile Have you ever tad to get on a retailer's website on your smartphone, only to see it is distorted, bed to navigete, or completely unusable? Like most people, the frst question is probably, "How 0 companies not have their websites optimized for mobile users?" Unfortunately, these retailers miss out on huge sales and customer acquisition opportunities due to a poer online experience, by letting it scale acoonding 0 whatever Optimizing your website for mobile access platform customers use is the easiest way 10 et shoppers browse, buy, oF share your site with others. 2. Make Ads Short, Valuable, and Humores Evea though people worldwide use their mobile devices for almost everything, they are stil theit personal devices. That means mobile ads have a high bar to make it worth it forthe customer. No one wants to seroll to read though long ad on their phones. The best ads for mobile are concise, quickly’providing value or humor to capture and retain the user's attention, — PryankaGM Dept of Computer Sclence DVS College of Arts and Science, Shimoga Page 25 3, Invest in Native Ads Native ads are sponsored or paid ads designed to fit seamlessly with the surrounding foray they don't appear to be advertising, They often look like recommended content, such as an attic, of blog post. They may also appear in your social feed, These ads reach customers when and where their attention is focused, making them highly cffective for reaching users when browsing sites on mobile devices. 4, Use QR Codes for Easy Mobile Access * Quick response (QR) codes are everywhere, They simplify getting information about an item in stores or on visual media by scanning a code that takes you directly to the item on the website without having to search for it, Using @ QR code is another mobile marketing strategy uniguely suited to smartphone users. They help enhance the customers’ shopping experience by making it easy to find what they need, Particularly when combined with other ad formats. 5. Launch Location-Based Ads Location-based ads use geolocation and geofencing to trigger push notifications when a customer is near a retail establishment. For instance, you may get a coupon code or special offer from one of your favorite stores while they're currently at a mall, Location-based. ads update based on the general customer location, so they can be more relevant ‘when the user travels or visits a new area. It is also a great way to introduce existing customers to Partner locations that may not be available in their regular shopping ‘areas. 6. Incorporate Mobile Into Lead Generation Efforts’ Lead generation is how you keep your customer pool growing and active, However, you need phone numbers for push notifications and text messages. When conducting lead generation online, ask for phone numbers and email addresses so customers can opt-in to receive text message ads and promotional emails. It may take longgr for ——_— —— — —_ Priyanka GM Dept of Computer Science ens DVS College of Arts and Science, Shimoga Page i i ‘ someone to check their email, but text messages are easy to glance at and take advantage of, making ita very effective mobile marketing strategy Mobile App Marketing racting with your customers from when they first hear about Mobile app marketing is about int Jar and loyal user, To do this effectively, you have to figure ‘your app to when they become a regu where ta find those people and what to say to them. : ‘Think of mobile app usage as a “funnel.” There are many funnel stages, but here's a simplified out your potential audience, view. ‘Acquisition is the frst stage in a user’s interaction with your download and install your app in the first place? “Activation is next, The exact meaning of “user activation” differs from app 10 SPP, but in such as adding their email address or making an app. How do you get them to general, activation refers to a user's first actions, initial purchase, ent begins when brands are personally and respectfully able to engage with their Engagem customers and begin to monetize the app. Loyalty is eared through relevant experiences that drive satisfaction and advocacy “The funnel concept is useful, but in reality users offen go back and frth between stages, So you ay also hearths referred to asthe “mobile engagement loop” or quires different strategies and tactics for engaging your customers. “customer app lifecycle.” Each phase of the lifeoycle re Mobile App Acqui ‘The fist part of building a successful app is getting people to download it From. messaging, perspective, you need to convince a prospective user that your app can solve & problem they have, Some of the most common channels for sending these messages include: Social I’s one of the most popular app acquisition channels. Unless you already have a large audience, paid social advertising is likely to be the most effective channel. An even more effective channel, once your app has traction, is getting users to recruit their friends, Real-world inceptves. Offering a product giveaway, sweepstakes entry, or some other tangible reward in exchange for