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Pediatric Anesthesiology

E   Narrative Review Article

An Update on One-Lung Ventilation in Children

T. Wesley Templeton, MD,* Federico Piccioni, MD,† and Debnath Chatterjee, MD, FAAP‡

One-lung ventilation in children continues to present technical and sometimes physiologic chal-
lenges to the clinician. The rarity of these cases at any single institution, however, has led to
very few prospective trials to guide best practices. As a result, most clinicians continue to be
guided by local tradition and preference. That said, the development of new bronchial blockers
such as the EZ-Blocker or blocking devices such as the Univent tube have continued to evolve
the practice of lung isolation in children. Further, the development of a variety of extraluminal
blocker techniques has led to innovations in practice through a relatively diverse landscape of
published case series offering different approaches to one-lung ventilation during the past 15
years. The Arndt bronchial blocker continues to represent the most well documented of these
devices. Additionally, recent advances have occurred in our understanding of the relevant ana-
tomic constraints of the lower pediatric airway. This review is intended to provide a comprehen-
sive and practical update to practicing pediatric anesthesiologists to further their understanding
of the modern practice of one-lung ventilation for thoracic surgery in children. (Anesth Analg

BB = bronchial blocker; CPAP = continuous positive airway pressure; CT = computerized tomo-
graphic; DLT = double-lumen tube; ETT = endotracheal tube; FFB = flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope;
Fio2 = fraction of inspired oxygen; HPV = hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction; LPV = lung-protective
ventilation; OLV = one-lung ventilation; PEEP = positive end-expiratory pressure; Spo2 = oxygen
saturation; VATS = video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery; V/Q = ventilation/perfusion

ne-lung ventilation (OLV) in infants and INDICATIONS FOR OLV
young children represents a niche practice The indications for OLV can be broadly categorized
that has continued to evolve during the past as either to facilitate surgical exposure or to anatomi-
2 decades. One of the first comprehensive reviews of cally isolate one-lung from the other (Supplemental
this topic was published by Hammer.1 In many ways, Digital Content, Table 1,
the basic approaches to OLV in young children, endo- D159).2–5 More recently, continued refinements in
bronchial intubation, or placement of an extraluminal minimally invasive surgical techniques have popular-
bronchial blocker (BB) remain unchanged. Despite ized video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) in
the scarcity of these cases, the practice of OLV in children which has led to an increased need for lung
young children continues to evolve with improve- isolation even in very young patients.6–11
ments in our knowledge of the anatomical constraints Anatomical lung isolation in children may also be
of the lower pediatric airway, the development of necessary to avoid cross-contamination from one lung
newer blocker devices, and innovative approaches to to the other in cases of severe pulmonary hemorrhage
extraluminal BB placement. or empyema.12,13 Similarly, patients with pulmonary
alveolar proteinosis require lung isolation for sequen-
From the *Department of Anesthesiology, Wake Forest School of Medicine,
tial whole lung lavages to clear the accumulation of
Winston-Salem, North Carolina; †Department of Critical and Supportive lipoproteinaceous material within the alveoli.14,15
Care, Fondazione Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico
(IRCCS) Instituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan, Italy; and ‡Department
Another clinical scenario that warrants lung isolation
of Anesthesiology, Children’s Hospital Colorado, University of Colorado is ineffective ventilation of the ipsilateral healthy lung
School of Medicine, Aurora, Colorado.
secondary to a decrease in pressure or airflow on the
Accepted for publication June 19, 2020.
contralateral side from bronchial disruption or bron-
Funding: None.
chopleural fistula.16
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations
appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of PHYSIOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS DURING OLV
this article on the journal’s website (
Reprints will not be available from the authors.
Address correspondence to T. Wesley Templeton, MD, Department of Anes- Key Points
thesiology, Wake Forest School of Medicine, Medical Center Blvd, Winston-
Salem, NC 27157. Address e-mail to 1. 
Issues that inhibit ventilation/perfusion (V/Q)
Copyright © 2020 International Anesthesia Research Society matching and therefore predispose children to
DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000005077 hypoxemia during OLV include compression of the

