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Sourcing and Procurement

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Data Management in Sourcing and Procurement

In this section, you can nd the functions available for managing your data.

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Related Information
Data Management in SAP S/4HANA Cloud

Data Protection in Sourcing and Procurement

Data Protection in Sourcing and Procurement

Data protection is associated with numerous legal requirements and privacy concerns. In addition to compliance with general
data privacy regulation, it is necessary to consider compliance with industry-speci c legislation in different countries. SAP
provides speci c features and functions to support compliance with regard to relevant legal requirements, including data

Sourcing and Procurement provides an end of purpose (EoP) check to determine whether supplier and customer data is still
relevant for business activities in the application or can be blocked.

Related Information
Business Partner End of Purpose (EoP) Check in Sourcing and Procurement

Data Archiving in Sourcing and Procurement

Data archiving is used to delete data at the end of its lifecycle and to block and delete personal data in SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
Archiving moves the personal data from the database to archive les if the end of purpose is reached. In doing so, the personal
data is implicitly marked as blocked. Blocked data has access restrictions to prevent further unauthorized processing.

Personal data remains blocked until the retention period has ended. Once this is the case, you can destroy the archived data.

The following table shows the available archiving objects:

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Objects in Sourcing and Procurement Archiving Objects

Purchase Requisitions MM_EBAN

Purchasing Documents MM_EKKO

Purchasing Info Records MM_EINA

Materials Management: Invoice Documents MM_REBEL

In the Manage Archiving Variants app, choose the archiving object and schedule archiving. For more information about
scheduling archiving jobs, see Manage Archiving Variants.

Business Partner End of Purpose (EoP) Check in Sourcing and


Sourcing and Procurement (Materials Management) provides an end of purpose (EoP) check to determine whether supplier
and customer data is still relevant for business activities in the application or can be blocked.

Application Name Application Description Business Partner Type

ERP_MM Materials Management Customer, Supplier

For Sourcing and Procurement, the EoP check covers the following business objects:

Purchasing documents (also documents containing items for lean services)

Purchase requisitions

Purchasing info records

Invoice documents

When a business partner is blocked, the application does not display any personal data related to this business partner,
including the number of the business partner. A business user can neither display or change any information, nor create new
business with this business partner. Furthermore, it is not possible to copy a business object or perform follow-up activities for a
business object that contains blocked data, and you cannot search for blocked data or search for a business object using
blocked data in the search criteria.

Only users with special authorization can display blocked data; they are not authorized, however, to create, change, or copy
business objects with blocked data, or perform follow-up activities with these business objects.

For the business documents listed below, authorized users have to choose the listed options:

Blocked Documents and Display Options

Business Document Display Options for Blocked Documents

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Business Document Display Options for Blocked Documents

Using the Fiori apps

Service entry sheet

Request for quotation

Supplier quotation

Purchase contract

Supplier invoice

Using the "Advanced" or "Professional" Fiori apps

Purchase requisition

Purchase order

Scheduling agreement

Shopping cart

Purchasing info record

Technical Details
ILM Objects

The EoP check evaluates retention policies and data for the following ILM objects:

MM_EKKO (Purchasing Documents)

MM_EBAN (Purchase Requisitons)

MM_EINA (Purchasing Info Records)

MM_REBEL (Invoice Documents)

EoP Check Implementation

The following functionality is provided for the EoP check of the customer and supplier:

The application searches for data with reference to business partners; the same checks as for data archiving are applied.
See the following documentation:

Archiving Purchase Requisitions Using MM_EBAN

Archiving Purchasing Documents Using MM_EKKO

Archiving Purchasing Info Records Using MM_EINA

Archiving Invoice Documents Using MM_REBEL

The end of business is reached when all documents for a business partner have been checked successfully and no open
business remains.

Purchasing documents can only be blocked if the deletion indicator has been set by the preprocessor for archiving.

The application returns the date of the last change of the business document and uses this date as the Start of
Retention Time (SoRT) in the Business Partner EoP check.

