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+91 8148332193

OBJECTIVE: Computer Vision / Data Scientist professional with 8 years of Experience


• Computer Vision Developer with history of productivity and successful project outcomes.
• Specialist in the development of Applications & Software Tools in Matlab, C++ and Python environments.
• Proficient in wide variety of areas in CV/ML/DL algorithm Development & Deployment.


Applications : Image processing, Computer Vision, Machine learning, Deep learning, CNN,RNN
Image Recognition, Object detection, Semantic & Instance segmentation,
Computational Photography, Multi View Geometry, Text Extraction (OCR)

Languages : Python, Julia, MATLAB ,C, C++, CUDA

Tools & libs : OpenCV, Dlib, Tensorflow, Keras, PyTorch, ARKit, OpenGL, Qt, Docker

Operating systems : Windows XP, Windows 7, Debian, Ubuntu, kali

Cloud : AWS,GCP, Azure ML


Valeo India Pvt Ltd, Chennai

Senior R& D Lead – Computer Vision (Feb,2023–present)

Soiling & Object detection, semantic segmentation road entities on automotive surround-view cameras
Camera Calibration – Motion Tracking Calibration, Feature Tracking calibration
Camera Model – Fisheye distortion Correction – Valeo 4th Poly , F-Theta, Mobileye Camera Models

Continental Automotive Components India Pvt Ltd, Bangalore

Tech Lead –ADAS, Machine Learning (May, 2022 –Feb,2023)

4D Imaging Radar – Classification of Objects & Road Entities using Environment Model

Renault Nissan Technology & Business Centre India Pvt Ltd, Chennai
Assistant Manager - Machine Learning (July, 2018 – May,2022)

AISEE – Engg drawing Normalization, ZNC Automation

1.More than 300 Checks are performed on the Engg drawings for safety & regulation impacts
2.Compare and drawings for changes from previous revisions.
Tools used : OpenCV, Tesseract, GCP
AIA – Aftersales Intelli Assist

Mobile app will simplify the parts ordering and tracking of Renault dealers.
1. get the Car Context using by OCR Scanning of VIN or Registration plate.
2. Identify part reference number from the from Parts Image Recognition Scanned through mobile.
3. Parts Ordering and Tracking through internal micro services.
VIN-OCR(62 classes) and Parts Recognition(4957 classes) API are deployed as Cloud function.
Optimize the DL model for Could platforms.
Tools used : Tensorflow, Keras, PyTorch, OpenCV. GCP AutoML

HCL Technologies Ltd, Chennai

Lead Engineer - Machine Learning (Nov,2017 – July, 2018 )

Semantic Segmentation of Aerial Images.

1. Semantic Segmentation of Aerial Images using DeeplabV3+
2. Distribute the training process with data-parallelism
3. post processing results with Grid CRF
Tools used : Auto-Keras, TensorFlow. OpenCV

Drive Visual Data Analytics Pvt Ltd, Chennai

Senior Developer – Computer Vision (July, 2015 –Nov,2017)

Maplytiks – Measure of Media exposure

Measure of Media exposure in terms of inventory and time for the high-end branding sponsors across the
different signage’s (Gross, Perimeter LED boards, player Jerseys) of sports videos

Techniques & Tool Used:

BRISK, Brute Force Matcher, Sparse Optical flow, hierarchical distance-based clustering, similarity
transformation, Generalized Hough Transform, One Shot Tracking, Faster RCNN, YOLO, SSD.
Tools used : Tensorflow, Keras, OpenCV, Dlib, Scikit-image, Scikit-learn
Development, Reporting, Testing, coordinate team members.

Geolytiks – Virtual Ad Replacement

Ad Content dynamically overlaid based on geo

Brand imagery is overlaid on:
• Gross Signages
• LED boards on playing arena.

Hardware & Application Prototype:

• Video acquisition through Blackmagic capture card and calibrated camera.
• detect Play field Markers using CMT tracker.
• Camera Pose estimation using PnP ,RANSAC, Kalman filter, .
• Video output through BMD Decklink SDI 4K and OpenGL.

Tools used : OpenCV, OpenGL, CUDA, ARKit

Roles : Development, Reporting, Field Trails coordinatation.
Maples Imaging Solution Pvt Ltd, Chennai
Software Engineer (May, 2014 – July, 2015)

MapOptis Customized For Accenture - Handwritten Character Recognition (ICR)

Recognition Module: Extract HOG features each character image. Based on Classification using SVM or Neural
Networks (NNs) the data is moved to correct folder and QC folder.


 Leader in the Kaggle in class prediction competition - Tires detection and ID comparison (TIN) 2021

 AISEE project competed against worldwide projects in DEA-G RTx Innovation contest and secured first
place with maximum votes from across the globe in 2019.

 Published a article about on comparison on various semantic segmentation & Distributed deep learning
along with HCL Data Science CoE, Hyderabad, 2018.

 Onsite Experience in IPTL League 2016, Hyderabad

 Have undergone most of the workshops & conferences related to CV/ML/AI.


  Quick learner, Ardent, Responsible and Optimistic. 

  Punctuality. 
  Ability to deal with the people positively and a team facilitator. 
 Eager to learn from others. 

Father’s Name : M.Ravichandran.

Mother’s Name : R.Rani.
Date of Birth : 5, Jan, 1992.
Age : 29
Nationality : Indian.
Languages Known : Tamil, English (Write), French(Basic)
: Tamil, English (Speak)
Residencial Address : Plot No.407, Manickapuram Layout,
: Kuthanur,
: Guduvanchery, Chennai-603 202.

I hereby assure you that the above furnished details are genuine to the best of my knowledge.



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