Unit 12 - Sleep and Memory

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fall asleep

sleep deprivation = the lack of sleep

be deprived of = lack
insomnia (n) /dɪˈpraɪvd/
suffer from
sleeplessness (n)

resumé (n)
TASK 1 resume my work/ study take a nap

Look at the picture and then discuss the questions below.

1. Do you ever sleep in class? At work? On the bus or train? doze off

2. Can you sleep anywhere or do you need a comfortable bed?

3. Is it ever difficult for you to get to sleep? Why? fall asleep

toss and turn (v)


Take the survey. Ask your partner the questions, and tick the answer.

Are you a healthy sleeper?

How often do you …? Very often Sometimes Hardly ever
1. exercise
2. go to be late
3. fall asleep easily
4. go to bed after you eat
5. read before going to sleep
6. wake up in the middle of the night
7. sleep in a cool room
8. need an alarm clock to wake up
9. sleep on a hard bed
10. sleep eight hours or less
11. get up early
12. wake up feeling tired

Work in pairs and discuss what you know about sleeping and dreaming? Check True or False? Then listen

to an expert talk about sleeping and dreaming. Were your guesses correct?

Sleeping and dreaming True False

1. Women sleep more than men. v
/ˌekspəːˈtiːz /
2. A sound sleeper moves less than a light sleeper. v
3. Most people need nine hours of sleep a night. v
4. Reading in bed helps your sleep. v
5. Some people don’t dream at all. v
6. The average person has about four dreams a night. v

7. Not everyone can remember his or her dreams. v

8. Eating before bed can give you nightmares. v

deja vu

Match the phrases in A with the definitions in B.

to my mind enrich my knowledge, experience
e 1. keep an open mind a. increase your knowledge
= in my opinion
d 2. bear in mind b. I forgot

g 3. have something in mind c. I couldn’t remember a thing

f 4. have something on your mind d. remember
c 5. my mind goes blank e. try not to judge before you know the facts
b 6. it slipped my mind f. be worried about something
h 7. put my mind at ease g. have an idea
a 8. broaden my mind h. stop you from worrying
I can remember her name when l look at her face.
Her face reminds me of her name.
Listen to a student answering the questions. Write the missing words and phrases connected with

memory. remember, memorize, reminisce, remind

learn by heart
What do you remember about your early childhood?
Oh, I remember being very happy! I have a lot of great ____________ of my childhood. In fact. my sisters and I
often ____________ about it. Perhaps when you look back everything seems better, but our summer holidays

seemed to go on forever and the sun always seemed to be shining. Nowadays, we ever have a hot summer day,
it always ____________ me of my childhood holidays.

Do you think you have a good memory or a poor memory?

Well, when I was younger I think I used to have a very good memory. I used to be able to ____________ long lists
of dates without any trouble. But I find it harder and harder to remember things these days, so now I'd say my
memory is quite poor. When I'm studying I find I have to think up strategies to help me, like ____________

something associated with a particular word. I even forget important things sometimes, so I have to write myself
little notes as a ____________ .

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