Letters From Hogwarts

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Letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

April, 24th, 2024

Sender: Hermione Granger
Student at Hogwarts
Gryffindor Tower Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Scotland
Recipient: Ron Weasley
The Burrow Ottery St. Catchpole Devon, England

Dear Ron,
I hope this owl finds you well and that the chaos at The Burrow has subsided since the last time
I visited. I wanted to share some of my recent experiences here at Hogwarts, especially
regarding our encounters with Harry Potter and his friends.
As you know, Harry is in Gryffindor house with me, and he continues to impress us all with his
courage and determination. We've had a few run-ins with Draco Malfoy and his gang, but
Harry always manages to handle them with grace, even when they're being particularly
Speaking of Harry's friends, I've become quite close with both Harry and Ron Weasley. Ron is
always up for an adventure, and his loyalty to his friends is truly admirable. And let's not forget
about the mischievous duo, Fred and George! They never fail to keep things lively around here,
much to the dismay of Professor Snape.
I've also been spending a lot of time in the library, as usual, delving into the depths of magical
theory and history. I recently discovered some fascinating texts on ancient runes that I think
you would find quite interesting. Perhaps we can discuss them further when I visit during the
I must admit, life at Hogwarts is never dull, and I'm grateful for the friendships and adventures
that continue to enrich my time here. Please give my regards to your family and tell Mrs. Weasley
that I'll be sure to bring some treacle tart when I visit.
Warm regards, Hermione
Letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
April, 24th, 2024
Sender: Neville Longbottom
Student at Hogwarts
Gryffindor Tower Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Scotland
Recipient: Hannah Abbott
Leaky Cauldron London, England

Dear Hannah,
I hope this letter finds you in good spirits. I wanted to share with you some of the exciting things happening
here at Hogwarts, particularly regarding our encounters with Harry Potter and his friends.
As you know, I've been working hard on my Herbology studies, and Professor Sprout has been incredibly
supportive. Harry, Ron, and Hermione have been a great source of encouragement as well. They've even
helped me out of a few tight spots, especially when it comes to dealing with Malfoy and his cronies.
Speaking of Malfoy, he seems to be up to his usual antics, taunting Harry and causing trouble whenever he
can. But Harry always manages to stand up to him, which I find quite inspiring.
I've also been spending a lot of time in the Room of Requirement, practicing defensive spells and hexes.
With everything going on in the wizarding world, it's important to be prepared for whatever may come our
Overall, life at Hogwarts is as exciting as ever, and I'm grateful for the friendships and support that continue
to enrich my time here. Please give my regards to your family, and tell them I said hello.
Warm regards, Neville
Letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

April. 24th, 2024

Sender: Draco Malfoy

Student at Hogwarts
Slytherin Dungeon Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Scotland

Recipient: Father Lucius Malfoy

Malfoy Manor Wiltshire, England


I trust this letter finds you in good health. I wanted to inform you of recent developments
here at Hogwarts, particularly concerning Potter and his insufferable friends.

Potter continues to be a thorn in my side, constantly thwarting my plans and challenging

my authority. He seems to have a knack for attracting trouble, and his friends are no
better. Granger and Weasley are always lurking about, meddling in our affairs and
causing disruptions.

However, I have not been idle in the face of these provocations. I have enlisted the
support of fellow Slytherins and have begun laying the groundwork for our own
initiatives. Rest assured, Father, I will not let Potter and his band of misfits undermine
our family's honor.

I will keep you updated on any further developments. In the meantime, I trust you will
continue to support me in my endeavors.

Yours faithfully, Draco

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