XXX XXX • Volume XXX • Number XXX 1

Copyright © 2020 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
One-Lung Ventilation

dependent lung as a result of a less rigid cartilagi- hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) within
nous rib cage and abdominal pressure transmitted seconds, directing blood away from poorly ventilated
through the diaphragm, reducing compliance and areas to better-ventilated areas. HPV in these seg-
ventilation in the dependent lung. ments will peak at 15–20 minutes followed by a sec-
2. A reduction in the hydrostatic gradient from the ond delayed response, which will peak at 2 hours.17
nondependent to the dependent lung due to a Based on animal studies, HPV decreases blood flow
child’s reduced size leads to less effective shunting to the nondependent lung by 50%.18 In practice, these
of blood away from the nondependent lung to the compensatory mechanisms facilitate adequate oxy-
dependent lung leading to worsening V/Q match- genation during thoracic surgery and OLV in adult
ing during OLV. patients with the well-perfused and ventilated lung
in the dependent position.19
In an awake patient in the upright position, venti- In infants and young children, these physiologic
lation and perfusion of the lungs are well matched mechanisms may be significantly altered with sig-
with the dependent portions of the lungs receiv- nificant reductions in optimal V/Q matching.20 The
ing greater blood flow as a result of the increasing reasons for this difference are multifactorial. The
hydrostatic gradient from top to bottom paired with mostly cartilaginous rib cage of infants cannot fully
the relatively favorable location of the lung bases on support the underlying lung. Functional residual
their respective compliance curves. These normal capacity in infants is maintained closer to the resid-
homeostatic mechanisms and favorable V/Q match- ual volume, making airway closure likely to occur
ing patterns, however, can be significantly altered in the dependent lung even during tidal breathing.21
during anesthesia, OLV, and lateral decubitus posi- The mechanical advantage offered by the dependent
tioning (Figure 1). diaphragm in adults is less pronounced in infants.
With the initiation of OLV in the lateral decubitus Finally, the decreased hydrostatic pressure gradient
position, the nondependent lung collapses, leading between the nondependent and dependent lungs
to atelectasis and decreased compliance, thus shift- reduces the degree of redistribution of pulmonary
ing ventilation back to the dependent lung. Further, blood flow to the dependent lung in infants and
alveolar hypoxia in the nondependent lung activates young children. These factors along with a higher

Figure 1. Effects of lateral positioning on the

redistribution of pulmonary blood flow and V/Q
mismatch in an anesthetized patient. In the lat-
eral position (A), there is a decrease in com-
pliance and functional residual capacity in the
dependent lung from external compression by
the mediastinum, an increase in intraabdomi-
nal pressure transmitted to the chest via the
diaphragm, and a decrease in chest wall com-
pliance. Lateral positioning also leads to an
increase in perfusion to the dependent lung,
which receives 60% of the pulmonary blood
flow and the nondependent lung receives 40%
of the pulmonary blood flow. With OLV (B), col-
lapse and atelectasis in the nondependent lung
activate hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction,
directing blood toward the better-ventilated
lung, thereby improving V/Q matching. HPV indi-
cates hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction; OLV,
one-lung ventilation; PBF, pulmonary blood flow;
V/Q, ventilation/perfusion.

Copyright © 2020 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
EE Narrative Review Article

metabolic rate in infants can result in hypoxemia

Summary of bronchial diameters and recommended lung isolation device or ETT size for lung isolation. ETT outer diameters can vary significantly by manufacturer, so care must be taken to evaluate the outer diameter

Abbreviations: BB, bronchial blocker; C, cuffed; CT, computerized tomography; DLT, double-lumen tube; E, extraluminal; ETT, endotracheal tube; Fuji, Fuji Uniblocker; I, intraluminal; L, left; OD, outer diameter; OLV, one-lung


during OLV.



Key Points
1. The left mainstem bronchus is consistently smaller
than the right mainstem bronchus and requires an


endotracheal tube (ETT) ½ size smaller for endo-
bronchial intubation.
2. The distance from the carina to the take-off of the



left upper lobe bronchus is typically 3 times the

distance from the carina to the take-off of the right
upper lobe, allowing a larger margin of error when



adjusting the depth of a BB or performing an endo-

Median bronchial diameter measured by high resolution CT (Downard MG, Johnson AL, Heald CJ, Anthony EY, Singh J, Templeton TW, unpublished data, April 2019).
bronchial intubation on the left side.



3. The take-off of the right upper lobe remains very
close to the carina (≤1 cm) in patients up to 8 years

of age, making lung isolation frequently more tech-


nically challenging with a much smaller range for
optimal device placement.

