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Reliability Engineering and System Safety 74 (2001) 263±273

Reliability-based assessment of ageing bridges using risk ranking and

life cycle cost decision analyses
Mark G. Stewart*
Department of Civil, Surveying and Environmental Engineering, The University of Newcastle, Rankin Drive, Newcastle, NSW 2308, Australia
Received 29 December 1999; accepted 15 November 2000

Information about present and anticipated bridge reliabilities, in conjunction with decision models, provides a rational and powerful
decision-making tool for the structural assessment of bridges. For assessment purposes, an updated reliability (after an inspection) may be
used for comparative or relative risk purposes. This may include the prioritisation of risk management measures (risk ranking) for inspection,
maintenance, repair or replacement. A life-cycle cost analysis may also be used to quantify the expected cost of a decision. The present paper
will present a broad overview of the concepts, methodology and immediate applications of risk-based assessments of bridges. In particular,
two practical applications of reliability-based bridge assessment are considered Ð risk ranking and life-cycle cost analysis. q 2001 Elsevier
Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Structural reliability; Concrete; Safety; Bridges; Decision-analysis

1. Introduction serviceability). Information about present and anticipated

bridge reliabilities, in conjunction with decision models,
It is quite evident that the bridge population in Australia provides a rational and powerful decision-making tool in
and elsewhere is ageing. For example, in Australia, over which possible alternatives may include do nothing, repair,
60% of bridges for local roads are over 50 years old and strengthen, replacement, reduce loads, frequency and types
approximately 55% of all highway bridges are over 20 years of inspections and inspection/testing equipment needed Ð
old. The incidence of structural deterioration increases with this becomes an optimisation procedure. Time-dependent
bridge age due to corrosion, fatigue, wear and tear and other reliability and decision-making analyses have been
forms of material property degradation. During this same proposed by a number of researchers (e.g. Refs. [4±10]).
period vehicle, loads and legal load limits have been For assessment purposes, an updated reliability (after an
steadily increasing. Ageing bridges subject to increasing inspection) may be compared with some minimum accept-
legal load limits mean that existing bridges often fail to able reliability; from this comparison the relative `safety' of
satisfy structural requirements as speci®ed for new bridges. the structure can be ascertained, a load rating assigned or a
As such, it is estimated that US$300 million is urgently `remaining life' estimated. However, uncertainties about the
needed to strengthen or replace defective bridges in the precision of bridge reliabilities means it is often more appro-
Australian state of New South Wales (NSW) [1]. In the priate to use bridge reliabilities for comparative or relative
US 125,000 bridges are rated as structurally de®cient risk purposes. This may include the prioritisation of risk
(bridges that are restricted to light vehicles only, are closed management measures (risk ranking) for inspection, main-
or require immediate rehabilitation to remain open) Ð it tenance, repair or replacement. Moreover, a life-cycle cost
has been estimated that at least US$90 billion is needed to or other decision analysis may be used to quantify the
rectify these problems [2,3]. There is obviously a strong expected cost of a decision. Hence, bridge reliabilities
®nancial incentive that existing bridges be conserved and may be used for bridge assessment to
their remaining service life extended.
Bridge performance can often be expressed in a reliability 1. be compared with reliability-based acceptance criteria
format, typically as the probability of failure (collapse or such as a target reliability index,
2. determine relative bridge safety or prioritise bridge
* Tel.: 161-2-4921-6027; fax: 161-2-4921-6991. inspection, maintenance and repair by ranking
E-mail address: (M.G. Stewart). reliabilities of different bridges, or,
0951-8320/01/$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0951-832 0(01)00079-5
264 M.G. Stewart / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 74 (2001) 263±273

