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[Your name]
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[Name of supervisor]

[Date submitted]


I hereby certify that this project presented for submission was composed and written by me, and it
has not been submitted in any previous application for degree. This project was conducted by me at
[Name of Institute] from January, 2023 to July, 2023 towards the fulfilments of the requirements of
[Name of Institute] for the degree B.Sc. in Computer science, under the supervision of [Name of
supervisor]. In submitting this copy to [Name of Institute], I give permission for it to be made
available for academic use in accordance with the regulations of the University Library. I retain the
copyright in this work.

_______________________ ________________________________
Date Student’s Name


_________________________________ __________________________
Project Supervisor Date
[[Name of supervisor]]

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[[Name of HOD]]

___________________________ _____________________
Dean of Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences Date

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External Examiner Date


My immense gratitude goes to God almighty who gave me the grace and privilege to carry out this
project work, may his name be praise forever.
My appreciation goes to my project supervisor, [Name of supervisor], whose criticism, corrections
and advice proved useful for this work. Thank you indeed and God bless you.
My lecturers are not left out of this. All of them, in one way or the other contributed to the success
of my studies at the institution. I appreciate you all.
I will not forget the contribution of my course mates. They were of great help in their own ways.
May God bless your future. Amen


This project is dedicated to Almighty God who has being the alpha and omega who has seen me
through from the beginning to the end of my studies. And also to my parent for their moral and
financial support during the course of my studies.



APPROVAL PAGE...........................................................................................................................III



TABLE OF FIGURES...................................................................................................................VIII

CHAPTER ONE...................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Background of project..................................................................................................................................................1

1.2 Statement of Problem...................................................................................................................................................1

1.3 Research Questions.......................................................................................................................................................2

1.4 Aims and Objectives.....................................................................................................................................................2

1.5 Method of Research......................................................................................................................................................2

1.6 Significance of study....................................................................................................................................................3

1.7 Scope Project................................................................................................................................................................3

1.8 Organization of Project.................................................................................................................................................3

CHAPTER TWO.................................................................................................................................4

REVIEW OF LITERATURES...........................................................................................................4
2.1 Introduction by others...................................................................................................................................................4

2.2 Definition of System.....................................................................................................................................................4

2.3 Types of the system as said by others...........................................................................................................................5

2.3.1 Stock Controller - Inventories (2018)....................................................................................................................5

2.3.2 Stock Count...........................................................................................................................................................5

2.3.3 Smart Stock System...............................................................................................................................................6

2.4 Components of the System by others...........................................................................................................................8

2.5 Related works........................................................................................................................................................8

2.6 Gaps the System intent to fill.......................................................................................................................................8

2.7 Review on Software......................................................................................................................................................8

2.8 Design and Development tools.....................................................................................................................................8

2.8.1 Designing...............................................................................................................................................................8

2.8.1 Development..........................................................................................................................................................9

CHAPTER THREE...........................................................................................................................10

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.....................................................................................................10
3.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................................10

3.2 System Requirement...................................................................................................................................................10

3.2.1 Hardware Requirements......................................................................................................................................10

3.2.2 Software Requirements........................................................................................................................................11

3.3 System Design............................................................................................................................................................11

3.3.1 Data Flow Diagram.............................................................................................................................................11

3.3.2 Flowchart.............................................................................................................................................................12

3.3.3 Use-case Diagram................................................................................................................................................12

3.3.4 Relational Diagram..............................................................................................................................................13

3.4 System Development..................................................................................................................................................13

3.4.1 Programming Language(s)..................................................................................................................................13

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).........................................................................................................................13

Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP)......................................................................................................................................14

MySQL The Database Management System................................................................................................................15

3.4.2 Programming Environment (s)............................................................................................................................16

3.4.3 Testing Plan.........................................................................................................................................................17

CHAPTER FOUR..............................................................................................................................18

SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION......................................................................................................18
4.1 Coding Process....................................................................................................................................................18