Our understanding of the lower tracheobron-


chial anatomy has increased substantially during
the past several years. One of the first attempts to

9F Arndt
further delineate this anatomy was by Hammer


et al,22 where he provided estimates of ETT sizes for
endobronchial intubation based on an analysis of
autopsy specimens and computerized tomographic
7F Arndt

(CT) examinations.22–25 More recently, several stud-

Table 1.  Age and Device Selection for OLV in Infants and Young Children

ies have used high-resolution CT to better character-
ize the anatomy of the lower airway from the glottis
down to the left and right mainstem bronchi.26–30
5F Arndt

Anatomic considerations relevant for the execution



of OLV in children include, first, the left mainstem

bronchus is smaller than the right mainstem bron-
chus in children, so an ETT that is appropriate for
3.0 (4.3)
3.5 (4.9)
3.5 (4.9)
4.0 (5.6)
5.0 (6.9)
5.0 (6.9)
Intubation (OD mm)b
Standard C ETT Size
for Endobronchial

the right mainstem bronchus may ultimately be too


of a given ETT when planning to use it for endobronchial intubation and OLV.

large to enter the left mainstem bronchus. Further,

the size of the left mainstem bronchus in children
3.0 (4.3)
3.0 (4.3)
3.5 (4.9)
4.0 (5.6)
4.5 (6.2)
4.5 (6.2)
5.5 (7.5)
6.0 (8.2)

Measurement of outer diameter is for Shiley endotracheal tubes.

0–3 months old may even be too small to accommo-


Median bronchial diameter measured by high resolution CT.32

date a 3.0 uncuffed ETT. Second, the distance from

the carina to the take-off of the right upper lobe
in most children is <1 cm, even in children up to
2.5 (3.6)
2.5 (3.6)
3.0 (4.2)
3.5 (4.9)
3.5 (4.9)
4.0 (5.5)
5.0 (6.9)
Intubation (OD mm)b

8 years of age. This is significant because it makes


Standard UC
ETT Size for

it very easy to pass an ETT beyond the take-off of

the right upper lobe, thereby ventilating only the
3.0 (4.2)
3.0 (4.2)
3.5 (4.9)
4.0 (5.5)
4.5 (6.2)
4.5 (6.2)
5.5 (7.5)

right middle and lower lobes and potentially exac-


erbating hypoxemia and hypercarbia in very young

ventilation; R, right; UC, uncuffed.

patients.1,31 Fortunately, the distance from the carina

to the take-off of the left upper lobe is on average 3


times greater, giving the clinician a much larger mar-


gin of error when placing an ETT or BB into the left

0–3 mo 4.4a
3–6 mo 4.7a
6–12 mo 5.4a

mainstem bronchus. Table 1 summarizes the recom-

mended ETT and BB sizes for patients <9 years of
8–10 y

age, based on CT measurements of the left and right

1–2 y
2–4 y
4–6 y
6–8 y

mainstem bronchi from several authors.


XXX XXX • Volume XXX • Number XXX 3

Copyright © 2020 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
One-Lung Ventilation

TECHNIQUES FOR OLV IN CHILDREN the potential for an improper seal and inadequate col-
Endobronchial Intubation lapse of the operative lung, inability to suction the
Key Points operative lung, inability to deliver continuous posi-
tive airway pressure (CPAP) to the operative lung,
1. In children <8 years of age, the clinician should
and the potential for the ETT to become occluded
consider reducing the ETT size by 0.5 mm internal
with secretions and sanguineous debris.1,34,35
diameter for left-sided endobronchial intubation.
2. Endobronchial intubation in young children can be
complicated by partial or almost complete occlu- Bronchial Blocker
sion of the ETT by blood or other airway secretions Key Points
during thoracic procedures leading to difficulties
with ventilation and oxygenation. 1. Extraluminal placement of a BB device remains the
only viable option to perform lung isolation with a
Endobronchial intubation remains the simplest means BB in children <2 years of age.
of achieving OLV, especially in children <2 years of age.32 2. BBs are more likely to be displaced when com-
Right-sided endobronchial intubation can be accom- pared to endobronchial intubation.
plished simply by advancing the ETT until the breath 3. There are multiple approaches available to facili-
sounds on the left disappear. In most cases, the ETT will tate the successful placement of an extraluminal BB
naturally enter into the right mainstem bronchus. The in young children.
clinician must take care to avoid advancing the ETT
too distally to prevent occlusion of the take-off of the Catheter-based balloon blockers represent the only
right upper lobe bronchus. It is important to note that other alternative technique for performing OLV in
uncuffed ETTs have a Murphy eye, which may help ven- young children. In general, they can be placed either
tilating the right upper lobe when used for right-sided intraluminally or extraluminally (Figure 2). Fogarty
endobronchial intubation. For left-sided endobronchial embolization catheters (Edwards Life Sciences, Irvine,
intubation, the bevel of the ETT is rotated 180°, and the CA) and Arndt BB (Cook Medical, Bloomington, IN)
patient’s head is turned to the right.31 Endobronchial represent 2 older alternative BBs for OLV in children.
intubation can also be achieved with the aid of a flexible More recently though, 3 newer blocker devices have
fiberoptic bronchoscope (FFB) and railroading the ETT been introduced, including the 5F Fuji Uniblocker
into the desired mainstem bronchus.33 Alternatively, (Ambu, Columbia, MD), Univent tube (Fuji Systems
some clinicians will advance the ETT into the desired Corporation, Tokyo, Japan), and EZ-Blocker (Teleflex,
mainstem bronchus using fluoroscopic guidance. Wayne, PA).
While endobronchial intubation is technically easy Historically, the Fogarty embolectomy catheters
to execute, there are several disadvantages, including were the first available catheter-based balloon blockers

