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Communication Link Budget Estimation between

Ground IoT Terminal and Cubesat 3U ’s SDR

Smart Communications Team (ERSC) Electronics and Telecommunications Department
Mohammadia School of Engineers Royal Air Academy
University Center for Research in Space Technologies Marrakech, Morocco
Rabat, Morocco

3nd Zouhair GUENNOUN

Smart Communications Team (ERSC)
Mohammadia School of Engineers
University Center for Research in Space Technologies
Rabat, Morocco

Abstract—This paper reports the study and analysis of the the Communication system (COM), the thermal System,
link budget for uplink and downlink communication between the payload and others.
the 3U university nano-satellite using Software-defined radio The University Center for Research in Space Technolo-
(SDR) and the ground IoT terminals. The aim of such study
is to ensure that the playload of the 3U-CubeSat receives gies is in the stage of an ongoing 3U-cubeSat project with
and processes correctly data sent by ground IoT terminals. a telecommunication mission. This concerns the develop-
The calculation of the link budget allows the determination ment of a payload application able to collect information
of attenuation parameters such as atmospheric losses, free from IoT terminals and M2M using ground sensors. These
space path losses, antenna polarization losses. The analysis of IoT Terminals will be spread over remote Moroccan
the link budget enables finding the adequate elevation angle
to ensure that the communication link and synchronization sites not covered by terrestrial networks, to collect and
can be performed correctly. For this purpose, the link margin gather data measured by the sensors about different
for three different elevation angles is calculated. It has been Moroccan sites parameters such as temperature,humidityl,
shown that 30° elevation angle is the optimal elevation for a concentration of CO2 and water level . During the cubeSat
favorable communication link between the 3U university nano- visibility, these collected data will be sent to the cubeSat
satellite and the ground IoT terminals.The original idea in
this work is to provide a detailed overview of the architecture that will be forwarding such data to the graound station
communication between 3U cubesat and ground IoT terminal in Rabat for archiving, processing and analysing.
and to analyze the link budget requirements to successfully The remaining sections of this article are organized as
establish this communication. follows: the architecture system under study is presented
Index Terms—Nano-satellite, CubeSat, Internet of Thing in the section 2. The used parameters of the link budget
(IoT), Link budget, Satellite communications, Software Defined
Radio (SDR) and their calculations are exposed in section 3. The cal-
culation of the down/up link budget and their discussions
are reported in section 4.
In recent years, several countries and worldwide uni- II. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE
versities have been able to integrate the space commu- The system under study must provide a communication
nity through the design and development of their own service for the terminals deployed on the ground to
nanosatellites thanks to the CubeSat standard [1]. The respond to the main objective of the mission. Indeed,
cost of cubeSat is low compared to traditional satellites the ground IoT terminal sends data to the satellite in
because very often cubeSat are built from components a UHF frequency band, after synchronization. The nano
available commercially on the shelf (COTS). These uni- satellite receives the message and performs the processing
versities are seeking to master space technologies by de- and storage before sending it to the ground station for
velopping several projects based on the design of cubesats operation.
[2] [3] [4] [5] [6]. The system architecture is composed of a 3U nano
In general, a CubeSat is composed of several sub- satellite using a circular LEO orbit at an altitude about
systems such as the on-board computer for Command and 525 km and has an inclination of 97°. The ground station
Data Processing (OBC), the power supply system (EPS), is located at the city of Rabat and ground terminals (IoT
modem and M2M) are spread over three different regions
(Nord, East and South) of Morocco to ensure the three
applications namely detection fire alarm, smart irrigation
and weather station. The Figure 1 shows the architecture
of the system under study.

Fig. 3. Front End UHF Block diagram.

Fig. 1. Architecture of the System Under Study.