4.2 Testing Process...........................................................................................................................................................18

4.3 Outputs........................................................................................................................................................................19

4.3.1 Front-ends............................................................................................................................................................19

4.3.3 Back-ends............................................................................................................................................................22

CHAPTER FIVE................................................................................................................................25

SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION...................................................................................................25

5.1 Achieved Aim.............................................................................................................................................................25

5.2 Achieved Objectives...................................................................................................................................................25

5.3 Conclusion..................................................................................................................................................................25

5.4 Recommendation........................................................................................................................................................25

5.5 Limitation of Study.....................................................................................................................................................26

5.6 Future work.................................................................................................................................................................26




Figure Page
Figure 2.1: interface of stock controller application 15
Figure 2.2: interface of stock count 16
Figure 2.3: interface of stock system 17
Figure 2.4: comparison table of three existing applications 17
Figure 3.1: flowchat 21
Figure 3.2: use-case diagram 22
Figure 3.3: relational diagram 23
Figure 4.1: loginscreen 29
Figure 4.2: dashboard 29
Figure 4.3: list of categories 30
Figure 4.4: list of products 30
Figure 4.5: outgoing product 31
Figure 4.6: list of system users 31
Figure 4.7: add user 32
Figure 4.8: authcontroller 32
Figure 4.9: dashboard controller 33
Figure 4.10: usercontroller 33
Figure 4.11: product controller 34
Figure 4.12: category controller 34


Currently, most of organization are still using the manual system which is native recorded by hand
by their workers. This may sometime lead to the situation where the worker forgot to update the
stock and will cause of time wasted as they have to wait for stock ordering when it is in need. This
system can be used to store the details of the stock, stock maintenance, update the stock based on the
sales details, and generate sales and stock report daily or weekly based This project is categorize
individual aspects for the sales and stock management system. In this system we are solving different
problem affecting to direct sales management and purchase management. Stock Management System
is important to ensure quality control in businesses that handle transactions resolving around
consumer goods. The proposed system could also remind the person in-charge of the remaining
stock as it needed to be ordered or not. Lastly, the system will use barcode scanner from mobile
phone to automatically update the data in inventory database. The person-in-charge also can monitor
the movement of the stock as the stock will be updated online to the database. The success of this
product could eventually change the future usage of inventory system.


1.1 Background of project
Stock management system is a web application system that handles the product management for
company equipment or any items to stored. The main aim of the project is to develop Stock
Management System Model software in which all the information regarding the stock of the
organization will be presented. Nowadays, many companies use the system to avoid overstock,
miscount and outages. It is a system for organizing a better stock data than that was used before
which is generally stored in manual form books or in spreadsheets. This application has admin
component to manage the stock and maintenance of the stock system. The application has general
organization profile, stock details, purchase details and the remaining stock that are presented in the
organization. This application also provides the remaining balance of the stock as well as the details
of the balance of transaction. Each new stock is created and entitled with the named and the entry
date of that stock and it can also be update any time when required as per the transaction or the sales
is returned in case. Here the login page is created to protect the management of the stock of
organization in order to prevent it from the threads and misuse of the stock. This management system
can be used by staffs that can enables the user to view the product and item information that have
been key-in. Staff or user can update any other information directly by using online system just like
any other online systems.

1.2 Statement of Problem

The main problem that occur in several company or retailer is a system to calculate the amount of
stocks stored or needed. Based on my survey, I have found that there are company that are still using
paper based or filing system to save their information or details about their stocks. Heavily manual
work will involve in managing and maintaining data which is time-consuming if the administrators
or manager want to trace the product status, product information and etc. This also may lead to a
situation where the workers forgot to update the stock to the database or worst may lead to miscount
when using manual system. This application will replace this hectic process by automating the whole

1.3 Research Questions
It is possible to create a cheap and user friendly system which could handle the information of items
or products and also calculated it to manage the information system.?
Can a program find or located products and quantity stored.?

