Grade 9-Holiday Homework Grade 2024-25

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General Instructions:
1. Your Holiday Homework consists of five assignments. All parts are compulsory.
2. Assignment 1 is Reading Comprehension based on the chapter ‘The Adventures of Toto’ given in the
textbook Moments.
3. Assignment 2 is Grammar. Please take a print of the worksheet and paste it in the language notebook.
4. Assignment 3 entails reading and annotating the novel ‘Animal Farm’ and also watching its
corresponding movie adaptation.
5. Assignment 4 is Thesis Writing based on the novel ‘Animal Farm’
6. Assignment 5 is Art Integration Activity : Quote Redesign. (Mandatory)
7. A reading list has been shared. Kindly use it constructively during the vacations.

NOTE: Homework submission will be on 2nd July 2024 during the first class after the break.

Assignment 1: Reading Comprehension

Learning Targets:-
a. I can analyze the main idea in a given work.
c. I can locate information; skim materials to answer questions.
d. I can comprehend material other than the prescribed text.

Read the story ‘The Adventures of Toto’ given in the textbook Moments. As you read the text, navigate your
understanding by filling in the note catcher given on the next page. Do take the print out and paste it in your
Literature Notebook.

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Name: _____________________________ Class & Sec: _______ Date: ______________

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1. Based on the notes made in the note catcher, write a descriptive paragraph on Toto, the monkey in 100 -
120 words in your Literature notebook. Paste the note catcher in your Literature notebook.
2. Attempt the following questions based on your understanding of the story in your Literature Notebook.

Note: Do mention the Learning Target given on page No.2 before you start attempting your Q/A in the

Reference to Context

I. To his surprise, he found Nana, without apparent cause, pulling at her halter and trying to keep her head, as
far as possible from a bundle of hay.

i) Why was Nana keeping her head, as far as possible from a bundle of hay?
ii) Why could Toto and Nana never become friends?
iii) Which word in the extract is a synonym of ‘evident’?

II. Short Answer Questions (40-60 words)

Q-1 Write a brief note on Toto’s encounter with the ticket collector.
Q-2 Why does the author say , "Toto was not the sort of pet we could keep for long"?
Q-3 Why does the ticket collector insist on calling Toto a dog?

Snapshot Story
Engage in photography by capturing a snapshot with your adorable furry companion, then paste it to a colorful
A3/A4 sheet and share a vibrant anecdote about moments spent with your pet. If you don't have a pet, feel free
to doodle, illustrate, or snap a photo featuring the pets, birds, and critters like squirrels in your environment,
accompanied by a delightful tale.

Assignment 2- Grammar
Learning Targets:-
a. I can demonstrate and identify the correct Verb Tenses in sentences.
b. I can use targeted grammatical structures meaningfully and appropriately in oral and written
c. I can demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and
spelling when writing.

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- Create a timeline for each sentence in your Language Notebook.
- Mark one action on one timeline.
- Use the example given below to record your progress in a table format.

Create a timeline for the respective tenses with the help of an alternative sentence provided below.
Make the timeline visually appealing. You can add images to explain.

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1. I get up at 6:00 every evening.
2. I am listening to some music.
3. She has worked here for 3 years.
4. He has been drinking since 8 o'clock.

1. I saw a good movie last night.
2. I was watching TV at 8 o’clock when the phone rang.
3. She had left when he arrived.
4. They had been swimming in the water for 2 hours.

1. I will be thirty-two in July.
2. I will be having dinner at 8 o’clock.
3. I will have finished the book by Friday.
4. I will have been working here for 5 years by the end of June.

Note: Kindly take print out of Tenses Worksheet starting from page 7 to page 10. Attempt and paste
the same in your Language notebook.

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Name: ___________________ Class & Sec____________ Date: ____________

I. Complete the following sentence with the correct form of verbs given in the brackets.
Part ( i )

1. The train _______ (reached) Delhi before he came.

2. She _______ ( win) the Student of the Year award, last year.

3. Raman always _________( make ) excuses for not doing the work.

4. Currently, the volunteers _____________ ( count ) donations in the multipurpose hall.

5. I _________________ ( teach ) in this school for ten years now.

Part ( ii )

Helen Smith is one of the most interesting people I (i)_________________ ( meet ). She is only
forty-five, and she (ii)___________________ ( travel ) to over fifty different countries. Five years ago
she (iii)______________ ( be ) a bank clerk in London, but she (iv)____________________ ( decide ) to
give up her job and see the world. Since then her life (v) _____________________( change ) completely.

II. Complete the given conversation between the teacher and Sarah by filling in the blanks with the
correct tense of the verbs given in the brackets.

TEACHER: Why didn’t you do your homework, Sarah? You (i) _________ (have) all week to
complete it.
SARAH: I'm sorry, Ms. Johnson. I (ii)_______________ (get) caught up with other assignments. I
did not realize how much time (iii)______________ (pass).