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The EoP check for Sourcing and Procurement supports the use of application rule variants based on ILM rule groups: If
you want to de ne differing residence and retention periods for business partner data depending on application-speci c
condition elds, you can use the following con guration app to de ne and assign rule variants:

Assign Rule Variants and Groups for the Customer/Supplier EoP Check

The app is used to assign the rule groups used in the ILM retention policies of an application-speci c ILM object to the
rule variants, which are used in combination with the application name to maintain the required residence and retention
policies for the BP-related ILM objects (FI_ACCRECV, FI_ACCPAYB).

You can set up the rule groups for an ILM object in con guration app Manage ILM Object Groups.

The EoP check for Sourcing and Procurement calculates the end of residence time (representing the EoP) based on
residence periods maintained for ILM objects FI_ACCRECV and FI_ACCPAYB that are active for audit area BUPA_DP
for the application name ERP_MM and the existing rule variants.

See Also
For more information, see Product Assistance Generic

Security Aspects Data Protection

General Functions for the Key User Information Lifecycle Management

Related Information
Blocking, Unblocking and Deletion of Business Partner, Customer and Supplier Master Data
Manage ILM Object Groups
Access Control and Data Protection
Information Lifecycle Management

Archiving Purchase Requisitions Using MM_EBAN

You can use the archiving object MM_EBAN for archiving purchase requisitions.

The following checks are carried out on purchasing requisitions before they can be archived:

Whether residence time 1 has passed (mandatory)

Whether residence time 2 has passed (optional)

You can control that this check is performed by deselecting parameter One-Step Procedure (for more information see
section De ning Preprocessing Variants below)

The following prerequisites need to be ful lled before a purchase requisition can be archived:

All business checks for the purchase requisition need to be ful lled.

 Note

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If the items in the purchase requisition are maintained as a hierarchical list, an item in the list can be archived only if
all its children and siblings are closed.

The residence time of each purchase requisition item must have passed.

ILM-Based Information for the Archiving Object

You can use this archiving object with the MM_EBAN ILM object as part of SAP Information Lifecycle Management.

The following elds for MM_EBAN are de ned in the ILM policy and are visible when processing the ILM Policies app:

Available Time References

End of Year (END_OF_YEAR)

Available Condition Fields

Order Type (BSART)

Creation Indicator (ESTKZ)

Plant (WERKS)

Available Policy Categories

RTP: Retention Rules

For more information, see Information Lifecycle Management.

De ning Write Variants

When you schedule the archiving run, you need to enter an existing variant or create a new one. You can do so in the Manage
Archiving Variants app.

The variant contains the selection criteria for the purchase requisitions that you want to archive.

You can select the purchase requisitions to be archived using the following criteria:

Requisition Date

Purchase Requisition

Document Type

Purchasing Group


De ning Preprocessing Variants

The preprocessing program for MM_EBAN checks whether the purchase requisitions that you specify by using a range of criteria
can be archived. The preprocessing program also sets the deletion indicator for closed purchase requisition items if the
residence time 1 has passed. Additionally, a second residence time can be applied, depending on your settings for the parameter
One-Step Procedure:

If parameter One-Step Procedure is selected, only residence time 1 is considered: The deletion indicator is set if the
residence time 1 has passed. The last change date of the document is not updated.

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This means that the purchase requisition is archived with the next run of the archiving write job.

If parameter One-Step Procedure is not selected, both residence time 1 and residence time 2 must have passed. The
deletion indicator is also set when residence time 1 has passed. However, the program interprets the setting of the
deletion indicator as the last change. Therefore, the last change date of the document is updated with the current
system date. This date marks the start of residence time 2.

Only after the end of residence time 2 can archiving be performed.

For more information about residence time 1 and 2 for archiving, please contact technical support.

