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STANDARD 55-2010

Charlie Huizenga
Center for the Built Environment (CBE)
University of California, Berkeley
May 1, 2011

In 1997 ASHRAE published the ASHRAE Thermal Comfort Tool (Fountain and Huizenga,
1997) to provide a simplified, consistent method for evaluating thermal comfort under a range of
thermal conditions. The software is consistent with ASHRAE Standard 55-1992 and indicates
whether a set of environmental conditions is in compliance with that standard. ASHRAE
subsequently published ASHRAE Standard 55-2004, which incorporates several important
changes from Standard 55-1992 (Olesen and Brager, 2004). The purpose of this project was to
make several important changes to the existing ASHRAE software so that it is consistent with
the 2010 version of the standard.
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The most fundamental changes to the software were to change the basis for compliance with
Standard 55-2010 to PMV rather than ET* and to include the adaptive model (de Dear & Brager
2001), however many changes were made to the software to make it consistent with 55-2010 and
to improve the user interface.

The main screen of the program is divided into two main components: input parameters on the
left and results on the right. The first input parameter is a selection between four models:
PMV with Elevated Air Speed
PMV only
Elevated Air Speed Only

The first model, PMV with Elevated Air Speed, is used to automatically make use of the SET air
speed model described in section of the standard. Input parameters consist of
environmental conditions (air temperature, mean radiant temperature, air velocity and humidity),
activity level and clothing. Results include PMV, PPD, Humidity and and for each of these an
indicator of compliance with Standard 55. A green check mark indicates compliance and a red X
indicates non-compliance with each factor as well as an overall indicator in the Compliance box.
Additional comments about non-compliance are provided in the Compliance box when relevant.

The adaptive model is intended by the Standard to be used for occupant-controlled, naturally
conditioned spaces. Only three user inputs are required: air temperature, mean radiant
temperature and mean outdoor temperature. Activity level is limited to metabolic rates between
1.0 and 1.3. Based on the mean outdoor temperature, the 80% and 90% acceptability temperature
criteria are calculated based on Section 5.3 of Standard 55. The software also can read a TMY2
format weather file specified by the user to calculate the mean outdoor temperature for a given
date. By default, a 30-day average temperature is used, although this can be modified by the user
in the Detailed model input dialog box. Table 1 summarizes the criteria used for compliance for
both PMV and Adaptive models.

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Table 1. Summary of Compliance criteria

PMV Model Notes

Temperature, MRT -0.5 <= PMV <= 0.5 55-1992 was based on
Humidity Humidity ratio (w) <= 0.12 55-1992 was based on
wet bulb rather than w
Air velocity PMV only
No occupant control Air speed <= 0.2 m/s

Elevated air speed model (SET)

Up to 0.8 m/s, depending on
operative temperature
Clo must be <= 0.7

Air velocity PMV only

Occupant control Air speed <= 0.8 m/s

Elevated air speed model (SET)

Up to 1.2 m/s, depending on
operative temperature
Clo must be <= 0.7

Metabolic rate 1 <= met <= 2

Clothing Clo <= 1.5 (0.7 for elevated air

velocities – see above)

Adaptive model
Temperature, MRT Upper and lower temperature
limits for 80% and 90%
acceptability are calculated based
on the outdoor mean
temperature. Operative
temperature ([Tair + MRT]/2)
must be within the 80% criteria
Humidity No restriction
Air velocity No restriction
Metabolic rate 1.0 <= met <= 1.3
Clothing No restriction

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Summary of Changes
MRT Calculator: A significant new feature was added that allows the user to calculate mean
radiant temperature based on surface temperatures of a rectangular room. Figure 2 shows the
MRT Calculator interface. The user can specify the overall size of the room (width, length and
height), the location of the occupant, and the temperatures of each surface. A rectangular
window or panel can be placed on each surface (walls, floor and ceiling) and can be given a
different temperature than the surface it is placed on. This can be used to represent any surface
that is warmer or colder than the wall, including windows, heating panels, cooling panels, or
even equipment. The occupant can be located anywhere in the room and can face any of the
walls. If the direction of the occupant is not know, “Average” can be selected and the view
factors will be averaged for each orientation. The basis for the MRT calculation is Fanger

Figure 2. MRT Calculator

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Figure 2. Clo Calculator

Clo Calculator: An improved interface to the clothing calculator was developed to allow more
flexibility for an increased clothing library. The new interface allows the user to create an
ensemble of clothing made up of a combination of individual elements. The data for the Clo
calculator is provided in a text file that can be easily updated in the future.

File Import/Export: An improved interface was developed for importing and exporting data to
the comfort tool. The user can defined a format for a comma separated value file for both input
and output. The comfort tool can process an unlimited number of lines of data, making it very
useful for analyzing a large dataset of conditions.

Updated and Expanded Help File: Appendix A contains the updated help available when
running the software. This file has been updated and expanded to address all of the changes to
the tool.

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Spreadsheet interface using a DLL: A Dynamic Link Library (DLL) file was created that
allows the model to be run by other software, including spreadsheets.

Figure 3. Sample Microsoft Excel spreadsheet interface to the ASHRAE Comfort Model

Royalty-free license: All source code for the ASHRAE Comfort Model has been provided with
a royalty-free license based on the BSD license:
Copyright (c) 1995-2011, Regents of the University of California
All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met:

Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
Neither the name of the University of California, Berkeley nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote
products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.


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This help file introduces the program, gets you started quickly, provides help on program operation, help
on thermal comfort in general, and help on interpreting your output.

Click the left mouse button on a topic to get help. Green underlined items throughout the file are linked
to additional help topics. If you don't immediately see help on the topic you want, use the scroll bar on
the right to scroll down to the topic. Items highlighted in fuschia are detailed topic explanations, not links
to other topics.

