Writing C1

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Public spaces are fundamental to create a healthy and conscious society. That’s why different
facilities such as museums, public gardens or sport centres should been financed with local
authority money.

Delving into this three facilities, we can say that each contribute to society on their own way.
In first place, museums contribute to social identity which helps developing a close relation to
the place and its history. Secondly, sports centres focus on create healthy and fitness habits.
Last, public gardens contribute creating lovecaring places with important values such as
empathy, friendship or knowledge.

In comparison with sport centres, museums and public gardens take a special role in societies.
Museums are a big source of history and cultural knowledge. Societies have been established
based on values and history events that take a lead role on how societies are organized.
Furthermore, every society member and non-member should have the opportunity to get in
touch with culture.

On the other hand, public gardens show us how important is for us to socialize and create
healthy social bounds, which makes me think is the reason why is the most important facility.
Public gardens are set on values such as taking care of what surround us where an entire
ecosystem takes a role. Also, by having community spaces we learn how to share and respect
other as well as we learn how to coexist. Moreover, public spaces are made to all kind of
persons, which means that we are also creating a diverse environment.

Let’s make a diverse and welcoming society.


Hi Chris, how are you?

I´m glad you are coming to spend some time in my lovely town. Also, congratulations for your
new job!

As I´m on vacation right now I don’t have any plans going on my schedule so I will be pleased
to make some plans with you. Even though I live in a small town I think we can make the most
of it. In first place I was thinking on visiting some public spaces such as local museums. Near
my place there is one dedicated to prehistorical art, which since you are a big art fan I know
you are going to enjoy it. Furthermore, I friend of mine works as a tour guide and he told me
that he can make us a space on one of his groups so we both can learn a little bit more about
the culture and history of the place. Fun fact, I know I´ve been living here since university but I
still don’t know most of its culture.

Finally, leaving aside plans such as going on walks, eating typical food from the city and going
on clubs, I have booked 2 tickets to the Disney soundtrack musical that takes pace this
weekend. I remember that you told me onces that you are such a big fan of Dysney movies so I
thing this is a big opportunity to finish your stay.

Call me and tell me what you think, I´ll stay toned,



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