3. estimate cost-effectiveness of decisions (e.g. expressed as a probability of failure (pf) or `reliability

maintenance, replacement) using life-cycle costs. index' (b ), de®ned as

At this point of time, comparing reliabilities with a target pf ˆ F 2b† ˆ Pr R # S† ˆ Pr R 2 S # 0†

reliability index is extremely dif®cult since determining the Z1
target reliability index would require an extensive `calibra- ˆ Pr G R; S† # 0† ˆ F R r†fS r†dr (1)
tion' procedure (e.g. Ref. [11] ). The target reliability index
is usually based on calculated reliabilities of `new' bridges
where F is the standard normal distribution function, G( ) is
(or existing bridges known to have performed well
the `limit state function' [de®nes `failure': in the present
in-service) to provide an `average' existing level of safety.
case this is equal to R 2 S], f S r† is the probability density
Alternatively, for an overload permit, the target reliability
function of the load and FR r† is the cumulative probability
index may be based on the reliability of the bridge when it is
density function of the resistance, see Fig. 1. Structural
exposed to `real' traf®c. As such, a target reliability index is
reliability theory is easily extended to include the reliability
in¯uenced by material, dimensional and loading probabil-
analysis of structural systems. Limit states typically selected
istic models (e.g. distribution types); type of structure and
for reliability analysis are as follows:
structural material; mode of failure; and remaining service
life. Hence, target reliability indices vary from country to ² ultimate limit states Ð ¯exural failure, shear failure,
country and their derivation requires multiple reliability collapse; and,
analyses (at least 50, preferably several hundred) Ð this ² serviceability limit states Ð cracking, durability, de¯ec-
is obviously an extensive and time-consuming process. tion, vibration.
However, items two and three are considered more suitable
for immediate application and so are described in the See textbooks by Stewart and Melchers [12] and
present paper. Melchers [11] for an introduction to structural reliability
The present paper will present a broad overview of the and risk assessment methods.
concepts, methodology and immediate applications to the
risk-based assessment of bridges. For illustrative purposes
only, two practical applications of risk-based bridge assess- 3. Why a risk-based approach?
ment are considered; the case studies relate to:
In practice, uncertainties arise in predicting service or
1. the effect of bridge age, traf®c volume and deterioration lifetime loads; when using non-exact structural behaviour
on the reliability of existing reinforced concrete (RC) (prediction) models; in considering the variability in
bridges, and, material properties, workmanship, element dimensions,
2. in¯uence of durability design speci®cations on RC environmental conditions, inspection and test data and
longitudinal cracking Ð given in terms of reliabilities, maintenance; in predicting fatigue, corrosion or other
life-cycle costs and time to inspections. deterioration processes; and so on. Consequently, decisions
related to bridge assessment are based on uncertain or
Finally, the physical infrastructure of a nation consists incomplete information.
also of other items in the public domain, such as roads, For obvious reasons deterministic approaches are not
buildings and various communication links, as well as ef®cient for decisions taken under uncertainty since such
items in the private domain, such as ships, aircraft, mechani- decisions tend to be overly conservative and based on
cal (mining) equipment and telecommunications facilities. `prudent pessimism' or `worst case' scenarios. Conven-
The present paper will focus on bridges, although the tional approaches also often fail to address what `safety'
approaches described herein are relevant to other physical actually is; such as how safe is safe enough? and how to
infrastructure also.

2. Limit states and structural reliability

Bridges and other structural load-resistance systems are

substantial and expensive systems that tend to be unique or
comprise of `one-off' elements. Naturally, their reliabilities
cannot be directly inferred from observation of failures or
other experimental studies. In these circumstances,
reliabilities need to be calculated from predictive models
and probabilistic methods.
Failure of a structural element occurs when the load effect
(S) exceeds the resistance (R). Reliability may then be Fig. 1. Distributions of load effects and structural resistance.
M.G. Stewart / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 74 (2001) 263±273 265