Quick Start
Program Help
Thermal Comfort Models
Interpreting Your Output
Limitations of the models
Importing and Exporting Data
Program Variables

Final Report: ASHRAE 1332 RP Appendix A-1

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This version of the software was developed by Charlie Huizenga for ASHRAE under RP-1332. It is
intended to be consistent with ASHRAE Standard 55-2010.

Version 1.0 of this software was developed in 1996 by Marc Fountain (Environmental Analytics, Berkeley,
CA) and Charlie Huizenga for ASHRAE under RP-781.

The program predicts human thermal response to the environment using several thermal comfort models,
including PMV-PPD, ET*-DISC. This software allows you to calculate the predicted thermal comfort for a
human at a point in space. All you need to do an comfort analysis is a some basic information about the
thermal environment you want to model and a few things about the person you want to put in that

Final Report: ASHRAE 1332 RP Appendix A-2

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Quick Start
At the top left of the main screen, you can choose between two models: PMV or Adaptive. The PMV
model is the primary basis for the ASHRAE comfort standard. The Adaptive model is specified as an
‘Optional Method for Determining Acceptable Thermal Conditions in Naturally Conditioned Spaces’ as per
section 5.3 of Standard 55-2010.

In the Environmental Conditions section of the screen you'll find four boxes with up/down arrows beside
them. You can edit the numbers in the box directly or use the spin controls to change them incrementally.

Input Variables
Air temperature
Mean radiant temperature (MRT)
Air velocity
Relative humidity

Below the Environmental Conditions, you will also see a place to enter activity level and metabolic rate.

Try adjusting these values and see what happens to the output side (right side) of the screen.

Program Help

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Program Help

At the top left of the main screen, you can choose between four models:

PMV with Elevated Air Speed: The PMV model is the primary basis for the ASHRAE comfort
standard. This model automatically uses the elevated air speed model based on the user input for
air speed as described in section 5.2.3 of Standard 55-2010.

PMV Only: This model is straight PMV. It will not use the elevated air speed model.

Elevated Air Speed Only: This model always uses the elevated air speed adjustment.

Adaptive: The Adaptive model is specified as an ‘Optional Method for Determining Acceptable
Thermal Conditions in Naturally Conditioned Spaces’ as per section 5.3 of Standard 55-2010.

Below the model selection box you'll find a box labeled Environmental Conditions and below that you'll
see Personal Conditions labeled "Activity" and "Clothing". Clicking the left mouse button on the up/down
arrows changes the value in the box. You can change:

Input variables
Air temperature
Mean radiant temperature
Link with air – this check box forces MRT to change when you change the Air temperature. If
MRT is different than the Air temperature when you check this box, the offset between MRT and
Air temperature will remain constant.

Calc – this button brings up the MRT Calculator MRT Calculator

Air velocity
Occupant control – this check box indicates that the occupant has control over the air velocity.
Section 5.2.3 of Standard 55-2010 allows higher air velocities in warm environments if the
occupant has control.
Humidity - Note that you can change the humidity input parameter by clicking on this label. Activity

Other topics
Interpreting your output
Program commands
Detailed model input
Physiological inputs

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Environmental Conditions
Air Temperature
Air Temperature is the "dry bulb temperature of the air surrounding the occupant" (ASHRAE 55-
2010). Air Temperature is typically measured with a mercury thermometer, thermistor, or
thermocouple, inside a shield. The shield prevents an offset of the measurement due to radiation.

Mean Radiant Temperature (MRT)

MRT is "the uniform surface temperature of an imaginary enclosure in which an occupant would
exchange the same amount of radiant heat as in the actual non-uniform space" (ASHRAE 55-
2010). MRT can be calculated from measurements of Air Temperature, Globe Temperature, and
Air Velocity.

Air Velocity
Air Velocity is a vector quantity representing the direction and rate of spatial change (speed) for a
very small volume of air. For thermal comfort, we are concerned primarily with air velocity from any
direction so we use an omni-directional anemometer to measure air "speed". Air speed is used to
calculate convective heat transfer.

Relative Humidity
Relative Humidity is the ratio of the mole fraction of water vapor present in the air to the mole
fraction of water present in saturated air at the same temperature and barometric pressure;
alternatively, it equals the ratio of the partial pressure (or density) of the water vapor in the air to the
saturation pressure (or density) of water vapor at the same temperature. You can also input
dewpoint temperature, partial pressure, wet bulb temperature, or humidity ratio.

Personal Conditions

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Personal Conditions
Activity is defined by metabolic rate. Metabolic rate is "the rate of energy production of the body.
Metabolism, which varies with activity, is expressed in met units [...]. One met is defined as 58.2
watts per square meter which is equal to the energy produced [er unit surface area of a seated
person at rest. The surface area of and average person is 1.8 square meters." (ASHRAE 55-2010)

Metabolic rates for common activities (Met units followed by watts per square meter)
Met Watts per square meter
sleeping 0.7 40.7
sitting quietly 1.0 58.2
sitting and typing 1.1 64.0
sitting and filing 1.2 69.8
standing 1.2 69.8
standing and filing 1.4 81.5
walking 1.7 98.9
lifting and packing 2.1 122.2
running 3.0 174.6

Elevated metabolic rate can also result in decreased effective clo value and increased relative air
velocity (as air is pumped through clothing). One relationship that has been proposed for increased
air velocity is Vnew=Vactual+0.3(Met-1) for Met>1.

Clothing is defined in terms of clo units. Clo is "a unit used to express the thermal insulation
provided by garments and clothing ensembles, where 1 clo = 0.155 (m^2 x deg.C/W)" (ASHRAE

Clo values for common clothing ensembles (Clo units)

walking shorts, briefs, shoes, socks, and a short-sleeved shirt 0.36
knee-length skirt, short-sleeved blouse, panty hose and sandals 0.54
pants, underwear, shoes, socks and a short-sleeved shirt 0.57
lightweight business suit with jacket 0.96

The model includes a clo calculator to allow you to check off individual items of clothing and
include them in an ensemble. Don't forget to include the chair!