1.4 Aims and Objectives

The main aim of the project is to develop A Stock Management System Model software.
objective of the proposal system is:
• To design and develop a user friendly system which handles the information

of items or product.

• To help staffs in order to find location and the quantity of stocks that have

been stored.

• To design and develop a system that generate reports on all the activities in

the store.

1.5 Method of Research

A system development methodology in software engineering is the main guidance for constructing,
planning and also controlling the process of developing an information system. Common
methodologies used were waterfall model, prototyping, spiral development, extreme programming
and also some other various types of methodologies. In this system development, agile software
development model methodology was used as the guidance. Rather than traditional software
development like the Waterfall method, where we might spend several months or years on a project
without showing it to the user, Agile is all about moving fast, releasing often, and reacting to the real
needs of your users.

1.6 Significance of study
A stock management system is crucial to a production organization, super market, and stores, to keep
record of items or products in stock and day-to-day transactions. The following are some key
 It provides a general organization profile, stock details, purchase details and the remaining
stock that are presented in the organization
 It automated the manual process of calculation and report generation.
 It provides easy way of managing invoices and product information.
 It will reduce the work load of the Cashier or staff.
 The study will be useful for researchers seeking similar information.

1.7 Scope Project

Stock Management System (SMS) is targeted to the small or medium organization which have
provided many store or warehouses for managing various stock data. This system focused on
calculate the amount of stock in and out for a company. The scope for user for this system are
administrator and staffs.
 Admin/Staffs - Login, manage update and view stock, manage reordering process and write
 Admin/Manager - Have full privileges for adding, editing, viewing and deleting users and
stock from the system.
 System - Develop on web Platform - Targeted for small and medium company for fully
utilized the functionality

1.8 Organization of Project

This research work is organized into five chapters.
 Chapter one is concerned with the introduction of the research study and it presents the
preliminaries, theoretical background, statement of the problem, aim and objectives of the
study, method of research, significance of the study and organization of research.
 Chapter two is concern with the Literature Review
 Chapter three is concern with the Research Method
 Chapter four presents the System Implementation
 Chapter five has the Summary and Conclusion



2.1 Introduction by others

Literature review is the formal methods that can be used to review the critical points of current
knowledge including findings as well as theoretical and methodological particular topic for
supporting issues. Products are considered as the business resources for the organization. This
includes managing the product with appropriate way to review any time as per the requirement.
Therefore, it is important to have a computer based IMS which has the ability to generate reports,
maintain the balance of the stock, details about the purchase and sales in the organization. Before
developing this application, we came up with several Stock Management System existing in the
market, which helps to give the knowledge for the development of this project. These application
software is only used by the large organization but so we came up with the application which can be
used by the small company for the management of their stock in the production houses. After
analyzing the other stock management system, we decided to include some of common and key
features that should be included in every stock management system. So we decided to include those
things that help the small organization to adapt with this application.

2.2 Definition of System

A stock management system is the combination of technology (hardware and software) and
processes and procedures that oversee the monitoring and maintenance of stocked products, whether
those products are company assets, raw materials and supplies, or finished products ready to be sent
to vendors or end consumers. Additionally, the system will help managers on making right decision
for recording process where only the recently used products and popular products will be ordered.
The contractors also could make a request on any additional products that they needed. The objective
of a stock management system is to make stock flows smoothly and helps in making decision that
will minimize the total cost of stoc k which is distinctly different from minimizing stock.

2.3 Types of the system as said by others
2.3.1 Stock Controller - Inventories (2018)
This is a mobile based application that can be consider fulfill the requirement of the stock
management system. However, this application is not quite intelligence application because it
does not provide QR or Bar-code scanner functional in the system but it got some attractive
features in the application such as notification if the quantity of stock is low and user can
insert image in the database to organize the group of stock.

Figure 1.1: Figure show the interface of stock controller application.