Figure 2. Intraluminal versus extraluminal

approach to bronchial blocker placement. A,
Intraluminal approach with fiberoptic scope and
bronchial blocker inserted through the multiport
adapter with both devices present within the
endotracheal tube. B, Extraluminal bronchial
blocker with blocker present outside of the endo-
tracheal tube within the airway and the fiberoptic
scope inserted through the multiport adapter and
endotracheal tube to facilitate placement.

Copyright © 2020 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
EE Narrative Review Article

for OLV in children, with the earliest description in in children down to 10 years of age, although this
1969.36–38 Unlike most of the more modern blockers, remains off label.49
they have a low-volume, high-pressure balloon, and
therefore, the balloon must be inflated under direct EXTRALUMINAL APPROACHES TO BB PLACEMENT
vision with a FFB and inflated to the smallest volume IN CHILDREN
that seals the bronchus.35 Bronchial injury from over Key Points
distension of the cuff of a Fogarty embolectomy cath-
1. Extraluminal placement of a BB on the right side
eter during OLV has been described.39 Another disad-
is frequently easier than placing it on the left,
vantage of the Fogarty embolectomy catheter is the although more precision is necessary when adjust-
absence of a center channel to deflate the operative ing the final depth of the device.
lung. 2. No single approach to extraluminal BB placement
The Arndt BB remains the most well documented appears to be superior to another.
of all BBs in young children.40–43 This blocker has sev- 3. Fluoroscopy can be used to guide BB placement
eral unique features, including a high-volume, low- when visualization with a flexible fiberoptic scope
pressure cuff, and a removable internal wire loop that is hindered by secretions or a lack of physiologic
extends through the whole blocker and terminates as reserve.
a loop that slides over the fiberoptic bronchoscope
while positioning. The Loop Approach. One of the earliest approaches to
The 5F Uniblocker is less well documented in chil- extraluminal placement using the Arndt BB was to use
dren. The Uniblocker is manufactured with a bend at the distal wire loop to lasso the ETT before placement
the distal tip of the device, just proximal to the bal- in the patient. Following direct laryngoscopy, the
loon tip and a shaft that is slightly more rigid than the ETT and blocker are inserted simultaneously into the
Arndt BB. It can be directed into the desired mainstem patient. The ETT is secured, and a FFB is then advanced
bronchus by twisting the shaft at the point of insertion into the desired mainstem bronchus. The Arndt BB is
into the multiport adapter if used via an intralumi- then advanced off of the ETT onto the FFB using the
nal approach or at the lips if used via an extraluminal wire loop until it passes over the scope now in place
approach. The balloon cuff, like the Arndt, is a high- in the desired mainstem bronchus. Variations on this
volume low-pressure cuff, and similar to the Fogarty approach include driving the FFB through the ETT
embolectomy catheter, there is no central lumen for and then through the wire loop of an already extant
CPAP or suctioning.35 extraluminal Arndt blocker placed before the ETT.
Two devices that depart in some ways from the The scope is then driven into the desired mainstem
blockers described above are the EZ-Blocker and bronchus, and the blocker is threaded over the FFB
the Univent tube. The EZ-Blocker is a newer BB into the desired mainstem bronchus.42
with a unique “Y”-shaped design at the distal end
(Supplemental Digital Content, Figure 1, http:// Bending the Blocker. More recently, some groups have It should be noted that described placing a bend approximately 1–1.5 cm
the EZ-Blocker is approved by the Food and Drug proximal to the distal balloon to create a steerable end
Administration for OLV in adults but not in children. to the Arndt blocker, which can be manipulated under
The Univent tube, on the other hand, is an ETT, in direct vision or fluoroscopy (Figure 3).43,50 In this
which the blocker is attached via a connected channel technique, a 30°–45° bend is placed 1–1.5 cm proximal
to the ventilating lumen, creating an in situ extralu- to the distal balloon before induction or placement of
minal blocker.45 the device. Following direct or video laryngoscopy, the
blocker is first advanced through the glottic opening
INTRALUMINAL BB PLACEMENT for 3–5 cm or until resistance is met. Subsequently,
In children, safe intraluminal use is limited to pediat- an ETT is inserted adjacent to the blocker. While not
ric patients >3 or 4 years of age because a 5F blocker required, anterior positioning of the ETT relative to
and 2.2 mm FFB require at least a 4.5 mm internal the blocker tends to lead to better overall mechanics,
diameter ETT to accommodate both the blocker and as force applied to the proximal end of the blocker
the FFB. That said, there is a case series describing to advance the device more distally tends to be more
the use of 5F intraluminal blockers placed blindly in directly transmitted depending on the tightness of fit
children as young as 1 month of age through a 4.0 of the ETT and blocker at the level of the glottis. Ideally,
uncuffed ETT.46 This, however, does not represent the the fit between the blocker and the ETT at the level
current standard of care for OLV in young children. of the glottis should allow for adequate ventilation
The intraluminal approach to BB placement in older as well as vertical translocation of the BB. This will
children is well documented elsewhere.47,48 Finally, typically occur around a leak pressure of 18–24 cm
there are reports of intraluminal use of the EZ blocker H2O.51 Additionally, the ETT should be placed slightly

