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Student Management And Counseling

Addis Ababa Institute of Technology

Center of Information Technology and Scientific
Computing Department of Information Technology

School Management and Counseling system

Software Requirement Specification

Team Members

Bezawit Dereje-----------------------ATE/5135/09
Elbethel Solomon--------------------ATE/5149/09
Roza Halefom-------------------------ATE/9695/08
Tinbet Esayas-------------------------ATE/5217/09
Yegeta Fekadu------------------------ATE/5350/09

Advisors: Mr. Betsegaw Lemma

Date: May 2021
Student Management And Counseling
Revision History

Date Description Author Comments

<date> <Version 1> <Your Name> <First Revision>

Document Approval

The following Software Requirements Specification has been accepted and approved by the
Signature Printed Name Title Date

Lead Information
<SMCS> Technology Saturday.June.5.2021

A. Mr. Betsegaw
Lemma Advisor Saturday.June.5.2021

B. Ms. Fikir Awoke Examiner Saturday.June.5.2021

Student Management And Counseling
List of Tables 5
List of figures 6
Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations 6
1. Introduction 9
1.1 Purpose 9
1.2 Scope 9
1.3 Overview 10
2. General Description 10
2.1 Product Perspective 10
2.2 Product Functions 12
2.3 User Characteristics 12
2.4 General Constraints 12
2.5 Assumption and Dependencies 12
3. Specific Requirements 12
3.1 External Interface Requirements 12
3.1.1 User Interfaces 12
3.1.2 Hardware Interfaces 15
3.1.3 Software Interfaces 15
3.1.4 Communications Interfaces 16
3.2 Functional Requirements 16
3.2.1 All users 16 Use Case Description 28 UC-01: Login 28 UC-02: Logout 29 UC-03: Control registration 29 UC-04: Retrieve transcript 30 UC-06: Registration 30 View record and status 31 Communicate with the teacher 31 Track student status and report 32 Check Student Discipline 32
Student Management And Counseling Communicate with counselor 33 Track Assessment 33 Monitor progress 34 Communicate with counselor 34 Discipline tracking 34 Peer counseling 35 Grade report guidance 35 post University Information 36 Scholarship mentoring 36 One to One counseling 36
3.4 Non-Functional Requirements 37
3.4.1 Performance 37
3.4.2 Reliability 37
3.4.3 Availability 37
3.4.4 Security 37
3.4.5 Maintainability 38
3.5 Inverse Requirements 38
3.6 Design Constraints 38
3.7 Logical Database Requirements 38
3.8 Other Requirements 39
3.8.1 Training-related Requirements 39
3.8.2 Packaging Requirements 39
3.8.3 Legal Requirements 40
4. Change Management Process 40
References 41
Student Management And Counseling
List of Tables
Table 1 User Login Functional Requirement 0.1.......................................................................... 16
Table 2 User Log out Functional Requirement............................................................................. 16
Table 3 Student Register Functional Requirement ....................................................................... 17
Table 4 Report and Status Functional Requirement ..................................................................... 17
Table 5 Communicate with teacher Functional Requirement....................................................... 18
Table 6 Control registration Functional Requirement .................................................................. 18
Table 7 Registrar Retrieve Transcript Functional Requirement ................................................... 19
Table 8 Registrar Operate Report Card Functional Requirement ................................................. 19
Table 9 Registrar View Student Information Functional Requirement ........................................ 20
Table 10 Parent Track Student Status and Report Functional Requirement 3_01 ....................... 20
Table 11 Parent Check Discipline Functional Requirement 3.2 ................................................... 21
Table 12 Parent Communicate with Counselor Functional Requirement 3.3 .............................. 21
Table 13 Record Officer Track Assessment Functional Requirement 4.1 ................................... 22
Table 14 Monitor Progress Functional Requirement 4.2 ............................................................. 22
Table 15 Record Officer Communicate with Counselor Functional Requirement 4.3................. 23
Table 16 Record Officer Discipline Tracking Functional Requirement 5.1 ................................. 23
Table 17 Functional Requirement 5.2 ........................................................................................... 24
Table 18 Record Officer Grade Report Guidance Functional Requirement 5.3........................... 24
Table 19 RO Post Information about Universities Functional Requirement 5.4 .......................... 25
Table 20 RO Scholarship mentoring Functional Requirement 5.5 ............................................... 25
Table 21 RO One to One Counseling Functional Requirement 5.6 ............................................. 26
Student Management And Counseling
List of figures
Figure 1 Login Page ...................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 2 Home Room Teacher Page ............................................................................................. 13
Figure 3 Register Student Page ..................................................................................................... 13
Figure 4 Parent Page ..................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 5 Preparatory Counselor page ........................................................................................... 14
Figure 6 High School Counselor page .......................................................................................... 15
Figure 7 use Case .......................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 8 ER Diagram .................................................................................................................... 39
Student Management And Counseling
Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
Student Management And Counseling
We declare that this written submission represents our ideas in our own words and where others’
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Student Management and Counseling System 4/9/2021

