Node JS

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Client-side scripting:-

1]Client-side refers to scripting languages executed on the client's web browser.

2]These scripts are typically written in languages like JavaScript,and they are
responsible for interactions directly within the browser environment.
3]Client-side scripting is commonly used for tasks such as validating form
input,creating dynamic web page content,and handling user interactions without
needing to communicate with the server.

Server-side scripting:-
1]Server-side scripting runs on the web server.
2]server-side scripting involves writing JavaScript code that runs on the server to
handle tasks such as processing form submissions,interacting with databases,and
generating dynamic web page content.

Angular JS:-
1]AngularJs is a JavaScript framework used for building client-side web
2]It provides features to create dynamic single-page applications(SPAs) that run in
the user's browser.
3]AngularJS helps to manage the structure of the application,handle user
interactions,and update the view in real-time without needing to reload the entire
4]It was developed by google.
5]It is an open-source platform,where everyone can use and share it.

Node Js:-
1]Node js is a runtime environment that allows developers to execute JavaScript
code on the server-side.
2]Node js is commonly used for building web servers,APIs (Application Programming
3]It enables developers to use JavaScript both on the client-side and server-
side,facilitating full-stack development.
4]It is open-source and cross-platform,running on various operating systems such as
Windows,macOS,and Linux.
5]Node js is efficient because it handles many connections at once without
waiting,using a model based on events and non-blocking input/output.

1]Javascript is a programming language.
2]It is primarily used for creating dynamic and interactive content on websites.
3]It allows for handling user interactions such as clicks,input,and form
4]JavaScript can manipulate the content of web pages in real-time without needing
to reload the entire page.
5]It is commonly used for tasks like animations,form validation,and fetching data
from servers.
6]JavaScript is executed by web browsers,making it client-side scripting language.

Frontend Development:-
1]Fontend Development Refers to the part of a web application or website that users
interact with directly in their web browsers.
2]Frontend development involves creating the user interface,designing
layouts,implementing client-side functionalities,and handling user interactions
using HTML,CSS,JS.
3]Frontend development focuses on improving user experience by designing user-
friendly layouts for websites.

Backend Development:-
1]Backend Development refers to the server-side of a web application where data
processing and storage occur.
2]Backend development involves creating the server,managing data,processing
requests from the client-side,and sending dynamic content to users browser.
3]Developers use server-side programming languages like Node.js, Python, Ruby, or
Java for backend development.
4]Backend developers work with databases like MySQL,MongoDB,PostgreSQL to store and
retrieve data efficiently.

Features of Node Js:-

1]Node js is a runtime environment that allows developers to execute JavaScript
code on the server-side.
2]Node js is commonly used for building web servers,APIs (Application Programming
3]It enables developers to use JavaScript both on the client-side and server-
side,facilitating full-stack development.
4]It is open-source and cross-platform,running on various operating systems such as
Windows,macOS,and Linux.
5]Node js is efficient because it handles many connections at once without
waiting,using a model based on events and non-blocking input/output.

Applications of Node Js:-

1]Web Servers:
Node js is commonly used to create fast and scalable web servers.Its non-
blocking,event-driven architecture makes it well-suited for handling concurrent
connections efficiently.

2]API Development:
Node js is often used to build APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) due to its
ability to handle I/O operations asynchronously,making it efficient for serving
data to clients.

3]Real-time Applications:
Node js is for building real-time applications such as chat applications and online
gaming platforms due to its event-driven architecture which allows for handling
multiple connections simultaneously.

4]Command Line Tools:

Node js can be used to build command-line tools for automating tasks,processing
files,and managing dependencies,using its large collection of helpful packages from

Advantages of Node Js:-

1]Node js is a runtime environment that allows developers to execute JavaScript
code on the server-side.
2]Node js is commonly used for building web servers,APIs (Application Programming
3]It enables developers to use JavaScript both on the client-side and server-
side,facilitating full-stack development.
4]It is open-source and cross-platform,running on various operating systems such as
Windows,macOS,and Linux.
5]Node js is efficient because it handles many connections at once without
waiting,using a model based on events and non-blocking input/output.

