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1 A. Red chili, plates, salt, rice, soy sauce, oil, red Union, white Union, knife, royco.

B. Blender, ice, watremelon, apple, manngo, pineapple, syrup, milk, water, sugar

2. Can , Yes , By , Can , Get , Do , Want , Juice , That’s all , OK, I'll prepare it. Thank you for ordering

3. Bread , Plates , Meat , Glasses , Coffee , Love

4. Broccoli, Spinach, and Lettuce , onions, and leek

5. Busy / busier / busiest

Cheap / cheaper / the cheapest

Delicious / more delicious / most delicious

Beautiful / more beautiful / most beautiful

6. A. Five, Six, Nine, Double Two, Seven

B. Who

A. Talk

B. Take

7. Taught , Were , Studied , Playing , Pray , Visiting

8. a canary is smaller than an eagle

an eagle is smaller than a plane

a canary is the smallest.

an eagle is bigger than canary

a plane is bigger than an eagle

a plne is the biggest.

a canary is slower than an eagle

a canary is slower than a plane

an eagle is slower than a plane

a canary is the slowest

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