Project Proposal: Rejuvenation of Brain Neurons Using Quantum Entanglement in Nucleotides and Cryptochromes

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ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res.

12(05), 639-646

Journal Homepage:

Article DOI:10.21474/IJAR01/18765


Ali Karakus
Manuscript Info Abstract
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Manuscript History In this paper, we propose a novel and futuristic theoretical framework
Received: 20 March 2024 aimed at rejuvenating and repairing human brain neurons through the
Final Accepted: 27 April 2024 application of quantum entanglement. We hypothesize that by inducing
Published: May 2024 atomic entanglement in nucleotides and photonic entanglement in
cryptochromes, and subsequently reinjecting these entangled particles
into brain neurons, we can exploit the unique properties of quantum
\ entanglement to enhance neuronal repair and regeneration. Our study
delves into the underlying quantum mechanisms, presents detailed
mathematical formulations, and outlines comprehensive experimental
protocols for achieving neuronal rejuvenation. Additionally, we explore
the potential amplification of these effects by exposing entangled
particles to the space environment, leveraging factors such as
microgravity, cosmic radiation, vacuum conditions, temperature
extremes, and electromagnetic isolation. This approach is specifically
tailored for brain neurons, as other cells in the body do not process and
transmit information in a manner that would benefit from quantum
entanglement. Furthermore, we discuss the potential application of this
method in treating blindness and neurodegenerative diseases such as
Alzheimer's disease.

Copy Right, IJAR, 2024,. All rights reserved.

The human brain, a marvel of biological engineering, functions as the central hub for processing, transmitting, and
storing vast amounts of information. Neurons, the fundamental units of the brain, are specialized cells that facilitate
these processes through their intricate network of synapses and molecular components. Among these components,
nucleotides and cryptochromes play crucial roles in maintaining the integrity and functionality of neurons.

Recent advances in quantum biology suggest that quantum mechanical phenomena, such as entanglement, could
significantly influence biological processes. Quantum entanglement, a phenomenon where two particles become
intertwined in such a way that the state of one instantaneously affects the state of the other, regardless of distance,
opens up new possibilities for biological applications. This paper aims to explore the feasibility of utilizing
entangled particles to rejuvenate and repair neurons, presenting a pioneering approach that merges quantum physics
with neuroscience.

Corresponding Author:- Ali Karakus

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(05), 639-646

Our central hypothesis posits that inducing quantum entanglement at the atomic level in nucleotides and at the
photonic level in cryptochromes, followed by the reinjection of these entangled particles into brain neurons, can
facilitate enhanced neuronal repair and rejuvenation. Furthermore, we propose that exposing these entangled
particles to the space environment could amplify these effects due to the unique conditions present in space.

1. Atomic Entanglement in Nucleotides
1. Preparation: Isolate nucleotides from neural tissue samples. These nucleotides will serve as the foundational
elements for entanglement.
2. Entanglement Induction:
 Utilize a high-energy laser to induce atomic entanglement in the nucleotides through a process known as
Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion (SPDC). This process involves the interaction of a single high-
energy photon with a nonlinear crystal, resulting in the production of two lower-energy entangled photons.
 Monitor the entanglement using quantum state tomography to ensure the nucleotides are correctly entangled.
3. Reinjection: Reinject the entangled nucleotides back into the neurons, facilitating their integration into the
neural network.

Figure 1:- Schematic Diagram of SPDC Process to Generate Entangled Nucleotides.

2. Photonic Entanglement in Cryptochromes

1. Preparation: Extract cryptochrome proteins from neural tissues. Cryptochromes are light-sensitive proteins
that play a role in circadian rhythms and magnetic field detection.
2. Entanglement Induction:
 Use polarized light to induce photonic entanglement in cryptochromes. This involves directing polarized light
through the cryptochrome samples to generate pairs of entangled photons.
 Verify the entanglement through Bell test experiments, which confirm the presence of non-classical correlations
between the entangled particles.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(05), 639-646

3. Reinjection: Reinject the entangled cryptochromes back into the neurons, where they can potentially influence
the neurons' quantum states and enhance repair mechanisms.