Traditional Web-Server Model:-

1]The traditional web server model in Node js involves handling each incoming
request in a sequential manner,where one request is processed at a time.
2]This model is synchronous,means while one request is being processed,the server
waits for it to complete before moving on to the next request.

Node Js Process Model:-

1]Node js process model operates on an event-driven architecture,where actions are

triggered by events rather than executing code in a linear sequence.
2]It runs in a single-threaded event loop,handling all incoming requests and events
on a single thread.
3]It uses non-blocking I/O operations,allowing it to execute other tasks while
waiting for I/O operations to complete.
4]It also uses asynchronous callbacks for I/O operations,ensuring that the program
does not wait for tasks to finish before moving on to the next one.
5]The event loop Node js process model,continuously checking for events and
executing corresponding callback functions.
6]Node js uses the libev library for its event loop,libev is a multi-platform
support library which focuses on asynchronous I/O.

Blocking Approach:-
1]In Blocking Approach,Tasks are executed sequentially.
2]In the blocking approach,tasks are completed one after the other,and each task
must finish before the next one can start.
3]Subsequent tasks wait for the current task to finish.
4]Blocking operations stop the program until they are done.
5]This can cause delays and make the program less efficient.
6]Examples are tasks like reading files synchronously or waiting for network

Non-Blocking Approach:-
1]In Non-Blocking Approcal,Tasks begin without needing to wait for others to
2]That Means Tasks are handled asynchronously.
3]It uses event loop to manage the task execution.
4]It provide Callback functions to handle tasks result or errors.
5]It Suitable for applications with high concurrency or I/O operations.


1]REPL stands for Read,Eval,Print,Loop it represents a runtime computing

2]Read :- REPL takes JavaScript code from the user through the terminal or command
3]Eval :- It evaluates the input code as JavaScript,executing it within the Node
js environment.
4]Print :- After execution,REPL displays the result or output in the terminal for
the user to view.
5]Loop :- This process iterates continuously,enabling users to enter new
input,execute it,and view the results.

REPL Commands:-

1].help :- List of all commands.

2].break :- Exits from a multi-line expression.
3].clear :- Resets the REPL's context,clearing all defined variables and functions.
4].save filename :- Saves the current REPL session to a file.
5].load filename :- load a file content in the current REPL session.
6]ctrl + c :- Terminate the current command.
7]ctrl + c twice :- Terminate the Node REPL.
8]ctrl + d :- Terminate the Node REPL.
9]up/down keys :- see command history and modify previous commands.
10]tab keys :- List of current commands.

Variable :-
1]Variables in Node.js are containers used to store data values.
2]It can hold different types of data such as numbers,strings,objects,or functions.
3]To store the value we use "var" keyword.
4]Variables provide a way to manipulate and work with data within a
program,allowing developers to store and retrieve information as needed during

Underscore variable(_):-
1]It often used as a convention to represent the result of the last evaluated
expression in the REPL(Read-Eval-Print Loop)environment.
2]For Example:-

> 10 + 5
> _

Multi-line expression:-
1]A multiline expression refers to a block of code or input that spans multiple
2]For Example:-

> let sum = 0;

... for (let i=1;i<=10; i++)
... {
... sum=sum+i;
... }
... sum;

Web Server:-
1]A web server is a software application that interacts with web browsers by
processing HTTP requests and providing web content such as HTML pages,images,and
scripts,in response to those requests.
2]Web servers listen for incoming HTTP requests on a specific port,process these
requests,and generate appropriate responses based on the requested resources.
3]They communicate with clients using the Hypertext Transfer
Protocol(HTTP),facilitating the exchange of data between the server and the client
over the internet.
4]They implement various security measures such as authentication,encryption like
HTTPS,and access control to protect sensitive data and prevent unauthorized access
to resources.

Write steps to install node js through dashboard

1]Download Installer:-
Go to the official Node.js website:
Click on the "Downloads" button.
Download the Windows Installer (.msi) for the LTS version (recommended for most
2]Run Installer:-
Once the download is complete,locate the downloaded .msi file in your Downloads
Double-click on the installer file to run it.

3]Setup Wizard:-
The Node.js setup wizard will open.
Click "Next" to begin the installation process.

4]Agree to License Terms:-

Read and accept the license agreement.
Click "Next" to continue.