Student Management And Counseling
1. Introduction
Automation is the utilization of technology to replace humans with a machine that can perform
more quickly and more continuously. By automating SMCS documents that take up many large
storage rooms can be stored on a few disks. It reduces the time to retrieve old transcripts from
hours to seconds. Though there are many student management systems available online, most
systems are either expensive to implement or while they are freely available they lack certain
features. Counseling is a form of education, which the students receive from their counselors. The
essence of incorporating guidance and counseling into the school system was to eliminate
overwhelming ignorance of many young people on their choices of career prospects and
personality maladjustment among school children. School counseling takes place in public and
private school settings in grades K-12. Counseling is designed to facilitate student achievement,
improve student behavior and attendance, and help students develop socially.

This document gives a preview of the automation and development of software for the student
management. In addition to that there are other features provided such as counseling about the
universities and colleges that are located in Ethiopia, posting valuable and updated information
about local universities that students would be interested in rolling in, scholarship management
and mentoring, grade progress counseling, online mentoring and tutoring.

1.1 Purpose
This document explains how the student management and counseling software must be developed.
The core of this document is the description of functional and non- functional requirements for
software as well as the design and/or implementation constraints that might occur in the student
management and counseling project depending on its peculiarities. This documentation is essential
for making detailed decomposition of the student management and counseling project’s functional
aspects. It organizes the workflow giving the team members an understanding of what they must
do to ensure that all the clients’ requirements are followed. Also helps to select the development
method based on the peculiarities of a project. This document defines how the SMCS application
will interact with system hardware, other programs and human users in a wide variety of real-
world situations. Parameters such as operating speed, response time, availability, portability,
maintainability, footprint, security and speed of recovery from adverse events are evaluated.
With this document the developers in the team can determine time and effort to build software and
managers can count costs of features and rates of human resources based on that information. This
document helps to break a problem down into smaller components just by writing down the
requirements. It also speeds up the testing and validation processes.
The major goal of this document is to make sure that the development team has enough information
on schools’ requirements and needs.

1.2 Scope
This document gives schools’ and non-technical staff of the company like marketers an idea of
how the finished product will look like. Based on the requirements, the development team can
build diagrams, describe use cases as well as estimate development time to complete the project.
Student Management And Counseling
The goal of the product is to develop a system that will enable certain school staff members in the
school to perform their assigned tasks in a computerized way, allowing optimum organization of
data and information in the business. Hence, aims to create a better management system for the
client. It reduces effort to maintain data in an effective manner. Teachers can easily see the status
and progress of the students. Students can get information when they need it by simply accessing
the site. Data management system is much easier in this way because there is no way to lose/theft
of data.
SMCS plays a great role in simplifying the job of employees at the school and satisfying the needs
of customers and stakeholders of the school. When the desired goals are met by the end of the
project, a well-functioning SMCS is expected. This means the system shall meet all the basic
requirements such as managing the details of profiles, courses, logins, and exams. It manages all
the information about student profiles. The student management system feature can be used by
students from grade 1 to 12. Whereas the counseling and guidance part of the system is designed
to reach and assist high school students.
The system does not implement money transactions. It does not settle financial transactions
through the transfer of monetary value. The system does not include a payment system which is
an operational network that links bank accounts and provides for monetary exchange using bank

1.3 Overview
The rest of the document has three main sections. Each section also has many subsections. Readers
can refer to the table of contents, found at the beginning of the document, to view the structure of
the document and also find their desired section through its page number.
The first section gives information on the general description of the project. As the name implies,
this section describes the project without adding too much technical information. The second
section is Specific Requirements. In this section external interface requirements, functional
requirements, use case, non-functional requirements and additional subsections are included. The
Third section is Change Management Process. This portion outlines the procedure that will be
taken to change information described in this document.