Figure 2:- Illustration of Photonic Entanglement in Cryptochromes Using Polarized Light.

3. Space Environment Effects

To further explore the potential of quantum entanglement in neuronal repair, we propose exposing a subset of the
entangled particles to the space environment. Space offers unique conditions that could enhance the therapeutic
potential of entanglement:
1. Microgravity:
 Hypothesis: Microgravity reduces cellular stress and promotes more efficient entanglement maintenance.
 Mechanism: Δ𝐸=−𝑚𝑔ΔℎΔE=−mgΔh, where Δ𝐸ΔE is the change in energy, 𝑚m is mass, 𝑔g is gravitational
acceleration, and ΔℎΔh is the change in height. In microgravity, Δ𝐸≈0ΔE≈0.
2. Cosmic Radiation:
 Hypothesis: Controlled exposure to cosmic radiation can induce beneficial mutations or repair mechanisms.
 Mechanism: Radiation dose 𝐷=𝐸𝑚D=mE, where 𝐸E is energy and 𝑚m is mass. Optimize exposure to avoid
DNA damage.
3. Vacuum Conditions:
 Hypothesis: Vacuum conditions prevent oxidative damage, preserving entanglement.
 Mechanism: 𝑃𝑣𝑎𝑐𝑢𝑢𝑚≈0Pvacuum≈0, significantly reducing the presence of reactive oxygen species (ROS).
4. Temperature Extremes:
 Hypothesis: Temperature cycling in space enhances quantum coherence and stability.
 Mechanism: Quantum coherence time 𝜏𝑐∝1𝑇τc∝T1, where 𝑇T is temperature. Controlled cycles between
extreme temperatures may enhance 𝜏𝑐τc.
5. Isolation:
 Hypothesis: Isolation from Earth's electromagnetic fields reduces decoherence.
 Mechanism: Decoherence rate 𝛾∝⟨𝐻𝑖𝑛𝑡⟩γ∝⟨Hint⟩, where 𝐻𝑖𝑛𝑡Hint is the interaction Hamiltonian. Space
isolation reduces ⟨𝐻𝑖𝑛𝑡⟩⟨Hint⟩, preserving entanglement.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(05), 639-646

Figure 3:- Experimental Setup for Space Exposure of Entangled Particles.

Mathematical Formulation
To rigorously analyze the proposed entanglement processes, we employ the Schrödinger equation for entangled
where ∣0⟩∣0⟩ and ∣1⟩∣1⟩ represent the quantum states of the nucleotides or cryptochromes.
For the dynamic behavior under space conditions, we solve the time-dependent Schrödinger equation:
where 𝐻H is the Hamiltonian incorporating space-induced effects such as microgravity, radiation, and temperature

Given the complexity and quantum nature of the problem, we will perform the simulation on a quantum computer.
This choice is justified for the following reasons:
1. Natural Fit: Quantum computers operate based on quantum mechanics, making them ideal for simulating
quantum phenomena such as entanglement.
2. Speed and Efficiency: Quantum computers can solve certain problems exponentially faster than classical
computers, enabling efficient simulation of large and complex quantum systems.
3. Complexity and Sensitivity: Quantum computers can handle the high level of complexity and sensitivity
required for accurate simulation of quantum interactions in neuronal networks.

Simulation Steps:
1. Modeling Neuronal Networks: Create a computational model of neuronal networks using qubits to represent
quantum states of nucleotides and cryptochromes.
2. Simulation Inputs: Apply quantum entanglement effects to the model, using quantum gates and circuits to
induce entanglement in the simulated neuronal networks.
3. Simulation Outputs: Analyze the impact of entanglement on neuronal repair and regeneration, leveraging the
quantum computer's capabilities to handle complex calculations and interactions.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(05), 639-646

Figure 4:- Simulation Setup for Quantum Entanglement Effects on Neuronal Repair.