2.3.2 Stock Count
This is also an example of the stock management system based mobile application. This
application is quite interesting because it come in two languages which are English and
Bahasa Indonesia. It contains Bahasa Indonesia language because the developer of this

application was from Indonesia. The application is intelligent because it provides Barcode
scanner function but the interface of the application is very simple and bored. It also provides
database for local if the emergency case happens such as loss internet connection or no
internet connection, the user still can access it offline.

Figure 2.2: Figure show the interface of stock count

2.3.3 Smart Stock System

The application is not smart as the name given because it not provides the notification
function in the application even though it contains QR and Bar-code scanner to add the stock
quantity. This application has an attractive interface, so the user can use the application easier
than the other application.

Figure 2.3 : Figure show the interface of smart stock system
2.2.2 Comparison Table of the Existing Application

Figure 2.4: Figure show comparison table of three existing applications

2.4 Components of the System by others
 User
 Product
 Invoice
 Report

2.5 Related works

2.5.1 Stock Controller - Inventories (2018)
This is a mobile based application that can be consider fulfill the requirement of the stock
management system. However, this application is not quite intelligence application because it
does not provide QR or Bar-code scanner functional in the system but it got some attractive
features in the application such as notification if the quantity of stock is low and user can
insert image in the database to organize the group of stock.

2.6 Gaps the System intent to fill

There are many previous research carried upon this system that are more advance than this current
system. There is also a system that identical in this system where it can notify user of any low-stock
products in store. But all the systems are too expensive and unaffordable by small scale enterprises.
Whereas this System provide a cheap and reliable platform for stock control and sales management,
that keep records of all transactions.

2.7 Review on Software

The System was built using the case base reasoning(CBR), by making adjustments on similar
existing systems.

2.8 Design and Development tools

There are several tools used in software development, this coordinates the whole design and
development process. This range from the frontend (UI/UX) design tools to the backend
development tools.
2.8.1 Designing
An iteration of extreme programming starts with designing. By using systems metaphor or
standards on names, class names and methods, and agreeing on uniform styles and formats to

ensure compatibility on designing the system. Class Responsibilities and Collaboration
(CRC). This allows for a departure from the traditional procedural mindset and make possible
object oriented technology. Which allows all user and developer of the project to contribute
ideas, and collate the best ideas into the design.
2.8.1 Development
Coding constitutes the most important phase in the Extreme Programming life cycle. XP
programming gives priority to the actual coding over all other tasks such as documentation to
ensure that the customer receives something substantial in value at the end of the day. I have
developing the code based on the agreed metaphors and standards, and adopting a policy of
collective code ownership.



3.1 Introduction
This chapter would mainly discuss about the methodology that is going to be used during the system
development. A system development methodology in software engineering is the main guidance for
constructing, planning and also controlling the process of developing an information system.
Common methodologies used were waterfall model, prototyping, spiral development, extreme
programming and also some other various types of methodologies. In this system development, agile
software development model methodology was used as the guidance. Rather than traditional
software development like the Waterfall method, where we might spend several months or years on a
project without showing it to the user, Agile is all about moving fast, releasing often, and reacting to
the real needs of your users.
3.2 System Requirement
3.2.1 Hardware Requirements
The section of hardware configuration is an important task related to the software development
insufficient random access memory may affect adversely on the speed and efficiency of the entire
system. The process should be powerful to handle the entire operations. The hard disk should
have sufficient capacity to store the file application.
 Processor: Pentium IV and above
 Process speed 1.4 GHz upwards
 Processor memory: 128Mb minimum 256 Mb recommended
 Cache size: 512 KB
 RAM 512 MB (Minimum)
 Mouse: 104 keys US Key Serial, USB or PS/2
 Hard disk 80gb upward
 Monitor: SVGA Color 15”
 A CD-ROM drive