XXX XXX • Volume XXX • Number XXX 5

Copyright © 2020 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
One-Lung Ventilation

Figure 3. Summary of “Bending the Rules”

approach for extraluminal placement for
bronchial blocker placement. A, Arndt bron-
chial blocker prepared with 30°–45° bend. B,
Extraluminal 5F Arndt bronchial blocker in glot-
tis before placement of endotracheal tube. C,
Bronchial blocker is manipulated using a twisting
motion at the oral aperture to direct the distal tip.
D, Sealing pressure at cricoid should be between
17 and 24 cm H2O to allow for cephalad/cau-
dad translocation of the bronchial blocker. E,
Endotracheal tube with fiberoptic scope inside.
F, Note the increased distance from end of endo-
tracheal tube to carina to facilitate visualization
and manipulation of blocker within the airway. G,
Bronchial blocker is advanced into the desired
mainstem bronchus distal to the carina. H,
Bronchial blocker occlusive balloon is inflated
under direct vision once patient is in the final

Figure 4. Schematic summary of intra- to extraluminal approach to bronchial blocker placement. A, 1: Fiberoptic scope passed through endo-
tracheal tube into the left mainstem bronchus. B, 1: Endotracheal tube railroaded over flexible fiberoptic into the desired mainstem bronchus.
C, 1: Bronchial blocker threaded into endotracheal tube. 2: Endotracheal tube removed leaving bronchial blocker in place. D, 1: Repeat direct
laryngoscopy and second endotracheal tube placed adjacent to bronchial blocker in glottis. 2: Fiberoptic scope inserted into endotracheal
tube. 3: Bronchial blocker depth adjusted. 4: Occlusive balloon is inflated under direct vision in left mainstem bronchus.

higher than normal in the trachea to allow for better using a twisting motion at the point of entry of the
visualization of the anatomy at the level of the carina.43 blocker into the mouth, to steer the blocker into the
Once the ETT and blocker are in place, and the clini- correct mainstem bronchus (Figure 4). Unfortunately,
cian is satisfied with the fit of these devices in the glot- this frequently must be done during periods of apnea
tis, the ETT should be secured. Next, an appropriately in young children as the FFB will frequently almost
sized FFB is introduced into the ETT to assist with the completely occlude the lumen of the ETT, preventing
final positioning of the blocker. In the majority of cases, any meaningful gas exchange. In situations where this
the blocker will naturally pass into the right mainstem becomes limiting because of the presence of coincident
bronchus. If this is the operative side, the blocker lung pathology or poor visualization of the airway, the
depth should be left slightly deep as small movements clinician can use fluoroscopy to direct or steer the BB
of the head relative to the thorax during position- into the correct mainstem bronchus.41
ing can lead to proximal migration of the blocker. If
the blocker is in the incorrect mainstem, the blocker Intraluminal to Extraluminal BB Placement. Another
should be withdrawn proximally and then reinserted alternative approach to BB placement is to use the ETT