measure `safety' or performance. Risk-based approaches developed from data which are representative of known
clearly de®ne `safety' and provide a measure (i.e. risk) by site characteristics. These are now described.
which safety, cost-effectiveness and other bridge manage-
ment considerations can be measured or compared against. 4.1.1. Updating load models
It is for these reasons that the Highways Agency (UK), A complete probabilistic model for traf®c loading can
amongst others, is developing reliability-based management readily be developed from on-site collection of traf®c load
systems for highway structures [13]. and volume data. However, probabilistic load models can
also be developed for speci®c bridges without the need for
large amounts of data and associated detailed statistical
4. Risk-based bridge assessment analyses. For example, the statistical parameters of single
heavy vehicle loads are readily available from the literature.
Generally, bridge assessment is conducted to determine Information about the volume of heavy vehicle traf®c can
a load rating, overload permit, relative safety for then be used to estimate the probability distribution of the
present bridge conditions or current or future inspection, simultaneous presence of overloaded heavy vehicles. For a
maintenance or repair needs (life-cycle costs or asset low traf®c volume bridge the probability of the simul-
management). Long-term predictions of structural per- taneous presence of overloaded heavy vehicles is thus
formance are inherently inaccurate since it is very dif®cult reduced from that assumed in design load models (e.g.
to predict with any degree of con®dence long-term Ref. [14]); resulting in an increased updated reliability.
deterioration processes. Hence, bridge assessments of this The in¯uence of anticipated increases in traf®c volume
type are based on a limited reference period (normally two and loads over the expected life of a bridge can be
to ®ve years) and at the end of this reference period, the considered also in a reliability analysis.
bridge should normally be re-assessed since after this period
traf®c conditions and structural capacity are likely to have 4.1.2. Updating resistance models
changed. Information on parameters controlling bridge resistance
Many existing bridges do not satisfy structural require- can be updated by carrying out on-site inspections of the
ments as speci®ed for new bridges. However, decisions bridge. Inspections and testing can be used to determine:
must often be made regarding the `safety' of these bridges.
For bridge design, it is acceptable to be conservative ² material properties (e.g. core testing, the rebound
because the additional material costs are marginal; however, hammer, ultrasonic pulse velocity to estimate on-site
a conservative bridge assessment (i.e. a satisfactory bridge compressive strength of concrete),
which fails an assessment) will result in unnecessary and ² element dimensions (e.g. electromagnetic covermeters to
costly bridge strengthening or repairs, traf®c disruption, etc. locate and measure cover of reinforcing bars), and,
There is therefore a need for bridge assessment criteria to be ² evidence of defects or deterioration (e.g. impact-echo
as precise as possible. techniques, half-potential and resistivity measurements
to predict the likelihood and rate of corrosion, chloride
4.1. Site-speci®c data collection and updating of structural concentration measurements from core testing).
Predictive probabilistic models for the bridge resistance
The initial stage of a risk-based bridge assessment is to can then be updated with collected site-speci®c data using
estimate the reliability of the existing bridge, such a relia- Bayes' theorem (e.g. Ref. [15]), which is a general theorem
bility analysis should consider the following uncertainties: applicable to any situation in which existing probabilistic
knowledge (prior distribution) is updated with new
² representation of real structures by idealised prediction evidence. In such cases, `existing knowledge' are prob-
models (model errors); ability distributions of variables that represent generic
² inherent variability of material properties; bridges that re¯ect a variety of construction practices,
² variability in workmanship, element dimensions and environmental conditions, etc. (i.e. obtained from a large
environmental conditions; population of structures). Such information is often avail-
² spatial variations in material and other properties; able direct from the literature. The `new evidence' is site-
² collection and analysis of site-speci®c test data (measure- speci®c data collected from the particular bridge of interest.
ment and calibration errors); For example, Fig. 2 shows how the number of core tests (n)
² prior and current variability of service loading; and, in¯uences the probability distribution of in situ concrete
² assessment of current fatigue, corrosion or other compressive strength, for a prior distribution obtained
deterioration processes. from Canadian and US sources [5,16]. The results demon-
strate the positive effect of increasing the number of samples
For bridge assessment, reliabilities should be calculated from 3 to 10 since this reduces variable uncertainty and will
using updated probabilistic load and resistance models result in increased reliability [15]. The mean value may
266 M.G. Stewart / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 74 (2001) 263±273

