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1 Achmad Ali, Wiwi Atmadja. D.G, “Principles of O. Notohamidjoyo, “For Mahadi, “Legal G.W. Paton, “A Textbook
Heryani, “Principles of Criminal Law in the Legal System” The Sake Of Justice And Philosophy an of Jurisprudence”, Oxford
Civil Evidentiary Law”,
Kertha Wicaksana Volume 12, Humanity : Several Introduction” Alumni, University Press (1969)
Kencana (2013)
Nomor 2 (2018) Chapters Of The Bandung 3rd Edition
Philosophy Of Law, CPC.” (2003)
Gunung Mulia, (1975)

Principles of Law The principle of law is The view that comes to the fore in
Paul Scholten, defines the A.R. Lacey, stated: A principle is the broad
something that gives relation to the application of laws
birth to the rules of law, principles of law as "principles may reason, which lies at the
and regulations, the legal principle
and is a logical ratio of "tendencies required of resemble scientific base of rule of law.
is interpreted to have a significant
the rules or regulations the law by our moral laws in being
function, namely the function of
of law. Thus the legal understanding". It is descriptions of ideal
principle is more abstract the legal principle as a "ratiolegis"
understood that legal world, set up to
than the rule of law. of the legislation
principles are the basic govern actions as a
thoughts contained in and scientific laws are to
behind the legal system, govern expectations".
each formulated in the
statutes and judgments of
Purwadi, Wira., Djafar, Dadin E Saputra “The Relationship L. Mulyadi, “Penal Code Julita Melissa Muhamaad Ishar Helmi,
Mohamad Ali Akbar, Between Equality Before The Law Procedural” Citra Aditya Walukow , “The (2013) “Application of the
2 Principle Densi, Gilang Fatirah in Law Enforcement in Indonesia Bakti, (2007) Embodiment of the principle of equlity before
Equality Before “Application Of The and Harmonization of Conflicts Principle of Equality the law in the military
The Law Principle Of Equality Between Law Enforcement Before The Law for justice system” Jurnal Cita
Before The Law to Law Agencies” Inmates in Prisons in Hukum. Vol. I No. 2
Enforcement For The Indonesia” Lex et
Realization of Justice In Societatis,
Society” Vol.I/No.1/Jan-Mrt/

The principle of equality The equality of position for every The principle of equality The principle of As a country of law,
before the law comes citizen before the law and the before the law is one of equality before the Indonesia must also apply
from the concept of the government is expected to be able the manifestations of the law is the principle by the principle of equality
legal state rule of law in to provide legal protection both to states of law (rechstaat) which there is an before the law, namely
the anglo Saxon legal the community and to the law with thye result that there equality in the law in the
system, which enforcement agencies or must be equal treatment every individual principle of equality
emphasizes three institutions themselves. Talk of the for everyone before the without any exception. before law. The
benchmarks, namely 1). realities of law enforcement in law (gelijkhheid van iedor constitution also explains
Supremacy of law, 2). relation to the principle of equality voor de wet), In the sense that every citizen has
Equality before the Law before the law, is more put that equality before the concurrent positions in
3). The constitution is forward in criminal justice law is a firm principle that law and government and
based on the individual's practice. indiscriminately applies is obliged to uphold the
rights. for perpetrators of crime law and government with
whether or net they are no authority (Article 27
former officials, officials, paragraph (1) of the 1945
public figures or law Constitution fourth
enforcement officials, amendment). Thus, all
regardless of ethnicity, Indonesian citizens receive
religion. equal treatment in the
eyes of the law, not
distinguished from a
position, ethnicity, caste,
or social strata. In daily life
and in running the
government, there must
be no citizen who has the
privilege of treatment of it
the same, as citizens must
submit and obey legal
decisions and be behaved
the same if the law
catches them.
Ratih Lestarini, Herdis Sigit Sanyata, “Gender-Perspective Josina Judiari, Hamidah Muladi, “Democracy,
Herdiansyah,Tirtawenin Counseling Paradigm in Domestic “Psychological Abdurrachman “Legal Human Rights, and Legal
g Tirtawening, Dianwidhi Violence Cases”, Insight : Jurnal Intervention in Domestic Protection of Victims Reform in Indonesia,” The
Michelle Pranoto, “The Bimbingan Konseling (2019) Violence Examination in of Domestic Violence Habibie Center, (2002)
Co-Oxistence Of Laws PPA at Mataram Police in District Court
Regarding Domestic Station”, Jurnal Decisions as an
Violence CaseSettlement Psikoislamika Volume 10 Implementation of
: Rote Island, East Nusa Nomor 01 (2013) Victims' Rights” Law
Tenggara, Indonesia” Journal (2010)
(2019) 20 (2), Journal of
3 Domestic Violence International Women’s