TEACHER: It (iv) _________ (be) important to manage your time wisely, Sarah. You need to

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prioritize your tasks. Have you (v) _______________ (finish) your math assignment
at least?
SARAH: I (vi)_______________ (do) my math assignment currently, but (vii)______________
(not/ start) on the history essay yet.

TEACHER: Well, how much time do you need to complete your work?

SARAH: By tomorrow evening, I (viii)_______________ (finish) my work.

III. What is happening in the picture? Use the Present Progressive tense/ Present continuous Tense and
construct a paragraph in 40-50 words.







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IV. Underline the incorrect verbs. Rewrite the complete sentence with correct verbs.

1. Parvati has bought a new car yesterday.


2. We have had a great time at the picnic yesterday.


3. I know her since childhood.


4. He is working here for the last five years.


5. I shall read a story after I finished my homework.


6. We had have not seen Usha for several days.


7. Our team winning the match after a lot of effort.


8. These cranes had flew to India all the way from Siberia.


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V. H. G Wells is famous for his science fiction novels, such as The Time Machine. These are some of the
predictions that he made in his novels.

1. Invisible human beings

2. Time travel
3. Humans landing on the moon
4. Conflict between humans and aliens

Imagine that you are H G Wells and you made some predictions in the year 1940. Write sentences
using the cues given above for the predictions using Simple Future/Future continuous and Future

Eg : One day Invisible human beings will travel through time











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Assignment 3- Novel Study
Animal Farm
Learning Targets
1. I can examine and analyze text closely, critically and carefully.
2. I can make personal, meaningful connections with the text.
Read and annotate the novel ‘Animal Farm’ by George Orwell. The annotation should be in clear alignment with
the methodology discussed in class (for instance, using symbols and making margin notes are essential). The
relevant documents are being shared with you. Please note that this is a graded assessment.

What is an annotation?

To annotate is to examine and question a text, and to add critical notes.

Annotations describe (summarize important content) and evaluate (critically analyze) the resource based on
standard criteria. An annotation differs from an abstract or summary, as abstracts and summaries usually only
describe or summarize the content and do not critically evaluate.
The function of an annotation is to inform the reader about the item of interest and to provide a critical analysis or
evaluation of its content. You can do this with fiction and non-fiction. For example, with fiction, good readers do
more than just read a text for plot, they think about the text, interact with the text, make connections between the
text and the “real world.” The same is true for non-fiction except there is no plot. In many cases, plot is
substituted with a
presentation of information (for informational texts like history books) or logic
(for persuasive pieces like editorials or essays).
Passive vs. Active Annotations

Passive Annotations do not involve much thought or comprehension. Avoid excessive underlining and

Active Annotations are written connections, questions, and observations. They require readers to think and
express their ideas.

Annotating a Literature Text

What should you note in your annotations of fiction texts?

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• Important plot details

• Point of view

• Character names and traits

• Setting

• Symbols

• Themes

• Examples of literary elements: foreshadowing, irony, flashback, metaphor, personification, etc.

• Unusual sentence structures or language features

• Vocabulary that needs defining.

A popular methodology for annotating a literature text is SIFTT.

S – Symbols: A symbol is a literal thing that also stands for something else, like a flag, or a cross, or fire.
Symbols help to discover new layers of meaning.

I – Imagery: Imagery includes words that appeal to one or more of the five senses. Close attention to imagery is
important in understanding an author’s message and attitude toward a subject.

F – Figurative Language: Figurative language includes things like similes, metaphors, and personification.
Figurative language often reveals deeper layers of meaning.

T – Tone: Tone is the overall mood of a piece of literature. Tone can carry as much meaning to the story as the
plot does.

T – Theme: In literature, a theme is a broad idea in a story, or a message or lesson conveyed by a work. This
message is usually about life, society or human nature. Themes explore timeless and universal ideas. Most themes
are implied rather than explicitly stated.

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Circle powerful words or Phrases.

Tesseract Underline words or phrases you do not


? Raises a question.

! Something that surprises you.

Draw an arrow when you make a connection

to text, ideas or experiences.

EX When the author provides an example.

1, 2, 3… Numerate arguments, important ideas, or key


Write important thoughts in the margin.

* Other symbols may also be used; however, the learners must provide an index for these symbols at the very
beginning of the novel.

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Rubric for Annotations

● Symbols/highlighting important points- 2 Marks

● Note Making- 2 Marks
● Neatness and clarity- 1 Marks

❖ Watch the movie ‘Animal Farm’ at the link given below:

Please ensure that you read the novel before watching the movie.