5]Choose Installation Location:-

Choose the destination folder where you want to install Node.js.
By default,it's recommended to keep the default location.
Click "Next" to proceed.

6]Select Components:-
Optionally,choose additional components you want to install(e.g., npm package
It's recommended to keep the default options selected.
Click "Next" to continue.

7]Start Installation:-
Click "Install" to begin the installation process.
The installer will now extract and install Node.js and its components on your

8]Completing the Setup:-

Once the installation is complete, click "Finish" to exit the setup wizard.

To verify that Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) are installed correctly,open
a command prompt or PowerShell window.
Type node -v and press Enter.This will display the installed version of Node.js.
Similarly, type npm -v and press Enter. This will display the installed version of

10]Complete installation:-
Node js is now installed on your Windows system, and you can start using it to
develop JavaScript applications.

1]Function is a block of statements,which is used to perform specfic tasks.
2]Functions allows to break down a complex program into a smaller,more manageable
3]Functions can be reused multiple times within a program.

Defining Function:-
1]To define a function in Node.js:
Use the function keyword followed by the name of the function.
If the function takes parameters, list them inside parentheses.
Write the code block inside curly braces {} to specify what the function should do.
Optionally, use the return statement to specify the value the function should
2]For Example:-

function add(a,b)
return a + b;
let sum = add(3, 5);

Function Expression(Anonymous Function):-

1]They involve defining a function by assigning it to a variable.
2]Function expressions do not require a function name and can be anonymous.
3]They are commonly used for creating functions dynamically or as callback
4]For Example:-

const f1=function(name)
return `Hello,${name}!`;

console.log(f1("Sujal Vora"));

Function Scope:-

Local Scope(variable):-
1]Variables declared inside the function cannot be accessed outside the function.
2]They are only visible and accessible within that function
3]Once the function is exited,the local variable is no longer available.
4]For Example:-

function f()
let n=20;


Global Scope(variable):-
1]Variables are declared outside of any function have global scope.
2]They are accessible throughout the entire program,including all functions.
3]For Example:-

let n=10;
function f()


Default Argument:-
1]Default Arguments allows you to provide default values for function parameters.
2]if a caller does not specify a value for a parameter,the default value is used.
3]For Example:-

function greet(name="World!")

1]A Buffer in Nodejs is a global object that allows you to work with binary data
2]Buffers provide a simple way to work with binary data,treating it like an array
of bytes.
3]Buffers are commonly utilized for tasks like file operations, network
communication,and data encoding/decoding.

How To Create Buffer:-

[1]Creates a buffer from a string or an array of bytes.

[1]Creates a buffer with a specific size,optionally filled with a specified value.

[1]Creates a buffer with a specific size without initializing the buffer's

Writing To Buffers:-
1]Writing data to buffers in Node js involves using the write() method provided by
the Buffer class.
3]For Example:-
const b=Buffer.alloc(10);
b.write('Hello World!','utf-8');

Reading From Buffers:-

1]Reading from buffers in Node js involves accessing the data stored in the buffer
and converting it to a usable format,such as a string or numerical value
3]For Example:-
const b=Buffer.from('Hello,world!','utf-8');
const str=b.toString('utf-8',0,5);

Concatenate Buffers:-
1]You can concatenate buffers using the Buffer.concat() method.
3]For Example:-
const buf1=Buffer.from('Hello');
const buf2=Buffer.from('world!');
const concat1=Buffer.concat([buf1,buf2]);
const result=concat1.toString();

Compare Buffers:-
1]You can compare buffers using the method.
3]For Example:-
const buf1=Buffer.from('ABC');
const buf2=Buffer.from('ABCD');

1]A module is a self-contained unit of code that groups together related functions
and data.
2]It promotes code organization by allowing developers to divide their code into
smaller manageable parts.
3]Modules can be either core modules,local modules or third-party modules.