3.2.2 Software Requirements
A major element in building a system is the section compatibility since the software in the market
is experiencing in geometric progression. Selected software should be acceptable by the firm and
one user as well as it should be feasible for the system.
The document gives a detailed description of the software requirement specifications. The study
of requirement specification is focused specially on the functioning of the system. It allows the
developer or analyst to understand the system, function to be carried out the performance level to
be obtained and corresponding interfaces to be established.
 Operating system: Minimum windows 7 software
 Front end tool: HTML, CSS AND JAVASCRIPT
 Back end: Laravel PHP
 Database: MySQL Database
 Browser: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Mozilla Firefox browser

3.3 System Design

3.3.1 Data Flow Diagram

Data Flow Diagram of this stock management system. Only Admin/Manager have the privileges
to manage other users of this system. The process of adding and deleting users will be controlled
by Admin/Manager. Admin also can gain access to the system by login into the system and
manage new stocks, reports and stock reordering process. Contractors should also login to this
system to manage their profile, manage reports and request new stock orders from
Manager/Admin. All the transaction of stock in and out will be saved in Transaction database.

3.3.2 Flowchart

Figure 3.Figure 3.1:flowchat

3.3.3 Use-case Diagram

3.3 2: Use-case Diagram

3.3.4 Relational Diagram

Figure 3.3:Ralational Diagram

3.4 System Development

3.4.1 Programming Language(s)
Some of the software tools reviewed in this research work is: HTML, PHP, HTTP SERVER,
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
According to Brooks (2007), Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the basic language and
foundation that makes the World Wide Web function accurately. It is the major language used in
web designing and it is understood by most computers and the compliance for creating static
web pages. He also argued that HTML is not only a programming language in the traditional
sense, but rather a set of instructions about how to display content and the application that
translates the instructions is called the web browser.

Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP)
Tim Converse and Joyce Park (2012) in their book PHP5 and MySQL Bible stated that, “PHP
was invented by Rasmus Lerdorf, Zeev Suraski and Andi Gutmans. The language enables
developers to produce dynamic web application by including complex function calls or
database queries within the HTML code. Lerdorf (1994) proposed the meaning of PHP to be
personal Home Page, but was later known to be its existing meaning (i.e. PHP Hypertext
Preprocessor). It is one of the most popular Web-development languages in the world. PHP is a
server-side scripting language and it is propose in the web-server before sending the
information to web browser (Jason 2004). According to Brawley and Fuller (2010) PHP was
invented in 1995 as Personal Home Page/Forms Interpreter or PHP/FI. They further highlighted
that this language can now be interpreted as a recursive acronym which stands for “PHP
Hypertext Preprocessor”. However, Rasmus (1994) consider PHP as a server-side, HTML-
embedded, cross-platform script language, in which terms; PHP provides a way for putting
instruction in HTML files to create a dynamic page”.
Php Capabilities
PHP would create dynamic web pages like a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) application. It
provides equal functionalities as the ASP does. PHP also provides database connectivity and
strong security measure. PHP can also deploy cookies and manage session. The database
management systems that provide connectivity through PHP are Adabas D, Dbase, Emress,
FilePro, Informix, Hyperwave, InterBase Solid, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, ODBC,
Microsoft Access, Sybase, Velocis, Unix dbm, MS SQL Server, etc.
The Strength of PHP
Among other scripting languages such as APS, Perl, Python, JPS and JavaScript, PHP is
preferred due to the following:
 Price
 Open source
 Platform agnostic
 Cost
 Ease of maintenance
 Maturity
 Database compatibility The greatest strength of PHP is its faithful legion of open source