2. General Description
2.1 Product Perspective
There are various SMS applications that are developed to meet technical needs of the schooling
system. Some of the applications that are implemented in Ethiopia are:
In the year 2003 City Government of Addis Ababa Education Bureau (CGAWEB) was very much
interested to have an automated school management system to get uniform and quick access to the
students’ data for administrative purposes on promoting the students’ achievement and related
issues. The bureau has selected Wundrad Preparatory School for pilot test. At the time the school
principals together with officials from CGAWEB signed a contractual agreement with some
software developer company. The developers installed their first version of the product which can
register a student offline and generate an official transcript with some level of difficulty. As the
system is not fully automated, it does not support management of attendance, does not support
Student Management And Counseling
generating report cards and other important functions such as generating school timetables and a
web based report for parents. Due to the lack of follow up by the government officials at
CGAWEB, the company was unable to complete the project. The school currently is unable to use
the partially developed system because of lack of trained people and lack of hardware and software
Another product that is in use is the transcript generator system. The transcript generator system
at Menelik II Preparatory School generates official transcripts of students. In order to generate a
transcript the record officer enters the student information along with the grade marks for the
grades completed per year and per semester. Then the system generates the required official
transcript. Currently the school is using the system to generate official transcripts even though the
data entry format has unnecessarily many fields which are not applicable for the record office but
can be used for continuous assessment by the course teacher.
This product is basically a school management and counseling system. Administrative staff,
teachers & students of a school can use this application via web protocol and mobile application.
Students can register themselves, check their result and update their profile. When all users finish
signing up a unique key is given to them. This unique key is generated by the school and can be
found on their personal, physical ID. They also can view their class routine and related resources
from this Web application. Teachers can register themselves on this site; they can update & publish
students' results. They can update their profile .Teachers can apply for their leave by using an
online leave application. Administrative Staff can add or remove teachers and students from the
database via this application. They also can register themselves.
The Student records provides online access to information about students and courses, and how
this information interacts. For example, how the class rosters and students’ transcripts connect.
The data you see are live data: all changes to a student’s record take effect immediately the
information is entered. It provides users with immediate, online access to information to student
records to aid in advising students in course selection and curriculum requirements, as well related
academic matters and career goals.

Student Registration as a kind of management information system can not only record the
information for student registration each term quickly and efficiently, but also do statistics on the
students' basic information, registration information, and give results of the analysis.

Discipline tracking feature simplifies the difficult and time-consuming task of tracking student
behavior and helps improve discipline by ensuring that students are held accountable for their
actions. Educators’ document and track disciplinary incidents, maintain related records, notify
parents of infractions, and produce reports, notices, forms, and other documents. The student
information feature helps instructors to view and track student information such as student
attendance, report card, scheduling, transcript, discipline, tests, assignments, and contact
information. Instructors can view and mark attendance of students from anywhere. Generating
time table features helps create time-slots for the timetable as per your school principals, edit and
change time-table whenever the need arises, automatic creation of time table for teachers on
creation of students’ timetables.
Student Management And Counseling
2.2 Product Functions
The attendance recording feature helps to keep a record of attendance inside the system eliminating
manual effort consuming tasks. It is also linked with the school academic year so that you need
not fill attendance for school holidays, vacations and Sundays. It also allows you to also fill basic
attendance, day boarding attendance, lunch attendance and snacks attendance for the students in
case your school provides the day boarding facilities. Manage attendance of all the students and
staff from one place.

Student registration used a computerized student and faculty database, to maintain data consistency
and integrity, automate the registration process without any physical human interaction, making
the registration process accessible anywhere to the student, allowing faculty to acknowledge
registration requests from anywhere.

The student information system stores and tracks all student information, including grades,
attendance records, and more. This system is used to improve management of prospective and
enrolled student data; increase communication between divisions; maintain data of stakeholders
when transferring records between departments; provide a unified resource location for relevant
stakeholders, including alumni, faculty, support staff, and donors; standardize data formats among
divisions; ease the transfer of data to external institutions; reduce the time spent on maintaining
and organizing student records.

2.3 User Characteristics

2.4 General Constraints

The other constraint for the system is the speed of the internet connection. For efficient
performance, the product requires a broadband internet connection. If the minimal sufficient
internet speed is not caught, it might cause lag which affects the system performance.

2.5 Assumption and Dependencies

The users have sufficient knowledge of computers and the user’s computers should have internet
connection for the database actions. The SMCS will be able to run in any window and smart phones
for the web based there will be a need of an internet browser and satisfactory internet connection.