Copyright © 2020 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
EE Narrative Review Article

as a conduit for the placement of a BB (Figure 4).33,42 as well as the potential to perform sequential lung iso-
In this technique, following direct laryngoscopy, lation without having to reposition the device. At this
an appropriately sized ETT is advanced into the time, it is only manufactured in a 7F size and is lim-
desired mainstem bronchus, either blindly or using ited to children 6 years of age and older.53
a FFB. Once the ETT is in the desired endobronchial
location, the FFB is removed and is replaced by a BB. Univent Tube
In some cases, a modest amount of lubrication may Key Points
be necessary to insert the balloon of a 5F Arndt BB
1. The size designations for the Univent tube repre-
through a 3.0 ETT. Once the blocker is in place, the
sent the internal diameter of the ventilating lumen.
ETT is then slid out of the airway over the BB now
2. The 3.5 size Univent tube should not be used in
in place. A second ETT is then placed adjacent to BB
children <8 years of age because its external diam-
within the glottis. If the patient desaturates during
eter is 8 mm.
this process, the clinician should ventilate the child
with the BB in place. Once the second ETT is in place The Univent tube is essentially an ETT combined with
adjacent to the BB, it is secured, and the blocker depth an extraluminal BB.45 Following direct laryngoscopy,
is adjusted under direct vision to be slightly deep the Univent tube is advanced through the glottic open-
to begin with, to avoid dislodgement during lateral ing, and the blocker is then driven into the desired
positioning. Once in the final lateral position, the mainstem bronchus under direct vision using a FFB by
blocker depth should be adjusted to be slightly below rotating the ETT clockwise or counterclockwise. The
the carina, and the balloon is inflated under direct Univent tube comes in 3 sizes, 3.5, 4.5, and 5.5. The
vision.42 The advantages of this approach include a sizing number denotes the internal diameter of the
typically shorter duration of laryngoscopy because ventilating lumen on the device. It is important to note
the clinician is not trying to place a blocker and an ETT that the Univent tube has a low-volume, high-pres-
at the same time. The second advantage appears to be sure cuff, and the internal diameter of the ventilating
significantly less blocker manipulation when trying lumen is quite small relative to the size of the patient
to insert the blocker into the left mainstem bronchus. for which it is intended to be used. This smaller lumen
Finally, this technique can be executed with a number can lead to increased ventilatory resistance as well as
of different BBs. The primary disadvantage remains the increased potential for device occlusion with blood
periods of apnea during flexible bronchoscopy.42 or secretions. The primary limitation of Univent tubes
in children, however, remains its external diameter.
Extraluminal EZ-Blocker Placement The 3.5 Univent tube has an external diameter of 8.0
Key Points mm, which is roughly equivalent to a 6.0 ETT, limit-
1. An extraluminal EZ-Blocker should not be used in ing its use to children 8 years of age and older. The 4.5
children <6 years of age. and 5.5 Univent tubes have an additional channel that
2. The EZ-Blocker may be more positionally stable allows CPAP and suctioning of the operative lung. At
than other BBs as a result of its unique “Y” design. this time, there are only a few case reports describing
the use of the Univent tube in children.45,54,55
As stated earlier, the EZ-Blocker is a relatively new
“Y”-shaped BB with two 4-cm distal ends with bal- BB Balloon Inflation
loon cuffs attached to the 7F shaft designed to rest Key Point
on the carina (Supplemental Digital Content, Figure
1. Ideally, BB balloon inflation should be performed
1, Because of its
under direct visualization to reduce over inflation
native “Y” conformation, it is not possible to insert the
of the cuff and the possibility of airway injury.
device extraluminally by itself. Instead, the blocker
must be inserted using a 5.5 uncuffed ETT as a remov- Most modern BBs are reported to have high-volume,
able introducer.52 This is done by cutting a 5.5 internal low-pressure cuffs in contrast to Fogarty catheters or the
diameter uncuffed ETT lengthwise and then insert- blocker associated with the Univent tube which have
ing the blocker into it. Following direct laryngoscopy, low-volume, high-pressure cuffs. In clinical practice,
the combined blocker-ETT apparatus is advanced however, the inflation pressure necessary to facilitate
through the glottic opening. The ETT is then peeled balloon distention and by extension occlusion of the
away. Subsequently, laryngoscopy is repeated, and desired bronchus likely exceeds 50 cm H2O and may
another ETT is placed adjacent to the blocker tube further exceed 100 cm H2O.42,43 These pressures exceed
within the glottis. Final positioning is then performed mucosal perfusion pressures in most cases, but fortu-
under direct vision using a FFB. nately do not seem to lead to significant morbidity. Each
Potential advantages of the EZ-Blocker likely individual blocker manufacturer has specific recom-
include increased positional stability during surgery, mendations for inflation volume. Typical volumes for