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Globe Temperature Calculator

The Globe Temperature Calculator allows you to calculate mean radiant temperature (MRT) from a
measurement of globe temperature. The globe calculator asks you for the air temperature, air velocity,
globe temperature, the diameter of your globe, and the emissivity of its surface. Using the method
described in ASHRAE Fundamentals, the program calculates MRT from the input variables. When you
click on "Set MRT", the globe calculator replaces the MRT in the Environmental Inputs window to the
value calculated by the globe temperature.

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MRT Calculator
The MRT Calculator can be used to calculate the MRT for a room of any size with up to one window (or a
heating/cooling panel) on each surface. The method is based on Fanger (1970).


Room Dimensions
Room width, length and height

Occupant position, x, y in meters
Facing: specify which wall (see diagram) the occupant is facing, or Average to calculate an
average of the four cardinal directions. Custom allows an arbitrary orientation, 0° is facing the top
of the diagram (Wall 3), 90° faces Wall 3, etc.
Seated/Standing: the view factors depend on the occupant posture

Specify the temperature of each surface.

Specify the emissivity of each surface.

Check this box to specify a window or panel for each surface. This panel can be a different
temperature than the wall, floor or ceiling.

If this box is checked, when you close this dialog box the MRT in the main screen will be set to
the MRT for this room.

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Final Report: ASHRAE 1332 RP Appendix A-9

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Detailed model input

For most types of analyses, inputs at this level won't need to be changed. But we've given you access to
these inputs just in case you want to experiment.

These inputs are found under "Detailed model input" in the "Options" pull-down menu

Barometric pressure
You can change the barometric pressure to account for changes in altitude.

Turbulence Intensity
You can change the turbulence intensity to examine draft risk. The ASHRAE Standard 55-2010 has a
section on draft risk and you can view the help topic, thermal comfort models, for more information on
"PD", the index of draft risk. Turbulence intensity is defined as the "ratio of the standard deviation of the
air speed to the mean air speed" (ASHRAE 55-2010).

Outdoor mean temperature averaging period

You can change the time period for the monthly outdoor temperature used for the adaptive models. This
is used in combination with weather data files to automatically calculate the mean outdoor temperature.
ASHRAE Standard 55-2010 uses a 30 day averaging period.

Use Int-Hout 1990 Model

Checking this box substitutes the Int-hout PMV algorithm for the Fanger PMV algorithm in the program.
The status of this check box is indicated in the Results window by a subscript to PMV and PPD. This
model is an attempt to marry the Fanger and Gagge models, both of which receive widespread use in the
research community. Int-Hout constructed a model using parts of both the Fanger and Gagge models.
Essentially, Int-Hout added two types of accommodation for humidity variations to the Fanger PMV
model. First he modifies the heat loss through the skin to account for the vapor resistance of clothing, and
second he uses the difference between ET* and skin temperature for calculating L, the thermal load,
instead of the difference between air temperature and clothing surface temperature that the PMV model

Use velocity correction (velocity 0.3*[Met – 1])

Checking this box automatically corrects the air velocity for increases in metabolic activity. With many
types of metabolic activity, increased motion increases the "relative" air velocity (between the skin and the
environment). Note that the Environmental Input windows still displays the uncorrected air velocity.

Use clo correction

Appendix B of ASHRAE Standard 55-2010 describes an approximate method for correcting clothing
insulation for body movement. Body motion decreases the insulation of a clothing ensemble by pumping
air through clothing openings and/or causing air motion within the clothing. This effect varies considerably
depending on the nature of the motion (e.g., walking versus lifting) and the nature of the clothing
(stretchable and snug fitting versus stiff and loose fitting). Because of this variability, accurate estimates
of clothing insulation for an active person are not available unless measurements are made for the
specific clothing under the conditions in question (e.g., with a walking manikin). A rough estimate of the
clothing insulation for an active person is Icl, active = Icl × (0.6 + 0.4 / M) 1.2 met < M < 2.0 met where M
is the metabolic rate in met units and Icl is the insulation without activity. For metabolic rates less than or
equal to 1.2 met, no adjustment is recommended.

Physiological inputs

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Physiological Data
For most types of analyses, inputs at this level won't need to be changed. But we've given you access
just in case you want to experiment. These inputs and outputs are only relevant to the ET* model.

Physiological data for the 2-node model can be changed by using Import/Export feature and supplying a
text file to change any of the Program Variables.

Model inputs
Body mass (the default value is for an average person).

Body surface area is calculated via the Dubois equation using height and mass.

Default exposure time is 60 minutes which is a reasonable time for reaching equilibrium.

Sweating coefficient is a measure of how much water reaches the skin surface per unit time.

Vaso-dilation is a measure of how resistance to blood flow in the body decreases.

Vaso-constriction is a measure of how resistance to blood flow in the body increases.

Model outputs
Skin blood flow tells you how much blood flows from the core to the skin per unit time.

Skin wettedness tells you the fraction of the skin surface covered with water.

Skin temperature tells you the average temperature of the skin.

Core temperature tells you the average temperature of the core.

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Thermal Comfort Terms and Definitions

Below are listed a number of terms commonly used in thermal comfort research, literature, standards et
cetera. All of the definitions included in ASHRAE 55-2010 are repeated here for completeness.

Acceptable thermal environment - "an environment that at least 80% of the occupants would find
thermally acceptable" (ASHRAE 55-2010)

Air movement - combined effect of air velocity and turbulence.

Air motion - same as air movement

Air speed -same as air velocity except without regard to direction

Air temperature

Air velocity


Clothing insulation - The resistance to sensible heat transfer provided by a clothing ensemble (i.e. more
than one garment). It is described as the intrinsic insulation from the skin to the clothing surface, not
including the resistance provided by the air layer around the clothed body; it is usually expressed in clo
units" (ASHRAE 55-2010)

Comfort - the experience of a pleasing or satisfying thermal sensation.

