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No.Rekam Medis : 02117542 No.

Laboratorium : 0324017674 / 2405211034

Medical Record Number Laboratory Number
Nama Pasien : Rosdiana Rosdiana P Tanggal Order : 21-05-2024 15:48:00
Patient Name F Order Date
Tanggal Lahir : 16-10-1965 /58 Th 7 Bl 5 Hr Dokter Pengirim : Tommy Muharam, dr.
Date of Birth 58 Year 7 Month 5 Day Referring Doctor
Alamat : Jl pisangan lama III no 26 Rujukan : Emergency PK
Address Referee


Jenis Pemeriksaan Hasil Satuan/Unit Nilai Normal Metode

Test Result Unit Reference Range Method

HEMA 2 (Hema 1 + Diffcount + MCV, MCHC, MCH)
Hemoglobin LL 5.6 g/dL 11.7 - 15.5 Colorimetric
Hematokrit LL 16.7 % 35 - 47 Calculation
Leukosit H 26.7 10³/µL 3.6 - 11.0 Flow Cytometry
Trombosit 368 10³/µL 150 - 440 Impedance
Eritrosit L 1.8 juta/µL 3.8 - 5.2 Impedance
MCV 91.3 fL 80 - 100 Calculation
MCH 30.7 pg 26 - 34 Calculation
MCHC 33.7 g/dL 32 - 36 Calculation
RDW-CV 14.5 % 11.7 - 15.3
Hitung Jenis
Basofil 0.1 % 0 - 1.0
Eosinofil L 0.2 % 2.0 - 4.0
Neutrofil H 95.5 % 50.0 - 70.0
Limfosit L 1.1 % 25.0 - 40.0
Monosit 3.1 % 2.0 - 8.0
Random Glucose H 275 mg/dL 70 - 140 Hexokinase
SGOT (AST) 9 U/L <= 31 IFCC
SGPT (ALT) 6 U/L <= 34 IFCC
Na - K - Cl
Natrium (Na) L 133 mEq/L 135 - 145 ISE
Kalium (K) L 3.4 mEq/L 3.5 - 5.5 ISE
Klorida (Cl) 96 mEq/L 96 - 111 ISE
Ureum H 69 mg/dL 17 - 43 Urease GLDH
Creatinine 0.77 mg/dL 0.5 - 0.9 Enzymatic
eLFG (CKD-EPI) L 88 mL/mnt/1.73m² >= 90 Calculation

Date and Time Specimen :

Serum : 21-05-2024 16:04

Interpretasi hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium harus oleh dokter yang bersangkutan

The interpretation of laboratory result must be carried out by the doctor concerned Page: 1/2

Authorized by: Efi Nurjanah, Amd.AK Validated by: Efi Nurjanah, Amd.AK Print by:

21-05-2024 17:51:00 21-05-2024 17:50:00 21-05-2024 17:51

No.Rekam Medis : 02117542 No. Laboratorium : 0324017674 / 2405211034
Medical Record Number Laboratory Number
Nama Pasien : Rosdiana Rosdiana P Tanggal Order : 21-05-2024 15:48:00
Patient Name F Order Date
Tanggal Lahir : 16-10-1965 /58 Th 7 Bl 5 Hr Dokter Pengirim : Tommy Muharam, dr.
Date of Birth 58 Year 7 Month 5 Day Referring Doctor
Alamat : Jl pisangan lama III no 26 Rujukan : Emergency PK
Address Referee


Jenis Pemeriksaan Hasil Satuan/Unit Nilai Normal Metode

Test Result Unit Reference Range Method

EDTA : 21-05-2024 16:58

Note :
Clinical Pathologist : dr. Gaby Octavia Manz, Sp.PK

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Interpretasi hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium harus oleh dokter yang bersangkutan

The interpretation of laboratory result must be carried out by the doctor concerned Page: 2/2

Authorized by: Efi Nurjanah, Amd.AK Validated by: Efi Nurjanah, Amd.AK Print by:

21-05-2024 17:51:00 21-05-2024 17:50:00 21-05-2024 17:51

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