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SDG’s Collaborative Learning


Create a group of five to six (5-6) members, and together design a scheme (unique but feasible) to
help promote and enforce the UN Sustainable Development Goals in your locality. Provide the
principles behind your scheme, the time frame, and other implementing guidelines according to
your preferences.

Section M14

Group Members: Parts:

Barchers, Mariz Nicole G. Project Principles (Goal 1)

Ibale, Yesha Mae A. Project Activities (Goal 2)

Tacoloy, Justine T. Project Timeline (Goal 1 & 2)

Tinapay, Rehabiah Seth A. Project Activities (Goal 1)

Yacob, Josh Benedict B. Project Principles (Goal 2)

Table of Contents

I. Introduction
II. Project Principles
III. Project Activities
IV. Project Timeline/Schedule
V. Curriculum Vitae


A total of 17 global goals known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were set
by the United Nations (UN) in 2015 with the intention of resolving the most urgent social,
economic, and environmental issues facing the globe by the year 2030. The SDGs aim to advance
sustainable development, lessen inequality, and enhance the welfare of both people and the

SDG Goal 1: No Poverty

The SDGs' first goal, "end all forms of poverty," aims to do just that. It acknowledges that
poverty encompasses broader deprivations, such as limited access to essential resources and
services, and is not just defined by a lack of income. The objective is to guarantee that all people
have access to social protection systems, basic services, and economic opportunities so they can
escape poverty and lead respectable lives.

SDG Goal 2: Zero Hunger

The three main focuses of Goal 2 are achieving food security, enhancing nutrition, and
advancing sustainable agriculture. It admits that world hunger and malnutrition are serious
problems that impede social and economic advancement. By ensuring that everyone has year-
round access to safe, wholesome food, the goal aims to end hunger. In order to increase
productivity, support small-scale farmers, and promote sustainable agricultural practices, it also
aims to increase food production and achieve food self-sufficiency.
Since hunger and poverty frequently coexist, it is clear that Goals 1 and 2 are interdependent.
Inadequate access to food can result from poverty, and hunger can do the same by impeding
prospects for employment and decreasing productivity. To accomplish these aims, it is necessary
to address structural problems, such as inequality, a lack of infrastructure, and restricted access to
healthcare and education, among other things.

Governments, organizations, and individuals have all worked together in concert to achieve
these goals, and progress has been achieved in this direction. Significant obstacles still exist,
especially in areas impacted by violence, climate change, and economic inequality. To overcome
these obstacles and build a more just and secure food system for all, it is essential to promote
sustainable development, ensure inclusion, and use creative solutions. We can build the foundation
for a better future when hunger and poverty are no longer ongoing problems but relics of the past
by working together to achieve Goals 1 and Goal 2.
Project Principles
SDG Goal 1: No Poverty
Principle: Adopting a comprehensive and integrated strategy to eradicate poverty that prioritizes
tackling its underlying causes, guaranteeing social protection, and fostering economic growth and
sustainable development.

The needs of those who are poor should be given priority in projects in order to properly
address the problem of poverty. This entails actively including people in the development and
implementation of programs aimed at reducing poverty. Collaboration with neighborhood groups
and other key players is crucial for creating community-specific anti-poverty strategies. The core
causes of poverty, such as inequality, a lack of access to healthcare and education, and
unemployment, should be addressed through these remedies. Promoting inclusive economic
growth and job opportunities that help low-income areas is also crucial. Finally, in order to assess
the efficacy of poverty reduction programs and modify techniques as necessary, project planners
must track and assess their effects.

SDG Goal 1 seeks to end poverty in all of its manifestations, which is a complicated and
diverse problem. To do this, it is crucial to take a comprehensive and integrated strategy that
addresses the underlying causes of poverty, assures social protection for the most vulnerable, and
fosters sustainable economic growth.