Comfortable - That condition of the mind that expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment.

Comfort zone - a set of environmental conditions considered to be "comfortable" by 80% of people

exposed. Also, a range of subjective votes recommended for comfort, e.g. -0.5<PMV<0.5 regardless of
environmental conditions.

Dewpoint Temperature - "the temperature at which moist air becomes saturated with water vapor when
cooled at constant pressure." (ASHRAE 55-2010)

Discomfort - the experience of a displeasing or unsatisfactory thermal sensation.

Draft - "Unwanted local cooling of the body caused by air movement" (ASHRAE 55-2010).

Dry bulb temperature - same as air temperature.

Dry heat transfer -see sensible heat transfer below.

Effective temperature (ET*) - "the operative temperature of an enclosure at 50% relative humidity that
would cause the same sensible plus latent heat exchange from a person as would the actual
environment" (ASHRAE 55-2010).

Garment insulation - "The increased resistance to sensible heat transfer obtained from adding an
individual germent over the nude body. It is the effective increase in overall insulation attributable to the
garment and is usually expressed in clo units." (ASHRAE 55-2010)

Latent heat - heat transfer that involves the mechanism of evaporation.

Mean radiant temperature

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Neutral sensation - the sensation of feeling neither warm nor cool.

Neutral temperature - the temperature at which a person will feel neither warm nor cool.

Occupied zone - "the region normally occupied by people within a space, generally considered to be
between the floor and 1.8 meters above the floor and more than 0.6 meters from the walls or fixed air-
conditioning equipment" (ASHRAE 55-2010).

Operative temperature - "the uniform temperature of an imaginary black enclosure in which an occupant
would exchange the same amount of heat by radiation plus convection as in the actual non-uniform
environment. Operative temperature is numerically the average of the air temperature and the mean
radiant temperature weighted by their respective heat transfer coefficients (Hc and Hr)" (ASHRAE 55-

Optimum operative temperature - "the operative temperature that satisfies the greatest possible number
of people at a given clothing and activity level" (ASHRAE 55-2010).

Plane radiant temperature - "the uniform temperature of an enclosure in which the incident radiation flux
on one side of a small plane element is the same as in the existing environment" (ASHRAE 55-2010).



Radiant temperature asymmetry - "the difference between the plane radiant temperature of the two
opposite sides of a plane element" (ASHRAE 55-2010).

Relative humidity

Response time - "(90%) the time for a measureing sensor to reach 90% of the final value after a step
change. For a measuring system that includes only one exponential time-constant function, the 90%
response time equals 2.3 times the "time constant". (ASHRAE 55-2010)

Sensible heat transfer - same as dry heat transfer. Heat transfer that involves the mechanisms of
radiation, conduction, and convection.

Step change - "an incremental change in a variable, either by design or as the result of an interval
between measurements, typically an incremental change in a control setpoint" (ASHRAE 55-2010)

Thermal comfort - "The condition of mind that expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment; it
requires subjective evaluation" (ASHRAE 55-2010)

Thermal environment -" the characteristics of the environment that affect a person's heat loss" (ASHRAE

Thermal neutrality - the state of feeling neither warm nor cold.

Thermal sensation - "a concious feeling of commonly graded into the categories cold, cool, slightly cool,
neutral, slightly warm, warm and hot; it requires subjective evaluation." (ASHRAE 55-2010)

Thermo-dynamic wet-bulb temperature - "that temperature at which water by evaporating into air, can
bring the air to saturation adiabatically at the same temperature. The wet-bulb temperature, measured
with an appropriate psychrometer, can approach the thermodynamic wet-bulb temperature" (ASHRAE

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Time constant - "the time for a measuring sensor to reach 63% of the final value after a step change"
(ASHRAE 55-2010).

Turbulence Intensity

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Thermal Comfort Models

PMV represents the 'predicted mean vote' (on the thermal sensation scale) of a large population of
people exposed to a certain environment. PMV is derived from the physics of heat transfer combined
with an empirical fit to sensation. PMV establishes a thermal strain based on steady-state heat transfer
between the body and the environment and assigns a comfort vote to that amount of strain. PPD is the
predicted percent of dissatisfied people at each PMV. As PMV changes away from zero in either the
positive or negative direction, PPD increases.

More detail on PMV

Adaptive Models
Adaptive models include in some way the variations in outdoor climate for determining thermal
preferences indoors.

ASHRAE Adaptive Model

The ASHRAE adaptive model is based on de Dear and Brager (2001). It defines 80% and 90%
acceptability limits based on a mean monthly outdoor temperature. Standard 55-2010 allows it to be
applied to spaces with operable windows and no mechanical cooling. Metabolic rates from 1.0 to 1.3
are included and the occupants are assumed to adjust clothing as appropriate, so no inputs for
metabolic rate or clothing are needed.

An adaptive model developed by Auliciems fits sensation data based on field investigations of thermal
comfort in Australia spanning several climates. Auliciems equation is:

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Tn is the neutral temperature, Ta is the air temperature, and Tmmo is the mean monthly outdoor

Several models have been proposed by Humphreys. The one selected for inclusion in this software is
based on mean monthly outdoor temperature and is derived from nearly 200,00 observations in a
variety of climates worldwide.

Tn is the neutral temperature and Tmmo is the mean monthly outdoor air temperature.

ET*- DISC also uses a heat balance model to predict thermal comfort, but the model evolves with time
rather than being steady-state like PMV. ET* stands for New Effective Temperature where "effective
temperature" is an temperature index that accounts for radiative and latent heat transfers. ET* is
calculated in this software using the '2-Node' model. The 2-node model determines the heat flow between
the environment, skin and core body areas on a minute by minute basis. Starting from an initial condition
at time=0, the model iterates until equilibrium has been reached (60 minutes is a typical time). The final
mean skin temperature and skin wettedness are then associated with an effective temperature. DISC
predicts thermal discomfort using skin temperature and skin wettedness.