3. Specific Requirements
3.1 External Interface Requirements

3.1.1 User Interfaces

Figure 1 Login Page

Student Management And Counseling

Figure 2 Home Room Teacher Page

Figure 3 Register Student Page

Student Management And Counseling

Figure 4 Parent Page

Figure 5 Preparatory Counselor page

Student Management And Counseling

Figure 6 High School Counselor page

3.1.2 Hardware Interfaces

The system has no hardware interface requirements.

3.1.3 Software Interfaces

The product is a web application, therefore requires a web browser to run. The web browser should
be able to support java-script, HTML 5 and CSS3 Bootstrap. There is a software interface between
client and server.
Student Management And Counseling
3.1.4 Communications Interfaces
Communication is important for the system. In order for the system to function it requires a
communication between its different parts. It will use HTTP protocol for communicating via the

3.2 Functional Requirements

An online student registration system streamlines the application, registration, and monitoring of
students in a school or training institute. Student registration can be used by educational institutes
to maintain the records of students easily. The system supports services for users, eliminating the
need for school staff members to serve as technical support during the enrollment process. The
system is a management system for education establishments used to manage student data. Student
information systems provide capabilities for registering students in courses; documenting grading,
transcripts of academic achievement and co-curricular activities, and the results of student
assessment scores; forming student schedules; tracking student attendance; and managing other
student-related data needs in an educational institution.

3.2.1 All users

Table 1 User Login Functional Requirement 0.1

ID FR:0_01

Function User Login

Description The system shall allow the user to log in given that, (the user enters
a registered username and the exact password associated with the
selected username)

Rationale In order use the system

Dependencies None

References UC-01

Table 2 User Log out Functional Requirement

Student Management And Counseling
ID FR:0_02

Function User Log out

Description The system shall allow the user to log out

Rationale In order end the session

Dependencies FR:0_01

References UC-02

3.2.2 Student
Table 3 Student Register Functional Requirement

ID FR:1_01

Function Register

Description The system shall allow the student to register a student

Rationale In order to use the system to register

Dependencies FR:0_01

References UC-06

Table 4 Report and Status Functional Requirement

Student Management And Counseling
ID FR:1_02

Function View various reports and status

Description The system shall allow to view the reports and status such as
transcript and report card

Rationale In order to use the system to view reports

Dependencies FR:0_01

References UC-07

Table 5 Communicate with teacher Functional Requirement

ID FR:1_03

Function communicate with the teacher.

Description The system shall allow the student to communicate with the teacher.

Rationale In order to allow students to communicate with the teacher.

Dependencies FR:0_01

References UC-08

3.2.3 Registrar
Table 6 Control registration Functional Requirement
Student Management And Counseling

ID FR:2_01

Function Control registration

Description The system shall allow the registrar to control registration.

Rationale In order, give the registrar control registration.

Dependencies FR:1_03

References UC-03

Table 7 Registrar Retrieve Transcript Functional Requirement

ID FR:2_02

Function Retrieve Transcript

Description The system shall allow theregestrar to retrieve transcript

Rationale In order to allow the registrar to a retrieve transcript

Dependencies FR:2_01

References UC-04

Table 8 Registrar Operate Report Card Functional Requirement

Student Management And Counseling
ID FR:2_03

Function Operate report card

Description The system shall allow the registrar to operate on student report card

Rationale In order operate on student report card

Dependencies FR:1_01

References UC-05

Table 9 Registrar View Student Information Functional Requirement

ID FR:2_04

Function View student information

Description The system shall allow the registrar to view student

Rationale In order to show registrar the student report

Dependencies FR:0_01

References UC-09

3.2.4 Parent
Table 10 Parent Track Student Status and Report Functional Requirement 3_01
Student Management And Counseling
ID FR:3_01

Function Track student status and report

Description The system enables parents to review student status and report.

Rationale In order to give parents student status and report.

Dependencies FR:0_12, FR:0_13, FR:0_14,FR:0_01

References UC-10

Table 11 Parent Check Discipline Functional Requirement 3.2

ID FR:3_02

Function Check discipline

Description The system shall allow the parents to view and evaluate student
discipline and progress.

Rationale In order to give discipline reports to parents.

Dependencies FR:0_16, FR:0_01

References UC-11

Table 12 Parent Communicate with Counselor Functional Requirement 3.3

Student Management And Counseling
ID FR:3_03

Function Communicate with a counselor.

Description The system shall allow the parent to communicate with the

Rationale In order to give the parent and counselor means of communication.