an app install is @ common strategy. One pitfall of using real-world incentives is that users who sign up this way may end up immediatly removing your app as soon as they've received their reward. ———_—_——_—_——— Priyanka GM Dept of Computer Science DVS College of Arts and Science, Shimoga Page 27 + Seareh advertising, Gumi@ube, Aitship's tatest aoquisition, (ta perfect partner to oni, ‘and inetoase agp store viaibilty, Ads appear when users search for apecttle app kaywyoejy ; . evaanple, rds fe mobile payment apps might appear when a user searches “send oath,” You, cn also purhase seatoh advertising through platforms such as Google AdWords, 10 someone searohing “buying a home sees an ad for your real estate app, The link then goes directly 4, oe ag sore pages ; App evossspromation, 1'yet have more than one app, a good way to acquire users i f0 use one ay to promtte the other, For example, if your company produces a restaurant database, you can peas init that reer to your travel ap, since users who are intrested in one might be interested Inthe other App store Tisting, App stones require text anil picture descriptions of every app. Writing your sting thoughitlly is eitcal to convincing users to download i, ‘The text in your listing ‘tuences, among other factors whether users will se it as they Look for apps in your category. 4n determining an acquisition strategy, it's important to keep track of your cost per acquisition, or CRA, Some channels — such as your app store listing, a web page or organi soeal posts —~ don’t cost anything, but are time-consuming fo manage, Others — auch as paid ads — can be ‘expensive, but are easier to optimize and scale. Determinlng the right balance of acquisition axtivites is eritcal forthe fong-trm succes of your app, Comparing the CPA to the lifetime value of your customers will tell you whether an aquisition strategy is worth the money and time you're pulting into it! And the lifetime value calculation ‘Sepends heavily on whether you can activate, and then retain, the users you're acquired. Mobile App User Activation, Once you've gotten a user to install your app, you have to get them to use it, Most users abandon apps 7-14 days after download, so it's important to have an effective messaging strategy that reminds users how to use your app, and why. Find out how you can boost app retention and revenue in this on-demand webinar, Effective use of these strategies depends on your user actually seeing the message you send. The likelihood of that happening depends on picking the right message channel of the three available —_— Priyanka GM ‘Dept of Computer Science page 28 DVS College of Arts and Science, Shimoga i i Mobile App Channels Everyone has received a push notification, If you get a user to install your app, sh notifications are ensy you can send one at any time; your user doesn't even have tobe in the app fo see it. Pu to brand, and you can even specify actions for the user to take with a single tap. In-app messages are similar to push notifications, but they‘re delivered when users are active in Your app. You ean put reaLtine updates in them, and, unlike push notifications, they don requite opt-in in order to be received. . ‘The message center isan uncluttered and dedicated inbox inside your app, I's a great way 10 deliver messages that dont require immediate action and might be most useful when ¢ user is already in your app. ‘ Fach ofthese channels has a different way of activating users. Use Activation Stitegies ‘Aweleome message is a push notification that is sent soon after the initial install typically within 24 hours. A proven approsch is to thank the user for installing your app and then reinforce the app’s value proposition or introduce them ta Key feature, For example, if a user installs a home automation app, you can send a push message thanking them with a link to start the provess of setting up their home in your app. Successful app marketers take it one step further and put together a proper onboarding flow. A ‘g00d onboarding flow is a tour of the product, showing key features and explaining when and how to use them, Thoughtful onboarding increases engagement and builds trust, which in tum makes if easier to ask your user for permission to send notifications and other messages. It’sextremely helpful for further marketing efforts to get app users to register using their phone number or email address. This will help with cross-channel marketing efforts, and will also give you another channel through which to engage or re-engage with your user. Depending on your app, it may be appropriate to offer a conversion incentive upfront. For example, if your app allows users to shop for clothes, offer them a quickly expiring coupon to set them inthe abit of shopping through your online channel. —— eenneeenemeeeent Priyanka GM Dept of Computer Sclence DVS College of Artsand Science, Shimoga Page 29 Location-Based Marketing Location-based marketing allows organizations to target consumers at a granular, Perso, level with online or offline messaging based on their