More detail on ET*-DISC

Additional Empirical Models

The PS equation predicts the air velocity that will be chosen by a person exposed to a certain air
temperature when the person has control of the air velocity source. The PS equation is:

Top is operative temperature (in degrees Celsius), a combination of air temperature and mean radiant
temperature, and V is the air velocity in meters per second. The PS equation arises from a study in
which 50 people were asked to adjust an air velocity source as they pleased when exposed to a
specific air temperature. PS represents the cumulative percent of people choosing a particular air
velocity at the specific temperatures tested in this experiment.

TS is an equation that predicts thermal sensation vote using a linear function of air temperature and
partial vapor pressure. The TS equation is:

Ta is the air temperature in degrees Celsius and p is the partial vapor pressure in kilo-pascals. The
TS equation arises from a study similar to the PMV-PPD study described above.

Interpreting your output

Thermal comfort terms and definitions

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The PMV equation for thermal comfort is a steady-state model defined by Fanger (Fanger 1970). It is an
empirical equation for predicting the mean vote on a ordinal category rating scale of thermal comfort of a
population of people. The equation uses a steady-state heat balance for the human body and postulates
a link between the deviation from the minimum load on heat balance effector mechanisms, e.g sweating,
vaso-constriction, vaso-dilation, and thermal comfort vote. The greater the load, the more the comfort
vote deviates from zero. The partial derivative of the load function is estimated by exposing enough
people to enough different conditions to fit a curve. PMV (Predicted Mean Vote), as the integrated partial
derivative is now known, is arguably the most widely used thermal comfort index today. The ISO
(International Standards Organization) Standard 7730 (ISO 1984), "Moderate Thermal Environments --
Determination of the PMV and PPD Indices and Specification of the Conditions for Thermal Comfort,"
uses limits on PMV as an explicit definition of the comfort zone.

The PMV equation only applies to humans exposed for a long period to constant conditions at a constant
metabolic rate. Conservation of energy leads to the heat balance equation:


H = internal heat production
Ed = heat loss due to water vapor diffusion through the skin
Esw = heat loss due to sweating
Ere = latent heat loss due to respiration
L = dry respiration heat loss
R = heat loss by radiation from the surface of the clothed body
C = heat loss by convection from the surface of the clothed body

The equation is expanded by substituting each component with a function derivable from basic physics.
All of the functions have measurable values with exception of clothing surface temperature and the
convective heat transfer coefficient which are functions of each other. To solve the equation, an initial
value of clothing temperature is estimated, the convective heat transfer coefficient computed, a new
clothing temperature calculated etc., by iteration until both are known to a satisfactory degree.

Now let us assume the body is not in balance and write the heat equation as:

L = H-Ed-Esw-Ere-L-R-C,

where L is the thermal load on the body.

Define thermal strain or sensation, Y, as some unknown function of L and metabolic rate. Holding all
variables constant except air temperature and metabolic rate, we use mean votes from climate chamber
experiments to write Y as function of air temperature for several activity levels. Then substituting L for air
temperature, determined from the heat balance equation above, evaluate the partial derivative of Y with
respect to L at Y=0 and plot the points versus metabolic rate. An exponential curve is fit to the points and
integrated with respect to L. L is simply renamed "PMV" and we have (in simplified form):

PMV = exp[met]*L.

PMV is "scaled" to predict thermal sensation votes on a seven point scale (hot,warm, slightly warm,
neutral, slightly cool, cool, cold) by virtue of the fact that for each physical condition, Y is the mean vote of
all subjects exposed to that condition. The major limitation of the PMV model is the explicit constraint of

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skin temperature and evaporative heat loss to values for comfort and "neutral" sensation at a given
activity level.

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ET*, DISC and SET*

The 2-node model was introduced in 1970 specifically to formulate a new effective temperature scale.
The purpose was to determine particular combinations of physical conditions producing equal
physiological strain. Backed by extensive data from climate chamber experiments, it was determined that
while skin temperature is a good indicator of thermal comfort sensation in cold environments, skin
wettedness is a better indicator in warm environments where sweating occurs because skin temperature
changes are small by comparison. The model represents the human body as two concentric cylinders, a
core cylinder and a thin skin cylinder surrounding it. Clothing and sweat are assumed to be evenly
distributed over the skin surface. At time "zero", the cylinder is exposed to a uniform environment, and
the model produces a minute-by-minute simulation of the human thermoregulatory system. After the
user-specified time period is reached, the final surface temperature and surface skin wettedness of the
cylinder are used to calculate ET*, SET*, and other indices. ET* is the temperature of an environment at
50% relative humidity in which a person experiences the same amount heat loss as in the actual
environment. SET* numerically represents the thermal strain experienced by the cylinder relative to a
"standard" person in a "standard" environment. SET* has the advantage of allowing thermal comparisons
between environments at any combination of the physical input variables, but the disadvantage of also
requiring "standard" people.

Based on a laboratory study with a large number of subjects, empirical functions between two comfort
indices, and skin temperature and skin wettedness, were developed. These functions are used in the 2-
Node model to produce predicted values of the votes of populations exposed to the same conditions as
the cylinder. TSENS, the first index, represents the model's prediction of a vote on the seven point
thermal sensation scale. DISC, the second index, predicts a vote on a scale of thermal discomfort:

Very uncomfortable
Slightly uncomfortable

The 2-Node model has undergone many iterations and refinements. In the most recent iteration, a new
temperature index, PMV*, that incorporates skin wettedness into the PMV equation using SET* or ET* to
characterize the environment.

