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To calibrate an Inductive pick-up (Single Coil type) and to

measure a linear
displacement with the help of the Inductive pick-up.
Inductive pick-up with Instrumentation Tutor, Linear scale, Vernier Caliper,
Wooden Blocks.


Ihductive pick-up is a non-self-generating type secondary transducer. It

consist of acoil, and a core of a magnetic material as shown in figure 1. The
core actsas an inductor on alternatingcurrent. Its inductance can be varied
by varying the turns in the coil and the permeability of the flux path. The
flux path includes the path through magnetic materialas well as the air gap.
The permeability of the magnetic material is quite high: hence, the variation
of air gap can vary its inductance more effectively. The armature is the only
moving part in inductive pick-up. Ashaft is attached with the armature.

measured is physically
The object whose translational displacement is to be
the object are transferred to
attached to the shaft, so that all motions of
on the
armature. The output current in of the bridge circuit depends
total impedance of the coil 'Z.
The total inpedance 'Z' of the coilis given by

Z=/R2 + (2nfL)?
the coil;
R is the dc resistance of

f is the applied frequency:

L is the inductance.


shaft of the
smoothness in movement of the armature
1. Check for the

Inductive pick-up.
leads of the Inductive pick-up to the proper port in the
2. Connect
Instrumentation tutor.
Instrumentation tutor.
3. Switch on the power supply of the
connectivity of the Inductive pick-up to the
4. Check for proper
shaft up and down. If
Instrumentation tutor by moving the armature
not responding properly to
the output-indicating device on the tutor is
re-check the electricalconnections
the armature shaft movement, then
and repeat step 1 to 4.
current-measuring device with the help of
5. Set the span of the output
span knob on the tutor.
6. Set the output current-measuring device at zero/reference
wooden blocks of known dimensions between the armature
7. Place the

tipand the reference surface one by one smoothly, and note down
corresponding to each displacement of the armature
the output voltage
blocks at least twice to get three
8. Repeat the step 7 with same wooden
set of readings.
between the output current and linear displacement for
9 Plot a curve
Inductive pick-up and obtain the best fitting straight line using the
method of least square.
dimension is to be measured)
10. Place the test object (which linear
reference surface smoothly.
between the armature shaft tip and the
of the test object.
11. Note down the output current for this setting
the linear dimension
12. Corresponding to this output current, find out
from the calibration curve obtained in step 9.
with the help of
13. Measure the linear dimension of the test object
Vernier caliper.
of linear dimension
14. Find out the percentage error in the measurement
linear dimension
of the test object obtained in step 12 w.r.t. the
obtained in step 13.


1. Least count of linear scale

2. Least count of output-current device

3. Least count of Vernier Caliper

(B) Observation Table:

Sr. Linear OutputCurrent lo(y)

Displacement Set 2 Set 3 Average
Set 1


) Output current corresponding to unknown input i' =

(1) The unknown input measured by the linear scale x'


of best
For a given set of data point (x, y) (say ndata points), the equation
fitting line using method of least squares is given by the following
y= a4x+ ao ...(1)


. (2)

nZxy;-ZxEyi .. (3)
The value of the unknown input from the calibration curve i.e. from equation

(1) is given by,

... (4)

Thus, the percentage error in the measurement of linear displacement

% Error = X 100 ...

The linear dimension of the unknown input is found to be
Ine percentage error present in the measurement of this linear
by the Inductive pick-up is found to be

1. There should not be any physical defect in the measuring
2. The Inductive pick-up should be firmly fixed to the base.
smooth enough to ensure a
3. The armature shaft movement should be
frictionless motion.
or blocks between the
4. Use proper attachment to place the object
ensure only axial
armature shaft tip and the reference surface to
to weight of the
loading on the armature shaft. (No lateral loading due
test object/wooden blocks on the armature shaft.)
5. Take steady state output values.


Give ascientific justification of your result point wise. (Hint: Identify the
modifying and the interfering inputs that are sources of errors in the



After performing this experiment, students will be able to calibrate an

Inductive pick-up for measurement of a linear dimension as per the scientific


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