XXX XXX • Volume XXX • Number XXX 7

Copyright © 2020 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
One-Lung Ventilation

the smaller Fogarty, 5F Arndt, and 5F Fuji are between Currently, there are no evidence-based recommen-
1.5 and 3 mL (Supplemental Digital Content, Figure 2, dations for ventilation strategies during OLV in Larger blockers may children. One recent prospective study examined
take up to 10 mL. In general, it is good clinical practice to the role of lung-protective ventilation (LPV) during
inflate the balloon under direct vision to reduce the pos- OLV in children and divided patients into 2 groups:
sibility of over inflation and potential bronchial injury.39 a LPV group with 4 mL/kg during OLV and 6 mL/
kg during two-lung ventilation, with 6 cm H2O PEEP
Double Lumen Tubes throughout and a control group with 8 mL/kg during
Key Point OLV and 10 mL/kg during two-lung ventilation, with
no PEEP.59 They reported that LPV during OLV for
1. The smallest double-lumen tube (DLT) available is VATS decreased postoperative pulmonary complica-
26F with an external diameter between 8.7 and 9.3 tions. Another similar study showed that LPV could
mm, which corresponds to a 6.5 ETT and therefore be an effective intraoperative ventilation strategy
should not be used in children <8 years of age. for infants undergoing OLV during VATS, although
DLTs are often considered the gold standard for OLV in it should be noted that neither of these studies used
adults. DLTs have 2 lumens with 1 lumen that is angled PEEP in the control group, which may be a significant
and longer which is meant to be positioned in the main- confounder.60 The clinician should expect some degree
stem bronchus and a shorter lumen meant to be posi- of hypercarbia.43,61 Hypercarbia will typically resolve
tioned in the trachea. DLTs are available as left-sided or once the patient returns to two-lung ventilation.
right-sided tubes. Left-sided DLTs are more commonly In most cases, patients should initially be placed on
used to prevent occlusion of the take-off of the right upper 100% oxygen to facilitate lung collapse via absorption
lobe bronchus. Following direct laryngoscopy, the DLT is atelectasis as well as to maintain adequate oxygen-
advanced past the glottic opening and rotated 90° toward ation, especially if the clinician is using an endobron-
the desired bronchus. Fiberoptic bronchoscopy is recom- chial intubation technique. Following isolation and
mended to confirm placement such that the proximal por- confirmation of good operative conditions, the frac-
tion of the bronchial cuff is visualized at the level of the tion of inspired oxygen (Fio2) could, if possible, be
carina.56 Unfortunately, the smallest DLT is 26F, which is reduced to maintain oxygen saturation (Spo2) >92%.
roughly equivalent to a 6.5 ETT.57 As a result, they are typ- With a BB or DLT, low suction (20 cm H2O) can be
ically not used in children younger than 8–10 years of age. applied to expedite deflation. Another technique for
In adolescents and adults, the sizing of a DLT depends on deflation of the nonventilated lung is to ask the sur-
sex and height.58 In adolescent females shorter than 160 geon to actively compress the lung, with the breathing
cm, a 35F DLT may be used, while a 37F DLT may be used circuit open to the atmosphere, followed by immedi-
in females taller than 160 cm. In adolescent males shorter ate inflation of the occlusive BB balloon or clamping
than 170 cm, a 39F DLT may be used, while a 41F DLT of the desired lumen of the DLT.
may be used in males taller than 170 cm.58 On completion of the procedure, reexpansion of the
The advantages of a DLT include its ease of inser- nonventilated lung is accomplished with sustained
tion, high quality of isolation when positioned cor- inflation with 20–30 cm H2O of positive airway pres-
rectly, application of CPAP, or suctioning the operative sure for 10–15 seconds.2 When feasible, lung reexpan-
lung, and the ability to quickly alternate from OLV to sion should be performed with direct observation to
2-lung ventilation. The major disadvantage of DLTs ensure complete recruitment of residual atelectasis.
remain their larger relative size and the potential for Further, this is sometimes done with the operative lung
glottic or tracheal injury. submerged in saline to look for bubbles to evaluate for
a new bronchopleural connection as a result of airway
PERIOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT OF OLV IN injury. Higher airway pressures (>30 cm H2O) should
CHILDREN be avoided due to the risk of acute lung injury. A major-
ity of these patients are extubated in the operating room
Key Points following their procedures. If the patient remains intu-
1. At this time, there is no consensus on how to venti- bated postoperatively, the BB should be removed or the
late children during OLV, although at least 1 study DLT should be replaced with a single lumen ETT.
would suggest that tidal volumes during OLV
should be limited to 4 mL/kg and positive end- HYPOXEMIA DURING OLV
expiratory pressure (PEEP) should be employed to The incidence of intraprocedural hypoxemia during
reduce intraprocedural atelectasis. OLV in children is largely unknown. Unless there are
2. Children will frequently become hypercarbic even extenuating circumstances, children should probably
with effective OLV, but this will typically resolve once be maintained with a Spo2 ≥90%. In situations where
the patient is placed back on two-lung ventilation. the Spo2 is 90% for >2 minutes, the clinician should

