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1. Students will gain knowledge on renowned religious places and connect with
them spiritually.
2. Enhance knowledge about their history
3. Strengthen the family bonding by interacting with family members and
improved knowledge about places
4. Gain Experiential learning in computers
5. Arouse curiosity and thus indulge in exploration tasks
6. The students will be able to learn more about how to use different tools of
the software to enhance their skill.

Learning outcomes:
1.Improve ability to comprehend, write and present information in both English
and Hindi.
2.Enhanced ability to find, organize and summarize information
3. Improved communication skills
4. Be inspired by the great religious leaders
5. Hands-on experience in digital world
6. Honing of their ICT skills, aesthetic skills and creative skills.
Activity Guidelines:

1. During summer vacation your grandparents and you may visit or would like to
visit religious places. Discuss about such places in our country related to various
religions. Learn the details of these places, historical events related to them and
any other interesting information about the place and share it with your friends
Write a few of these information (around 10) as diary entry or article,
expressing your thoughts, feelings and emotions in 100-150 words. Make it
interesting and attractive with pictures
Take pics and make short videos of the interaction with elders and friends on
the topics.
Make your videos with pictures in the background of the place you visited.

भारत का बिहार राज्य बिबभन्न धाबमिक समुदाय ों और जनजाबतय ों से भरी भूबम है । इस

बिबिधतापू र्ि भूबम में धाबमिक समुदाय सदभाि से रहते हैं और उपिास, दाित, ल क-
सोंगीत और नृत्य के साथ बिबभन्न त्य हार मनाते हैं , इस प्रकार त्यौहार ल ग ों क एकजुट
और पु नजीबित करते हैं ।

छठ पिि या षष्ठी पू जा काबतिक शुक्ल पक्ष के षष्ठी क बिहार में मनाया जाने िाला एक
बहों दू पिि है । सूयि उपासना के इस अनुपम ल क पिि में महत्व के बिषय में बित्र सबहत
जानकारी एकत्र कर एक ले ख तै यार कीबजए। (लगभग 150 शब् ों में)

इसी तरह मध्य प्रदे श में भी िहुत- से ऐसे पिि मनाए जाते हैं , ज दे श की सोंस्कृबत क
दशािते हैं । इसमें एक है गर्गौर पिि। गर्गौर पिि बकस प्रकार और कि मनाया जाता है
इसके बिषय में पू र्ि जानकारी सोंक्षेप में दे ते हुए बित्र सबहत एक लेख तै यार कीबजए।

Prepare a Powerpoint Presentation on the important festivals of India with a

special focus on the above mentioned festivals.
"Journey Through India's Natural Wonders: An Interdisciplinary Exploration"
To explore the physical features of India through an interdisciplinary approach
that integrates scientific concepts and mathematical analysis, fostering a deeper
understanding of the geographical diversity and its implications on the
environment and human activities.
Learning Outcomes:
Understand major physical features of India, including the Himalayas, Northern
Plains, Peninsular Plateau, Thar Desert, Coastal Plains and Islands.
Analyze the formation and characteristics of these physical features using
scientific principles.
Apply mathematical concepts to measure, compare and interpret geographical
data related to physical features.
Develop skills in data collection, graphing, and statistical analysis relevant to
Enhance critical thinking and problem-solving abilities by integrating science
and mathematics in geographical studies.

India is a land of diverse physical features, ranging from towering mountains
and vast plains to extensive coastlines and arid deserts. These physical features
play a crucial role in shaping the country's climate, biodiversity and human
activities. By studying these features through the lenses of science and
mathematics, students can gain insights into the natural processes that form
and modify the landscape and learn how to analyze geographical data
Topics & Guidelines:

The Himalayas – Geological Marvel (Roll no: 1-7)

Prepare a model for the given topic along with a project file including the
following points:
Science & Social Science Integration: Plate tectonics, Climatic conditions, flora
and fauna, types of soil and vegetation
Math Integration: Altitude calculations, area measurements of glaciers, and
statistical analysis of biodiversity data (using graphs).

The Thar Desert – A Landscape of Extremes (Roll no: 8-14)

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation for the given topic along with a project file
including the following points:
Science & Social Science Integration: Desert formation, climate patterns and
adaptations of flora and fauna.
Math Integration: Temperature and precipitation data analysis, area
calculations, and population density studies (using graphs).

The Coastal Plains: India’s Gateway to the Seas (Roll no: 15-21)
Prepare a model for the given topic along with a project file including the
following points:
Science & Social Science Integration: Coastal processes, marine ecosystems, and
human impact.
Math Integration: Calculate the salinity, coastline length calculations, graphical
representation of biodiversity of marine ecosystem and analysis of coastal
erosion rates.
The Deccan Plateau: A Journey Through Ancient Landforms (Roll no: 22-28)
Prepare a model for the given topic along with a project file including the
following points:
Science & Social Science Integration: Volcanic origins, soil types & vegetation,
flora & fauna and climatic influence.
Math Integration: Elevation profile plotting, area measurements of volcanic
plateaus, and temperature trend analysis (using line graphs).

The Great Indian Plains: Agricultural Heartland of India (Roll no: 29

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation for the given topic along with a project file
including the following points:
Science & Social Science Integration: Alluvial soil formation, monsoon influence,
and agricultural practices.
Maths Integration: River basin measurements and graphical representation of

Discuss about the topography of India with the elders in your family or friends.
Learn the economic and cultural effects of its location. Make videos of
interaction and click pics. Upload these on the link given by the class teacher
and create everlasting memories of the wonderful family time you had!

Date of submission of project work: 27th June ‘24

Ms.Lata/Ms.Payal Ms.Aishwarya Ms.Sonali Sethia Dr. Heema Sharma

Class Teacher Coordinator Headmistress Principal

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