Unlike other forms of Domestic violence is a cross-class, Domestic violence can be Domestic violence that Domestic violence is a
violence, domestic cross-ethnic and interfaith called a kind of oppression occurs between hurdle to development
violence is particularly phenomenon. Reports of which means an excess or husbands and wives is because violence can have
special because of its domestic violence from year to abuse of power and abuse based on relationships unassuming cumulative
private and sensitive year are increasing both in of violence to impose its in marriage consequences, such as
nature. quantity and quality. Domestic power from a person who institutions which are reducing women's self-
violence is not only synonymous feels strong against a also regulated by the confidence, impeding
with actions that lead to weak person. Civil Code or Law women's ability to
criminalism such as beatings, Number 1 of 1974 participate, interfering
persecution, intimidation and body concerning Marriage. with women's health,
harm. However, matters of a Such a position of reducing autonomy in the
spiritual emotional nature are also perpetrators and economic, political, social,
victims causes and cultural spheres.
categorized as domestic violence. domestic violence to
still be seen as part of
private law so that the
resolution of these
cases is more often
directed to peace or
resolved internally to
the family.
Satjipto Raharadjo, “Civil Kunarto, “Police Ethics”, Cipta Harkristuti Harkrisnowo, Arief, Barda Nawawi, Ryanto Ulil Anshar, Joko
Police in Social Change Manunggal, (1997) “Reconstruction of the “Some Aspects of Setiyono, “Duties and
in Indonesia”, Kompas, Concept of Punishment: A Criminal Law Functions of the Police as
(2002) Lawsuit Against the Enforcement and Law Enforcement in the
Legislative and Conviction Development Policy”, Perspective of Pancasila:
Process in Indonesia”, (2005) Journal of Indonesian
(2003) Legal Development Master
of Law Study Program
Volume 2 (3), (2020)

One of the law enforcers The police in carrying out their The police are a sub- In Indonesia, society Law enforcement requires
that often gets the duties as law enforcement, not system institution in the and the police are that the police must stand
4 Police As spotlight is the police, only must they comply with the Criminal Justice System related to each other. on the rule of law. On the
Enforcement Law because the police are law that applies as an external that has the first and That the police are in other hand, the police also
the frontline in criminal aspect, they are also equipped foremost position. Such a the midst of carry out social duties
law enforcement, so it is with police ethics as an aspect in position by Harkristuti community life when where they must pay
not an exaggeration if the police. Police ethics is a norm Harkrisnowo is said to be they are seen from attention to the values
the police are said to be about police behavior to be used the gate keeper of the their duties and that live in the
a living criminal law, law as a guide in realizing the criminal justice system. functions, the National community.
in the book becomes law implementation of good duties for Police in carrying out
in action law enforcement, public order and their duties plays a
public safety dual role both as law
enforcement and as
social workers (social
workers) in social and
social aspects (service
and service)
Karenina Aulery Putri Husna Pravita Amalia Tri Finta Vabiola, Afdal, Laksono, Wizarnadi; Lenny Herlina, Arfi
5 Case Data on Wardhani, "Legal Setyowati, Aris Purwanto, “Analysis Of Hasibuan, Syaiful Syamsun, Ida Lestari
Women as Victims Protection of Women Indojacmiko, Sri Lestari, “Forgiving Understanding The Asmi; Siregar, Fitria Harahap, & Pujiarohman.
of Domestic Victims of Domestic to Improve the Subjective Welfare Functioning Of The Family Ramadhani, “Socialization of the
Violence Violence (KDRT) at the of Women Victims of Domestic In Victims Of Domestic “Application of the Impact and Prevention of
Level of Investigation Violence, Indonesian Journal of Violence In Terms Of Level of Investigation Domestic Violence on
Based on Law No. 23 of Community Service (JPMI), Vol. Socioeconomic Status And of Domestic Violence Members of the "Sakinah
2004 concerning the 2(1), (2022) Cultural Background”, Crimes”, Journal of Family Development
Elimination of Domestic Journal of Education and Rectum: A Juridical Institution" Youth
Violence (UUPKDRT)", Counseling Volume 4 (4), Review of Criminal Communication Agency of
Journal of Legal Science (2022) Crime Handling, S.l, 4 the Indonesian Mosque of
Research (2), ISSN 2684-7973 West Nusa Tenggara”,
(2022) Scientific Journal of Service
and Innovation, 1(2), 115–
124 (2022).