Dependencies FR:0_01

References UC-12

3.2.5 Record Officer

Table 13 Record Officer Track Assessment Functional Requirement 4.1

ID FR:4_01

Function Track assessment

Description The system shall allow the home room teacher to track assessment.

Rationale In order to allow the home room teacher to track assessment.

Dependencies FR:0_01

References UC-13

Table 14 Monitor Progress Functional Requirement 4.2

Student Management And Counseling
ID FR:4_02

Function Monitor progress

Description The system shall allow the home room teacher to monitor progress

Rationale In order to give the home room teacher to monitor progress.

Dependencies FR:0_01

References UC-14

Table 15 Record Officer Communicate with Counselor Functional Requirement 4.3

ID FR:4_03

Function Communicate with counselor

Description The system shall allow the home room teacher to communicate with
the counselor.

Rationale In order to allow the home room teacher to communicate with the

Dependencies FR:0_01

References UC-15

3.2.6 Counselor
Table 16 Record Officer Discipline Tracking Functional Requirement 5.1
Student Management And Counseling
ID FR:5_01

Function Discipline Tracking

Description The system shall allow the counselor to track the student discipline
and give guidance.

Rationale In order to help track discipline.

Dependencies FR:0_01

References UC-18

Table 17 Functional Requirement 5.2

ID FR:5_02

Function Peer counseling

Description The system shall allow the students to give peer counseling

Rationale In order to give students peer counseling.

Dependencies FR:0_01

References UC-19

Table 18 Record Officer Grade Report Guidance Functional Requirement 5.3

Student Management And Counseling
ID FR:5_03

Function Grade report guidance

Description The system shall enable counselors to give guidance for the students
who have unsatisfactory grades.

Rationale In order to show the students their guidance about their grade.

Dependencies FR:0_01

References UC-20

Table 19 RO Post Information about Universities Functional Requirement 5.4

ID FR:5_04

Function Post information about universities

Description The system shall allow the counselor to post information about
universities for those students that are above grade 9( high school

Rationale In order to give new information about university to students

Dependencies FR:0_01

References UC-21

Table 20 RO Scholarship mentoring Functional Requirement 5.5

Student Management And Counseling
ID FR:5_05

Function Scholarship mentoring

Description The system shall allow the counselor to give scholarship guidance

Rationale In order to give students mentoring for scholarships.

Dependencies FR:0_01

References UC-22

Table 21 RO One to One Counseling Functional Requirement 5.6

ID FR:5_06

Function One to One counseling

Description The system shall allow the counselor to have one to one connection
with students and parents.

Rationale In order to enable one to one connection.

Dependencies FR:0_01

References UC-23

3.3 Use Cases

This use case diagram is a graphic depiction of the interactions among the elements of a system.
In addition this use case is a methodology used in system analysis to identify, clarify, and organize
system requirements. The use case is made up of a set of possible sequences of interactions
between systems and users in a particular environment and related to a particular goal.
Figure 7 use Case
Student Management And Counseling

3.3.1 Actor Description

Name: Teacher
Description: Homeroom teacher is a teacher who gets the additional task of school to become a
manager at a grade class.
Name: Parent
Description: A Parent is a person who is registered as parent of the student and responsible to
follow the student in close contact with the school. She/he can view the status of the student such
as attendance and result/performance of the student online.
Name: Counselor
Description: assist students at all levels, from elementary school to college. They act as advocates
for students’ well-being, and as valuable resources for their educational advancement. A mentor
is one who can help you set and achieve regular goals, provide you with experienced expertise and
guide you through the confusing world of college and financial aid paperwork.Peer counseling
duties can vary widely, but they are all based on the effectiveness of assistance and support from
Student Management And Counseling
people with shared life experience who are living in recovery. Peer counselors use their own stories
in helping others develop hope and improve their lives. Online tutors provide instruction to
students on a variety of subjects using a distance-learning format. Online tutors provide individual
or group instruction in a virtual learning environment.
Name: Student
Description: a person who is studying at a university or other place of education. Denoting
someone who is studying in order to enter a particular profession.
Name: Registrar
Description: an official responsible for keeping a register or official records. A middle-ranking
hospital doctor undergoing training as a specialist. Use Case Description UC-01: Login