[1]Core Modules:-
1]Core modules are pre-built modules that are part of the Node.js runtime
2]They provide essential functionality to Node.js applications without requiring
installation or additional setup.
3]Examples of core modules include fs for file system operations and http for
creating web servers.
4]They can be accessed using require() without specifying the path, as Node.js
knows where to find them automatically.
5]Here are some of few core modules are shown below:-
1)fs(File System):
The fs module provides functions for interacting with the file
system,allowing you to read from and write to files,create directories,and perform
other file-related operations.
The http module enables you to create HTTP servers and make HTTP requests.It
provides classes and methods for handling HTTP requests,responses,and server
The path module provides utilities for working with file and directory paths.
It offers functions for manipulating file paths,such as joining paths,resolving
relative paths,and extracting directory names and file extensions.

[2]Local Modules:-
1]Local modules encapsulate custom functionality specific to a Node js project or
2]Local modules are usually created in their own files within the project
folder,helping to organize code into smaller,manageable parts.
3]Local modules export functionality using the module.exports or exports object,and
other parts of the project import them using require().
4]They facilitate code reusability by allowing developers to encapsulate and reuse
functionality across different parts of the project.

[3]Third-Party Module:-
1]These are modules developed by external parties or communities,not part of Node
js core or the local project.
2]They provide additional functionality beyond what is available in core modules or
local modules.
3]Third-party modules are typically published on package registries like npm (Node
Package Manager) for easy installation and usage.

1]It is like a package you are sending out from your module.
2]Whatever you assign to module.exports becomes available to other modules that
require or import your module.
3]It is how you share functions,variables,or objects from your module with other
parts of your code.

1]NPM Stands for Node Package Manager.
2]It Manages and shares JavaScript code libraries.
3]It Helps developers easy to install,share,and manage dependencies for their Node
js projects or applications.
4]All npm are defined in files called package.json.
5]It was developed by Issac z. Schlueter in 2010.
6]It consists three different components:-
[1]Registry:The central database storing JavaScript packages.
[2]Command-Line Interface (CLI):The tool developers use to interact with NPM in
their terminal.
[3]Website: The online platform where developers can explore and discover

Need For NPM:-

1]Developers can easily find and download pieces of code(packages) made by
others.This saves them time and effort.
2]Developers can share their own code with others.This helps the community by
letting everyone build on each other's work.
3]NPM lets developers create shortcuts for doing common tasks,like testing or
deploying their code.This makes their work faster and easier.

Advantages of NPM:-
1]NPM simplifies the process of adding,updating,and managing external code packages
in a project,saving developers time and effort.
2]It facilitates the sharing and reuse of JavaScript code modules,promoting
efficiency by allowing developers to build on existing solutions.
3]NPM ensures consistency by managing different versions of packages,preventing
compatibility issues and providing stability in the development environment.
4]Developers benefit from a vast community of shared code modules,fostering
collaboration and accelerating the development cycle through access to a rich
ecosystem of tools and libraries.

1]In Nodejs,a package refers to a collection of code and resource files,typically
designed to perform a specific function or provide a set of functionalities.
2]It could be a library,tool,or any modular component that developers can use in
their projects.
3]The package.json file is a configuration file in Node.js projects.
4]It contains metadata about the project,such as its name,version,dependencies,and
various settings.

Install a package locally:-

1]To install a package locally in a Node js project or application,you can use the
following command in your terminal:
npm install <package-name>

Using The Installed package in your code:-

1]Once you've installed a package locally in your Node.js project, you can use it
in your code by requiring or importing it.
2]For Example:-
const packageName=require('<package-name>');

Uninstall a local package:-

1]To uninstall a package in Node.js, you can use the following command in your
npm uninstall <package-name>

Manually Editing package.json:-

1]Open your package.json file in a text editor.
2]Find the "dependencies" section.
3]Add a new line with the package name and version,like this:
4]Save the file.Using npm Install Command:
5]Open your terminal in the project directory.
6]Run the following command,replacing <package-name> with the actual package name:
npm install <package-name> --save
7]This installs the package and automatically updates the package.json file with
the new dependency.

install Package Globally:-

1]To install packages globally in Node.js, you can use the following command in
your terminal or command prompt:
npm install -g <package-name>

Uninstall Global Pacakage:-

1]To uninstall a globally installed package in Node.js, you can use the following
command in your terminal or command prompt:
npm uninstall -g <package-name>