 Note
Whether you use the one-step procedure or not also impacts data destruction (ILM) since the retention period used for data
destruction is equally calculated from the last change date. You can maintain the retention period for data destruction using
the app ILM Policies

You can de ne variants for this program by using the following selection parameters:

Requisition Date

Purchase Requisition

Document Type

Purchasing Group


One-Step Procedure

Archiving Purchasing Documents Using MM_EKKO

You can use the archiving object MM_EKKO for archiving purchasing documents.

The following checks are carried out on purchasing documents before they can be archived:

Whether residence time 1 has passed (mandatory)

Whether residence time 2 has passed (optional)

Whether the residence time is to be checked against the creation date of the document (optional)

The following prerequisites need to be ful lled before a purchasing document can be archived:

All business checks for the purchasing document need to be ful lled.

The residence time must have passed.

ILM-Based Information for the Archiving Object

You can use this archiving object with the MM_EKKO ILM object as part of SAP Information Lifecycle Management.

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The following elds for MM_EKKO are de ned in the ILM policy and are visible when processing the ILM Policies app:

Available Time References

End of Year (END_OF_YEAR)

Available Standard Condition Fields

Standard Field Country from Company Code (BS_COUNTRY_OF_BUKRS)

Available Condition Fields

Purchasing Document Type (BSART)

Purchasing Organization (EKORG)

Item Category in Purchasing Document (PSTYP)

Plant (WERKS)

Available Policy Categories

RTP: Retention Rules

For more information, see Information Lifecycle Management.

De ning Write Variants

When you schedule the archiving run, you need to enter an existing variant or create a new one. You can do so in the Manage
Archiving Variants app.

The variant contains the selection criteria for the purchasing documents that you want to archive

You can select the purchasing documents to be archived using the following criteria:

Residence Time Check Creation Date

If Residence Time Check Creation Date is set, the residence time is checked against the creation date of the purchase

If the indicator is not set, the residence time check is carried out against the last change date of the purchase order

Document Date

Purchasing Document Type

Purchasing Document Category

Company Code

Purchasing Document

Purchasing Group

Purchasing Organization

De ning Preprocessing Variants

The preprocessing program for MM_EKKO checks whether the purchasing documents which you specify by using a range of
criteria can be archived. The preprocessing program also sets the deletion indicator for the purchasing documents if the

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residence time 1 has passed. Additionally, a second residence time can be applied by the system, depending on your settings for
the parameter One-Step Procedure:

If parameter One-Step Procedure is selected, only residence time 1 is considered: The deletion indicator is set if the
residence time 1 has passed. The last change date of the document is not updated.

This means that the purchasing document is archived with the next run of the archiving write job.

If parameter One-Step Procedure is not selected, both residence time 1 and residence time 2 must have passed. The
deletion indicator is also set when residence time 1 has passed. However, the program interprets the setting of the
deletion indicator as the last change. Therefore, the last change date of the document is updated with the current
system date. This date marks the start of residence time 2.

Only after the end of residence time 2 can archiving be performed.

For more information about residence time 1 and 2 for archiving, please contact technical support.

 Note
Whether you use the one-step procedure or not also impacts data destruction (ILM) since the retention period used for data
destruction is equally calculated from the last change date. You can maintain the retention period for data destruction using
the app ILM Policies

You can de ne variants for this program by using the following selection parameters:

Key Date for Last Change

Key Date for Quoation Date

All RFQs whose deadline for submission of quotations has expired before this key date are obsolete and can be archived.

Purchasing Document Type

Purchasing Document Category

Company Code

Purchasing Document Number

Purchasing Group

Purchasing Organization

Purchasing Group

One-Step Procedure

The system gives the following reasons why deletion indicator cannot be set for a purchase order item in a log:

The document could not be blocked.

No additional check is active for the affected document category or document type.

An item is blocked.

The delivery costs have not been cleared for an item.

The blocked stock for an item is not 0.

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Down payments exist for an item.

Parked invoices exist for an item.

The GR quantity is not equal to the Gl quantity.

The GR quantity is not equal to the delivered quantity for an item.

The GR quantity is less than the ordered quantity minus the underdelivery tolerance for an item.

The delivery completed indicator has not been set for an item.