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Thermal Comfort Scales

Thermal sensation scale - also referred to as the ASHRAE scale. A seven-point psychophysical scale of

+3 - Hot
+2 - Warm
+1 - Slightly warm
0 - Neutral
-1 - Slightly cool
-2 - Cool
-3 - Cold

Used alternately as either an ordinal or continuous scale, subjects are asked to select a response that
describes how they feel thermally. The difference between any two consecutive numbers on the scale is
referred to as a "scale value".

Thermal preference scale - A three-point ordinal scale psychophysical scale of warmth preference.

"I want to be cooler"

"I want no change"
"I want to be warmer"

Thermal comfort scale - A seven point ordinal scale of comfort and warmth.

+3 - Much too warm

+2 - Too warm
+1 - Comfortably warm
0 - Comfortable
-1 - Comfortably cool
-2 - Too cool
-3 - Much too cool

Thermal discomfort scale

0-0.3 Comfortably pleasant

1.3 Slightly uncomfortable
2.7 Uncomfortable
3.9 Very uncomfortable
4.7 Limited tolerance

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Interpreting Your Output

PMV Model
The PMV computer method defined by ASHRAE 55-2010 (ASHRAE 55-2010) applies to average
metabolic rates between 1.0 and 2.0 and to clothing of 1.5 clo or less.

When the environmental conditions, activity and clothing inputs result in a PMV between –0.5 and
+0.5 (PPD <= 10%), you will see a green check mark to the left of the PMV and PPD results. If PMV
is outside of this range, you will see a red X to the left indicating that PMV is out of compliance

Humidity ratio
Standard 55 puts an upper limit on the humidity ratio of 0.012 (dew-point of 16.8°C or 62.2°F at
standard pressure).

When the all conditions of ASHRAE 55-2010 are met, you will set the following message in the
Compliance box:

Comfort vote prediction

TSENS "Predicted Thermal Sensation" is a predicted vote on the seven-point thermal sensation

DISC "Predicted Thermal Discomfort" is similar to TSENS except that it accounts for discomfort due
to sweating in warm conditions. In non-sweating conditions, DISC=TSENS.

PMV "Predicted Mean Vote" is a predicted vote on the seven-point thermal sensation scale.

PPD "Predicted Percent Dissatisfied" is a function of PMV. As PMV deviates from zero in either
direction (i.e. as people get warmer or cooler), PPD increases.

Remember that these predictions are for large populations. Individual differences in thermal
preference vary widely so these models cannot be used to reliably predict the response of an

Air movement testing

If you would like to determine the risk of feeling a draft in an office environment, use the Draft Risk
model. DR is intended to protect draft sensitive persons when they have no control of the air
movement in their workspace. As the air temperature increases, the risk of draft decreases. In this
model, as the turbulence intensity in the air increases, the heat transfer from the body increases, and
the draft risk also increases. The default turbulence intensity is 40%, which corresponds to a typical
office environment. Turbulence intensity is rarely lower than this except when plug flow or
'displacement' ventilation is used. If a fan or other air mixing device is nearby, the turbulence can be
substantially higher. Draft Risk is a function of air temperature, air velocity, and turbulence intensity.
In computing the total percentage of dissatisfied people in a space, the percent of dissatisfied people
due to draft must be added to the PPD as computed from PMV. That is why the 10% minimum PPD
is often thought of as a 15% or 20% minimum in applying comfort standards; because a certain
percentage of people are usually dissatisfied by a factor other than thermal sensation, such as draft
or radiant asymmetry. You can change the turbulence intensity in the Detailed Model Input pop-up

If you want to find out the air movement level people choose in an environment when they have

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control, use the PS model. The PS model is designed to provide satisfactory levels of air motion to
people who desire it and have control of the air movement in their workspace. PS tells you the
cumulative percent of people choosing a particular air velocity at a specific temperature. If your PS is
below a certain percent, say 50%, then you know that half of the people would prefer more air motion
if they could get it and adjust it themselves.

DR and PS usually give different recommendations within the comfort zone because they are
designed to provide for different segments of the population.

Adjusting the inputs

If you are trying to model a location in the interior zone of a large office building, you might try using a
mean radiant temperature that is slightly (1 or 2 degrees) higher than air temperature . Large offices
are typically internal-gain dominated (with local heat sources like computers and copiers) and the
interior zones tend to run with slightly higher MRT than Ta in both winter and summer.

Alternatively, if you are modeling an exterior zone with a window nearby, you might try using a
slightly lower MRT than Ta for winter conditions and a slightly higher MRT than Ta for summer.

You can use the check box in the input section of the program to link MRT and Ta. Checking this box
allows you adjust Ta as usual but maintain a constant difference between MRT and Ta.

The sample clo ensembles should cover most typical situations but you are encouraged to build your
own using the clo calculator. Small changes in clothing make a large difference in comfort so getting
the clo as close as you can is important.

Adaptive models
Use neutral temperature from either the Humphreys or Auliciems model to find the temperature at
which a large population will feel neither to warm nor too cold.

When an output is lightened in color by the program, a variable used to calculate that output is not
within its acceptable range.

Thermal Sensation Scales

Thermal comfort terms and definitions

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Limitations of the models

This section discusses specific limitations of the models included in this program. Refer to the User's
Manual for additional information

There are an number of specific limitations of the model that must be kept in mind when looking at the

1) First and foremost, all of the models work best for sedentary humans wearing light clothing and
exposed to conditions near the middle of the ASHRAE comfort zone with little or no air
movement. The farther away you are from those conditions, the more "error" there will be in the
result. Since the models only predict thermal sensations for populations and not individuals, by
error we mean that the predicted value might overestimate or underestimate the mean response
of a large group of people exposed to the conditions modeled. Within the ASHRAE comfort zone,
the expected error in PMV is approximately half of a thermal sensation scale value (Doherty and
Arens 1988). Outside the comfort zone, the estimated error in PMV increases by approximately
one third of a scale value for each degree Celsius change in effective temperature (Ibid.). The 2-
node model has an expected error similar to the PMV model for environmental conditions within
the comfort zone (Ibid.). As activity increases by a met or more over sedentary activity, however,
the error rate in both PMV and 2-NODE can increase to in excess of one scale value (Ibid.). In
practice, when PMV TSENS are used to predict mean responses of large data sets collected in
the field, the fit is often significantly better than ±0.5 scale values.