MySQL The Database Management System
(DBMS) is a collection of programs that enables users to create and maintain databases. The
DBMS is hence general purpose software that facilitates the purpose of defining, constructing
and manipulating database for various applications. The DBMS used for handling the data in
this research work is MySQL. MySQL is a fast easy-to-use DBMS used on many websites. The
main focus of the developers was speed from the beginning. In the interest of the speed, they
made the decision to offer fewer features than their major competitors such as Oracle and
Sybase. However even though MySQL is less full-featured than its commercial competitors, it
has all the features needed by majority of database developers. It’s easier to install and use than
its commercial competitors, and the difference in price is strongly in Missal’s favor. Some of
the benefits and Advantages of MYSQL are:
 Cost Effective: MySQL database is an open source system and from everyone to
anyone can use it as it is under General Public License. This gives developers the
opportunity to create Free MySQL Database. At the same time, you can make changes
to the code and customize the same as per your requirement and with the features that
are available anyone would love to opt for MySQL database. However, there are some
limitations though for people planning to use MySQL database for commercial use as
they might have to purchase standard edition of SQL server for a very nominal charge.
 Cross Platform Operability: One of the biggest factors which make MySQL the most
opted form of database is Cross Platform Operability. It has proved itself in getting
installed in all the major platforms such as Linux, Windows, Solaris and so on and at
the same time performance has not been affected. Apart from that, the presence of APIs
makes its integration with C, C++, Perl, Java and Python etc. pretty easy.
 Security: Databases setup on MySQL are very, very secure as all the passwords that are
stored are in encrypted form, hence restricting unauthorized access to the database. This
project research is going to use MySQL Database as the back-end storage for all
records. All data saved from the registration of consumers, adding of cashiers, billing
and payment processes and feedback will be saved on the SQL Database.

According to Mora (2010), JavaScript’s original name was Live Script created by Brendan
Eich at Netscape in 1995. JavaScript is an object-based scripting language modeled after C+
+. JavaScript is a client-side scripting language in which it performs all necessary actions

within the browser without consulting any server before it can perform any function. It also
supports event handling and validation of inputs. JavaScript code can make sure that user
enters valid information and when the submit button is pressed; the script checks the values
of all necessary fields; and as a result prevent the request from happening. It also supports
regular expression pattern. Button can be associated with JavaScript events. The JavaScript
language is a Web-enhancing technology. When employed on client computer, the language
can help turn a static page of content into an engaging, interactive, and intelligent experience.
Applications can be as subtle as welcoming a site’s visitor with the greeting “Good
morning!” when it is morning in the client computer’s time zone – even though it is
dinnertime where the server is located.
JavaScript Capabilities
 Add content to a web page dynamically
 Alter a web in response to user actions
 Reacts to user events
 Interact with frames
 Manipulates HTTP cookies
 Limited network programming.

3.4.2 Programming Environment (s)

Server is a package of independently created programs installed on a computer that use
Microsoft Windows Operating system. The Linux version of this is LAMP Server which runs
on Linux Operating systems. The full meaning of XAMPP is Cross-Platform, Apache,
MySQL, PHP and Perl. Apache is a web server, MySQL is an open source database and PHP
is a scripting language that can manipulate information held in database and generate web
pages dynamically each time content is requested by a browser. Other programs are also
included in the package such as PhpMyAdmin which provides a graphical user interface of
MySQL database manager or the alternative scripting languages Python and Perl. XAMPP
Server will be used in this project as a testing server i.e. after the source code has been
created, XAMPP Server will be used to test the output of the project.

3.4.3 Testing Plan
Extreme program integrates testing with the development phase rather than at the end of the
development phase. All codes have unit tests to eliminate bugs, and the code passes all such unit
tests before release.
Another key test is customer acceptance tests, based on the customer specifications. Acceptance test
run at the completion of the coding, and the developers provide the customer with the results of the
acceptance tests along with demonstrations.



4.1 Coding Process

Logical design
In the logical design, the inputs, outputs (result), Databases (data stores), procedures (Data
Flow) and boundaries of the system are described, which needs the user requirement. It
specifies the user need at a level of detail that virtually determines the information flow in
and out of the system along with the required data resources.

4.2 Testing Process

All codes have unit tests to eliminate bugs, and the code passes all such unit tests.
After the source code was written XAMPP was used as a local server to test the whole system. By
opening a command prompt (on Windows) in the project directory where all source codes were
saved, the type the following command to run the program using php artisan:
Php artian serve
This command starts the HTTP Listener. The HTTP listener default accepts connection from
localhost and listens to connection on port 8000 and protocol HTTP (not HTTPS). the url
http://localhost:8000 can be used to access the system on the browser.