Use case Id: UC-01

Goal: User wishes to login to the system
Primary Actors: Manager, Stock-manager, Salesperson
Scope: SMS
Level: User
Pre-condition: User is at the login page
Success end condition: User is logged in
Failure end condition: User is not logged in
Trigger: User chooses to login to the system
Main success scenario:
1. User enters login credentials
2. User submits request
3. System verifies User
4. System logs User in

1a. Password is incorrect
1a.1 System displays an error message
1a.2 User enters a different value
1a.3 System resumes @ 2
1b. Username is incorrect
1b.1 System displays an error message
1b.2 User enters a different value
1b.3 System resumes @ 2
Student Management And Counseling UC-02: Logout

Use case Id: UC-02

Goal: User wishes to log out of the system
Primary Actors: Manager, Stock-manager, Salesperson
Scope: SMS
Level: User
Pre-condition: UC-01
Success end condition: User is logged out
Failure end condition: User is not logged out
Trigger: User chooses to log out of the system
Main success scenario:
1. User chooses the log-out option
2. System displays a message to confirm if user wants to logout
3. User chooses the log-out option
4. System logs user out
5. User chooses the cancel option UC-03: Control registration

Use case Id: UC-03
Goal: User wishes to control registration of the student.
Primary Actors: Registrar
Scope: SMCS
Level: User
Pre-condition: UC-01
Success end condition: User can control and manage student registration.
Failure end condition: User can not control and manage student registration.
Trigger: User chooses to log out of the system
Main success scenario:
1. User chooses the control register option
2. System searches for the student name.
3. If the student is found in the list the system provides a registration control form for the
4. The registrar fills the form and submits it.
5. System saves the updated feature.
2. System displays that there is no list of students
3. System can not find student in the list
1. System displays a window with a message.
Student Management And Counseling UC-04: Retrieve transcript
Use case Id: UC-04
Goal: User wishes to retrieve transcript
Primary Actors:Registrar
Scope: SMCS
Level: User
Pre-condition: UC-01
Success end condition: User can retrieve transcript
Failure end condition: User can not retrieve transcript
Trigger: User chooses to retrieve
Main success scenario:
1. User chooses the retrieve option.
2. System displays the transcript. .
3. User uses and manipulates the transcript.
2. System displays that there is no transcript of students UC-05: Operate report card

Use case Id: UC-05

Goal: User wishes to operate on report card
Primary Actors:Registrar
Scope: SMCS
Level: User
Pre-condition: UC-01
Success end condition: User can operate on the student report card
Failure end condition:User can operate on the student report card
Trigger: User chooses to operate on the student report card
Main success scenario:
1. User chooses the operate report card option.
2. System checks authorization of the individual.
3. System provides an access for the registrar to operate on the report card.
4. User performs the task he/she desires.
5. System saves the change in the feature of the report card.
3. System can not find student’s report card
1. System displays an error message
2. User enters a different value UC-06: Registration

Use case Id: UC-06
Goal: User wishes to register
Student Management And Counseling
Primary Actors: Student
Scope: SMCS
Level: User
Pre-condition: UC-01
Success end condition: User can register
Failure end condition: User can not register
Trigger: User chooses to register
Main success scenario:
1. User chooses the register option.
2. System displays the registration form.
3. User fills registration form.
4. Users register into the school.
2. System can not display the registration form. View record and status

Use case Id: UC-07
Goal: User wishes to view record and status
Primary Actors:
Scope: SMCS
Level: User
Pre-condition: UC-01
Success end condition: User can view record and status
Failure end condition: User can not view record and status
Trigger: User chooses to view record and status
Main success scenario:
1. User chooses the view record and status option.
2. System displays the record and status.
3. User views record and status.
1.System displays that there is no record and status to display. Communicate with the teacher

Use case Id: UC-08
Goal: User wishes to communicate with the teacher
Primary Actors: Student
Scope: SMCS
Level: User
Pre-condition: UC-01
Success end condition: User can communicate with the teacher
Failure end condition: User can not communicate with the teacher
Trigger: User chooses to communicate with the teacher
Student Management And Counseling
Main success scenario:
1. User chooses the communication with the teacher option.
2. System enables communication
2. System can not enable communication. Track student status and report

Use case Id: UC-10

Goal: User wishes to track student status and report
Primary Actors: Parent
Scope: SMS
Level: User
Pre-condition: UC-01, UC- 12
Success end condition: User can track student status and report
Failure end condition: User is not track student status and report
Trigger: User chooses to track student status and report
Main success scenario:
1. User chooses the track student status and report option.
2. System displays the report of all of students
3. Users view the report of students.
4. And give feedback.