2) The models don’t predict how any one person will feel - they only predict how a hypothetical
average person will feel. Individual differences between people are frequently greater than one
scale value when people are exposed to the same environment (inter-individual variance). In
addition, how a single person feels in the same environment from day-to-day can also be on the
order of one scale value (intra-individual variance).

3) Dynamic vs. steady-state physical conditions

None of the models included in this program take into account dynamic response. There is no
way to input a description of dynamically changing conditions into any of the models included in
this program. Subsequent runs of the models are to be considered independent predictions of
the responses of large populations of people exposed to steady-state conditions -- no other
interpretation is appropriate.

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Program Commands
Pull down Menus allow you to select commands from a list.

As you become more familiar with the program, you may find that using the Toolbar is faster.

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The file pull-down menu has options that allow you to control file input/output and printing

This command starts the import wizard which leads you through the process of importing data
from an external data file. The format of the data files can be either a standard format or a custom
format defined by the user. All files must be CSV (comma separated value) text files. See
Program Variables for a description of all import/export data.

Save Options
This command allows you to specify the format of the output file.

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Save Results
Saves the current set of results to a text file based on the options specified in Save Options.

Exit terminates the program.

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Humidity parameter
This option item allows you to select how the humidity parameter is specified

Just click on the type of input you would like to use

Switch units
The unit system toggles between SI and IP units.

Clo calculator
The clo calculator is a tool you can use to generate and store your own clothing ensembles. Part of
the clo calculator window is shown below. Just click on the items you would like to include in the
clothing ensemble and the clo value is automatically calculated for you.

You can use the Add to Library button to store the clothing ensemble you created. It will then
appear in the pull down list on the main screen

The icon is fixed for a range of clo values and does not show the individual items you selected.

You can add items to the clo calculator by editing the file "clo.dat" with any text editor.

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Detailed model input

Detailed model input allows the adjustment of several variables that will not be adjusted for most

Globe Temperature

Calculates MRT from globe temperature data.

MRT Calculator
Calculates MRT for a simple room geometry.

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Thermal Comfort Standards

The comfort standard for the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers
(ASHRAE), numbered "55", is entitled "Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy". This
standard, first created early in this century, was updated in 2010 to incorporate the most recent work on
thermal comfort. The standard recommends thermal environmental conditions to achieve comfort indoors
in all types of buildings.

ISO 7730
The comfort standard for the International Standards Organization (ISO) is entitled, "Moderate thermal
environments - determination of the PMV and PPD indices and specification of the conditions for thermal
comfort". This standard is used by most of the world outside the U.S.

Both the ASHRAE and ISO Standards uses the PMV model to evaluate thermal comfort. If the
environmental conditions combined with the activity and clothing of the person you are modeling result in
a PMV between –0.5 and +0.5, then a person exposed to those conditions is presumed comfortable
provided that there is not excessive air velocity.

PMV is an empirical function derived from the physics of heat transfer and the thermal responses of
people in climate chamber tests. PMV establishes a thermal strain based on environmental conditions
and correlates comfort votes to that amount of strain.

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Below is a list of references for those interested in exploring the thermal comfort literature.

ASHRAE. 1981. ASHRAE Standard 55-81, Thermal environmental conditions for human occupancy.
Atlanta: American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers.

ASHRAE. 2010, Standard 55-2010: Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy. Atlanta:
American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers.

Auliciems, 1983. “Psycho-physiological criteria for global zones of building design,” Proceedings of the
Ninth International Society of Biometeorology Conference. Stuttgart-Hohenheim, Sept. -Oct.

Berglund, L., 1978. "Mathematical models for predicting the thermal comfort response of building
occupants," ASHRAE Transactions.

Berglund, L., 1979, “Thermal acceptability,” ASHRAE Transactions, Vol 85, Pt. 1., pp 825-834.

de Dear and Auliciems,1985, "Validation of the PMV model in six Australian field studies", ASHRAE
Transactions, Vol. 91, Pt. 2.

deDear, R., 1998, A Global database of thermal comfort field experiments,” ASHRAE Transactions Vol.
104, Pt. 1.

deDear, R. and G. Brager, 1998, “Developing an adaptive model of thermal comfort and preference,”
ASHRAE Transactions Vol. 104, Pt. 1.

de Dear, R.J. and G.S. Brager, 2001, "The adaptive model of thermal comfort and energy conservation in
the built environment," International Journal of Biometeorology, V.45(2), pp.100-108.

de Dear, R.J., and M.E. Fountain, 1994. "A field study of thermal environments and comfort in a
hot/humid climate," ASHRAE Transactions.

de Dear, R. and J. Ring, 1990, "Human subjective experience of ambient temperature step-changes:
experimental results compared to the predictions of a numerical model," draft for review.

Doherty, T. and E. Arens, 1988. "Evaluation of the physiological bases of thermal comfort models,"
ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 94, Pt. 1.

Fanger, P.O., 1967. "Calculation of thermal comfort: introduction of a basic comfort equation", ASHRAE

Fanger, P.O., 1970. Thermal Comfort, Copenhagen, Denmark, Danish Technical Press.

Fanger P.O., and Cristensen, N.K., 1986. "Perception of draught in ventilated spaces," Ergonomics,
Vol.29, pp. 215-235.

Fanger, P.O., A. Melikov, H. Hanzawa, and J. Ring. 1988. "Air turbulence and sensation of draught."
Energy and Buildings, 12, pp. 21-39.

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Fountain, M. E., E. A. Arens, R.J. de Dear, F.S. Bauman, K. Miura, 1994. "Locally Controlled Air
Movement Preferred in Warm Isothermal Environments," ASHRAE Transactions, Volume 100, Part 2.