The invoiced quantity is not equal to the GR quantity for an item.

The invoiced quantity is less than the ordered quantity for an item.

An item does not satisfy the criteria of the additional checks.

Open rebate arrangements exist.

The last PO history transaction/event for an item lies outside the tolerance.

The date of the last release (call-off) for an item lies outside the tolerance.

No quotation has been entered, or a quotation has not been rejected, or the deadline for submission of quotations has
not expired for an item.

Archiving Purchasing Info Records Using MM_EINA

You can use the archiving object MM_EINA for archiving purchasing info records.

The following mandatory checks are carried out on purchasing info records before they can be archived:

Deletion indicator on the level for general data or for purchasing organization data

The following prerequisites need to be ful lled before a purchasing info record can be archived:

The deletion indicator needs to be set for the general data or for the purchasing organization data.

ILM-Based Information for the Archiving Object

You can use this archiving object with the MM_EINA ILM object as part of SAP Information Lifecycle Management.

The following elds for MM_EINA are de ned in the ILM policy and are visible when processing the ILM Policies app:

Available Time References

End of Year (END_OF_YEAR)

Available Condition Fields

Purchase Order Category (BSTYP)

Purchasing Organization (EKORG)

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Purchasing Info Record Category (ESOKZ)

Plant (WERKS)

Available Policy Categories

RTP: Retention Rules

For more information, see Information Lifecycle Management.

De ning Write Variants

When you schedule the archiving run, you need to enter an existing variant or create a new one. You can do so in the Manage
Archiving Variants app.

The variant contains the selection criteria for the purchasing info records that you want to archive

You can select the purchasing info records to be archived using the following criteria:

Purchasing Organization

Info Record Category

Purchasing Info Record


Material Group



Archiving Invoice Documents Using MM_REBEL

You can use the archiving object MM_REBEL for archiving invoice documents. Furthermore, in addition to the supplier invoices
themselves, attachments are also archived.

The following check is carried out on invoice documents before they can be archived:

Residence Time

The following prerequisites need to be ful lled before an invoice document can be archived:

The documents need to be in the status Posted or Deleted to be archived.

The residence time needs to be ful lled.

ILM-Based Information for the Archiving Object

You can use this archiving object with the MM_REBEL ILM object as part of SAP Information Lifecycle Management.

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The following elds for MM_REBEL are de ned in the ILM policy and are visible when processing the ILM Policies app:

Available Time References

End of Fiscal Year (END_OF_FISCAL_YEAR)

End of Month (END_OF_MONTH)

End of Year (END_OF_YEAR)

Available Standard Condition Fields

Standard Field Country from Company Code (BS_COUNTRY_OF_BUKRS)

Available Condition Fields

Document Type (BLART)

Company Code (BUKRS)

Origin of a Logistic Invoice Veri cation Document (IVTYP)

Plant (WERKS)

Available Policy Categories

RTP: Retention Rules

For more information, see Information Lifecycle Management.

De ning Write Variants

When you schedule the archiving run, you need to enter an existing variant or create a new one. You can do so in the Manage
Archiving Variants app.

The variant contains the selection criteria for the invoice documents that you want to archive.

You can select the invoice documents to be archived using the following criteria:

Invoice Document Number

Document Date

Posting Date

Company Code

Fiscal Year

Invoicing Party


Archiving Catalog Items Using MMPUR_CAT

You can use the archiving object MMPUR_CAT for archiving catalog items.


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The following prerequisites need to be ful lled before a catalog item can be archived:

All business checks for the catalog item are ful lled.

The residence time of the catalog item has passed.

The following mandatory and optional checks are carried out on catalog items before they can be archived:

Residence time has passed (mandatory)

ILM-Based Information for the Archiving Object

You can use this archiving object with the MMPUR_CAT ILM object as part of SAP Information Lifecycle Management.

Before you archive your documents, two prerequisites must be ful lled:

1. You have assigned the ILM object to the relevant audit areas in the ILM Audit Areas app.

2. You have de ned ILM policies for retention rules and residence rules for your audit areas and ILM object MMPUR_CAT in
the ILM Policies app. You have set the policies’ status to Live.