construction cost; CQA is the cost of quality assurance/

control; CIN t† is the expected cost of inspections; CM t† is
expected maintenance costs; CR t† is expected repair costs;
M is the number of failure limit states (¯exure, shear, crack-
ing); pfLS t† is the annual probability of failure for each limit
state (i.e. probability that failure will occur during the ith
time interval conditional on updated loads or resistances
obtained from most recent inspection, maintenance or repair
Ð see Section 4.1) and CfLS is the failure cost (damages, loss
of life, injury, etc.) associated with the occurrence of each
limit state. The failure modes and costs may also be corre-
lated and the expected inspection, maintenance and repair
costs should consider the probability of survival at the time
of the inspection or other management strategy. Costs and
Fig. 2. In¯uence of sample size on updated distributions of concrete bene®ts may occur at different times so it is necessary for all
strength (adapted from Ref. [15]). costs and bene®ts (income) to be discounted to a present
value using a discount rate r. Note that a high discount rate
change also. Clearly, developing prior and updated (predic- favours a short service life whereas a low discount rate
tive) probabilistic models does not necessarily require encourages longer service lives.The above representation
extensive or expensive data collection exercises. of life-cycle costs fails to account for the advantage of
A number of risk-based procedures for bridge assessment designing or maintaining structures to have longer service
have been proposed (e.g. Ref. [17]). However, it is expected lives. Alternatively, it may be more meaningful to compare
that the risk-based approaches most suitable for immediate costs on an annual-equivalent basis by distributing life-
implementation are: cycle costs over the lifetime of the structure by an annuity
factor Ð this produces annuity (or annual) costs. For
² life-cycle costs, and example, the average annuity cost CA during the design
² risk ranking. life of the structure (n years) is
pf tj †r‰CI 1 CQA 1 CIN tj † 1 CM tj † 1 CR tj †Š
These two decision analyses should be viewed as CA tn † ˆ
complementary and are now described. jˆ1
1 2 1 1 r†2tj

4.2. Life-cycle costs nX

pf tn † ˆ 1 2 p f tj † (3)
A bridge management or assessment decision may be jˆ1

based on a comparison of risks (costs) against bene®ts. An

optimal solution, chosen from multiple options, can then be where CI, CQA, CIN, CM and CR are all present value costs, r
found by minimising life-cycle costs. Such a decision analy- is the discount rate and pf tj † is the probability that the
sis can be formulated in a number of ways, consider various bridge will `fail' in year j. This approach is particularly
costs or bene®ts, and can be referred to also as a whole life powerful when comparing structures with different service
costing, cost-bene®t or cost-bene®t-risk analysis. Life-cycle lives. Annuity costs more realistically represent economic
costs may be used to assess the `cost-effectiveness' of considerations of higher investment costs (say on durability
speci®cation) and associated bene®ts such as longer service
² design decisions such as optimal durability requirements lives.
(cover, protective coverings), Life cycle cost formulations may consider other costs and
² construction quality, or, bene®ts such as traf®c delays or reduced travelling time; the
² inspection, maintenance and repair strategies. ef®ciency of inspections, maintenance and repair strategies
(i.e. probability of `defect' detection); etc. Evidently, the
If the bene®ts of each alternative are the same, then life- decision analysis should be subject to a sensitivity analysis
cycle costs up to time tN may be represented as to ensure that decisions are not unduly in¯uenced by
uncertainties in bridge reliabilities and damage, construc-
LCCk tN † ˆ CI 1 CQA
tion or other costs.
CIN ti † 1 CM ti † 1 CR ti † 1 pfLS ti †CfLS 2† 4.3. Risk ranking
1 Since limited funds are available for bridge inspection,
1 1 r ti †
maintenance and repair then a useful and complementary
where k is the bridge being considered; CI is the design and decision-making tool is risk ranking. Such an approach is
M.G. Stewart / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 74 (2001) 263±273 267

Fig. 3. Effect of (a) Proof load and (b) Prior service loads on structural resistance.