A. University 3U nano satellite segment

The 3U university nano-satellite has two main parts,
namely the platform and the payload. The Functionalities
Fig. 4. The processing of IoT messages received by the TOTEM
carried out by the two subsystems are : SDR board of the 3U nanosatellite Diagram.
At the level of the platform: The messages received by
the payload TOTEM SDR board [7] are sent via the CAN
bus using the CSP protocol to the PlayLoad Controller. B. Ground IoT terminal segment
The PlayLoad Controller routes the information received
The ground IoT terminals used for this study are
to the S-band transceiver for sending them to the ground
composed of a IoT UHF-modem terminal, a processing
station. Figure 2 shows the routing of data from the
unit and sensors as shown in figure 5. The processing unit
TOTEM SDR card to the ground station via the 3U
is responsible of calculating the position of the satellite,
CubeSat platform. .
the doppler shift and generating the message to be sent .
The IoT UHF modem terminal is a communication USB
radio device for transmitting and receiving messages under
the KISS protocol. It is composed of a control module, a
transmitter/receiver connected to a Font End.
In addition, the Front End connecting the Turnstile
Antenna to the transceiver via an RF (SMA) connector is
split into two blocks. The first has a power amplifier that
amplifies the signal to the power of desired output while
the second has an LNA. The two blocks are connected to
the antenna switch which allows switching from transmis-
sion mode to reception mode. The characteristics of the
Fig. 2. Routing of data from the TOTEM SDR card to the ground IoT UHF modem terminal are presented in Table 1.
station via the 3U CubeSat platform diagram.
At the payload level: It is composed of a TOTEM SDR IoT Terminal UHF modem characteristics
board and a UHF Front End (as illustrated in figure 3)
for receiving, processing and storing messages from ground Parametre Value
TX power up to 31dBm
IoT terminals. Data rate 1.2 kbps, 2.4 kbps or 4.8 lbps
Figure 4 shows the processing process for messages Modulation GMSK
received bythe TOTEM SDR board of the 3U nano- Sensitivity -123 dBm
that one of the two elements (or both) is in motion.
The variation of frequency depends on the relative speed
or distance between the CubeSat and the ground IoT
terminal [9].
The speed of satellites in low earth orbit is quite
significant resulting in a severe Doppler shift. When the
satellite has a relative speed of Vc along the line of sight,
then the received signal has an offset frequency given by:
Vc f R cos(α)
fdoppler = ( )× (1)
c R+h
Where f is the carrier signal frequency, α is the elevation
angle, h is the orbit altitude and R is the earth radius
Fig. 5. Block Diagram of Ground IoT Terminal. (6378 km).
As an example, for an elevation angle of 0°, the Doppler
C. Communication Link Requirement shift is around 9.64 kHz for a UHF frequency of 401.6
MHz. When the elevation angle changes to 30°, the
To enable reliable communication between the ground offset Doppler is about 8.29 kHz. To compensate for the
IoT terminal and the 3U-CubeSat, a study of the KISS Doppler shift two strategies can be considered: either the
communication protocol and Doppler effect is performed. compensation will be performed at CubeSat level or it
The KISS protocol [8] is designed to be easy to may be carried out at the level of the IoT terminal on the
implement in terminals, capable of asynchronous serial ground.
communications. It operates by delimiting the frame at the The retained choice is made towards a compensation at
beginning by a FEND (Frame END) and at the end of the the level of the ground IoT terminal by the reception of
frame by FEND (Frame END) for the sake of performance Two-Line Elements (TLE) information from the CubeSat.
improvement in the presence of noise on the asynchronous The TLE data will be used by the Ground IoT terminal