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EE Narrative Review Article

follow the algorithm in Supplemental Digital Content, mucosa at or around the stoma to minimize blood and
Figure 3, Initial steps sanguineous debris within the airway. In smaller chil-
should include informing the surgeon and perform- dren, the clinician must be aware of the shorter distance
ing a recruitment maneuver to reduce atelectasis and to the carina and potentially inserting the blocker too
shunting in the ventilated lung as well as increasing distally.63 In larger children, it may be possible to use an
the Fio2 to 1.0. Other steps to evaluate and manage this intraluminal BB approach; however, the shorter distance
should include fiberoptic bronchoscopy to check the between the end of the ETT and the carina may make it
position of the lung isolation device and ensure that challenging to position the BB. Finally, it is also feasible
the ETT is clear of blood or secretions. In practice, this to use an endobronchial intubation approach, guided by
may be difficult if there is a significant burden of secre- bronchoscopy or fluoroscopy to achieve OLV.64
tions or other sanguine debris in the airway. Additional
steps may include adding an additional 1–2 cm of H2O OLV in Children With a Difficult Airway
PEEP to the dependent lung. Finally, adding 5–10 cm In children with a difficult airway, safe airway man-
H2O of CPAP to the nondependent lung may reduce the agement must take priority over the institution of
overall shunt. If all these maneuvers do not improve the OLV. In infants and small children, it is preferable
patient’s oxygenation to an acceptable level, the patient to use an endobronchial intubation approach once
may be intermittently returned to two-lung ventilation. the airway has been secured. In larger children, OLV
using the Arndt BB placed through a supraglottic air-
SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS way has been described.65 In children large enough to
OLV in Children With a Tracheostomy accommodate at least a 4.5 or 5.0 ETT, it is possible to
Key Point use an intraluminal approach for BB placement and
OLV, once the airway has been secured.
1. OLV in children with a tracheostomy should be
performed with either an extraluminal BB or endo-
bronchial intubation.
OLV in young children has evolved during the past
OLV in children with a tracheostomy presents a unique 15 years with the advent of new BBs and various
challenge. The 2 available options include either a BB approaches to blocker placement. That said, endo-
or endobronchial intubation.51 For the BB approach, the bronchial intubation still remains an effective and
patient is typically induced, and the tracheostomy tube is simple approach for OLV. A summary of the differ-
removed. A BB is then inserted into the stoma, followed ent techniques for OLV along with the advantages
by an ETT adjacent to it.62 The clinician should take care and disadvantages of each technique is included
to avoid injuring or denuding any granulation tissue or in Table 2.

Table 2.  Summary of Strategies for OLV in Infants and Young Children

Strategy Appropriate
for OLV Age Advantages Disadvantages
Endobronchial <5 y • Easy to perform • Difficult to change to two-lung ventilation
intubation • No special blocker or tube required • ETT can become occluded with blood and/or
• Can be performed blindly, with fiberoptic assistance or secretions
under fluoroscopy • Easy to occlude right upper lobe bronchus with
• Good quality isolation right-sided endobronchial intubation
• Technique of choice in young children with a difficult airway • Inability to suction nonventilated lung or apply CPAP
Bronchial All age • High quality of isolation • Can be technically challenging to position
blocker groups • Rapidly change from OLV to two-lung ventilation • CPAP to nonventilated lung may be ineffective
• Appropriate for all ages depending on size and type of blocker • Can be easily dislodged as a result of surgical
• Intra or extraluminal use manipulation
• Appropriate for children with a tracheostomy
• Can be used in combination with a supraglottic airway
Univent tube >8 y • High quality of isolation • Appropriate for children ≥8 y of age
• May be more positionally stable than a bronchial blocker • Smaller ventilating lumen relative to patient size
• Easy to change from OLV to two-lung ventilation may lead to increased resistance
Double lumen >8 y • Usually straight forward to position • Appropriate for children ≥8 y of age
tube • High quality of isolation
• Positionally stable
• Easy to change from OLV to two-lung ventilation • Potentially increased rates of glottic or tracheal injury
• Can suction and apply CPAP to nonventilated lung • Not appropriate in most children with a difficult
See Supplemental Digital Content, Table 1,, for the indications for OLV in children.
Abbreviations: CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure; ETT, endotracheal tube; OLV, one-lung ventilation.

XXX XXX • Volume XXX • Number XXX 9

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One-Lung Ventilation

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XXX XXX • Volume XXX • Number XXX 11

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