suitable also for assessing the relative safety of bridges. In of bridge failure will not be similar for all bridges since
this approach, reliabilities for existing bridges are ranked delay and disruption costs would be higher for high volume
from highest to lowest risk and so provides for the prioriti- highway bridges. As such, a more meaningful risk ranking
sation of maintenance and repair strategies or other risk measure is expected cost of failure, de®ned as
management measures.
Note that reliabilities are not simply probabilities of Ec k ˆ pfi Cfi 4†
collapse. The risk of collapse is generally much lower iˆ1
than risks from element failure, (corrosion-induced) crack-
ing or delamination, spalling or other forms of damage that where pfi is the probability of failure for each limit state
need maintenance or repair since user delay costs are often and Cfi is the failure cost (damages, loss of life, injury,
much greater than direct repair and maintenance costs. etc.) associated with the occurrence of each limit state.
Hence, `the risk of disruption to functional use is very Failure costs may also be discounted to a present value.
real' and `structures management must therefore be aimed
at eliminating as far as practicable, not only the risk to life 5. Illustrative example 1: deterioration and relative
safety, but also the risk of element failures which will result bridge safety
in traf®c disruption and other costs' [13]. Hence, if a
management decision relates to inspection frequency, it For the present study, it is proposed to use a time-
may be more meaningful that reliabilities be calculated for dependent reliability analysis to estimate the relative safety
time to corrosion initiation or time to cracking and spalling of bridges using a risk ranking (expected cost) analysis.
(e.g. Ref. [9]).
The ranking of bridge reliabilities is appropriate only if 5.1. Time-dependent structural reliability
the consequences of bridge failure are similar for all bridges
considered. However, it is more likely that the consequences Current bridge reliability analyses ignore the in¯uence of
268 M.G. Stewart / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 74 (2001) 263±273

bridges (strength limit state) anytime during this time

interval is

pf tL † ˆ 1 2 Pr‰R t1 † . S1 > R t2 † . S2 > ¼ > R tn † . Sn Š

t1 , t2 , ¼ , tn # tL (5)

where R t1 † represents the initial distribution of resistance

and R t2 †; R t3 †; ¼; R tn † represent the structural resistances
at time tj updated on survival of the previous load events,
see Fig. 4. It is evident that the updated structural resistances
are in¯uenced by the load history S1, S2 ; ¼; Sn as well as
time-dependent changes in material properties. Thus, the
cumulative probability of failure is dependent upon the
Fig. 4. Typical realisations of load effect S t† and resistance R t†. prior and updated load and resistance histories. Monte-
Carlo simulation analysis is used as the computational
service loads on bridge resistance. This is quite conserva- procedure [19].
tive. For bridge assessment, the observation that the bridge The updated probability that a bridge will fail in t subse-
has actually survived is in itself a proof load and provides quent years given that it has survived T years of loads is
the assessor with some information about its structural referred to herein as pf tuT† and is expressed as
capacity and safety (e.g. Ref. [18]). In other words, this pf T 1 t† 2 pf T†
enables information about structural resistance to be pf tuT† ˆ 6†
1 2 pf T†
updated. As such, a revised or updated distribution of struc-
tural resistance can be truncated at a known proof load (see where pf T 1 t† and pf T† are de®ned by Eq. (5). This
Fig. 3a). Service loads may be treated as a proof load with conditional probability may also be referred to as a `hazard
uncertainty (see Fig. 3b) Ð resulting in the increase of function' or `hazard rate'. For assessment purposes, it is
bridge reliability for service proven (older) bridges (i.e. as often more convenient to compare probabilities of failure
survival age T increases). A signi®cant increase in bridge for a ®xed reference period. If a reference period of one year
reliability occurs even if only normal or design service loads is selected then this is referred to as an `updated annual
(plus dead load) are used to update bridge reliability; further probability of failure'.
increases will occur if `abnormal' events (e.g. grossly over- As is evident from Eqs. (5) and (6) bridge reliability is not
loaded vehicles) are known. constant over the lifetime of the structure. It may decrease
In general, if it is assumed that n load events Sj occur with time due to increases in traf®c loads and volume,
within the time interval (0, tL) at times tj j ˆ 1; 2; ¼; n†; material deterioration (corrosion, fatigue, cracking) and
then the cumulative probability of failure of service proven other wear and tear processes. Fig. 5 shows an example of

Fig. 5. Annual and cumulative time-dependent probabilities of failure, for a deteriorating bridge [9].
M.G. Stewart / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 74 (2001) 263±273 269