1. Taking care of the underlying causes of poverty: Lack of access to fundamental services
like healthcare, education, and housing, as well as prejudice and inequality, are frequently
the causes of poverty. Projects focusing on SDG 1 should include interventions that
advance access to healthcare, education, and basic services, lessen prejudice and inequality,
and guarantee that disadvantaged groups are engaged in development activities in order to
solve these problems.
2. Providing social protection: Social protection is a vital part of the fight against poverty.
It assists in defending the most defenseless people and families against the harmful
outcomes of poverty, such as hunger, homelessness, and illness. To guarantee that
disadvantaged communities have access to the resources they need to survive and develop,
projects focusing on SDG 1 should include social protection measures including cash
transfers, food assistance, and healthcare services.
3. Sustainable economic growth and sustainable development: The elimination of poverty
requires sustainable economic growth. Measures that encourage economic growth and
development should be incorporated into projects aimed at achieving SDG 1, such as
fostering entrepreneurship, increasing job opportunities, and spending money on
infrastructure. However, economic growth must be enduring, taking into account the long-
term effects of development activities on the social and natural landscape.

Overall, eradicating poverty must be approached holistically and comprehensively to

achieve SDG 1. Projects aimed at achieving this objective can contribute to the establishment of a
world free from poverty by addressing the causes of poverty, guaranteeing social protection, and
fostering sustainable economic growth and development.

SDG Goal 2: Zero Hunger

Principle: Creating a meal plan that gives nutrients to the body and cuts food wastage to almost

The project is all about the promotion and enforcement of the UN's Sustainable
Development Goals (SDG) in our local environment. Approaching our local community is by far
the best path to take as it can help the establishment of relationships with the citizens in the
community in order for them to cooperate whenever the project starts or is in full motion already.
Communicating what we have in mind with the local citizens is going to be needed in order for
them to know how they can benefit from this planned project we have in mind. For one of our
chosen goal to fulfill (Goal 2) here is a list of principles we would like to uphold in our planned
1. Planning a healthy and nutritious meal. A healthy and nutritious meal is a must
for people to survive whole foods like vegetables, grains, and lean proteins should
be the basis of our meal plans as these foods provide nutrients that are low in
calories, sodium, and added sugars all the while giving us the essential nutrients we
need. Portion sizes must also be considered because it is really needed for us to get
enough of the nutrients these foods give to the citizens. These meal plans need not
only to be healthy but also to be hearty, a meal that can fill the citizens' stomachs
and hearts all together.
2. Minimal to none food wastage. Reducing food waste is not only good for the
environment but can also help save money and resources. Planning the meals to be
made ahead of time can help us buy only the ingredients that we shall need hence,
helping us reduce the amount leftovers or food to discard. Proper storage of the
ingredients to be used can help extend its shelf life, knowing different methods of
storing different kinds of ingredients is useful as it can be stored for longer amounts
of time therefore reducing wasted food due to it being rotten as it does happen way
to often than usual. Use entire ingredients, don’t just use parts of the ingredients,
incorporate all of its parts and sections into your meal plan as much as possible. By
following these, you can cut food waste and still maintain a healthy and nutritious
meal. Remember that reducing food waste is a small but significant step towards a
more sustainable future that will be cherished by future generations to come.