Updating Local Packages:-

1]To update local packages in your Node.js project, you can use the npm update
2]This command will look for newer versions of the packages listed in your
package.json file and update them if newer versions are available.
3]It updates the packages within the scope of your specific project,not globally.
4]This means it only updates the packages listed in your project's package.json
file and installed in the node_modules directory of your project.
5]If you want to update a specific package to its latest version, you can use:
npm update <package-name>

Updating Global Package:-

1]To update a globally installed package in Node.js, you can use the following
command in your terminal or command prompt:
npm update -g <package-name>

Managing Third-Party Packages Using NPM:-

1]Use the npm install <package-name> command to install a third-party package

2]For global installations,use npm install -g <package-name>.
3]The installed packages and their versions are tracked in the package.json file.
4]The dependencies section lists the packages required for your project.
5]When starting a new project or cloning an existing one,use npm install to fetch
and install all dependencies listed in package.json.
6]Keep packages up-to-date using npm update for local packages or npm update -g
<package-name> for global ones.
7]Use npm uninstall <package-name> to remove a package locally.
8]For global removal,use npm uninstall -g <package-name>.
9]Regularly check for security updates using npm audit to ensure your packages are

Web Server:-

1]A web server is a software application that interacts with web browsers by
processing HTTP requests and providing web content such as HTML pages,images,and
scripts,in response to those requests.
2]Web servers listen for incoming HTTP requests on a specific port,process these
requests,and generate appropriate responses based on the requested resources.
3]They communicate with clients using the Hypertext Transfer
Protocol(HTTP),facilitating the exchange of data between the server and the client
over the internet.
4]They implement various security measures such as authentication,encryption like
HTTPS,and access control to protect sensitive data and prevent unauthorized access
to resources.

Static Web Server:-

1]Static Web serves pre-existing files directly to the browser without
2]It is Useful for delivering static content like HTML,CSS,and images.

Dynamic Web Server:-

1]Dynamic Web Server processes requests by generating or modifying content before
sending it to the browser.
2]It is suitable for applications with changing data or personalized content.
3]It Utilizes server-side logic to dynamically create web pages based on user input
or other factors.

Static Website:-
1]A static website consists of fixed,unchanging files delivered to users without
any server-side processing.
2]Its Content remains the same until manually updated,making it suitable for
simpler,information-centric web pages like company portfolios or blogs.

Advantages of Static Websites:

1]Static sites are generally faster to load since they serve fixed content without
server-side processing.
2]It is Easier and quicker to develop and deploy,especially for straightforward
content-based sites.
3]Static sites tend to have simpler architectures compared to dynamic sites, which
can result in a reduced likelihood of security issues due to their straightforward
Disadvantages of Static Websites:
1]It Lacks dynamic features and interactivity compared to dynamic websites.
2]Updating content may require manual modification of files,making it less
efficient for large or frequently changing websites.

Dynamic Website:-
1]A dynamic website generates content on the server side,allowing for real-time
customization based on user input,preferences,or data from databases.
2]It offers interactive features and is well-suited for applications where
information is frequently updated,such as social media platforms,e-commerce
sites,or web applications.

Advantages of Dynamic Websites:-

1]Dynamic sites offer interactive elements,enhancing user engagement and
2]Content can be updated dynamically,reflecting changes immediately without manual
3]It Customized user experiences based on preferences or behavior are possible.

Disadvantages of Dynamic Websites:-

1]Building dynamic sites can be more complex and time-consuming.
2]Dynamic sites require server processing,which can lead to increased server load
and potentially slower response times.
3]The dynamic nature may introduce security challenges,such as vulnerabilities in
server-side scripts or databases.

HTTP Request Handling in Node js:

1]You create an HTTP server using Node.js's built-in http module.

2]The server listens for incoming requests on a specified port.
3]When a request is received,you handle it with a callback function,which gets
information about the request Like URL,method,headers.
4]After processing the request,you construct an HTTP response.You set the response
status code 200 for success,404 for not found).
5]You define response headers,like content type.
6]You send the actual response content Like HTML,JSON.
7]For Example:-
const server=http.createServer((req,res)=>
const PORT=3000;
console.log(Server listening on port ${PORT});

Request Handling:
HTTP in Node js lets you create a server that can handle incoming requests from
browsers or other clients.