2. System displays that there is no report of the students Check Student Discipline

Use case Id: UC-11
Goal: User wishes to check student discipline
Primary Actors: Parent
Scope: SMS
Level: User
Pre-condition: UC-01, UC- 18
Success end condition: User can check student discipline
Failure end condition: User is not check student discipline
Trigger: User chooses to check student discipline
Main success scenario:
1. User chooses the check student discipline option.
2. System displays the discipline form of a students
3. Users view the disciplinary report of students.
4. And give feedback.
Student Management And Counseling
2. System displays that there is no report of the students Communicate with counselor

Use case Id: UC-12
Goal: User wishes to communicate with counselor
Primary Actors: Parent
Scope: SMS
Level: User
Pre-condition: UC-01
Success end condition: User can communicate with counselor
Failure end condition: User is not communicate with counselor
Trigger: User chooses to communicate with counselor
Main success scenario:
1. User chooses the communicate with counselor option.
2. system displays option of communication media
3. System facilitates communication with counselor
4. And gives feedback.
2. System displays cannot facilitate communication Track Assessment

Use case Id: UC-13
Goal: User wishes to track assessment
Primary Actors: Home room teacher
Scope: SMCS
Level: User
Pre-condition: UC-01
Success end condition: User can track assessment
Failure end condition: User can not track assessment
Trigger: User chooses to generate transcript
Main success scenario:
1. User chooses the track assessment option.
2. System enables user to track assessment
3. Users can track assessment.
4. system saves the change in assessment
2. System can not track assessment
Student Management And Counseling Monitor progress

Use case Id: UC-14

Goal: User wishes to monitor progress
Primary Actors: Home room teacher
Scope: SMCS
Level: User
Pre-condition: UC-01
Success end condition: User canc
Failure end condition:User can not track assessment
Trigger: User chooses to track assessment
Main success scenario:
1. User chooses the track assessment option
2. System displays progress form
3. User enters the required information into the form
4. User submits form
5. System saves the form Communicate with counselor

Use case Id: UC-15
Goal: User wishes to communicate with counselor
Primary Actors: Home room teacher
Scope: SMS
Level: User
Pre-condition: UC-01
Success end condition: User can communicate with counselor
Failure end condition: User is not communicate with counselor
Trigger: User chooses to communicate with counselor
Main success scenario:
1. User chooses the communicate with counselor option.
2. system displays option of communication media
3. System facilitates communication with counselor
4. And gives feedback.
2. System displays cannot facilitate communication Discipline tracking

Use case Id: UC-16
Goal: User wishes to discipline tracking
Primary Actors: Counselor
Scope: SMS
Level: User
Pre-condition: UC-01
Student Management And Counseling
Success end condition: User can discipline tracking
Failure end condition: User can discipline tracking
Trigger: User chooses to discipline tracking
Main success scenario:
1. User chooses the discipline tracking option.
2. System displays the form to track the student discipline
3. User fills the form
4. System updates the recorded data Peer counseling

Use case Id: UC-17
Goal: User wishes to peer counseling
Primary Actors: Counselor
Scope: SMS
Level: User
Pre-condition: UC-01
Success end condition: User can peer counseling
Failure end condition: User can peer counseling
Trigger: User chooses to peer counseling
Main success scenario:
1. User chooses the peer counseling option.
2. The system displays a form for the counselor.
3. The user fills the form
4. System authenticates peer counselors.
5. the peer counselor can start giving guidance. Grade report guidance

Use case Id: UC-18
Goal: User wishes to grade report guidance
Primary Actors: Counselor
Scope: SMS
Level: User
Pre-condition: UC-01, UC-10
Success end condition: User can grade report guidance
Failure end condition: User can grade report guidance
Trigger: User chooses to grade report guidance
Main success scenario:
1. User chooses the grade report guidance option.
2. System displays the grade report.
3. User fills the form
4. System updates the recorded data
Student Management And Counseling post University Information

Use case Id: UC-19
Goal: User wishes to post university information
Primary Actors: Counselor
Scope: SMS
Level: User
Pre-condition: UC-01
Success end condition: User can post university information
Failure end condition: User can post university information
Trigger: User chooses to post university information
Main success scenario:
1. User chooses the post university information option.
2. System displays a form to verify legitimate individuals
3. User fills the form
4. System authenticates users.
5. System grants permission for user to post data
6. System notifies user.
7. Users post valuable information. Scholarship mentoring