Although the law on Data from the National Data compiled by National A study conducted by The increase in cases of
violence against women Commission on Violence against Commission on Violence Dr. Diana Pangemanan violence against women
has been regulated in Women (Komnas Perempuan) against Women (Komnas in 1999 in a case study during the Covid-19
the Human Rights Law, shows that women's violence is Perempuan), domestic in Jakarta showed that pandemic reached 178
cases of human rights the most reported case of violence in Indonesia has women victims of cases until August 3, 2021
violations against violence, two-thirds of which (213 increased significantly domestic violence are with details of East
women still occur cases) are domestic violence cases. over the past 10 years. A always positioned Lombok Regency with 121
frequently in Indonesia Data from the Legal Aid Institute significant increase vulnerable to cases, Bima and
where there are around of the Indonesian Women's occurred in 2021 which experiencing acts of LombokBarat Regencies
24 million women or Association for Justice (LBH APIK) has recorded 338,496 violence caused by the with 15 cases each,
11.4% of the total shows that there have been 110 cases of violence against following: 1. The Mataram City with 10
population who domestic violence cases reported women. When viewed existence of cases, North Lombok and
experienced violence. since the implementation of the from the records in 2012, unbalanced power Dompu with 6 cases each,
PSBB (March 16 - June 20, 2020) or there was an increase in between men and Sumbawa with 4 cases,
half of the domestic violence cases cases of 203,326 cases. women 2. The and Central Lombok with
during 2020 existence of economic 1 case. Meanwhile, Bima
dependence on men City and West Sumbawa
3. Fear of reporting have no reporting. The
because of threats. 4. types of violence in the
Law officers in this form of physical assault 60
case investigators still cases, trafficking 27 cases,
use the Criminal Code sexual 19 cases, psychic 13
solely and have a cases, neglect 5 cases,
legalistic paradigm in exploitation 1 case and
ensnaring domestic others 53 cases. Some of
violence cases. 5. these cases are processed
Inadequate Criminal legally and some are
Procedure Law to resolved by mediation or
handle domestic kinship, and of course it is
violence cases possible that many cases
comprehensively go unreported.

Based on the research conducted by the author so far, there are many articles and journals that discuss domestic violence in Indonesia. Even in the data collected, the level of
domestic violence every year is increasing due to several factors. However, of the many studies related to domestic violence, based on the definition of each element compiled
from various authors, no one has focused on examining how women are equal as victims before the law, especially in police agencies as the initial stage in reporting a criminal
act in the aspect of domestic violence.

Most of the articles discuss the factors of domestic violence and its regulatory weaknesses, or other research that examines the equality of legal challenges that focus on
criminal acts other than domestic violence. Other studies also discuss the role of police agencies or institutions related to the protection of women in Indonesia in handling and
tackling domestic violence both referentively and repressively. The data collected by the author related to the increase in the number of domestic violence crimes as mentioned
above is data taken from previously conducted and general studies, where the data is still temporary and in progress to collect more accurate data, especially data on the
increase in domestic violence cases within the scope of West Nusa Tenggara. However, as explained, the results of other studies revealed that the number of domestic violence
cases in Indonesia from year to year has increased. Meanwhile, the author chose domestic violence to be used as an aspect in this study because there has been no other
research that focuses on domestic violence as an aspect in testing the course of equality before the law as mandated in Indonesian laws and regulations. Some of the authors in
their study did discuss gender equality, but no one has focused on the equality of women as citizens who are entitled to the same treatment before the law in the aspect of
domestic violence, especially when dealing with police agencies in West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia.

Based on research conducted related to how women get their rights before the law in the aspect of domestic violence cases after reviewing various related articles, compiling
data from related sources, and with support from real events collected directly or sourced from newsreports, there is a gap that has never been written by other studies,
especially about how women as victims of domestic violence in West Nusa Tenggara get the right legal protection, as well as the gap that occurs between what is mandated by
Indonesian laws and regulations, and reality, This research can provide direction and knowledge for various aspects, both women as victims of domestic violence and police
agencies as law officers and or other related institutions that deal with these crimes, about how everyone is treated equally before the law regardless of race, gender, ethnicity
and culture.


1. Atmadja. D.G, “Principles of Criminal Law in the Legal System” Kertha Wicaksana
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2. Arief, Barda Nawawi, “Some Aspects of Criminal Law Enforcement and Development
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4. G.W. Paton, “A Textbook of Jurisprudence”, Oxford University Press (1969)
5. Mahadi, “Legal Philosophy an Introduction” Alumni, Bandung 3rd Edition (2003)
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22. Purwadi, Wira., Djafar., Mohammad Ali Akbar., Densi, Gilang Fatirah “Application of
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23. Laksono, Wizarnadi; Hasibuan, Syaiful Asmi; Siregar, Fitria Ramadhani, “Application
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24. Ratih Lestarini, Herdis Herdiansyah, Tirtawening Tirtawening, Dianwidhi Michelle

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25. Sigit Sanyata, “Gender-Perspective Counseling Paradigm in Domestic Violence
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