Table 1
Statistical parameters for resistance and loading variables

Parameter Mean Coef®cient of variation Distribution

Depth Dnom 1 0:8 mm s ˆ 3:6 mm Normal

Cbottom (cover) C bnom 1 8:6 mm s ˆ 14:7 mm Normal
f 0 cyl F 0c 1 7:5 MPa s ˆ 6 MPa Lognormal
k w (workmanship factor) 0.87p 0.06 Normal
f 0 ct f 0c ˆ kw f 0cyl † 0
0:69 pf
c 0.20 Normal
Ec 4600 f 0c 0.12 Normal
Es 1.005Esnom 0.033 Normal
fsy 465 Mpa 0.10 Normal
Model error (¯exure) 1.01 0.046 Normal
Dead load 1.05G 0.10 Normal
Asphalt load 90 mm 0.25 Normal
Single heavily loaded truck 275.0 kN 0.41 Normal

updated annual and cumulative reliabilities considering a reliability analysis `failure' is deemed to occur if the bend-
¯exure limit state (collapse) for a bridge exposed to de-icing ing moment exceeds the structural resistance at mid-span. It
salts. The updated annual probability of failure is the prob- has been found that for multiple-lane bridges, the critical
ability of failure in year T, whilst a cumulative (or lifetime) load effect occurs when heavily loaded trucks are side-by-
probability of failure is the probability that the structure will side and have fully correlated weights [21]. Statistical
have failed anytime up to year T. Note that initially the parameters for dimensions, material properties and loads
updated annual probability of failure reduces (due to bene- appropriate for these RC bridges are given in Table 1.
®cial effect of service proven performance) but then The statistical parameters shown in Table 1 were
increases at later ages due to deterioration. developed from Australian, US and Canadian sources.
These distributions are essentially prior (generic) distribu-
5.2. Results tions obtained from the literature Ð these distributions can
be updated for a speci®c bridge by using collected site-
The following example will help illustrate the reliability- speci®c data and Bayes' Theorem (e.g. see Fig. 3). The
based assessment of existing RC bridges of different ages effect of low and high deterioration on the time-dependent
subject to varying degrees of deterioration. The bridges structural resistance of a RC element is given by Enright and
considered in this example are of the same structural con- Frangopol [5].
®guration; namely, simply supported RC slab bridges with a
span length of 10.7 m and a width of 14.2 m. The bridges
were designed according to the AASHTO LRFD Bridge 5.2.1. Reliabilities
Design Speci®cations [20] for a HL-93 live load. In the If the extent of existing deterioration is estimated from a

Fig. 6. Comparison of updated annual probabilities of failure [19].

270 M.G. Stewart / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 74 (2001) 263±273

®eld-based bridge assessment at time T, then Fig. 6 shows on a condition assessment alone, but considers these other
the updated (service proven) annual probabilities of failure factors in¯uencing bridge performance.
as a function of survival age for a bridge with no deteriora- An acceptable risk may also be de®ned. A bridge that
tion and two levels of deterioration. The analysis is based on shows no evidence of deterioration or construction error
an annual traf®c ¯ow of 300,000 vehicles per year and and is only 10 years old (Bridge 1) is more likely to be
assumes the absence of inspections and repairs; hence, perceived as `acceptable'. It follows that bridges with
`failure' will occur whereas in practice signs of structural lower risks are also acceptable; suggesting that Bridges 2
distress may indicate a need for repair. and 4, although exhibiting minor deterioration, will require
Fig. 6 shows that the updated annual probabilities of no maintenance or repairs during the next ®ve years. This
failure reduce with time for the no deterioration and low suggests that Bridge 3 is the only bridge whose safety is
deterioration cases. This exhibits the advantage of updating not acceptable and so the bridge may need repair or
the structural resistance as survival age increases since the strengthening, a reduced load rating, a proof load test, etc.
reliability will increase for service proven structures Ð Ð risks or life-cycle costs may be used to determine
assuming little or no deterioration. In other words, service optimal maintenance and/or repair strategies.
loads are treated as proof loads with uncertainty; resulting in Finally, a comparison of reliabilities calculated (updated)
a truncation of the lower tail of the distribution of structural in ®ve years time may well result in different recommenda-
resistance. For more serious rates of deterioration, it is tions since the detrimental effects of deterioration will
evident that the detrimental effects of loss of structural increase and possibly outweigh the bene®ts of increased
capacity outweigh the bene®cial in¯uence of considering survival age or lower traf®c volume.
prior service loads in the estimation of structural
reliabilities. More details of this analysis are described by
6. Illustrative example 2: inspections and durability
Stewart and Val [19].