physical location. Using location data, marketing teams are able to reach consumers based on qualifiers like Proximity to a store, events happening in their region, and more, Location-based marketing has proven effective aross customer lifecyeles ~ from discovery ‘nd purchase, to engagement and retention, When used properly, iocation-based marketing ith targeted offers, while Population that increasingly values instant allows marketers to hone in on specific customer segments wit improving customer experience for a Gratification, For example, location-based marketing may alert a prospect that a product they have been considering '8 stocked in a nearby store, allowing them to pick it up right away, " How Does It Work? Atecward, the geofencing feature triggers alerts When a device lands in 5 feat a pre-defined geographic boundary, Since the user is informed abeur the data use and gives direct processing is compliane ives direct consent, such data Mobile marketing Analytics? Priyanka GM Dept of Computer Science DVS College of Arts and Science, Shimoga Page 30 more vide an overview of targeted! and eleotive marketing campaigns, This arte will pr ‘mobile marketing analytios and disousn some of its key components Mobile Marketing Analytics Components \ ghia into. how users are Mobile App Analytics: Mobile app analytics provide inl ito application, ‘These insights can help such as usability, engagement, and land user behavior, iimeraeting with an organization's mol organizations tw identify areas for improvernent, ‘on, Mobile app analytics can also help organizations to underst Common’ mettios used in mobile app analytics include active and app crashes. into how users are relent preferences, and needs, ‘vers, retention rato, the spent inthe app, wer flow, Mobile Web Amalyties; Mobile web analytes provide insights interacting with an organization's mobile ute. These insights can help onganizaons to idoitify areas for improvement, conversion rates, Mobile web analytics ean also help organizations (0 un ‘and needs, Common metries used in mobile web analytics include such es page Toad times, user engagement, and lerstand user behavior, preferences, ‘ounce rate, click-through rate, time spent onsite, user flow, and conversi Mobile Ad Analyties: Mobile ad analytics provide insights into how users with an organization's mobile advertising camprigns. These insights ean help formance. Mobile ad jon rate. are interacting nganeatons to optimize thelr advertising campaigns for better po analytics can also help organizations to understand user behavior, preferences, and needs. Common metics used in mobile ad analytes include impressions, clicks, click-through rae, conversion rate, and eost per lick. Mobile CRM Analyties; Mobile CRM antlytics provide insights into how users are interacting. with an organization's mobile CRM system, ‘These insights ean help organizations to optimize their customer relationsiiiy management processes. Mobile CRM analytes car also help organizations to understand user behavior, preferences and reeds, Common metics used in mobile CRM analytics include customer engagement, customer retention, customer lifetime value, and customer satisfaction, Mobile Marketing Analytics Techniques \ 1. A/B Testing: AVB testing is a technique used to compare two different versions of & mobile marketing campaign or mobile application to determine which one performs LL Priyanka G M Dept of Computer Sclence DVS College of Arts and Science, Shimoga Page 3t better, A/D testing Ix commonly used in mobile app development to test different user Interfnces, layouts, and’ features, A/A testing can also be used in mobile advertising | oampaigns to test different ad eopy, images, and targeting parameters. j Hon; Segmentation is a technique used to group: users based on shared 2 Segmer characteristics, such as demographics, behavior, or preferences. Segmentation can help organizations to create more targeted and effective mobile marketing campaigns. For example, ‘an organization could segment users based on their location, interests, or past purchase history, 4, Personalization: Personalization is w technique used to customize mobile marketing Personalization can help campaigns and mobile applications for individual users organizations to create more engaging and relevant experiences for their users, For example, an organization could personalize a mobile application by providing customized content based on a user's Interests or location, 4, Predictive Analytics: Predictive analytics is a technique used to predict future user behavior based on past behavior and other data, Predictive analytics can help organizations to identify patterns and trends in user Behavior, which can be used to create more effective mobile marketing campaigns. For example, an organization could use predictive analytics to identify users who are most likely to make a purchase and target them with personalized offers Priyanka GM Dept of Computer Sclence > DVS College of Arts and Sctence, Shimoga Page 32

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