Response Sending:
It enables you to send back responses to those requests,providing the requested
information or resources.

Status Codes:
HTTP supports status codes,like 200 for success or 404 for not found,to indicate
how the server processed a request.

You can use headers to share additional information about the data being sent or
received,such as the content type or encoding.

Node js HTTP is event-driven,meaning you define what should happen when a request
occurs,and it responds accordingly.

It's designed for scalability,allowing you to handle many simultaneous connections

Creating a Web Server:-

const server=http.createServer((req,res)=>
const PORT=3000;
console.log(Server listening on port ${PORT});

1]This Method is Used for requesting data from a specified resource.
2]Typically used for retrieving information without altering the server state.

1]It Submits data to be processed to a specified resource.
2]It is Commonly used for creating or updating a resource on the server.

1]It Updates a resource or creates a new resource if it does not exist.
2]The entire resource is replaced with the new data.

1]Deletes the specified resource.Used for removing a resource on the server.

1]It Requests the headers of the specified resource.Similar to GET but does not
return the actual data.
2]It is useful for checking resource existence or modifications.

File System:-
1]In Node js,the File System(fs) module is like a toolbox for dealing with files on
your computer.
2]It helps your program do things like reading what's in a file,writing new
information,creating or deleting files,checking what's in a folder,and finding out
details about a file,such as its size or when it was last changed.
3]It is like your program's way of managing and interacting with files and
folders,just like you do on your computer.

Reading a file synchronously:-

1]Reading a file synchronously in Node js involves using the fs(File
System)module's synchronous version of the readFile function.
2]For Example:

const fs=require('fs');
const filePath='path/to/your/file.txt';
const data=fs.readFileSync(filePath,'utf8');
console.log('File content:',data);
console.error('Error reading the file synchronously:',err);

Reading a file asynchronously:-

1]Reading a file asynchronously in Node js involves using the fs(File System)
module's readFile function.
2]For Example:-
const fs=require('fs');
const filePath='path/to/your/file.txt';
console.error('Error reading the file asynchronously:',err);
console.log('File content:',data);

Synchronously Writing data to a file:-

const fs=require('fs');
const filePath='path/to/your/file.txt';
const data='Hello,world!';
console.log('File written synchronously!');
console.error('Error writing file synchronously:',err);

Asynchronously Writing data to a file:-

const fs=require('fs');
const filePath='path/to/your/file.txt';
const data='Hello,world!';
console.error('Error writing file asynchronously:',err);
console.log('File written asynchronously!');

Open a file:-
1]In Node js,you can open a file using the fs(File System) module.
2]For Example:-
const fs=require('fs');
const filePath='path/to/your/file.txt';,'r',(err)=>
console.error('Error opening the file:', err);
console.log('File opened successfully!');

Delete a file:-

1]In Node js,you can delete a file using the fs(File System) module.
2]For Example:-
const fs=require('fs');
const filePath='path/to/your/file.txt';
console.error('Error deleting the file:',err);
console.log('File deleted successfully!');

Truncate a file:-

1]In Node js,you can truncate a file using the fs(File System) module.
2]Truncating a file means reducing its size to a specified length.
3]For Eaxmple:-
const fs=require('fs');
const filePath='path/to/your/file.txt';
const newSize=1024;
console.error('Error truncating the file:',err);
console.log('File truncated successfully!');

Append a file:-
1]In Node js, you can append data to a file using the fs(File System) module.
2]For Example:-
const fs=require('fs');
const filePath='path/to/your/file.txt';
const newData='This will be appended to the file.';
console.error('Error appending to the file:',err);
console.log('Data appended to the file successfully!');

Error and Exception Handling:-

1]Errors Handling in Node js are like warning signs that appear when something
unexpected occurs in your code.
2]Exception handling is like having a backup plan in case those warning signs pop
up,so your entire program doesn't crash
3]Think of a try block as a safe zone for risky actions,and a catch block as the
backup plan that kicks in if something goes wrong.
4]For Example:-
function divide(a,b)
throw new Error("Cannot divide by zero!");
return a/b;

function Division(a,b)
const result=divide(a,b);
console.log("Result of division:",result);
console.error("An error occurred:",error.message);

console.log("Test 1:");

console.log("Test 2:");

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