To date, reliability analyses have concentrated on the loss

5.2.2. Risk ranking and acceptable risk
of ¯exural strength being the main measure of structural
This example will consider four `hypothetical' bridges of performance. However, serviceability considerations such
similar structural con®guration (span length of 10.7 m and as cracking and spalling is a more common problem than
width of 14.2 m) but of varying age and where inspections `collapse', that in some circumstances constitutes a life-
reveal evidence of varying degrees of deterioration. A safety hazard since falling concrete has been known to
decision needs to be made regarding the relative safety of cause death and damage to vehicles. Serviceability limit
these bridges. states such as, longitudinal cracking (coincident cracks
It is assumed that the load rating is not changed (i.e. no following the line of the reinforcement caused by reinforce-
load restrictions) and reliabilities are based on a ®ve year ment corrosion), delamination and spalling of the concrete
reference period (probability that bridge will fail within the cover may often be precursors to more critical and
next ®ve years Ð pf 5uT†). Bridge reliabilities considering dangerous strength limit state problems.
extent of deterioration and traf®c volume were calculated
from the method developed by Stewart and Val [19] for the 6.1. Longitudinal cracking
four bridges, see Table 2.
Table 2 compares the risks for the four bridges. As The observance of longitudinal cracking or spalling indi-
expected, Bridge 3 exhibiting medium deterioration has a cates that `something' needs to be done Ð such as an
much higher risk of failure. Somewhat surprisingly, Bridge assessment of existing safety, repair or rehabilitation, or
1 with no deterioration is not the bridge with the lowest risk. the need for more frequent inspections to monitor further
Bridges 2 and 4 have lower risks because these bridges are deterioration. All these cases will require the allocation of
either older (service proven) or subject to lower traf®c additional ®nancial resources. To be sure, serviceability
volume (or loads). As such, risk assessment is not based limit states, is a more appropriate criteria when optimising
durability requirements or inspection and maintenance
Table 2 schedules.
Ranking of bridge reliabilities (risks) for a reference period of ®ve years The serviceability limit state considered in this example
is the onset of longitudinal cracking. The probability of
Bridge Age Traf®c Deterioration Risk pf(5uT) longitudinal cracking (ps) is de®ned herein as
(T years) volume
(per year) ps t† ˆ Pr t . Ti 1 Tcr1 † 7†
1 10 300,000 None 7:3 £ 10 where Ti is the time to corrosion initiation and Tcr1 is the
2 25 300,000 Low 4:6 £ 1026 time to longitudinal cracking. The time to longitudinal
3 20 300,000 Medium 3:5 £ 1025
cracking is in¯uenced by a large range of time-dependent
4 10 150,000 Low 5:8 £ 1026
and strength dependent variables as well as time to initiation
M.G. Stewart / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 74 (2001) 263±273 271