Results and Discussion:-

This section will present the theoretical calculations, simulation results, and preliminary experimental data
supporting the hypothesis. The impact of space conditions on entanglement and neuronal repair will be discussed.

Figure 5:- Quantum State Tomography Results Showing Entanglement Before and After Space Exposure.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(05), 639-646

Comparative Analysis
We will compare the neuronal repair in control and treated groups to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed

Figure 6:- Comparative Analysis of Neuronal Repair in Control and Treated Groups.

Experimental Plan for Drosophila melanogaster

If the simulation is successful, we propose to begin the first experimental trials using Drosophila melanogaster
(fruit fly) for the following reasons:
1. Genetic Similarity: Drosophila shares a significant number of genes with humans, making it a suitable model
for studying genetic and molecular processes.
2. Short Life Cycle: The short life cycle of Drosophila allows for rapid generation turnover and quick observation
of experimental results.
3. Well-Studied Model: Drosophila is a well-established model organism in genetic research, with extensive tools
and resources available for manipulation and analysis.
4. Presence of Nucleotides and Cryptochromes: Drosophila contains both nucleotides and cryptochromes,
which are essential for this study. 5. Cost-Effective: Maintaining and experimenting on Drosophila is relatively
inexpensive compared to larger animal models.

Potential Impact on Blindness and Alzheimer's Disease

Enhancing the Visual Process through Quantum Entanglement
The visual process involves the detection and interpretation of light by the eyes and the brain. Here are the steps of
this process and how quantum entanglement might enhance it:
1. Light Enters the Eyes: Light passes through the cornea and pupil to reach the lens.
2. Lens Refraction: The lens focuses light onto the retina.
3. Retina and Photoreceptors: The retina contains rods and cones that convert light into electrical signals.
4. Phototransduction: Photoreceptors convert light energy into electrical signals.
5. Signal Transmission to the Optic Nerve: Electrical signals are transmitted to the brain via the optic nerve.
6. Brain and Visual Processing: The brain interprets these signals to create the visual experience.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(05), 639-646

By using quantum entanglement to repair damage in the retina and photoreceptors, we can potentially restore vision
in conditions like blindness. Entangled particles could facilitate the faster and more effective repair of photoreceptor
cells, improving visual acuity.

Figure 7:- Schematic Diagram of Enhancing the Visual Process through Quantum Entanglement.

Potential Effects on Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's disease is characterized by the degeneration of neurons and the decline in the brain's ability to process
information. Quantum entanglement could accelerate neuronal repair and regeneration processes, potentially
slowing or halting this degeneration. Specifically, entangled particles might:
1. Clear Amyloid Plaques: Help in the faster clearance of amyloid plaques that accumulate in Alzheimer's
2. Repair Neurons: Promote the repair of damaged neurons and synaptic connections, enhancing cognitive
3. Increase Synaptic Plasticity: Improve the flexibility and adaptability of synapses, aiding in learning and
memory processes.

Our theoretical framework suggests that quantum entanglement, enhanced by space conditions, can significantly
impact neuronal repair and rejuvenation. Future experimental studies using Drosophila melanogaster will validate
these findings and explore their therapeutic potential in clinical settings. This approach is specifically targeted
towards brain neurons, as other cells in the body do not process and transmit information in a manner that would
benefit from quantum entanglement. Additionally, this method offers promising potential for treating blindness and
neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's.

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ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(05), 639-646

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This paper presents a comprehensive theoretical framework that integrates quantum mechanics with neuroscience to
propose a novel approach for neuronal repair and rejuvenation. Through the use of atomic and photonic
entanglement, combined with the unique conditions of the space environment, we aim to explore new frontiers in
treating neurodegenerative diseases and sensory impairments. Further experimental validation and ethical
considerations will be crucial as we move forward in this groundbreaking research.

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