line as shown in figure 6. program to calculate the Doppler shift in order to send
the packet with the compensated frequency.
Considering the satellite communication link shown in
Fig. 6. KISS Frame Structure. figure 1. We propose to determine the power of a signal
received from the satellite knowing that the signal is
Furthermore, the FEND at the beginning of each frame
transmitted by a ground IoT terminal. The part of the
serves to ”eliminate” any waste accumulated in a separate
transmission link from the ground IoT terminal to the
frame (which will be rejected by the upper layer protocol).
satellite is called an uplink and that of the satellite to the
In addition, the frames are transmitted in 8 bits; the
ground IoT terminal is called a downlink.
link asynchronous is set to 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and
Let us consider the transmit power from the ground IoT
no parity bit.If a FEND character appears in the data, it
terminal to satellite to be Pt, the power, Pr, received at
is translated into the sequence of two characters Frame
the level of the satellite is given by the following FRIIS
Escape (FESC) and Transposed Frame End (TFEND).
equation :
Similarly, if the FESC character appears in the user data, 1 1
it is replaced by the sequence of two bytes Frame Escape Pr = Pt Gt Gr × × (2)
(FESC) and Transposed Frame End (TFEND). See table where :
III of the special characteristics of kiss protocol. Pt is the power delivered to the transmitting antenna in
watts (W) ,
KISS special characters
Pr is the power delivered by the receiving antenna in watts
Description Hex value Gt is the transmit antenna gain,
Frame END (FEND) 0xC0 Gr is the receiving antenna gain,
Frame Escape (FESC) 0xDB LF S is the free space path loss,
Transposed Frame END (TFEND) 0xDC
L expresses the overall effect of atmospheric losses other
Frame Escape (TFESC ) 0xDD
than free space losses.
The Doppler effect is defined as the frequency shift of a The global effect of the losses in the atmosphere can
electromagnetic wave between the emission measurement be expressed depending on the various attenuation coeffi-
and the reception measurement when the distance between cients such as :
the transmitter and the receiver varies over time implying L = Lem × Lprop × Lpol × Lpoint × Lrec (3)
where: which gives up all or part of its energy, leading conse-
Lem : losses between the transmitter output and the quently to an attenuation of the signal in the direction of
transmitting antenna, spread.
Lprop : propagation losses in the atmosphere and the *The ionosphere contains mainly ionized particles. Its
ionosphere, main effect is scintillation which is the result of rapid
Lpol : losses resulting from a poor adaptation of the fluctuations in amplitude, phase and angle of arrival of
polarization of the two antennas, the signals received after crossing the atmosphere. These
Lpoint : losses due to the depointing of the two antennas, fluctuations are due either to the variation of the refrac-
Lrec : losses between the reception antenna and the input tive index caused either by the presence of atmospheric
of the receiver. turbulence, or by irregularities in the ionization within the
ionosphere caused by the solar activities.
The losses due to the ionosphere layer are of the order of
A. Free-Space Path Loss Calculation 0.4 dB using AMSAT-IARU Link Spreadsheet Model Rev
The free space propagation losses are the most impor- 2.5.5. Regarding gas atmospherics losses, they are given
tant losses in satellite communications. They depend on according to the elevation in Table IV.
the distance between the transmitter and the receiver, of
the frequency used. They can be expressed as: Loss due to atmosphere gases
4πd 2
LF S = ( ) (4) Elevation angle (Degree) Loss (dB)
0° 10.2
Where d is the slant range in meters (m) between the 10° 1.1
30° 0.4
3U-CubeSat and the ground IoT terminal, λ is the 60° 0.3
wavelength in meters (m) corresponding to the working 90° 0