Use case Id: UC-20
Goal: User wishes to mentor
Primary Actors: Counselor
Scope: SMS
Level: User
Pre-condition: UC-01
Success end condition: User can mentor
Failure end condition:User can mentor
Trigger: User chooses to mentor
Main success scenario:
1. User chooses the mentoring option.
2. The system displays a form for the counselor.
3. The user fills the form
4. System authenticates mentors.
5. the mentor can start giving guidance. One to One counseling

Use case Id: UC-21
Goal: User wishes to one to one counsel
Primary Actors: Counselor
Student Management And Counseling
Scope: SMS
Level: User
Pre-condition: UC-01
Success end condition: User can counseling
Failure end condition: User can counseling
Trigger: User chooses to counseling
Main success scenario:
1. User chooses the counseling option.
2. The system displays a form for the counselor.
3. The user fills the form
4. System authenticates counselors.
5. The counselor can start giving guidance.

3.4 Non-Functional Requirements

Security requirements are important factors in this system as classified data will be stored in the
database. User validation will be done during login to ensure that the user is valid and that the user
only has access to his or her permission data. General users will only have access through the user
The system will have consistent interface formats and button sets for all forms in the application,
will have a form based interface for all data entry and viewing formats, and will generate reports
that are formatted in a table and that should look like the existing manual report formats for user
The system will be easily maintained by the developer or other authorized trained person and it
shall respond as fast as possible in generating reports and producing the timetable.

3.4.1 Performance
• The database shall be able to accommodate a minimum of 1,000 records of students.
• The software shall support use of multiple users at a time.
• Response queries shall take no longer than 10 seconds

3.4.2 Reliability
• All data storage for user variables will be committed to the database at the time of entry.
• Data corruption is prevented by applying the possible backup procedures and techniques.

3.4.3 Availability
• All cached data will be rebuilt during every startup. There is no recovery of user data if it
is lost. Default values of system data will be assigned when necessary.

3.4.4 Security
• Users shall be required to login into the system for all operations
• The system shall permit users to only access their account from one computer at one instant
Student Management And Counseling
• The system shall include an error tracking log
We will follow the security guide published by OWASP for both the mobile and web application

3.4.5 Maintainability
• The user will be able to reset all options and all stored user variables to default settings.
The software development follows best practices of software development, such as
documenting design, architecture, following design patterns and so that it will be easier to
• 3.4.6 Portability
• Some of the attributes of software that relate to the ease of porting the software to other
host machines and/or operating systems.

3.5 Inverse Requirements

SMCS shall not provide the option for a new user to register. All users will be added to the database
beforehand and will be assigned default login credentials. As the client only needs a specified
number of users, adding a user registration feature would be useless and possibly present security

3.6 Design Constraints

One constraint in the user interface of the product is that every page must include the company’s
logo in a visible and appealing way. Every user interface must also include the year in which the
product has last been updated and the copyright owner of the product.

3.7 Logical Database Requirements

Student Management And Counseling

Figure 8 ER Diagram

3.8 Other Requirements

3.8.1 Training-related Requirements
To begin using the system the users require different levels of training. Salesperson and stock-
manager are required to take a practical 10 minute training session on how to operate the system.
The manager is also required to take a 30 minute practical training session. The training sessions
will familiarize the user to the different features of the product. It will help the user to know the
exact steps to take in order to perform a task. The training will also prepare the users on how they
can handle some errors they might encounter. By the end of the training session, the user shall be
able to use the product to its full capabilities. The session will be administered by selected members
from the product development team. The time and place of the session is determined by the client
and team members.

3.8.2 Packaging Requirements

The product shall be packaged and delivered to the client through a structured folder.
Student Management And Counseling
3.8.3 Legal Requirements
The product shall comply with all rules and regulations concerning valid transaction processing
and restocking standards. All data stored must fulfill the regulations of the company.

4. Change Management Process

The process for change management will be done in three phases. As a general rule, we will try to
avoid making changes as we are using a sequential software development model. Making changes
would be very costly, in terms of resources and time. Any changes will have to pass through the
three phases before they are made permanent. In the first phase, possible requirement flaws will
be analyzed by the team. If the client has issues with a requirement it will be presented to the tem
and the team will propose a new requirement specification. In the second phase, the proposed
requirement will be assessed further to determine the estimated cost of change. The decision to
proceed to the next phase will be determined by the client and the team members. If the
requirement passes the second phase it will then be included in the SRS documentation.
Student Management And Counseling

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