Planning a healthy and nutritious meal while keeping the food wastage short is no easy
feat. It must be taken seriously and must be planned way ahead of time in order for resources to
be put to waste because as we all know, it is resources that we all, most certainly lack of and is
almost if not certainly not enough to sustain the growing population as of today and the near future.
Project Activities
SDG Goal 1: No Poverty
1. Raise awareness and be knowledgeable: Poverty exists in every community, therefore
it's critical to understand where the problems are on your own. Learn about the resources
that are presently available as well as those that are still required. There are local
organizations performing this job that could use your assistance; you can then do your part
by spreading the news and listening to community experts about how you can help fight
poverty in your town. The Twin Cities Mutual Aid Map, for example, is an excellent
resource in Minneapolis. This map depicts a plethora of organizations and mutual help
activities in the Twin Cities area that take donations or other resources.
2. Donate money and time, and look for volunteer opportunities: Donating contributions
to groups whose aim it is to eliminate these economic gaps is one of the most basic methods
to help fight poverty in your town. There is no such thing as a tiny or huge sum of money.
As these donations accumulate, organizations can use the funds to address housing
inequities, education gaps, food insecurity, and other issues. Another beneficial alternative
is to collaborate with local organizations that provide community service by volunteering
time. There are non-monetary methods to have an effect, such as volunteering in a food
bank or working with youngsters after school to do their homework.
3. Participate in demonstrations or rallies to raise awareness: Attending events such as
demonstrations and rallies is another approach to raise awareness and fight poverty in your
neighborhood. These could be block parties, parades, or any other nonviolent event that
focuses the community's attention on battling systemic poverty. There are organizations
that host activities on a regular basis to promote awareness and stand in solidarity with
those affected by poverty and by participating in their work, you may learn how to be a
better advocate.
4. Make jobs. (For business owners): Look for locations where you may use some
assistance if you own a business or an organization in the neighborhood. Many poor people
may not have had access to higher education or speciality credentials, but that does not
mean they lack skills to contribute. One method to aid neighbors living in poverty in your
community is to identify areas of opportunity within your business or group, extend your
recruiting pool, and offer a decent wage.
5. Make kits or raise funds for folks in your community who are homeless: Fundraisers
are another option. How about eliminating poverty in your neighborhood by holding a
pizza party and donating the money to local shelters or other groups that provide crucial
services? Request that larger local businesses offer services for a silent auction.
Fundraising events like these can be a fun way to bring people together for a good cause.
SDG Goal 2: Zero Hunger
1. Establish a Local SDGs Taskforce: The first step in promoting and enforcing the SDGs
in your area is to create a Local SDGs Taskforce. This task force should comprise
representatives from government, civil society organizations, academia, and the private
sector. The task force's primary responsibility is to oversee the implementation of SDGs in
the region.
2. Develop an SDGs Implementation Plan: Based on the needs assessment, the Local SDGs
Taskforce should develop a comprehensive SDGs implementation plan. This plan should
outline the goals and targets of the SDGs, the specific actions needed to achieve them, and
the resources required. The implementation plan should be developed with input from all
3. Establish Partnerships: The success of promoting and enforcing the SDGs in a locality
depends on the cooperation and collaboration of all stakeholders. The Local SDGs
Taskforce should establish partnerships with relevant stakeholders, including the private
sector, civil society organizations, and academia. These partnerships should aim to
leverage resources, expertise, and knowledge to achieve the SDGs.
4. Mobilize Resources: Achieving the SDGs requires resources. The Local SDGs Taskforce
should mobilize resources from different sources, including government, international
organizations, the private sector, and civil society organizations. The resources should be
directed towards achieving the specific targets outlined in the SDGs implementation plan.
5. Monitor and Evaluate Progress: Finally, local SDG working groups should monitor and
evaluate progress towards achieving the SDGs. This monitoring and evaluation should be
based on the SDGs dashboard and should involve all stakeholders. The findings of the
monitoring and evaluation should inform future actions and strategies.
Project Timeline/Schedule

Date Time Activities

April 28, 2023 9:30 PM - 11:00 PM Brainstorming, creation of the

poll on the chosen SDGs and

April 29, 2023 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Minimal planning, assigning

of roles, and creation of the
Google Document for

May 3, 2023 8:00 PM - onwards Implementation of the

strategies: Developing a meal
plan that provides nutrients to
almost completely eliminate
food waste; implementing a
comprehensive and integrated
strategy to end poverty.

May 5, 2023 8:00 PM - onwards Implementation of the

strategies: Developing a meal
plan that provides nutrients to
almost completely eliminate
food waste; implementing a
comprehensive and integrated
strategy to end poverty.

