Feel-Good Productivity Mind Map

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Choose your character

Curiosity doesn’t simply make our lives more enjoyable. It also

allows us to focus longer.

Video Games Side Quest Method Embrace your curiosity

if we want to harness the revolutionary effects of play, our

step is to seek out fun everywhere we go.

What would it look like if it were fun? Post­it note and ask question Play ( seeking adventures, fun and lower stake)

Enjoy the process, Not the outcome

If your goal is to build a successful business, then your data

process might involve testing different business ideas,
products or services.
With an experimental mindset, a product launch that doesn’t
meet Be have an experimental mindset
expectations wouldn’t be a failure or a disaster; it’d just be
another data Reframe your failure
point to help you refine your strategy and better understand
your target

No failure is ever just a failure. It’s an invitation to try

something new.

Don't be serious, be sincere

Believing you can is the first step to making sure you actually

" I can do it"

positive interventions( Positive talks)
"Nearly there!"
The confident swith Boost your confidence

What would it look like if I were really confident at this?

Ask questions
What would it look like if I approached this task feeling confident that I could do it?

If they can, you can too. Social model method (Vicarious mastery)

Learning through doing

If you’re in the world of business, shoshin might mean

embracing innovation and experimentation, reminding Part One: Energise Endorphines
yourself that ‘masters’ become limited by their beliefs in Power ( personal empowerment, self­ efficacy, cofidence )
The Shoshin Approach (Beginner's Mind)
what’s been done and how, while beginners seek new
approaches to problem­solving and explore new markets or serotonin
feel good hormones
Level up your skills dopamine
He who teaches learns
Teachers learn most
The Protégé Effect
You don’t need to be a guru. You can just be a guide.

When we can’t take ownership of the situation, we can still

Own the process
take ownership of the process.
Take ownership of your work
(be have intrinsic motivation)

change 'have to' to 'choosed to' Own your mindset

Teamwork is as much a psychological state as a way of dividing
up tasks.
Blockers Amygdala in our brain; Fear

Comrade Mindset

Find your scene (scenius)

The unblock method

Synchronicity makes us want to help others. And it makes us

Find synchronicity
want to help ourselves.
The unblock method

There are any number of these random acts of kindness.

Making a colleague a drink. Writing a friend a thank­you Random act of kindness
note. Offering a strangeryour place in line. The purpose?
Feel the helper's high

Ask for help from others Commanders' Intent The end state?

Ask "Why?" (Ultimate Why)

The key tasks?

Overcommunication won’t just inspire them. It will inspire you

too The five whys
overcommunicate the Good

Celebrating other people's wins is important. The best way to

do it is taking an active, positive view of all good news

Focus on non­judgemental terms Input­base (not output­based)

Focaus on tangible whati gone wrong Don't be lie, and also don't be honest. Be candid. Overcommunicate the Not­So­Good Controllable
Seek clearity
Focus on possible solutions to the problem NICE Goal Model Energizing
Ask "What"

Do less, so that you can unlock more. identify the big obstacles to your goal
The crystalball method
before they have derailed your plans

Feel­Good Productivity
Implementation Intention If X happens, then I will Y When I get home from work, I will call my mum
Energy investment portfolio
Ask "When"
Do less
Time­blocking Create schedules for hours, days and weeks
Part Two: Unblock

Conserve Getting to know our fears is the first step towards overcoming
The power of "NO"
Overexertion bournouts

Add friction The emotional label Acknowledge your fear and get rid of them

Resist Distraction Know your fear

‘I’ve spent five minutes on social media; I might as well
Correct course Identity Label
continue to do so for the next three hours.’

When we scared, we become paralysis­ unable to think, make decisions or take action.
Schedule Your Breaks

Break More
Find courage
Embrace energising distraction
10/10/10 Rule
Reduce your fear

The confident equation

Stop spotlighting mindset of 'no one cares'

Overcome your fear

Calm Hobbies
visualise yourself transforming into the alternative ‘you’. Imagine yourself adopting their posture,
The Batman effect
Recharge creatively voice and mindset

Calm Projects

Reduce environment friction practice guitar place guitar in the middle of the room
Photos of trees
Reduce frictionn
Bring in nature
Sounds of nature (birds, water flow,) Reduce emotional friction Five­Minute rule
Recharge naturally

Doomscrolling, binge­watching TV shows

Take a walk
If you’re procrastinating from studying for an exam, your next action step is to
Define the next action step
get your textbook out and open it to the page you’re going to start from.
Get start Take action
The DMN helps us to recall memories, to daydream and to
DMN(Default Mode Network) Let your mind wander
Tracking your progress provides you with tangible evidence
imagine the future Track your progress
that you’re moving towards your goals.

Do nothing a short time Recgare mindlessly

Find an accountability buddy
The reitoff principle
By doing less today, you can do more of Support yourself
what matters to you tomorrow. Part Three: Sustain
‘I didn’t finish that job application today. But I got to spend
Forgive yourself Find the Win I didn’t do X, but I did do Y
time with my grandma instead, so that’s a win for today.’

When we think about death, we get a clearer view of life

Think about what you’d like a family member, a close friend,

The Eulogy Method
a distant relative, a co­worker, to say at your funeral.

The long­term horizon

The odyssey plan

The wheel of life

Misalignment burnouts Align

The Medium­Term Horizon

The 12­month celeberation

H – Go for a 30­minute run after class H

W – Spend an extra hour studying for tomorrow’s exam W The three alignment quests
R – Catch up with Katherine over coffee after study session R

identify an area of your life where your actions feel

particularly unfulfilling
Short­term horizon

If you were to change one – just one –

Alignment experiments
independent variable in your life, what would it be?

Make a change. To start with, keep it small

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