Fountain, M.E. and C. Huizenga, 1997, “A Thermal Sensation Prediction Software Tool for Use by the
Profession”, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 103, Pt. 2.

Gagge, A. P. Fobelets, A.P., and Berglund, L. ,1988. "A standard predictive index of human response to
the thermal environment,” ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 92, Pt. 2, pp. 709-731.

Gagge, A.P., Stowijk J., and Nishi, Y., 1970, "An effective temperature scale based on a simple model of
human physiological regulatory response," ASHRAE Transactions.

Haslam, R.A., and Parsons, K.C., 1988. “An evaluation of computer-based models that predict human
response to the thermal environment,” ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 94, Pt. 1, pp. 1342-1360.

Humphreys, M.A., 1976, "Field studies of thermal comfort compared and applied", Building Services
Engineer, Vol. 44, pp.5-27.

International Standards Organization, 1984, "Moderate Thermal Environments -- Determination of the

PMV and PPD Indices and Specification of the Conditions for Thermal Comfort," International Standard

Int-Hout, D., 1990, "Thermal Comfort Calculations/A Computer Model," ASHRAE Transactions, Vol.96,
Pt. 1.

Jones, B., and Ogawa, Y., 1992. "Transient Interaction Between the human and the Thermal
Environment", ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 98, Pt. 1.

Lotens, W. A., 1988. “Comparison of thermal predictive models for clothed humans,” ASHRAE
Transactions, Vol. 94, Pt. 1 pp. 1321-1341.

Lund-Madsen, T., 1976. “Thermal comfort measurements,” ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 82, Pt. 1, pp.

McIntyre, D.A., 1980. Indoor Climate. London, Applied Science Publishers.

Rohles, F. H., Laviana, J.E., 1985. “Indoor climate: new approaches to measuring how you feel,”
Proceedings of the World Congress on Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning, CLIMA 2000.

Schiller, G.E., Arens, E.A., Benton, C.C., Bauman, F.S., Fountain, M.E., Doherty, T.J., 1988. "A field
study of thermal environments and comfort in office buildings," ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 94, Pt. 2.

Schiller, G.E., and Arens, E. A., 1988. “Thermal comfort in existing office buildings,” ASHRAE Journal,
Vol. 30, No. 10.

Schiller, G.E., 1990, "A Comparison of Measured and Predicted Comfort in Office Buildings," ASHRAE
Transactions, Vol. 96, Pt. 1.

Stolwijk, J., 1970, "Mathematical Model of Thermoregulation," in Physiological and Behavioral

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Temperature Regulation, Gagge, Stolwijk, and Hardy eds.

Stolwijk, Jan, 1971. "A Mathematical Model of Physiological Temperature Regulation in Man," Report
#CH-1855 to the National Aeronautics and Space Association.

Tanabe, Shin-ichi, 1988, Thermal Comfort Requirements in Japan. Ph.D. Thesis, Waseda University.

Wissler, E.H., 1985. "Mathematical Simulation of Human Thermal Behavior Using Whole Body Models" in
Heat Transfer in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 1, Shitzer and Eberhart eds.

Wissler, E.H., 1970. "Comparison of Results Obtained From Two Mathematical Models -- A Simple 14-
Node Model and a Complex 250-Node Model," Journal de Physiologie (Paris), Vol. 63, pp. 455-458.

Wissler, E.H., 1970. "The Use of Finite Difference Techniques in Simulating the Human Thermal System,"
in Physiological and Behavioral Temperature Regulation, Gagge, Stolwijk, and Hardy eds.

Wissler, E.H., 1964. "A Mathematical Model of the Human Thermal System," Bulletin of Mathematical
Biophysics, Vol. 26, No. 147.

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This button opens the import/export dialog box that allows processing of data from an external

This button opens the save dialog box that allows saving results to an external text file.

This button activates the Humidity specification selection box.

This button toggles all inputs and outputs between SI and IP units

This button activates the Clo calculator.

This button activates the MRT calculator.

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Import/Export variables

Variable SI units IP units Notes

Ignore Use this to tell the program to ignore or skip a data column
Air temperature °C °F
MRT °C °F Mean radiant temperature
Air velocity m/s fpm
Relative humidity fraction (0 – 1)
Vapor pressure kPa in. Hg
Dew point °C °F
Wet bulb °C °F
Humidity ratio - - kg H20 per kg dry air (or lb/lb)
Metabolic rate met met 1 met = 58.2 W/m2 or 18.4 Btu/h-ft2
Clo clo clo 1 clo = 0.155 m2-K/W or 0.88 h-ft2-F/Btu
Pressure kPa in HG Barometric pressure used for psychometric calculations
ET* °C °F Effective temperature
SET* °C °F Standard effective temperature
Tsens - - Thermal sensation model
DISC - - Discomfort index
PMV - - Fanger’s Predicted Mean Vote (-3 to +3)
PPD fraction (0 – 1) Fanger’s Predicted Percentage Dissatisfied
DR fraction (0 – 1) Fanger’s Draft Risk
PS fraction (0 – 1) Fountain’s Percent Satisfied air motion index
PMV (Int-Hout) Int-Hout’s modified PMV
PPD (Int-Hout) PPD based on Int-Hout’s modified PMV
Outdoor mean °C °F
Adaptive 80% low limit °C °F
Adaptive 90% low limit °C °F
Adaptive 90% high limit °C °F
Adaptive 80% high limit °C °F
Humphreys Tneutral °C °F
Auliciems Tneutral °C °F
Body mass kg lb
Body surface area m2 ft2
Exposure time min min.
Skin blood flow l/m2-hr pt/ft2-
Skin wettedness
Skin temperature °C °F
Core temperature °C °F
Turbulence intensity fraction (0 – 1)

Final Report: ASHRAE 1332 RP Appendix A-34

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