4.3 Outputs

4.3.1 Front-ends

Figure 4.1: Login Screen

Figure 4.2: Dashboard

Figure 4.3: List of Categories

Figure 4.4: List of Products

Figure 4.5: Outgoing Products

Figure 4.6: List of System users

Figure 4.7: Add user (admin only)

4.3.3 Back-ends

Figure 4.8: AuthController

Figure 4.9: DashboardController

Figure 4.10: UserController

Figure 4.11: ProductsController

Figure 4.12: CategoryController



5.1 Achieved Aim

The stock management system would help management to access an instant picture of how much
inventory exists in the organization, how many orders are currently being shipped, what are the
stages of processing of pending orders, goods shipped by the organization over any given period of

5.2 Achieved Objectives

The stock management system would help staffs in order to find location and the quantity of stocks
that have been stored also provides a user friendly platform which handles the information of items
or products and calculated it to manage the information system. The system also keeps a day-to-day
record of transactions in the organization

5.3 Conclusion
In practice, successful stock management system solutions are generally designed to merge computer
hardware, software, and peripheral equipment with improved operating practices for managing
inventory, space, labor, and capital equipment in an organization and distribution centers.
Implementation of stock management system allows a company to increase its competitive
advantage by reducing labor costs, improving customer service, increasing inventory accuracy, and
improving flexibility and responsiveness. It helps a company to manage inventory in real time, with
information as current as the most recent order, shipment, or receipt and any movement in between.
Also bear in mind that the package you settle on can perform a variety of functions. For example,
enterprise management software can perform financial management, business analytics, quality
management, materials management and inventory control, traceability and data collection among
other things. Evaluate both your business needs and the capability of the package in question to see if
you have an optimal fit.

5.4 Recommendation
It is hoped that increased familiarity, ease-of-use and end-user computing mainly to reduce lags
between the cost and benefits of ICT. The need to spend up insurance operation among them
processing of claims and liabilities have left most insurance companies with no choice but to adopt
the integrate ICTs to operational scheme. Most companies now see the need to include ICTs in their
business goals but formulating the right policies that should strategically position ICTs for effective
service delivery remains a problem. Nonetheless a good percentage of their annual income goes into
servicing ICTs.

5.5 Limitation of Study

The limitation involved in the stock management system is that of Paperless Receiving and Picking
without using Bar code. Due to the limited time that was made available, I was not able to complete
this module.
Another limitation of this system is that of the intranet system used to design it. Users can only use
the system only when they are within the company’s network. By going outside these network users
cannot connect to the company’s database by so doing he or she cannot work.

5.6 Future work

The development of any software takes some time to be completed. This includes the software going
through a series of research and test to make sure that the software meets all requirements specified.
Since this software was designed in a relatively short period and within limited time, several modules
that were intended to be included could not materialize. The further scope of this software calls for
more enhancements and an upgrade of the software.
An introduction of a web based organization management system in other to help customers directly
pay for their goods online without the need of coming down to the organization to purchase their
goods. There will also be a client login account in which client’s uses to logon to the server and an
administrator will be monitoring any clients made to the server.


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namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Exports\ExportSuppliers;
use App\Imports\SuppliersImport;
use App\User;
use Excel;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use PDF;
use Yajra\DataTables\DataTables;

class UserController extends Controller {

public function __construct() {
* Display a listing of the resource.
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function index() {
$users = User::all();
return view('user.index');

* Show the form for creating a new resource.
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function create() {

* Store a newly created resource in storage.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function store(Request $request) {

$this->validate($request, [
'name' => 'required',
'email' => 'required|unique:suppliers',


return response()->json([
'success' => true,
'message' => 'Suppliers Created',

* Display the specified resource.
* @param int $id
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function show($id) {

* Show the form for editing the specified resource.
* @param int $id
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function edit($id) {
$users = User::find($id);
return $users;