May 7-8, 2023 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM Supervision/Monitoring

May 9, 2023 7:30 PM - 11:00 PM Evaluation, proofreading, and

Curriculum Vitae





Date of Birth: March 13, 2003

Gender: Female

Nationality: American-Filipino

Height: 5’3”

Weight: 48 kg

Status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic

Place of Birth: Sta. Catalina

Mother: Marissa G. Barchers

Father: Edwin E. Barchers


Senior High School Silliman University Senior High School

Hibbard Ave, 6200 Dumaguete City, Philippines
May 25, 2022

Secondary Silliman University Junior High School

Hibbard Ave, 6200 Dumaguete City, Philippines
March 12, 2020
Primary Silliman University Elementary School
Hibbard Ave, 6200 Dumaguete City, Philippines
March 23, 2016


● Collaboration across networks and leading by influence

● Agility and adaptability.
● Initiative and entrepreneurialism.
● Effective oral and written communication.


Mariz Nicole G. Barchers




Date of Birth: December 1, 2003

Gender: Female

Nationality: Filipino

Height: 5’0”

Weight: 39 kg

Status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic

Place of Birth: Cebu City

Mother: Vilma A. Ibale

Father: Edgar P. Ibale


Senior High School Benedicto College

A.S. Fortuna St. Bakilid, Mandaue City
May 22, 2022

Secondary Bright Minds in Action Learning Village

G. Pepito St., Tayud, Lilo-an, Cebu
December 8, 2020

Primary Tayud Elementary School

Tayud, Lilo-an, Cebu
March 31, 2016

● Cooking Skills
● Creativity Skills
● Drawing Skills
● Adaptive Skills


Yesha Mae A. Ibale





Date of Birth: January 10, 2003

Gender: Male

Nationality: Filipino

Height: 5’7”

Weight: 57 kg

Status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic

Place of Birth: Badian District Hospital

Mother: Elizabeth T. Tacoloy

Father: Glenn G. Tacoloy


Senior High School Badian National High School

V98V+5VQ, Badian, Cebu
June 29, 2022

Secondary Moalboal Christian School Inc.

Tunga, Moalboal, Cebu
March 13, 2020

Primary Moalboal Christian School Inc.

Tunga, Moalboal, Cebu
March 27, 2016

● Adaptive Skills
● Athletic Skills
● Responsibility


Justine T. Tacoloy




Date of Birth: September 20, 2003

Gender: Female

Nationality: Filipino

Height: 5’2”

Weight: 45 kg

Status: Single

Religion: Born Again

Place of Birth: Cebu City

Mother: Suzette A. Tinapay

Father: Rodolfo E. Tinapay Jr.


Senior High School Cebu Institute of Technology University

N. Bacalso Ave., Cebu City Cebu, Philippines 6000
August 10, 2022

Secondary Cebu Institute of Technology University

N. Bacalso Ave., Cebu City Cebu, Philippines 6000
March 10, 2020

Primary Far Eastern University

Nicanor Reyes Sr, Street, Sampaloc, Manila, 1008 Metro
March 31, 2016

● Hardworking
● Multitasker


Rehabiah Seth A. Tinapay





Date of Birth: January 22, 2003

Gender: Male

Nationality: Filipino

Height: 5’8”

Weight: 83 kg

Status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic

Place of Birth: Cebu City

Mother: Ciria B. Yacob

Father: Jocel S. Yacob


Senior High School Cebu Institute of Technology University

N. Bacalso Ave., Cebu City Cebu, Philippines 6000
August 10, 2022
Secondary Cebu Institute of Technology University
N. Bacalso Ave., Cebu City Cebu, Philippines 6000
March 10, 2020

Primary Monterey School Inc.

San Isidro Rd., Talisay, Philippines
March 30, 2016


● Flexibility
● Communication


Josh Benedict B. Yacob


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