Assignment 4- Thesis Paper Outline

Guidelines for thesis paper outline:

Learning Targets:

1. I can use my understanding of the text to think critically about its contextual background and the intent of
the author.
2. I can identify the characters, symbols and themes of the text.
3. I can use this information to draft a thesis outline and thesis statement for the text.

Step 1: Thesis Exercise

As a warm-up exercise, let's draft a thesis outline for the text given in this worksheet. Please follow the
instructions closely and go step by step. Submit the document on Teamie in the submission folder created for the
same in your subject classroom..

Step 2: Research Secondary Sources for Animal Farm

Make sure you have read the novel before you start with this step!

You will conduct your own thorough research on secondary sources (refer to the PPT uploaded on Teamie):

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- Here are some examples you can go through to get an idea. These resources have also been uploaded on
teamie for your reference.

- Animal Farm_Language.pdf
- allegory_in_animal_farm.pdf

Step 3: Pick a theme!

Now that you have read the novel and have done some background research, pick a theme that will form the basis
for your thesis outline!! Here are some options:

● Power & Political uprising

● Language & danger of a naive/uneducated working class
● Class warfare
● Violence and Terror as means of control
● Exploitation and Human Rights
● Apathy and Acceptance

Step 3: Thesis Outline for Animal Farm

Now you are ready to draft your thesis outline! Do keep in mind the process we followed for the practice exercise.
For help, you can refer to the PPT uploaded on Teamie under Thesis Paper Process

- You will first need to research and identify your secondary sources:
- Comparative Study: One text (book, movie, graphic novel) for comparison with the Animal Farm
- Text for Contextual Study: To gather information on the author’s background and the historical
period of Animal Farm and the text chosen for its comparative study).
- Fill out the format for your primary and secondary resources as directed in the worksheet linked below.
- Based on your research so far, draft your thesis outline!

Congratulations, the bulk of your thesis work is now done!!

Click here for your- Thesis Outline and Format for Secondary Sources

Be sure to upload both your Practice Worksheet and the Thesis Outline worksheet in the respective
submission folders in the subject classroom on Teamie.

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This is to be uploaded by 20th of June 2024. Feedback on this outline will be given when you join school after
which you will start working on the first draft of the thesis paper.

Assignment 5- Art Integration

InXcribe 2024

"Classic Characters in 2024: Quote Redesign"

Learning Targets

a. I can demonstrate creativity and critical thinking skills by reinterpreting classic quotes in a modern
context, fostering an understanding of timeless themes and the ability to apply literary concepts to
contemporary settings.

Title: "Classic Characters in 2024: Quote Redesign"

Step into the modern world with this creative activity that reimagines famous quotes from classic novels and fairy
tales in the year 2024. You'll select iconic characters, draw them in contemporary settings, and rewrite their
famous quotes to reflect the challenges and experiences of the present day. Get ready to blend the timeless
wisdom of classic literature with the realities of the 21st century!


1. Character Selection:
● Choose a character from a well-known classic novel or fairy tale. Consider characters whose
quotes resonate with you and lend themselves to reinterpretation in a modern context.
2. Modern Setting Drawing (Handwork):
● Draw a visual representation of your chosen character in a contemporary setting on an A-3 sheet.
Use pencils, markers and colors to create an illustration that reflects the character's appearance and
personality in the year 2024.
● Consider the character's traits, occupation, and lifestyle as you design their modern-day look.
3. Quote Redesign:
● Select a famous quote or line of dialogue associated with your chosen character. This could be a
memorable phrase, a piece of advice, or a key moment from their story.
● Rewrite the quote in a modern context, keeping in mind the character's perspective or
circumstances might influence their words in the present day.

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Refer to the sample ideas given below. You can be as innovative as you can be.

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“We are of the opinion that instead of letting books grow moldy behind an iron grating, far from the vulgar
gaze, it is better to let them wear out by being read.”
-Jules Verne (French novelist, poet, and playwright)

S.No Title Author

1. Z for Zachariah Robert C. O'Brien

2 Grace Morris Gleitzman

3. Brave New World Aldous Huxley

4. Foundation Isaac Asimov

5. Runaround Isaac Asimov

6. The Picture of Dorian Gray Oscar Wilde

7. One Hundred Years of Solitude Gabriel García Márquez

8. The Metamorphosis Franz Kafka

9. Crime and Punishment Fyodor Dostoevsky

10. The Count of Monte Cristo Alexandre Dumas

11. The Stranger Albert Camus

12. To the Lighthouse Virginia Woolf

13 The Handmaid's Tale Margaret Atwood

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14. Midnight's Children Salman Rushdie

15. A Clockwork Orange Anthony Burgess

16. 1984 George Orwell

17. Great Expectations Charles Dickens

18. The Catcher in the Rye J.D. Salinger

19 The Inheritance Games Jennifer Lynne Barnes

20. War and Peace Leo Tolstoy

************ WISHING YOU A JOYFUL VACATION ************

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