* Update the specified resource in storage.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* @param int $id
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function update(Request $request, $id) {
$this->validate($request, [

'name' => 'required|string|min:2',
'email' => 'required|string|email|max:255|unique:suppliers',

$users = User::findOrFail($id);


return response()->json([
'success' => true,
'message' => 'users Updated',

* Remove the specified resource from storage.
* @param int $id
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function destroy($id) {

return response()->json([
'success' => true,
'message' => 'User Delete',

public function apiUsers() {

$users = User::all();

return Datatables::of($users)
->addColumn('action', function ($users) {
return '<a onclick="editForm(' . $users->id . ')" class="btn btn-
primary btn-xs"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit"></i> Edit</a> ' .
'<a onclick="deleteData(' . $users->id . ')" class="btn btn-danger
btn-xs"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></i> Delete</a>';

public function ImportExcel(Request $request) {


$this->validate($request, [
'file' => 'required|mimes:xls,xlsx',

if ($request->hasFile('file')) {
$file = $request->file('file'); //GET FILE
Excel::import(new SuppliersImport, $file); //IMPORT FILE
return redirect()->back()->with(['success' => 'Upload file data
suppliers !']);

return redirect()->back()->with(['error' => 'Please choose file before!']);


public function exportSuppliersAll() {

$suppliers = Supplier::all();
$pdf = PDF::loadView('suppliers.SuppliersAllPDF', compact('suppliers'));
return $pdf->download('suppliers.pdf');

public function exportExcel() {

return (new ExportSuppliers)->download('suppliers.xlsx');



namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Customer;
use App\Exports\ExportCustomers;
use App\Imports\CustomersImport;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Yajra\DataTables\DataTables;
use Excel;
use PDF;

class CustomerController extends Controller

public function __construct()

* Display a listing of the resource.
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function index()
$customers = Customer::all();
return view('customers.index');

* Show the form for creating a new resource.
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function create()

* Store a newly created resource in storage.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function store(Request $request)
$this->validate($request, [
'nama' => 'required',
'alamat' => 'required',
'email' => 'required|unique:customers',
'telepon' => 'required',


return response()->json([
'success' => true,
'message' => 'Customer Created'


* Display the specified resource.
* @param int $id
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function show($id)

* Show the form for editing the specified resource.
* @param int $id
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function edit($id)
$customer = Customer::find($id);
return $customer;

* Update the specified resource in storage.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* @param int $id
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function update(Request $request, $id)
$this->validate($request, [
'nama' => 'required|string|min:2',
'alamat' => 'required|string|min:2',
'email' => 'required|string|email|max:255|unique:customers',
'telepon' => 'required|string|min:2',

$customer = Customer::findOrFail($id);


return response()->json([
'success' => true,
'message' => 'Customer Updated'

* Remove the specified resource from storage.
* @param int $id
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function destroy($id)

return response()->json([
'success' => true,
'message' => 'Customer Delete'

public function apiCustomers()

$customer = Customer::all();

return Datatables::of($customer)
->addColumn('action', function($customer){
return '<a onclick="editForm('. $customer->id .')" class="btn btn-primary btn-
xs"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit"></i> Edit</a> ' .
'<a onclick="deleteData('. $customer->id .')" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs"><i
class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></i> Delete</a>';

public function ImportExcel(Request $request)

$this->validate($request, [
'file' => 'required|mimes:xls,xlsx'

if ($request->hasFile('file')) {
$file = $request->file('file'); //GET FILE
Excel::import(new CustomersImport, $file); //IMPORT FILE
return redirect()->back()->with(['success' => 'Upload file data customers !']);

return redirect()->back()->with(['error' => 'Please choose file before!']);


public function exportCustomersAll()

$customers = Customer::all();
$pdf = PDF::loadView('customers.CustomersAllPDF',compact('customers'));
return $pdf->download('customers.pdf');

public function exportExcel()

return (new ExportCustomers)->download('customers.xlsx');


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