In the ILM Policies app, you can create policies for residence or retention rules. For ILM object MMPUR_CAT, you can select one
or more of the following condition elds and put them into a speci c order:

Available Condition Fields

Vendor (VENDOR)

Once you have selected the elds, you can create rules on the basis of these condition elds and with reference to the following
time reference elds:

Available Time References

Last Changed On (LAST_CHANGE_DATE)

Available Policy Categories

Residence Rules

Retention Rules

For more information, see Information Lifecycle Management.

De ning Write Variants

When you schedule the archiving run, you need to enter an existing variant or create a new one. You can do so in the Manage
Archiving Variants app.

The variant contains the parameters for the catalog items that you want to archive.

You can select the catalog items to be archived using the following parameters:

Catalog Name

Name of the catalog

Catalog Web Service ID

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Catalog Web Service Identi er

De ning Preprocessing Variants

When you schedule an archiving run, you can include an existing preprocessing variant or create a new one. You can do so in the
Manage Archiving Variants app.

The preprocessing program for MMPUR_CAT checks whether the catalog items that you specify by using a range of criteria can
be archived. The preprocessing program also sets the deletion indicator for the catalog items if the residence time has passed.

You can de ne variants for this program using the following parameters:

Catalog Name

Name of the catalog

Catalog Web Service ID

Catalog Web Service Identi er

Archiving Catalog Item Proposals Using MMPUR_OCII

You can use the archiving object MMPUR_OCII for archiving catalog item proposals.

The following prerequisites need to be ful lled before a catalog item proposal can be archived:

All business checks for the catalog item proposal are ful lled.

The residence time of the catalog item proposal has passed.

The following mandatory and optional checks are carried out on catalog item proposals before they can be archived:

Residence time has passed (mandatory)

ILM-Based Information for the Archiving Object

You can use this archiving object with the MMPUR_OCII ILM object as part of SAP Information Lifecycle Management.

Before you archive your documents, two prerequisites must be ful lled:

1. You have assigned the ILM object to the relevant audit areas in the ILM Audit Areas app.

2. You have de ned ILM policies for retention rules and residence rules for your audit areas and ILM object MMPUR_OCII in
the ILM Policies app. You have set the policies’ status to Live.

In the ILM Policies app, you can create policies for residence or retention rules. For ILM object MMPUR_OCII, you can select one
or more of the following condition elds and put them into a speci c order:

Available Condition Fields

Catalog Web Service ID (CATALOG_ID) : The possible values for this are ' ' and 'S4H_GLOBALCATALOG'. ' '
denotes all catalog item proposals that have not yet been added to the catalog. 'S4H_GLOBALCATALOG' denotes
all catalog items present in the Procurement Catalog.

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Once you have selected the elds, you can create rules on the basis of these condition elds and with reference to the following
time reference elds:

Available Time References

Creation Date (CREATION_DATE)

Available Policy Categories

Residence Rules

Retention Rules

For more information, see Information Lifecycle Management.

De ning Write Variants

When you schedule the archiving run, you need to enter an existing variant or create a new one. You can do so in the Manage
Archiving Variants app.

The variant contains the parameters for the catalog item proposals that you want to archive.

You can select the catalog item proposals to be archived using the following parameters:

Catalog ID

Catalog Identi er

Proposal Status

Acceptance status of the catalog item proposal

De ning Preprocessing Variants

When you schedule an archiving run, you can include an existing preprocessing variant or create a new one. You can do so in the
Manage Archiving Variants app.

The preprocessing program for MMPUR_OCII checks whether the catalog item proposals that you specify by using a range of
criteria can be archived. The preprocessing program also sets the deletion indicator for catalog item proposals if the residence
time has passed.

You can de ne variants for this program using the following parameters:

Catalog ID

Catalog Identi er

Proposal Status

Acceptance status of catalog item proposal

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