The slant distance d is calculated using the AMSAT- C. Antenna Polarization Loss Calculation
IARU Link Template Rev 2.5.5 spreadsheet [10]. The The communication link between the 3U-CubeSat and
result is integrated into the calculation of losses LF S for the IoT terminal on the ground uses two antennas at
different elevation angles from 0° to 90° with a step of 10°. both ends for the establishment of communication. To
Table III presents the free space path losses as a function guarantee the reliability of this link, the chosen antennas
of the slant distance between the 3U-CubeSat and the IoT must have characteristics that meet requirements in terms
terminal on the ground and the elevation angle. of gain, polarization and pointing angle to minimize
pointing losses and compensate for polarization changes
TABLE III induced by Faraday’s rotation.
Free Space Path Loss PER Elevation Angle The ideal configuration for the two antennas for re-
ceiving ption and transmitting is that their polarization
Elevation angle Slant range Free-space path loss is the same. As a result, the incoming wave received by
(Degree) (km) (dB) the antenna at maximum power extracted therefore there
0° 2640.8 153.0
10° 1755.9 149.4 will be no loss of polarization. Table V lists the different
20° 1234 146.4 antenna polarization configurations with the value of the
30° 951 144.1 corresponding polarization losses.
40° 777 142.3
50° 668 141.0
60° 599 140.1 TABLE V
70° 556 139.4 Antenna Polarization configurations and Polarization Loss
80° 532 139.1
90° 525 138.9
Antenna Polarization combination Polarization loss
Circular (Right or Left) - Linear -3
B. Atmospheric Loss Calculation Vertical - Vertical 0
Horizontal -Horizontal 0
A radio link between the ground IoT terminal and a Vertical - Horizontal -∞
Circular right hand -Circular right hand 0
satellite passes through the earth’s atmosphere and enters Circular left hand - Circular left hand 0
collision with the molecules and particles that compose it. Circular right hand -Circular left hand -∞
We then distinguish two regions likely to infuence wave
propagation: We opted to use a circularly polarized antenna on the
*The troposphere composed of gaseous particles which side ground IoT terminal and in the other side a linear
cause a transfer of energy and the absorption of radiation polarization antenna, even if it causes a loss of 3 dB.
Thereby, a dipole antenna with a length of 17 cm operating F. Signal to noise ratio
in UHF was installed at the playload of the 3U-CubeSat. The adequate signal-to-noise ratio for transferring the
The antenna used for the ground IoT terminal is a UHF desired data with success using the selected binary rate
Turnstile antenna operating in frequency range 350 MHz can be achieved from the parameters calculated in the
to 500 MHz and offering a gain of around 1.37 dB [11]. It prrevious sections and the N Eb
ratio required to ensure
is circularly polarized with an omnidirectional radiation a certain bit error rate (BER) for a specific modulation
pattern to avoid the installation of a 3U-CubeSat tracking scheme.
system. The study conducted from several publications on the
D. Cable and Connector Loss Calculation modulation techniques adopted and used in the commu-
nication subsystem of nano satellites [14] [15] leads to the
The ground IoT terminal uses a TMS coaxial cable choice of GMSK modulation, the N Eb
ratio required to
LMR-400 to connect the UHF Turnstile antenna to the −4
ensure a 10 bit error rate is the order of 8.4 dB.
IoT Terminal UHF modem. The total cable length is 10
To calculate the signal to noise ratio required, we use
meters with two connectors.
the following relationship:
The online calculator [12] was chosen to calculate the
cable losses. Cable losses are estimated to contribute S Eb Rb
= × (8)
approximately 0.83 dB for a power of 5 W. For the losses N N0 B
of the two connectors, they are estimated on the basis of where N is the noise power referred to the input of the
the model AMSAT to be 0.05 dB. receiver, Rb is the bitrate and B is the bandwidth.
E. Noise system temperature IV. LINK BUDGET CALCULATION
The received signal is still affected by undesirable noise. The university 3U-Cubesat is deployed at 525 km
Noise degrades the ability to interpret correctly the useful altitude, transmitting at the frequency of 401.6 MHz
signal. The main sources of noise are: cosmic noise, atmo- with transmission power of 0.5 W and using GMSK
spheric noise from rain, fog. and enlightening artificial modulation. To see what angle of elevation best adapts to
noises and finally thermal noise in all the electronic the communication link between the 3U-CubeSat and the
appliances. To determine the noise power, Pn, produced ground IoT terminal, link margin for uplink and downlink
in the reception chain, the formula from [13] is used: of the system must be calculated.
The conducted study of several publications and
Pn = K × Ts × B (5)
projects [5][16] on communication between 3U-CubeSat
where Pn is noise power (W), k is Boltzman constant and ground IoT terminals led to the choice of three
(1.3806×10−23 j.K −1 ), B is noise bandwidth interval (Hz) elevation angles (90°, 30° and 10°) for the calculation of
and Ts is effective noise temperature ( deg K). uplink and downlink margins.
The temperature noise level of a receiver-antenna sys- Table VI shows the result of the link budget rising