[22]. This model is subject to considerable uncertainty, costs), etc. where costs are estimated from the literature.
considers only time to ®rst cracking and so may well be For convenience, inspection, maintenance and repair costs
over-conservative. An improved corrosion rate model are ignored in this analysis. If it is assumed that service life
considering the effect of durability speci®cations on corro- is ended when the bridge cracks and spalls (severe deteriora-
sion rate and time-variant corrosion rates is included in the tion) then life-cycle costs (see Eq. (3) using reliabilities
analyses [23]. Work is continuing to better model crack given in Fig. 7) based on a 4% discount rate and a design
growth and time to spalling and delamination [10]. life of 100 years are shown in Fig. 8.
It is evident that reducing cover to 25 mm results in
6.2. Durability design speci®cations: life-cycle costs relatively high life-cycle costs. On the contrary, a 75 mm
cover and w=c ˆ 0:45 or 50 mm cover and w=c ˆ 0:40 both
Reliability analyses were conducted to assess the appear to produce near minimum life-cycle costs and so
in¯uence of cover and speci®ed concrete compressive may be viewed as optimal durability design speci®cations.
strength on cracking failure probabilities. Increasing cover These life-cycle cost calculations are based on relatively
or reducing water±cement ratio w=c† impedes the diffusion simple costing data and a convenient assumption of failure
of chlorides from de-icing salts, although existing crack to help illustrate the potential of life-cycle cost analyses
width models suggest increasing cover also leads to wider only. More detailed and accurate analyses may be
surface transverse cracks which may reduce time to corro- conducted that consider inspection and maintenance costs,
sion initiation. Fig. 7 shows the probability of cracking for a a more realistic de®nition of `failure' and more accurate
RC bridge subject to repeated applications of de-icing salts, costing data. Life-cycle costs may also be calculated using
again obtained from Monte-Carlo simulation analysis. Eq. (2) or other risk±cost-bene®t formulations.
With reference to Fig. 7 the baseline (design) case is
50 mm cover and water±cement ratio of 0.4. Clearly, 6.3. Prioritisation of inspection strategies
reduced cover and/or increased water±cement ratio, leads
to a signi®cant increase in the probability of cracking. If Information contained in Fig. 7 may be used also to help
cover is reduced to 25 mm cover (and w=c ˆ 0:4) the prioritise bridge inspection strategies. For instance, a bridge
mean time to cracking is approximately 25 years. However, with a known 75 mm cover (say measured from a cover-
cracking can occur much earlier; for example, there is a 15% meter) will need little, if any, inspections in the ®rst 20 years
chance that cracking will occur within the ®rst ®ve years of since Fig. 7 suggests that it is highly unlikely that inspec-
service. On the other hand, for a 50 mm cover there is only a tions before this period will reveal any evidence of damage
0.1% of cracking within the ®rst ®ve years of service. or deterioration. However, a bridge with a known cover of
Life-cycle costs may be used to assess the effectiveness of 25 mm will require a different inspection strategy. For this
durability design speci®cations. Costs of quality (CQA) are bridge, inspections should be conducted more frequently
given in terms of initial construction cost of the baseline (say every 2±5 years) since during this period there is a
case (CI); namely, it is assumed that CQA ˆ 20:055CI for relatively high probability that damage or deterioration
25 mm cover and w=c ˆ 0:40 (i.e. lower costs), CQA ˆ will be detected.
0:075CI for 50 mm cover and w=c ˆ 0:35 (i.e. higher The in¯uence of inspection data on updating of cracking

Fig. 7. In¯uence of cover and concrete compressive strength on probability of cracking.

272 M.G. Stewart / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 74 (2001) 263±273

Fig. 8. Annuity costs for different covers and water-cement ratios.

probabilities is illustrated by the following scenarios. An (using information available at time of construction only),
acid-soluble chloride content analysis is conducted from for the baseline case of 50 mm cover and w=c ˆ 0:4: In this
cores taken from the upper surface of bridge decks when example only the probability of cracking of the upper deck
the bridges are say 25 years old and show no signs of crack- is considered. If the measured chloride content at 25 years
ing. The measured chloride contents are 0.2 (no corrosion), is 0.2 kg/m 3 (i.e. y 25† ˆ 0:2 kg/m 3) then the updated
0.6 and 1.0 kg/m 3 (corrosion likely). It is assumed that there probabilities of cracking are signi®cantly lower than that
is no test or measurement uncertainty. The critical threshold predicted when the bridge was new. For example, there is
chloride concentration tends to lie within the range of 0.6± only a 0.01% chance of cracking within the next 15 years of
1.2 kg/m 3. Fig. 9 shows the conditional failure probabilities service. However, if the measured chloride content is 0.6 or
for these scenarios and a scenario assuming no updating 1.0 kg/m 3 then these high chloride contents imply that

Fig. 9. In¯uence of inspection data updating (at 25 years) on probability of cracking.

M.G. Stewart / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 74 (2001) 263±273 273

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