tem is the sum of the effective antenna noise temperature, for the three elevation angles. Using AMSAT/IARU
the noise temperature of the transmission cable and the Annotated Link Model System [10], all the parameters
effective noise temperature of the receiver: associated with the ground IoT terminal and the CubeSat
3U universities have integrated into this model and the
Ts = Tant + Tcab + Trec . (6) link margin for each of the elevation angles was calculated.
The effective temperature of the receiver is calculated By analyzing the result, the uplink has a high link margin
from its noise factor that is measured at the input of the of 28.2 dB at 90° elevation compared to 10° and 30° which
receiver: T e = T0 (F − 1) . Hence, the noise temperature have a link margin of 16.6 dB and 22.7 dB respectively.
of the overall system is: This shows that when the 3U-CubeSat is located
vertically to the ground IoT terminal, the 3U-CubeSat
Ta Lc − 1
Ts = + Tt × + T0 × (F − 1) (7) receiver will receive a powerful signal Communication. In
LC Lc conclusion, the greater the slant distance d is shorter, the
where : Ts is effective system temperature (K), communication link between the 3U-CubeSat and the IoT
Ta is effective antenna temperature including all external terminal on the ground is favorable.
noise ( K) The level of the signal received at the antenna of
,Tt is thermodynamic temperature of the cable (K), the 3U-CubeSat is -177.4 dBW for an elevation angle
Lc is cable loss, of 30 degrees considered as the optimal elevation from
F is the noise figure for the receiver defined at the which the ground IoT terminal can start receiving TLE
terminals. packets from 3U-CubeSat and transmitting the useful
The calculation of the system noise temperature for the information. Thus, the link margin estimate corresponding
uplink and downlink was performed using the AMSAT to an elevation angle of 10° satisfies the minimum ground-
model. space communication requirement. Thus, in order to avoid
TABLE VI provess that the link margin is strongly affected by the
Uplink Budget Estimation attenuation in the free space.
Indeed, when transmitting TLE data from the 3U-
Ground IoT Terminal
TX power (W) 5 5 5
CubeSat to the ground IoT terminal, the signal has
Transmission line losses (dB) 1.6 1.6 1.6 to pass through the atmosphere and experience higher
Antenna gain (dBi) 1.4 1.4 1.4 attenuation, which lead to signal losses. Moreover, the
Ground IoT Terminal EIRP (dBW) 6.7 6.7 6.7 low power offered by the 3U-CubeSat for transmitting
Channel/Medium Losses
Elevation angle (Degree) 10 30 90 the packets to the IoT terminal on the ground is also one
Ground pointing loss (dB) 0.5 0.5 0.5 of the reasons for the low link margin. However, since the
Polarization loss (dB) 3 3 3 link margin corresponding to an elevation angle of 30° is
Free space loss (dB) 149.4 144.1 138.9
Atmospheric attenuations (dB) 1.1 0.4 0
greater than 3 dB, it is suitable for the transmission of
Ionosphere loss (dB) 0.4 0.4 0.4 TLE information from the CubeSat to the IoT terminal
Rain loss (dB) 0 0 0 on the ground.
Total attenuation (dB) 153 150 144.4
Isotropic received power (dBW) -147.7 -141.7 -136.1
CubeSat pointing loss (dB) 0.5 0.5 0.5
TX power (W) 0.5 0.5 0.5
In this paper, a detailed study of the radio link budgets
Line losses (dB) 0.8 0.8 0.8 between the ground IoT terminal and the 3U Cubesat has
CubeSat Antenna gain (dBi) 2.2 2.2 2.2 been carried out. Link and device parameters have been
Noise temperature (K) 309 309 309 designed to ensure reliable communication. This study
Figure of merit (G/T) (dB/K) -23.6 -23.6 -23.6
Signal-to-Noise Power Density 56.8 62.8 68.4 shows that from an elevation of 30°, the two uplink and
Data rate in dBHz 1200 1200 1200 downlink communication links are favorable. And that
Command system Eb/No (dB) 26 32.1 37.6 free space attenuation is the only parameter that has a
Modulation methode selected GMSK
significant influence on the link margin.
Required Eb/No for BER = 10−4 8.4 8.4 8.4
Link margin (dB) 16.6 22.7 28.2 In addition, to allow synchronization between the 3U
Cubesat and ground IoT terminal, 30° elevation is ade-
quate to receive TLE information from Cubesat so that
the effects of natural or artificial obstacles at too low an the ground IoT terminal compensates for the Doppler
elevation, we choose 30° as the optimal elevation angle. effect and then transmit the useful information to the
TABLE VII For future work, we expect the implementation of this
Downlink Budget Estimation application on the Totem SDR board, then the test of
proper functioning in the laboratory and finally, upload
CubeSat the application in the flight model of the University 3U-
TX power (W) 0.5 0.5 0.5
Transmission line losses (dB) 1 1 1 Cubesat.
CubeSat Antenna gain (dBi) 2.2 2.2 2.2
CubeSat EIRP (dBW) -1.9 -1.9 -1.9 VI. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
Channel/Medium Losses
Elevation angle (Degree) 10 30 90 This work was carried out in the frame of the cooper-
CubeSat pointing loss (dB) 0.5 0.5 0.5 ation between the Royal Centre for Space Research and
Polarization loss (dB) 3 3 3
Free space loss (dB) 149.4 141.1 138.9 Studies (CRERS) and the Mohammed V University in
Atmospheric attenuations (dB) 1.1 0.4 0 Rabat (UM5R).
Ionosphere loss (dB) 0.4 0.4 0.4
Rain loss (dB) 0 0 0
Total attenuation (dB) 155.4 146.4 143.8
Isotropic received power (dBW) -156.4 -150.4 -144.8
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